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Everything posted by csp4.0

  1. I remember when I used to play Command and Conquer: Renegade Multiplayer Demo... There were "No-Cheat" servers... and there were "Cheat" servers...I occasionally played on the cheat servers with my own array of cheats but never cheated on the no-cheating servers...Personally, I really HATE hackers who randomly wander in to a multiplayer game with cheats disabled and start wrecking havoc (especially in Battlefield 2142!, good thing if EA can confirm a hacker they ban their Cd-Key permanently) But the thing is... If a hacker stays on his/her own territory (i.e. cheating servers) then I have no problem, as it is very fun (sometimes) to make Anti-Titan missiles follow your cursor or attack someone behind cover...
  2. I would REALLY like to see that as a 3D rendered object with 3ds max 2009...But it on it own, its pretty good if only the "Mountain Dew" text had self illumination, and there was specular highlights...
  3. At first glance, I thought "aww wtf?" because of the fact that if this were supposed to BE a professional site, I thought that there would be a registered top-level domain...Then the site loaded up... I like the design, and since I have ABP enabled can't see a single advertisement, and as a good thing, none of the tables are out of place...Your website is TOO plain... just several tables with dark borders isn't going to cut it... have a bachground etc... But because it is for a professional newspaper site, don't "overcolour" it...Also (which to me is the most important, which can mean a professional site to some site a random person scribbled up in 2 minutes) make sure that it validates as valid XHTML/HTML... Remember to put in a DOCTYPE, if you are using XHTML tags that don't have closing tags (i.e. <meta>) are self-closing (i.e. <meta name="stuff" content="stuff" />)For design = 8/10 simple, but effective, needs a tiny bit of "extra" colour or graphics... But don't overdo it..For code = 1/10... Over 800 errors and over 100 warnings simply isn't good... It isn't good for ANY website...Overall (Not an average) = around about 6-7/10 its the not-validating code that brings it down...
  4. I am not much of a gamer, but I do play several games... CS1.6, CNC: Renegade, CNC: YR - Mental Omega, etc... Crysis... Anywhom... I am underweight... not "like a twig" but underweight... I always have been... I have a ridiculously slow metabolism, some say that because of that, I'm going to get fat... But it is not like that ONE BIT... All I have to do is eat, I don't know... a plate of pre-cooked food in the morning and that SHOULD take me to dinner without getting hungry...
  5. lol, I play CS1.6 on my normal computer. But for a while I had a Pentium III @ 850MHz with 64MB of RAM, an integrated graphics chip (can't remember what it was)... The frame rates were SO slow, when you fired any gun, it takes the bullet about 1 second to come out of the gun, etc... and you can ACTUALLY SEE THE BULLET! Though, I never actually properly played on that computer... (I remember when I wanted Simcity 4 to work on it...)
  6. For gamers (like me) it is no question that using Windows is Key, though if you are into web-servers, etc then Linux is the way to go...Windows focuses on a good GUI, user-interface, user-friendly-ness, and taking up as much RAM as possible forcing you to upgrade your computer...But with Linux, it is designed for supercomputing, web-servers etc, it is designed to take up as little resources as possible (Think of Windows as a Hummer and Linux as some random high-tech hydrogen fuel-cell powered car)...Because of that, I don't see much point using Linux unless you're running web-server applications or you just LOVE playing X-Plane or so...Since Windows takes care of your daily needs and though, its fun poking into Linux every once in a while, it isn't good for "Daily Use"...
  7. *cough* *clears throat*...I want to use phpBB3.x.x and phpBB3.x.x ONLY (until I get some "extra" funds to get either vBulletin or something...) But the thing is...I've tried the RokBridge and on first go, it didn't work so I gave up on it... I don't want to try JFusion because it is in Alpha (Who knows what security issues or bugs could be in it) and Simple phpBB - Joomla! Integration doesn't seem like it means much business (Also tried it, but didn't really like it as it slowed down my test site a lot...)Anyway... I've started on my own "CMS" the only bad thing is I'm probably not even going to try to give it ACP integration since all I want is the session data and the other functions, etc...
