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Everything posted by Tramposch

  1. I googled hte name of the first one, and it gave me a download link...So im not going to bother to google the rest because I don't want to find the same resutls.Have you googled them?
  2. The comment I have now is.. I think there should be a reply.. or add comments button to the "Latest Sigs" box.Also of course the gui suggestions I made earlier :-p
  3. I just downloaded the most recent version.. Since im not the coding person I can't really give you input in all that you just said because I don't really understand. But as for GUI here is what I think: http://i.imgur.com/removed.png I made an image to try to make it easily understandable. Great work so far everybody.
  4. And the winner is Deadmad7 with 8 votes!!Great job deadmad, We would all love to see a tutorial on how to create that effect that you used!I am still searching for the prize PSD, and If i cannot find it within a few days, I shall remake it.The next SOTW will open within the next few days.Good job everybody!
  5. I have to admit... I have been working on computers for WHILE, and I have never had something stupid happenmaybe I'm just lucky.Since i just said this.. i guess ill prolly be back here posting again in a few days because I just screwed my chances of keeping this record by saying that.
  6. You need to be careful when overclocking.If i had gotten to the topic earlier i could have given you the quick fix but i just saw it now, and you already fixed it.Be sure to be very careful when overclocking on a motherboard not meant for high end over clocking, and with stock cooling.The highest stable clock I can get out of my Quad Core (2.66GHz) is 3.6GHz, and even then its a bit... shakey. (this is actually with stock h/s) but what is useful for my motherboard is that it has a built in reset button, on button, and off button right on the board to make overclocking safer and easier..Best of luck with your future overclocking endeavors.
  7. On most browsers and computers you can actually Control+click the link to open it in a new tab. Also you can click the link with the scroll wheel and it should do the same thing.Try it out!
  8. It looks good. I dont know any of the technical stuff behind it, but my only other comment about the GUI is the.. header, I think that is the correct term, could be maybe a bit higher with smaller text on it.
  9. Yes post a tutorial!!!!! I plan on closing this voting session and starting the next competition this weekend. I will be able to comment on all these after school today or tomorrow.
  10. Like the orange line on each box, it doesnt extend to the very edge, and I think it should be at the very top of the box, rather than kinda a bit below the top, like a bit closer to the top so it doesnt seem s bulcky, and maybe smaller text. Gotta go can't type much. Get back to you tomorrow.
  11. Vote for your favourite!Comment and critique once you voted!Good luck everybody!
  12. Ok, the second link you supplied is the link to the GFXTrap example website... What I am wondering is.. Could you actually use the images from the template? Like have a center repeat, a left edge and a right edge? I think that might help the alignment possibly.What do you think?
  13. Depending on where you live..Get a Toyota Helix. That's all I have to say
  14. Woah! Progress has come to a halt! Lets try to kick things up again!Lets write a list of what we need to do and what has been done. I think the previous template that we were working on, and had partially coded would be great, we just need to finish it.Anybody willing to post a sit-rep? If nobody does, I'll find time out of my day to try to post one, though I am quite busy.Common guys lets get this done!
  15. I now have something new to add. I'm not sure if the colour is very good. I keep getting mixed up, and others get mixed up that I'm parted of the hosted, and then wonder why they aren't I think maybe an orange, or green colours would fit.
  16. Try other programs such as Zoom Player, or KM Player, and see how those work.I know KM player to be very hard on the processor from past experience, but it is worth a try.
  17. Well i said that two days before the closing day, now it will be closed tomorrow. and no I don't plan on expanding the closing time, it seems like many people have entered so far, which is quite great.
  18. Sadly.. I won't be able to compete in this SOTW because I don't have the time, hopefully the next one! good entries so far, only a few more days!
  19. Nice, out of all of those I only like Code Geass R1 and R2 You should check out one outs, deathnote, and gurren lagann, they are epic.
  20. YES!! Lelouch Vi Britannia!!! You are awesome deadmad.. sorry i had to add that in.
  21. For camtasia recording program, try going into the options and lowering the FPS options. It may work better. Also consider updating your RAM, that could help considerably.Best of luck
  22. Freestyle means anything within the rules, any render (within the rules), and so on and so forth. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or reply to this.
  23. WaterMonkey, I'll just leave this: If you want to leave, leave. If you don't want to leave, don't leave. If you want to suggest, or complain go here. If you're trying to create a commotion, get more mycents, or anything of the sort, just leave like you said you were. That is all.
  24. In my time being at Xisto i have gotten... one email like this and 3 PMs like this, so I don't really care :)Probably because my email address is set wrong.
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