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Everything posted by longtimeago

  1. Google is one of the biggest email service providers and there has been and there is no doubt over it. Quite a long time back, Google has expanded its Apps in which they even provide email services for corporates. Which simple means if you own a domain name, something like http://www.mydomain.com/ and if you wish to have email ID's associated with that domain, like name@mydomain.com then it is not an easy way.You have to set up your own web server, like Novel server etc. Setting up a own web server calls for several other issues like, one must hold a static IP Address etc. So in short setting up a own web server and hosting mail service like name@mydomin.com is not gonna be that easy. So now that Google is giving a helping hand for all these kinda companies. It is not necessariy that one companies can go for it. Schools, Colleges,organization or any one, even an individual can for it . For instance even XISTO has the all name@xisto.com hosted with Google Aps ( This piece of information is authentic and i am not cooking it up ) Now that to use this service all one needs to do is own a domain name simple as that. Then they can use Google's service and get email ID's for their domain. The mail service is exactly the Gmail service which google offers when some one wants to have name@mydomain.com with the help of Google App.Now the question is is this service of Google actually serve the purpose to the fullest. Yes, I do agree that this is one of the excellent service which Google offers and many people opt for the same. If some one is to host a webserver at his place then it is gonna be a tedious job. Moreover while hosting a webserver lots of security issues are taken into considerations. The webserver must have adequeate security policies enforced etc. So instead of this if some one goes for what Google provides, Google takes care of all the security issues. The interesting this is the service is almost free of cost. But i find a major disadvantage in using this Google service. And i can say that it is an option which Google must consider and give it along with its service which provides this emails for private domain names. Just let me put forth a simple scenario where an organization is using this Google Aps and provides Emails with name@organizationdomain.com , in such a case lets take there are 7000 email ID's needed and it is got from Google and all the people from that particular organization is using that mail service . On one fine day there is a malacious mail which escapes from the corporate firewall and it reaches the inbox of the 7000 users. In such a case the Admin of the concerned network is very much considered about this mail and he wants it to remove the mail forcefully from all the 7000 inbox, because lets say , that mails is harmful in all sense. Now that Since the company has used Google services here for creating emails ( Google Apps ) the Network Admin cannot revoke the delivered mails from the 7000 inbox.It might be a illegal content, might be some thing harmful or what ever it may be, the network admin has not been given an option to revoke mails which has been sent to the company's mail ID's. On the other hand if it was a private mail server, lets say Novel , in such a case the Network Admin can revoke all the particular mail from all the 7000 Inbox. This is one of the most important option which is needed for a corporate and by using the Google Apps as the mail service provider for corporate, the network admin looses this option.Now my question is why cant Google add this option ?? to its Google Apps where mail service is provided for people who own domains.
  2. @ rvalkass , ya .. yours too is a cool idea. PassPhrase, mmm . But i guess the example which you have quoted should be kn0l3dg3 5utr4!Wo0h!?, and not Tr4pSevenTeen!Wo0h!? And people be careful, dont even tell your old password to others , because Gmail provides an option to recover passwords by using various informations, in that one such information is "Please enter the last password which you remember" . So dont ever think that you have changed your password to a new one, so that you can give your old password to your friends.
  3. Passwords, it is a thing which every one ought remember, but still they cant afford to use a simple word for the same.For example if some one keeps his/her password as "international", they can remember the password very well, on the other handthere is a threat. Dictionary attack can be possible and the attacker might even guess simple passwords. In particular if you have the password as "Jasmine" and if it is the favourite flower of the person, some one who is a friend or who is closely assosiated can easily guess the password. So Keeping a simple password, i mean a simple word as a password has the advantage of remembering it easily but on the other hand it can be guessed or hacked using some dictionary attacks.So now how to keep a secure password. Let me suggesst a simple and a well acknoledged way in many security forums. I am sure that every one have some songs in mind. I mean everyone will be remembering the lyrics of some song. Just take the starting letter of the words in the song and keep it as your password. For example" if the song goes like ,"God is good all the time, He put His song of praise in this heart of mine" , then the password can be "Gigatt,HpHsopithom" , i am very sure the password is strong enough and no one can guess it and its secure !! So this is one suggestion by which you can set your password.
