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Everything posted by arza1

  1. i acually thought it was going to be a turd of a movie. with your review i will be sure to take time to watch it when it comes out. i do ike the leading actor though. he has done a great job in all of his major roles. like the office.... funny as hell. or anchorman... he wasn't the lead actor but damn he was funny.
  2. i have been messing around with the spoon and coin ring thing. one thing that i have noticed is that if you were to make a ring by hitting the spoon on the face of the coin you would need enough room to put your fingers or something to hold it down. problem is if you use a larger coin for this purpose you ring would be way too big. now if you were to make a ring from a small coin using a spoon to create a weak spot in the metal you would not be able to hold it down. it would just bounce around.the only way that i can think of that soldiers would have been able to use is shooting a hole in the center of a ring. but this would have to be done with a not so powerful rifle. even if the GI were able to puncture the coin with a bullet in the dead center it would be hard to evenly flatten the edge into the shape of the ring with out warping the circle shape of the coin.
  3. this guy..... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ made his with a spoon but later ends up using a drill to make the hole. what i want to know are some ideas of how you think that they did this in the old days when a drill press or a power drill were not handy. i don't understand what you mean.
  4. i totaly agree. i wpnder if that might acually cuse you to halucinate. maybe thats why all these people meditate and then have premonitions. they are not crazy they have had just a little too much air. idk just a thought
  5. um, hobbies are a form of entertainment. so if some make a life hobbie through the computer they are seeking for enteratanment for life on there computers.
  6. first of all i would like to say i don't have a thing against gays lesbians trans ETC. ok i don;t think any of this makes a bit of sense. they way they are going on protesting and *BLEEP*. all they are doing is boycoting speaking. woooo. big deal, that really doesn't impact on a hole bunch of people. all it does is shuts up the people who are spouting off all there opinions when they aren't even asked for. i don't remember any bady around where i live ever saying that gays shouldn''t be aloud to be gay. so why are they protesting. i don't run around al pissy because i am strait and that it puts me in some type of category. idk, it just doesn't make much sense to me.
  7. it is pretty dumb that just because she is a celb that she gets treated better than thae rest of the country. first of all wouldn't she go to a hospital if she is in bad heath. if you are to ill to be in jail you are to ill to be at you house. i think it is all a scam. it just for publicity. nothing more. i am really tired of people getting tied up into it like it effects them. all they are doing is feeding the publicizd flame.
  8. i rarely use my computer for entertainment. right now is about as fun as it gets. usually i use mine for info that i need or like surfing because i am a mild knoledge *BLEEP*. now my friend cerb is costantly on the web searching for knoledge. out of all knoledge whores he ranks high.
  9. that idea is the only one that i could come up with that would work... making a hole by beating the flat pat of the coin untilit wears a hole in the metal.i don't know though. keep posting if you can i really want to know the old fashion way to do it. i know it has been done, my grrandpa did it when he was in the army to make a coin for my grandma. i just wish he was alive to tell me the technique.
  10. i would really love to start a band or even just have jam sesions but the musicians that live near me either do not want to play in a band or they just do not play the same music as me. the only things i don't play are emo *BLEEP* and country. hopefully i will find some people to start a badass group with becuse i really would like to make a career out of what i love.
  11. even if i don't get the credits i am still wishin tap17 a happy birtday.i have to say this really is the best web hosting site around. what a smart way to make it free. plus the community here is wonderful. congrats for another year of once again being the best web hosting site around.
  12. alright, me and my buddy have been getting into making rings out of coins. what we do is hammer on the outside of the coin until the rim flatens to the width of a normal rind then drill out the middle and sand.i have heard that you can make a coin ring with hitting it with a spoon. but i originaly heard this in a story about soldiers doing it with there time off. the thing is i don't think they had a drill handy out on there while fighting.the point of this is i want to know from you, how you think they made a ring out of a coin by beating on it with a spoon without a drill(just a spoon.)i have search for the answer and can't find it.
  13. i think being friends is the best relationship. but if you feel like you need to take things a step further by letting her know how you feel just let her know. i am sure that if you guys are true friends or if she was any kind of friend she would not let things get akward after you tell her. even if she doesn't feel the same way about you atleast you guys have you friendship.
  14. most people are going to tell you to shoot for the 360 but personaly i am a playstation guy. i think the playstation controler is the ultimate controler. if you can find a better controler config. let me know. i have acually heard that the wii is pretty good. i am thinking about buying one for myself. but i will probably get the ps3. you should be patient, good games will come out for ps3. they have never let me down.
  15. i have heard that cracking you nuckles can lad to pain down the road but i don't believe it be cause i know people htat have been doin it all ther life and theirs are fine. i know for sure that it makes you nuckles bigger. ok so i don't know for sure but i think it is happening to me. i have know girls that will pick up the habit of popping their fingers and there nuckles seem bigger than usuall. i don't know it could be false. popping you neck and back in the long run can not be good. it wears on your back and can lead to back problems but not bad. try to reframe from doing it. streching the musle is the best bet. if you back hands head whatever hurt just stretch them out, the muscles that is.
  16. wow all you guys are tramps. just kidding but i am 17 and i am still a virgin. i don't find anything wrong with it. i mean i don't think there is any need for sex if you don't have a huge desire for it. even if some people do have sex when they are like 13, it is their business. i don't think this topic should be about if you are having sex but about if you are why or if are not why not. for me i just don't think i am redy for it i mean i am not scared but i just don't feel as if i want it yet.
  17. arza1


