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Everything posted by wenster

  1. I haven't checked all the things about Microsofts new venture in advertising but so far its not like google adsense where you get paid for putting ads on your site and other people clicking on them. Rather you pay them to put up your own ads so that others can click. So this way you can afford to advertise your company for an affordable budget each month or whatever. I have no company so i'm not interested. haha.
  2. I thought exactly the same thing when I knew high school was about to end. High school in itself to me wasn't the greatest part of my life but I have had many many memories there. From food fights, drama, and all that stuff. My last year of high school I wished it would be over quick so I can move on to what's ahead in life for me but as it got closer to graduation and the last day of classes I wished it would slow down a little more. I was in the this emotional mode where I didn't want my friends to go and lose contact. Summer came by some of us lost contact or never tried. I just move on now and know that friends come and go. No matter how great of friends yall have become. People have to go on with their life. I'm also done with my first year of college. I've made some friends here and there. Congratulations class of 2007.
  3. My reason that I can not donate blood is I have a low count of B antigen or something like that. Other than that I'm good. I was sad I couldn't give blood and plus I gave a pint or so of blood for nothing. lol. I don't really know how much I gave. It was a whole bag. For body parts I would donate myself when i die. I mean what use do I have of them when I die. The doctors can use it to save another humans life. But some reasons maybe because of religious beliefs. I know my grandma is Buddhist and I asked her about donating her organs and she told me she would have to some higher power that question. I guess maybe some sign will tell her she could or could not donate her organs if someone needed them. I still don't get her answer. haha Maybe ignorance of the donation can be a possibility. Maybe not enough about it is advertised or said. Than sometimes people are just scared of donating blood because of the needles or blood itself. You would think that people would donate blood for a greater good but they just make up excuses or lazy. Ehh that's all i could come up with.
  4. So as I understand it your feelings for her are conflicting with the past and how she treated you. right? My approach would have to be an honest one. You tell her how you feel right now. What's going through your mind. That's if your brave enough to go be vulnerable in the situation. I mean your a guy and most guys have problems admitting their feelings to other people. Because they are afraid of being hurt or rejected. I'm not saying she will reject you but its better to get it off your chest/ mind. Either you ask her or you don't. Try not to stay in the gray area which will just cause you more discomfort in your life. If she doesn't want a relationship than she just doesn't. You can move onto someone who treats you better than she does. She might not be a good person in the end. Don't let your feelings blind you from what's really ahead of you. lol.ehh that's my plan.
  5. It may look better but it throws off my balance. I'm so use to having the whole bar where for Search, Images, News, Etc and then now that I try to see images I go to where my cursor would be if it was on the old Google but then I realized Google moved it up. So that's the only problem I have about it.
  6. I voted Nokia because from the phones I've had through them or my other people I see that they last a long time. Especially those old ones. Everytime I drop them or somebody drops them they usually don't break that easily. Depending on the way its drop too. Although Nokia may not have the most stylish phones in the market I like their durability and lasting time. Suckiest phones I would probably say Motorola. They seem just to be good for functionality and aesthetics.
  7. Well since this summer I've been hitting Xisto everyday now. Its like a daily ritual now. I come here to check for new threads I can write in or just try to make my own. Most of the time its just sitting on one of my tabs. Lol. I try to keep my credits up. Checking it all the time as it decreases makes me sad. haha
  8. Besides Shrek 3, I went to the dollar movies and watched Norbit. Its with Eddie Murphy who again dresses up as several characters and interchangeably plays their roles. It was a funny movie. They made lots of jokes to the wife of Norbit who's is lets say greatly obese and you wonder why she's still alive. haha. She's not facially or physically pleasing and she acts like she the da bomb or something. But there is a pretty girl who was orphan mates with him when they were little. They end up getting hitched and that's about it. Sorry if I ruined it for you. Its not a great movie anyways.
  9. it was like EHHHHH movie. the originals are always the best.movies made after the originals are screwed up.anyways, there was some audio-visual geek sitting beside me who was like 13-14? they dimmed the light in the theatre and he goes, "they dim the light to save energy" and then he said, "i want my shrekkkk!" and then later, i heard him say, "can i sleep on your shoulder mommy?"it was an odd sort of experience.err, have you seen the movie? what did you think of it?
  10. I don't quite get it? Is it printing postage stamps through the use of those devices or are you sending mail through it? lol. I think its printing postage stamps. lol.It looks nice but I rarely send out mail since we have email and for paying bills I do automated online billing. Maybe use for like schools and business offices that use the mail service a lot. Plus I don't need another thing to fill up space on my computer desk. haha.