  4. Ya i do agree that Internet has spoiled these many things, in particular i can add to this that it has promoted Piracy. Even till date illegal distribution of softwares and other e-materials are seen and internet is the key reason for promoting piracy . But on the other hand i would say Internet might have ruined 10 things. On the other hand the same internet has given us more that 10000^100000++ things. There cant be any system or any organization or anything in this world which can be 100% perfect . Every thing has its own flaws and draw backs. But i do agree that the 10 points are strong things which the internet has killed. But Just imagine how big the internet is, so in such a vast system, 10 things might get ruined and we have to digest it. But what so ever steps can be taken to check these things. I really wonder why is that nobody in this earth is taking any measure to control or put an end to pornography. Everyone is sure that it is not right ! Still cant ICANN do something about this ?? I really wonder. On the other hand i have heared that in some middle east countries the King orders the ISP to block all these illegal contents and they are blocked in the whole country . Just imagine if every country realizes and impose such cyber laws then wont there be an end to pornography and other things of such kinds ???
  5. @ anwii ya there you are , ETHICAL PRACTICE ? If some one wants to follow some good Ethical practice would he/she step into porn industry ?? I would say the whole porn industry is unethical. It destroys social and moral values. And the most pathetic thing in the field of pornography is scandals. There are forums which are even available today where people can earn money by submitting scandal videos to the admin of the forum. I really dont know why they spare these kind of websites. @ Saint Is it so ?? If ICANN imposes a rule then isnt it must that every one must abide by it ??
  6. Please Note : The author of this content is neither a pornography supporter nor an owner of any porn websites. All it started in the year 2005, a proposed top level domain name .XXX domains . It was meant for all the adult contents in the internet . On June 1, 2005 ICANN said that .XXX domain would become a sponsored top level domain. But as time passed by on May 10 2006, ICANN reversed its decision on the implementation of the .XXX top level domain. Again on March 30, 2007, ICANN totally rejected the .XXX domain proposal . Now recently ICANN Had its meeting in Nairobi, Kenya on March 2010 . The board said that there is a postpone in the decision to be made in setting up the .XXX domain. And probably in this june it will decide on the same matter on a meeting which is to be held at Brussels.Now the question is, is it good or bad ? to have this kind of Top Level Domains . There are several pros and cons in this regard. On the other hand the pornography industry strongly opposes the act of setting up a Top Level Domain as .XXX. because then it would be easy for all the Network Admins to block their sites completely and easily.So now what will happen if the .XXX domains are launched ?? #1 . There will be a loss for all the Porn website owners as there may be comparitively less traffic to their websites. #2 . All parents will fees secure , because they can easily block all pornography sites at home,#3 . All the content filtering and firewall manufacturers may face a loss, because there might be a slow down in their business. This is because there are a handfull of organisations today which includes schools and colleges who buy firewall and all sorts of content filtering just to filter out porn websites. Now that if all the pornographic websites are categorized under .XXX domains then it will be easy for the Network admins to block the websites, so they might not depend on a content filter or a firewall#4 . One who is not under firewall or any kind of content filter and if he tends to watch porn then it is gonna be easy for him ( on the other hand he is gonna get highly corrupted ) . All he needs to do is go to google and keen the phrase ******.xxx and there he gets what he wants.So now we have so many pros and cons which are not listed out here. What ever, what do you feel ?? Should there be a .XXX Top Level Domain launch . We just have few months to go. This June 2010 ICANN will probably take up this matter and decide over the same .Now the next question is, is such a domain is launched will XISTO have it available in its domain selling arena. Or will XISTO strongly oppose and it wont take up that extention for sale since it promotes pornography. ? Because .XXX domains is exclusively to be meant for pornography websites, and Xisto has a clean policy which says no porn. So what will be XISTO's decision. And if this becomes a reallity, what will be the cost of .XXX domain names ? Any guesses ??
