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Everything posted by arza1

  1. arza1


    i agree this thing is awesome. most cell phones are the same anymore they needed one that played mp3's but with a kick. apple might not make good pc computers but the ipod and iphone are cool.
  2. intresting, how do they harness the sound or heat. it would have to be alot of either to make a difference
  3. i use to have that prob, turns out i was lazy. all it took was me using more and burning off more energy. but i also have a high 'metablism', i think that is how it is spelled. anyway i think if you were to keep working out and take all natural substances you should gain 'weight' in no time.
  4. see i was doing the website for my school and they had frontpage on the computers so i was used to that. after a while they put dream on there and i didn't want to teach myself how to use it so i stuck with fronpage or just righting html script on notepad. it looks like i need to check out dream.
  5. in my opinion everything is similar...... you could probably teach yourself css. i don't know much about it but i don't know why it would be a waste of time to learn.
  6. will do, thanx for the info..... the Xisto system still confuses me but i will just work on my credits and html code
  7. donny darco is a great movie i have been meaning to download itsnatchpulpfiction kill bill 1 and 2fight club ........are also good they are in fact on my list of favorites. but i haven't heard of most of the others though
  8. there is only on genre in rock and that is rock...... it isn't a matter of whether fallout boy are punk or not. it is a matter of if they suck or not.... and they do in fact suck
  9. dishwalla huh, i will have to look them up
  10. i hate how people who think they know a thing or two about music use an ignorant term such as "IN". as if you knew
  11. i like how you think buscuit
  12. i will have to agree that age of empires is cool. somethign simmilar that is good is red alert. if you are wanting free just download it with a bittorrent program. simple easy and quick. use utorrent my personal fav
  13. i am a newbie at c++, but i think easyc is the best begginer program for programing. playing around on that really help me to understand c++ programing
  14. webmonkey.com is also good. you can find a good list of html tags here. another good way to find html tags is to google it. it is the answer to everything. most usually when you find a site to give you tags they will tell you how to use them. and that my friend is really the basics of html code, tags that is not the gooogle thing.
  15. like the movie forum leave a list of your favorite bands and everyone gets to debate on them.
  16. i love all instuments. as cerb knows i play the guitar and i am beggining a piano.cerb also knows once you figure out the basics of music you can pick up on any instrument easily.i don't find that one instument is better than any other but the people who are playing them really do give it its rep. fro ex. WANKERS these are guitarist who like to play random notes really fast to try and amuse or discourage other musicians around them.i play guitar but i refuse to be a *BLEEP*. wankers give guitarists bad names. i am sure cerb can agree with me on this also.
  17. you guys really need to get out of this i love one certain type of music thing and expand your mind to other music. there are so many good bands besides hard rock bands and emo and etc. it is really annoying to true musicians to hear about how a person is all about one band. it accualy just shows your intelligence.
  18. arza1

    The Pixies

    hey and broken face are my favorites..... you guys are right the pixies are amaizing.if you like the pixies i am sure you will like Placebo or the viloent femmes. they are also great
  19. leave a list of your favorite movies and anyone and everyone can criticize you choise. on of my favorite things to do is talk about movies, about how bad or good they are and why. a list of my favorites: we will start with this. we can't have too many descusions about movies going on at once. if you have a crappy taste in movies prepare to be called an idiot. that is if any of this takes off.
  20. i don't know what you guys are going on about because these movies aren't that good. as a matter of fact pirates suck. johny depp is cool but i don't know about him being a pirate that is kinda lame.
  21. i just join the Xisto community....... i was just wandering if i can go ahead and start building my site although i do not have enough ctredits. i know i can start writing the code anytime but is there anyway to start my site here without making the domain.i acually have most of what i want already written but even after i do get enough credits i am still confused on what to do. this site isn't very good at giving instrucions on how to use their services.i appreciate any info that you can give me. i could read into it but hey what are these forum for. -thanks
  22. I saw the movie a while back and it was alright. nothing to get excited about. compared to the other movies sidy3 was ok. i mean they are all the same. they are not going to stick to the story with any comic book movie so i kind of expected it to be as bad as it was.there is some controversy on whether venom or (eddie brooks) was done right. they could have made him worse but they aslo could have made him better. venom from what i can remember was a big snarly muscular guy who dispised spidy. he still hated spidy or peter but i don't think that they did a very good job portraying the original venom.
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