    welcome to trap. this is a great hosting site. so far i have been treated well. i wish the same for you.
  18. all this sound so counfusing because all i know is html coding. php is so hard to understand. i think someone should try making a forum tutorial on this site to help everyone out.
  19. arza1

    I Hate Parents. _

    my dad can be a real dushe some times. he drinks and gets angry and yells at everyone but when he is sober he is all right but still a *BLEEP*. i would never wish that he was never around but i kinda think sometimes that i should try to change him. but that is wrong yu can't change how a person is you just have to change yourself that is how it goes. my mom is cool but i just don't get her sometimes... i don't know where i am getting but, i guess i am trying to say we are always going to have our parents. and no matter what kind of hell they put us through we would never give them up. i mean i have expirience some heavy *BLEEP* but there is no way in the world i would give up the person who caused it. it isn't right to hate or misstreat someone who has mistreated you. it is not your place. you can only forgive but do not for get because if you forget it will happen again. i say just have the best time you can with your parent now beacuse you never know when something bad can happen and take away one of them away.
  20. i am not that much of a reader but i like stephen king alot. i really like his dark tower books. the drawing of the three is the best. i love the edge that roland has. the gunslinger is bad *bottom*.
  21. for me i really want to be a musician but it is really hard to get anything started. and everyone around me is telling me i need a back up so..... i take alot of classes that have to do with computer technology. so i can get into web design or computer tech or something that has to do with technology. te ultimate would be being able to mix music. that would be awsome. the goods from both worlds.
  22. i am glad not knowing. i am completely not afraid so it is easy for me not to care about when i am going to die. the only thing i am afraid of is dying a painful death.
  23. well on the question of what if...........i would have to say that if sucha thing were going on then it is probably control by some type of forign life, like aliens. but that is just a ridiculous thought. if it was happenig it would be happening for a reason. the reason would be to cover up something. cover up the past. cover up a great event. i don't know, weird........
  24. wow, i want to know how you thought of this topic. weird.accually my algebra 2 teacher was telling my class his theory of the worlds evolution and he said something about how he doesn't think that the earth is as old as everyone says it is. he said that it is about 8000 years old. he said that carbon dating is completely wrong and has been proved wrong. he says that they did carbon dating on year old road kill and it was of by about 3 million years.
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