  7. Binders are programs which are available in the market today which just accomplishes the task of binding two files. In this case the files are said to be an executable file and some other general file (preferably a JPEG file). So lets take for example a binder has to accomplish the job of binding an executable file and a JPEG file. In this case the executable file is said to contain some code (The code is not malicious, that is it is not detected by any Anti-Virus Software) So in this case the inputs to the binders are a executable file and a JPEG file. The required output is a JPEG file. After binding the required result is, if some one opens that JPEG file then the executable file also must be executed automatically in the computer in which the JPEG is viewed. Let me put this practically. Lets say that you host a webpage which has full of pictures. In such a case you have a JPEG file in which an executable file is binded. So is it that if some one visits the webpage and views that JPEG in the webpage, the executable file which was binded along with that will automatically be executed in the page visitors computer ?? Is it so ?? First of all will any Binders successfully accomplish the task of binding and executable file and a JPEG file and will result in a single JPEG file ?? If so how are these binders made ?? what will be internal coding of these small programs ?? Does any one have a clear idea about the same ? I am pointing at Binding an executable file ( Clean ) So the point of hacking / the file being detected by anti virus etc. is ruled out ?? Moreover are there any Legal Binders ?? Or is it that if some one needs Binders he/she must get it only in some hacking places ??
  8. I would say that the change of the domain name form Xisto to Xisto.com is advantageous in only one way and in particular for me it is advantageous. The point is that many corporates and schools and colleges have firewall which filters many contents. Not to leave Xisto , yes it was filtered before . Xisto was blocked by few firewalls , though i am not familiar with those firewall names, the category under which Xisto was blocked was Webhosting . I couldnt approach the network support team to release the website , saying this is just a forum because in the home page of Xisto itself it was mentioned clearly that "avail free webhost , cheap webhost etc" So i thought there is no way that Xisto is gonna be unblocked, because most of the corporate , colleges block these web hosting contenets. Now that Xisto has changed its name to knowlege sutra, certain firewalls allows this particular website. Now this is not blocked under webhosting services.Though i am not very sure how long this site will be left open by most of the firewall, still this is an advantage if it goes unblocked. Probably when the signature in the firewall undergoes an update the site Xisto.com might get blocked .On the other hand if the organization goes for any content filter then too the site may get blocked again for the reason webhosting. Though this is a board / a forum , many firewall blocks this for the same reason webhosting, So something can be done for this so that this forum is not blocked. I am very sure none of the colleges or corporates will block forums and boards.Xisto errr .. Xisto being a forum it gets blocked at times. So let some thing be done in regard to this. Because XISTO is a webhosting site and Xisto is a forum which is assosiated with XISTO
  9. A million things come rushing to my thought whirlpool as soon as I think about human love. Dad?s hugs and kisses, mom?s warmth and affection, a brother?s fight, a sister?s concern, lover?s kisses and your children?s achievements. Also coming into the framework is the color of a paler complexion, the phenomenon called hurt, misunderstandings, ego clashes and tears. Human love is always limited to a boundary. This boundary level depends on your people whom you are close to. But remember there is a boundary always. Even your dad can hate you some times. I know a friend of mine whose dad died in an accident and his mom remarried leaving my friend and his sister abandoned. Maybe Human love can be devastating as well! The feeling of break-ups with their intimate partners and still life has to move on and people keep running the rat race. But to think that there can be no form of purest love except God s love is a thing of pristine maturity. Well, There s this love that can love you no matter what you have done? Are u a murderer? Are you a pimp? Are you a prostitute? Are you an addict? God was the creator of this whole universe. The significant question to be pondered upon is that why God should love us when we have putforth a character not worth remembering? God loves us no matter what you have done in your life. Now you can either understand the significance of this love, or you can take over advantage that ?God Loves me and I can do what ever I want? sort of attitude. God s love is limitless. No boundaries. God is just looking out to you and saying ?Come to me all you weary, I will give you rest?. I conclude with two lines I love the most ?OH! What peace we often forfeit, OH! What needless pain we bear? All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer?.
  10. @ topic starter , if you had made good money out of some thing then why would you be here ? lol .. I Guess you are here to make some MyCents so that you can get your hosting free of costs. Or you are here to create a scam ?? If you would have made some real money out of something i am very sure you wont dare to share it with some one unless you need some referral in that , SO STOP THE SCAM and please keep this board clean. The mods have been putting a lot of efforts to do the same. You cooperation is Highly appriceiated
  11. then what is being done by the palastine ? they dont kill any ? Terrorists kill innocent people all round the world i guess .. and whose land is that ?? I Strongly feel that the land belongs to Israel .