  11. Haier and AOL teamed together to make this mp3 player. It has the look of an IPOD but different case and functionality. Some things that it has: - a touch pad for skimming through songs or whatever it is that you are looking for. - Supports mpeg4, wmv, mp3, and wma. - wifi and bluetooth capability. - 30GB harddrive For the touch pad it allows you to scroll up and down and side to side and you are able to click it too. You'll be able to stream free internet radio with the wifi. You can also delete files off the thing. What I don't really like about it is the aluminum like case. Like I've experienced with my Razr is that the cases allow for smudges and fingerprints. The uses for the bluetooth is for headphones. But I don't think on the market now there are small sized headphones that work through wireless bluetooth technology. All the ones i've seen are big and chunky. From what I've read the price should be along with the IPOD. WOULD I BUY IT? I would probably buy it just because of the video files you can put on there instead of having to convert things back and forth with an IPOD. The wifi radio station sounds nice too. LINK
  12. I just got inspired to work with flash and I know nothing at all about it. What is a good editor for making flash websites? Possibly free but if not then I can work with whatever you can throw at me.
  13. Yeah I lie all the time online. I mean who hasn't lied on the internet. The internet is full of lies and deception. I'm not truthful with people I don't know or just met. Of course you can be totally honest with strangers but I"m not going to tell them stuff like where I really live. All you need to know is I live in Dallas, Texas and that's about it. If your my friend I"ll give you something more than that. There was one time I lied about my sex and I went into a chat room with a bunch of guys and they're like im'ing me and talking dirty and stuff. I played along. They asked for my age and all that. lol. If was fun leading them on. Then I told them I was working with CPS and i'm not really a girl i'm a guy and they went silent. haha. Come on CPS doens't even do those child internet monitoring thingies. Stupid people. I have many more lies.
  14. I hate dreams sometimes too. When you have had something on your mind that you really want to happen and then one night you start to dream and those things happen. Then all of sudden you wake up and you realize crap it was all a dream. I get really frustrated when I start to realize its not going to happen. Sometimes I confuse my dreams with reality. I just try not to think about something too much even though that's hard because the situations in your life require you to think about them and find a solution.
  15. wenster


    Welcome to Xisto. I don't think you'll be disappointed with your decision to move over to Xisto hosting. Happy posting.
  16. Its the only form of entertainment I enjoy rather than watching tv. I do the same thigns every day. Just check email, accounts, forums, chat, facebook, myspace, news, and the other things. It does get boring sometimes but its either this or go to sleep. I would go out but my parents want me to take the sibs with me too. that's just too much. haha
  17. that's funny beany pierce. I almost woke my brother up from sleeping. haha. Its weird how they all spell spears wrong.
  18. It really depends on the girl. But like when they take off the makeup some of them look like they're monsters. haha. No offense really. I think they should be natural as possible. No make up. If you do maybe minimal. If I had a girl I wouldn't want her to put on a lot of makeup. And I'd tell her the same cheesy line "you pretty without makeup."
  19. awh. I thought they were going to come out with an ISP. Google wants a piece of everything. haha. You think Google wants to make everything easy for everyone else so one day they'll take over your TV. lol. jk. If I had a business it would be very profitable for me. I don't even have to worry about my own mail servers.
  20. This is the laptop created by Nicholas Negroponte. He is the co-founder of the MIT Media library. Well basically he had this idea of allowing children in poverty stricken countries or developing countries to have a laptop that cost only $100 USD. Its really interesting how they were able to produce such a laptop and at a low cost too. The laptops are designed to educate and develop their intellect. what's cool is it runs on very little power but yet it has like a camera built in and wifi capability and all these hardware. You can recharge the laptop by some manual labor like cranking some handle for a couple of minutes or whatever. Here's a link to the site to learn more about the purpose or maybe even look at the specs of this thing. Guess what its run on Linux OS. lol. Great!@!! ONE LAPTOP PER CHILD
  21. I'm not really surprised by this event. I'm surprised the media hasn't blown it out of proportions and made it like front headline news everywhere.
  22. thanks i can really use the display IP address one, and display last modify.its not that hard to use either.
  23. Typically the universities in the US might require you to submit an application online. That's how most applications are done these days anyways. Most require you to write a paper or two on a subject. Some are about "why do you want to attend this university and what makes you a good candidate for this school?" or something like that. Some are about a hardship you had to go through. I would suggest you spend lots of time on it unless your some person that writes really well. Give the paper to your teachers and peers to check for errors. They are application fees for submitting a college application but some schools might waive that fee if you had a SAT fee waiver or something like that. As your counselor for all this information. They should be able to help you in detail. Then there's financial aid and that's another subject.
  24. A bunch of other sites are confirming the story too. I don't know if they'll be great box hits as its previous movies. The third movie wasn't a great movie but it was mediocre. Amazing visual effects but story line not so great. It didn't even follow really close to comics. Then again its a movie. lol. Everything has to be condensed. I'd probably end up going to watch the movies when they do come out. I'm not expecting anything great though. They better have great characters and plots.
  25. When you die they are no more nutrients and minerals or energy are produced. Everything requires energy. Mitosis and its steps to divide and reproduce requires energy whether it be ATP or whatever. Just as you grow old and die your cells mature and die too. Our bodies just grows weaker as our vital organs start to fail, your body is not strong enough to protect against viral infections, your bones stop growing. If we live forever there woudln't be much of what is called Natural selection. I don't now. that's my spin on it. lol.Maybe your going at it at another angle. lol.
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