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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. Know Whats Weird Is That I Had That I Got A Whole Lot Of Spy Ware Stuff Ran a Scan Got 2000 Bugs and i deleted them all and it started to work again. I Got It Once Befor Two It Just Went Away On IT's Own It Might Be Spyware,virse,ineternet provider or just a slow comp. I Really MA kinda lost on This Matter Two
  2. I Liek That Idea Mabey Get More Space For Xisto so we can have more skins I Know It would Make Me Alot Happier. I Think That Having Mre SKins Lets More people Be Them selfs. Like Dress Cod eu Make Them Fit In But No One stands Out. I Don't Know ~Johanthon~
  3. I Would Buy a Server NO Host It Off A computer IT cost More I Think As Well As It's 2Xs as lagy as a hosted one. I Know -{rb}- Is Recuiting They Are a great clan and i know they would love to have you join them There always open for new players. ~Johnathon~
  4. Well Any Online Game Is Going To Suck With Cheaters I Know That Even In Stock Maps Cheaters Get In Thats Why I Like Hostimng My Own Server Or Play On Servers With Anti Cheats On It. Note: Doesn't Chatch All BUt IT Helps Alot With The Cheaters. I Really See No Poin In Cheating In Less In One Player Mod. I Have One Thing To Say To Cheaters " Get The Heck Out Of The GAMES!!! "~Johnathon~PS. CHEATERS SUCK!!!
  5. Hey I Know I Really Thought we Needed A Skin Change But Not To This... Defulelt Is Better Than This Hands Down. Put Color In To It, Mabey Light Green, or light red kinda see through you know light and simple but colorful. This Just Yells "NERDS HERE STAY AWAY" So I Mean Come On We Want This Place Fun For Us To Come and Post I Know If It Was More Fun I would Post Alot More, But Thsi IS Kinda Boarding Has No Life In It. I Know I am Not Only One Filling This Way After Reading This Post. I Know i Made A Topic For a New Skin But I Was Hoping For A better Skin Not One Of Those lame Ones Like This.With All Kind Ness TAKE THIS OFF THE FORUM!!!....................... Please ~Johnathon~
  6. THATS AEWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool I like the text blur as it comes in this is great i may have 2 use it my self and i hate ads on my site lol. 9/10 Great Job I Really Like IT.
  7. O....K...., That Really Cool If You Have a White Web Page BUt Than If You Have A Dif color than it looks weird mabey make back ground tranpernet. So it well go with any site. I Like The Little Dude Off To The Left lol funny it's all good 6/10
  8. Yes I Two See No Point In Having That As A No Post Counts. I Was Thinking What They Want Us To Talk About boarding Stuff All The Time Let US Life. I Mean What 60% Of This Is Teens Or Yunge adults so we are in the age time to have fun so let us!!! HES RIGHT WE ARE COMING ON AND KEEPING THE BOARD ALIVE. sry caps
  9. Yeah I Am Really With You On That How It Takes SOOOOOO Long For Some one To Come A Long ANd Say They WANT To Join. Glad Thats Not The Cass In My Clan Now. 30 member in the last 7 days but to be honest I have neaver heard of these games and i am a big time gamer. so that night be it i don't know.well ood Luck ~Johnathon~
  10. We Are A New Medal Of Honor:AA Clan. We Have Been Around Since June 25 2005. We Now Have 30 Members And Growing At A Rate Of Three A Day. If You Would Like To Join (.:SWAT:.) Make Sure You Make a Post In The Forums. We Have a Server That Is Up Part Time, We Are Looking Into A New Server At This Time But This One Well Have To Do For The Mean Time. The Ip To The Server Is We Hope You Enjoy Your Self At Are Site. Please Let Us Know Of Any Bugs In the Site. The (.:SWAT:.) Clan Are SIte Is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ~johnathon~ Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited topic title to suit the posting.