  12. I can always give you a helping hand if you cannot remember your password Feel free to PM me any time so that i can remember your password for you every time you change How is this solution he he what ever, just remember one thing when you change your password, the point at which you change your password , see to that you are not absent minded
  13. I was absent for 1 month and i am back , guess i will be absent for about 2 to 3 more weeks till i get my wire less internet connection Then again i will be back in full force
  14. The topic is self explainatory , will any one dare to speak about indian politics revealing their identity in public ?? I guess no one will dare to. Even i remember once when the same question was asked by NDTV to Russell Peter, he had refused to talk
  15. Its kinda tough ? If you get to know some working ways do share it with me , i am also looking for the same. Just now i got to know that how much i am addicted to the internet . For the past 1 month i dont have access to internet and i cannot be patient . So recently i took hold of some open wi fi connections and i use them . I am planning to get wireless internet in another 2 weeks so that i can keep posting in Xisto oopsss sorry in Xisto .. i just missed my internet sooo much that i even went stealing :P i know its bad, still i went using my neighbours wi fi connection But on the other hand i dont wanna get away from internet too , i really love it soo much that i wont complain that i am addicted to it.
  16. welcome red , this place is a cool place ,you can learn a lot over here, more over this is a place where the admin/owner cum founder is totally active, i have seen in many forums that there will be moderators doing the work and the admin will be some where in space. But here in this forum it is the vice versa, the owner himself is always active and that you can ping him any time and he himself will personally reply , ( any way i doubt what he does all day long , i had even asked him once ) .So Red welcome once again, just abide by the rules, No COPY PASTE here, i didnt get it right when i was a newbie like you , but now i have got it right . So just dont think that you can bypass the rules of this forum, They really check it out ! So beware and follow the rules. Happy Posting and Happy reading
  17. okay, here i have a clarification, every one says dionosours got extinct , why is that when some one say the term "extinct species" immediately the thing that comes to our mind is Dianosours . Is Dianosour the only species which got extinct ?? or are there many other species but we forget them ?? Why is that every one remembers this animal alone ? just try asking a small kid , do you know extinct species, they will shoot out Dianosours . Is this because of its gigantic structure that every one remembers it or does it have some other reason too ?? But thanks to Jurassic park any way, else it would have been difficult to make kids understand what a dianosur is and what all it does
  18. I remember this movie, it is something more than a cartoon . we have the NBA star Jordan over there, I remember seeing him playing for Chicago Bulls, all of a sudden i saw him in this movie. The movie was so good and i really liked it . The song in the movie is tooo good. The song reads, I believe that i can fly etc etc. and i really love the song, it also says that i believe i can jump and touch the skies. Isnt it something like " Heights of beliefs" lol what ever i love the song, and i love the movie toooo
  19. If we check our current scenario , every one will say USA is helping Israel. And USA always aids Israel. Only in recent days there has been a clash between the United States Government and Israel Government, That is between Obama and Netanyahu regarding the construction of hoses in the east Jerusalem. Here it is not a litreal clash but still its a kind of.Now the point is, Is America a country of its own ?? No its not, its just a collection of individuals, a collection of red state individuals and blue state individuals. A considerable percentage of the Jewish community live in America. Just imagine who are the Jews ?? They are the Brainiest people in this God's Green earth. The Chosen people, Jesus Christ was a Jew. If you take up , all the inventions and the discoveries which man has made today , including E=MC^2 etc. are found by Jewish scientist. The bulb was invented by Jews. If you see in America, in all top places the people who are into positions are Jewish people. Eg in NASA it is said that there are several Israeli people working and in the Columbia shuttle which met in a disaster, there was a ISrael commander . The weapons are invented by Israel and US uses it . So my question is as a whole we can say that US help Israel , But can US exist ? without Israel ?
