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Everything posted by wenster

  1. I quite like the effects that Beryl has over Windows Vista. Seems like its better but I"m not going to switch over to Linux until somebody sits next to me and show me how it really runs.
  2. Wenster came from people in high school calling me that. It was either that or some guy twisting it into Wenchester. lol. We just make fun of each other names and one day that name just stuck. I used it for most of my online usernames.
  3. I like going to Walmart to look at the things they sale. Especially I like to take my time in the electronics department. Just look at the computers and how much they cost and the specs. Its just satisfying for me. I really want to buy some of the things but I can't afford it sometimes. Besides computers I like to look at the mp3 players and basically all the electronics and accessories. Its like a mini best buy for me or something. Although I rather perfer Fry's Electronics which I'm sure most of you haven't heard of, I think.Besides electronics there's many food choices and its nice just going to shop and you can find better prices and different brands. I feel like a woman sort of even though buying groceries nowadays shouldn't be a feminine job these days. For clothes i rather prefer the mall or some other outlet. Its a good place to go with your friends and just be retarded. Maybe even play hide and go seek. haha
  4. I like it too. Its simple and not an eye soar just trying to read the words. And no flying image effects. yay!!! lol Just because your page may have popping out images or whatever doesn't mean it looks nice. So anyways I commend you for not going the other road of myspace design.
  5. I'm all for making yourself look better but I don't think trying to reach "perfection" is a good thing. I want to be able to say "yeah I had my nose changed it was bothering all this time" and not that "oh yeah i had this done, and this, and this, oh and that." lol. Personally I don't think you should change yourself too much. Even the most facially, bodily, whatever impaired people shouldn't try to fix themselves to something they're not. Maybe minor modifications but not to where your not the same person anymore.
  6. thanks. your funny. haha I would have to say my USB port. why??? because its UNIVERSAL!!!! yeah. i'll leave it at that. Asian parents aren't really accepting of their child as a partier. Home is like a prison cell. I type a few things on the computer which I was really responding to a thread on Xisto, and my mother is like "who are you talking to? your girlfriend?" egads!!! lol.
  7. I own an ipod for a couple of years now. It's one of those sixth generation ones that doesn't have video but it works for me. I just need music and some space for storage. I like the IPOD because its a music player, image storage, and anything else storage. Its like my huge mini usb drive. haha. Its has its problems sometimes. I have had to bang it a couple of times and be really abusive. Its working now thank goodness. One thing i do recommend is buying insurance for the thing because your bound to drop it and scratch it or somethings going to happen to it.
  8. I like what you said. Straight and simple. haha. But seriously its not even that big of a problem. If you want to get closer to being obese or having arterial problems that's your problem. Don't blame it on the fast food industry. Of course they have a consumer obligation to provide "healthier" food choices just to keep up with consumer demand and market, but you are the consumer. CONTROL your eating habits. I eat fast food in moderation. I don't pick the salads and whatever "healthy" choices they have. They all are bad for you. If i wanted to be healthy i would choose Souper Salad or something like that. Watching the movie didn't make me want to give up fast food but it made me more aware of the food I'm eating. I'm sure if I go through what the guy did in a month or so I would be just like him and probably worse. Plus I'm a student you think i can afford fast food all day. haha. nope!!
  9. awh man. I just joined and I had my first lecture. hahaha. ehh its okay.Thanks for telling me. I wasn't trying to be offensive. Yes I am Vietnamese. Just my first name is said different than your friend's last name. It has to do with accent marks and stuff.
  10. I think its great because its easy to use for my level of experience in coding. I"m like a noob level. lol. It has wysiwyg so its easy to see your coding at work while your working on it. The built in ftp thing is great so you don't have to open another ftp program and just upload everything. With dreamweaver its just one application.
  11. I have one best friend that I've met in college. The one thing that brought us together was my insecurity to feel accepted by everyone during the freshmen year so I compensated by making jokes that apparently Steven (best friend) laughed at the most. We just connected. He's one of those strong tough people in life that rarely show their emotions and I guess I "hit his spot" lol. We talk about a lot of things and sometimes when were not we just blurt out random stuff. He knows a lot about me and I know alot about him. We share lots of things. I've come to love this doode. lol. I know it sounds really cheesy. Loving another guy besides a paternal love I never imagined could happen to me. I'd happily give up my life for his happiness. Were room mates in college too. I can definitely imagine him still a great part of my life even if we don't see each other for a very long time. I think best friends are those that you don't have to speak to for a long time but when you do you just talk on like normal and no awkwardness.
  12. I haven't really played the newer games for Super Mario. But what I can tell you is I like the classic old games from Nintendo. Besides that I would probably say Mario Kart. Its just a fun group interactive game.
  13. I forgot about posting an introduction thread. So here it is. My name is Nguyen. I am 19 years old and turning 20 in July. I live in Dallas, Texas and I go to college. but now I"m home for the summer. I'm not really excited about that. lol. Just in case you didn't get the title. Ricer is another name for Asian or whatever. lol. I am majoring in Bio/Pre-Med.My first sexual experience with a computer... lol. Just kidding. I've always liked playing with computers just not really having a job that deals with them like maybe computer programmer. I'm the tech guy around the block for computer retarded folks.
  14. Ehh the girls just goes in groups either to talk about the events at the table or the people around the table. They talk about guys, their boyfriends, and whoever. Also they get to ask each other how they look and stuff. Just to keep everything together even if its like an astray eyelash. hahaha. That's just at a restaurant. Maybe at a club they go in packs everywhere and dance sort of close to each other is to protect each other from the guys.
  15. I think they do. I use to have dogs and when I did they would make sounds in their sleep. bark out of nowhere when they're eyes are closed and still sleeping. They're just probably in deep REM sleep. if they do go through that stage. haha. If dogs are sensitive to everything including the supernatural why not be able to dream too.
  16. I don't know. I want to say she does it to crave attention. That's the only reason why I would think she would cut. Some people aren't born the same. They may be more hormonal or whatever. I would also suggest a school counselor or talking to her parents about it. I can semi understand the high from cutting yourself to feel alive or whatever. Because i've sort of tried to cut myself once. lol. i'm retarded. I've moved on.
  17. I could have thought this yahoo had an online messenger already. But i was wrong like always. I'm using meebo too yet I still have the three main chat programs on my desktop. I doubt I will be using the yahoo online messenger.
  18. Th nice thing about it is it has the photo storage. That can come in handy for me. But other than that space is not really an issue for me with Gmail. I don't think i have any issue with Gmail. Maybe its not graphically pleasing enough but that's okay I can look past that. size isn't always everything. hahaha jk
  19. I don't think I will upgrading or downgrading to Windows Vista. I find it sort of retarded how they have how ever many different versions of Windows Vista. I guess they can use it as an excuse now because their Windows operating systems is so spread out. I probably don't know what i'm talking about. haha. My friend wanted to get Vista just because it has Aero technology. It looks cool but its almost the same as the mac concept of scrolling windows in tabs or whatever its called. The start menu has a search function and its organized differently. So I'm not going to upgrade anytime soon. If I did it would be with a new computer or laptop.
  20. I'm looking forward to 28 Weeks Later, Live Free or Die Hard, Balls of Fury, and most importantly the Harry Potter movie that's coming out. I forgot what's it called. The 7th book hasn't even came out yet. geezzz...shrek 3 i'm not really into the whole "oh yes i have to watch that" mood.
  21. It would be funny if they did accept it. But that's left to my imagination.
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