  11. Man CS IS T HE BEST GAME/next to Medal of honor but hey my friend has a tape of this guy beating the whole game in 3 hours and shows you what you have to do and stuff and where hinden things are i don't have the link but my friend does hit me up on aim and i well give you his aim name. my aim is PuNkSoWnU202 so hit me up and i can get you set with the game video now i just don't know which it's for but i beat we can find it for the Counter Strike you have i believe you have the 1st one just plain Counther stiker right? because i believe tahts what he has. Only i would sessgest that insted of watching the movie for ever and try to rember if you get stuke than go to the movie. Oh Yah if your getting shot use barrals they well black you use them as a shild... it works pretty well lol any way man good luck it is a hard game to beat and teh movies teh best thing to a cheat with out cheating lol enjoy it all and don't forget to iM me on AIM if you have it.-WaT-X-Killer{Goa}
  12. Hmmm from what i see it's not a clan any more ahhh but i guess i's alll good still nice site. So no point in asking what games you play lol but oh well. Nice try and holding it together it's hard for clans.
  13. Yo not bad Site dude nice mind me asking what portal did u use to be able to get that to work because tahts diffenty a php-nuke site. any wya nice site i welll diffely be going there alot! thanks for posting about it.-WaT-X-Killer{Goa}
  14. I love it i just got great game just i like medal of honor games better but yha it's a great game. I am always looking for membersfor my clan *hint hint* lol see yah guys and have owning-WaT-X-Killer{Goa}
  15. welll i have ran one with ads and not alot of trouble at all only thing was i couldn't get the portal to work....... thats my only problem.... but than again i was runing my skins not other so that may be way not high teck just nice and smiple but cool.
  16. lol BK my old name lol any wya i juts started a new clan mohaa and next month we are working on a COD server a web site is now http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. ok, Thanks alot i well cheak all thoose links out i owe you guys one. I really hope i can make a good flash intro now YAH any way gusy thanks again and hoped this well help one not just me lol have fun -WaT-X-Killer
  18. yah but really it doesn't take much loading time 2 run a differnet skin mabey 1 sec or so but not much and for how many more people post it would work i know i would post a lot more than what i am doing now, now i am just posting to keep my site up but with that i would be posting for the heck of it cuz i am not board i get board of this skin really fast so thats why i really don't post much i beat about 50% of the rest of the members are the same way. Not just me so lets see more people talk aabout it ok?-WaT-X-Killer
  19. yah i think that there is a rule you can only try once and the quize thing is built in with the forum making it easyer to have a quize every month and for your question of what it would be on it could be any thing teh admins want to add. It's all up to them in the end but i think every one would kinda enjoy it and besides it's not enough to last them a month so they would have to still post but not as much. because of there smarts.-WaT-X-killer out
  20. LoL Thanks guys any one know of a good place for troulce or w/e for flash swish ??? i am liking taht one the best so fair and mines really not to hard of a intro and it's for gaming so not to hard all in all but still thanskfor replaying super fast i well let you know how it works out peace thansk againXkiller
  21. i say we need a new skin this one is bordin not to be mean but it is i just don't know i don't real feel liek yah i wnat to stay here and post when all i see is white and blue i liek dark i think we schould at less have one light and one dark skin what do you guys think i realis that takes space but not really that much of time and space also my ide awas to have a compatice to see who could make best skina dn than use it on Xisto so what do you guys think huh?X-killer
  22. Ok My idea is to make quizs and if you pass it you get 10-20 cridets depeding on your score. I really think this would work because i like it on other sites and it's easyer for members to make cridets at a fast pace but have to know things lol. I would also like to hear what other members say about this idea i think it's good but you guys may or may not i don't know lol only time well tell.X-killer
  23. Huh???are you asking how to make flash if you are i can't help to much but i wouldn't use fireworks for any thing use Photoshop for GFX tahts why u lack GFX skill it s not u it's the program adn for flash i believe it's micromdia idk real name soem oen else is going 2 have to help you with this becaus ei am a little lost on what you are asking here.... HELP!
  24. Ok so what are your top 10 Fav songs of all time?Mine are1) teen age dirt bag - wheats 2) MOcking Bird - Slim Shady3) anacian idot - green day4) Set it Off - Payable on death aka POD5) yughth of a natioh- payable on death aka POD6) Hey moma - black eyes peas7) Lets get it stated - black eyes peas8) Shut Up - Black eyes Peas9) real slim shady - Slim Shady10) F**k U - emonI really don't know why i like these songs i guess i lisstend to them 2 much because i stated to hear them in my head at school lol but it's all good and now halla back girl is in my head to gosh man any way tell us what your 10 Fav songs are peace -WaT-X-Killers
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