  20. Nope Alien's dont exist. There has and is been a hunt for living things in other planets, NASA has been doing this for years, but still nothing is to be found. Some one who wakes up from his dreams and just goes and tells what he had seen in his/ her dreams. He must have see some figure which does not seem to be a human being, so he terms that he saw an alien, in addition to this he adds up, " I really saw it " and he omits " in my dream " so people just take these kinds of information and they say Aliens exist. I DONT BELIEVE in aliens, if some one see one , please let me know . . and tell me what else you saw in that dream
  21. what ever may be, Thanks to Shri for making this change !! Though i dont like it, the change has contributed to a certain extent, that is it has made many users active , i could see all new faces popping up ! and commenting on this issue ! Now i suspect that , was this an Idea of Mr.Shri to figure out who are all really active in the forums ?? lol
  22. I love computer Networks. Because one can get to know what happens when you sit before the internet . Where the data goes. How it goes etc. So i really like computer networks . Moreover once somebody learns computer networks and then start to browse the internet, you will have a different kind of feeling. Most of the times what we study cannot been seen in real life practically . For example if some one studies about rocket science he or she may not even see it or apply in his life. On the other hand unlike other subjects computer networks is the subject which will teach you how internet works
  23. Nope, I totally dislike this new name Xisto .com . The name sounds so weired. Why why this new name ?? Did some astrologer told to change the name of the forum so that it is gonna flourish ? or why ? When ever i used to tell my friends about this forum it sounded soo good, "Hey pal c'mon there is a forum by name trap 17 check it out" The word sutra in india is the postfix word for some thing else , which deals with adult content ( ****sutra) Just google this phrase and see " ****sutra" . So now that I dont feel like saying to my friend that i am a member of the forum by name "Xisto"This forum has the pride of saying NO to adult contents ! But the forum name itself sounds like some adult contented forum.Moreover many firewalls might block this name "sutra" !! and after you check that phrase in Google you might know. So Roll back !! Roll back to Xisto !! I Strongly feel that this might be a move because of some astrologer !! Because in India that happens, Change the name and the business will flourish says some astrologer.
  24. CAPTCHA is something which keeps spammers and Bots away i know that, but on the other hand now a days i feel that CAPTCHA is keeping real humans too away. They display some wague texts which cannot be read and they say if you are a human type it , My God i am a human but i am not able to type it. I would say every service provider must reduce the toughness of captcha, else people will start to write books which states "how to read CAPTCHA" or "Learn to read CAPTCHA in 24 hours" and they will make money out of it :)But what so ever CAPTCHA has been doing a wonderul work or keeping Bots away. I have read something like CAPTCHA too is hackable and i really dont know how. Something like the captcha used in Php BB2 has been hacked i guess. I you try running a Php BB2 forum you will know that. Though there is CAPTCHA you will witness many Spams and fake profiles in the forum
  25. You tune is one of the very famous video posting website. Now that every one will be knowing what ever video they can easily post it there , whether it is legal or illegal they go and post it over there. But let me ask some thing, Google's you tube accepts videos which are illegal too and they too get posted, and later on they find it and remove it. There not powerful content filtering is deployed to check whether it is legal or illegal and then it gets posted. On the other hand if it is illegal they just verify it and remove it. When you try to access that video you get a reply which says that The content has been removed.Just check this out carefully. Does this mean that you can have a Illegal video posted and available over the internet till it is verified and removed ? What if in that gap if some one takes that video and exploits it . Just imagine a video which is highly sensitive is posted in Youtube and google finds it and removes it. On the other hand meanwhile before removing it some one else has got that video and he can publicize it. So here does this means that Google is promoting the spreading of illegal videos through its service You Tube.Now that let me raise something. I will host a website, say http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and i will make options available for people to upload all videos in that. And i will say in my Policy that if it is illegal video i will remove it and i will do so. Now will the Telecom Authority or the Internet Authority spare me ?? or will it sue me because i have made people post and spread Illegal videos ?? Or will it spare me because i am removing those ( it takes time ofcourse )Is it that Google alone is spared because it is a Giant ?? Can i go try hosing such a video posting site ? Am i safe then ? or Am i sueable under law ?? If i do the same thing which Google does through Your Tube ?
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