  8. Ok... Um... I'll try to finish my site ASAP... But it should be finishing development and entering the first stages of "Alpha" sometime next week... The thing with bridges is, unless you have access to session data and types of Authentication, it is impossible to create a bridge... With Joomla! and phpBB, they are starting to get easier to bridge (considering the fact that Joomla!'s website uses phpBB3.0.x) But with wordpress, because it uses some other form of "hash" to protect the passwords, it is almost impossible to bridge between phpBB3.x.x mainly because phpBB3.x.x uses MDF as its method of "hashing". Bridges are all third-party applications meaning no matter what happens, it will always have some sort of "bug"... Like you mention with the "duplication" of data into the database... It CAN be resolved but it would only work for CMS and Forum Software that allows direct modification of its core files since, then you SHOULD be able to allow sharing of databases and the ability to use other software's database without conflict... (i.e. Using SQL Table "phpbb_zebra" to identify friends & foes) But if someone did that, they might aswell just make another portal for the forum software...
  9. Bridge = (In Online Software Terms) Allows for integration of two or more software. i.e. phpBB3 and Joomla! bridge allows for user login/logout synchronisation, etc...
  10. GRRRRGH!Here's the thing...I don't want to use Wordpress for a number of reasons...Mainly because there aren't ANY working bridges out there and the only one that works has been abandoned by its author...Second, even if there WAS a working bridge. I would NOT use it, as I don't plan on having the website like a "Blog" or "News" site... If don't want it to be like that... And because of the absence of a bridge, I won' be able to link it up to phpBB very well... Stargate Portal was MADE for phpBB3.x.x, and my one is built off-of phpBB3.x.x...WordPress is very good for blogging... But blogging ain't my idea... I'm sure WordPress has so many other uses than blogging, but because of the absence of a bridge... I cannot and therefore will not use it...
  11. It is NOT good that companies should just go "Open-Source" because there would be no competition and the people working on the projects would simply become volunteers...That is the REASON why some companies that develop more "expensive" products have a "Personal", "Commercial", AND a "Educational" range... All have their terms, Education edition is normally the cheapest, but you have to be a licensed school or something to buy it...That is the ENTIRE reason why there are "Educational" releases of a more "expensive" program (i.e. Gamebryo)
  12. except, That's the thing! I don't want to use wordpress as I am not making a "Blog" sort of thing... Its the fact that I am using the website not as a place where I put up articles for people to read and comment about but a website i.e. Microsoft or something... If it were a blog, I would have gone with WordPress right away, but the thing is, it isn't a blog...And besides... phpBB3.x.x's API is so easy to work with...
  13. Yes, I do mean "hard code" it... i.e. if my website was at "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; I would write URLs like, "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; or so... I normally keep my other files in codename'd folders that are to do with stargate someway or another... i.e. If I were to have a page "Downloads" it would probably be in /public_html/daedalus/replicator/index.html, but the thing is, I dislike using the "../../" because I have seen it fail so many times when going into "contrib" folders when installing phpBB3.x.x mods... Which is why I hard-code URLs... For option 3, the main reason is because I want to use the things like "<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->" and stuff so i.e., if a user logs in through the homepage, the login box would disappear and be replace with like a normal "x messages recieved, Click here to log out" etc... But another reason is the fact that because "{$phpbb_root_path}" is a variable, I will be able to allow files access to other files i.e. If a file was in folder "/public_html/folder/folder1/folder2/*.*" and {$phpbb_root_path} is defined as "/public_html/forum/" and I wanted to access the proSilver CSS, I can just add the "IN_PHPBB" thing and set it to true and just do "{T_THEME_PATH}/stylesheet.css" because {T_THEME_PATH} is defined as "{$phpbb_root_path}/styles/*/theme/" So that is the reason I put option 3 up there... Meh... I'm working on a style for phpBB3.x.x at the moment...
  14. Ok... I've come to the decision that using pure XHTML1.0 Strict isn't going very far with my website as everything (The URLS, etc) are hard-coded and so, if I were to upload it to a live server, I would have to change the names and stuff, all over again...Now I've decided 3 different options...Option 1: Use a CMS, if I go with this option, it would almost 70% Likely that I would go with Joomla!Option 2: Use a Portal for phpBB3.x.x. If I go with this option, it would be 80% likely that I go with "Stargate Portal"Option 3: Is that I make my own homepage (and other pages, i.e. News, etc) using the phpBB3 API (which basically allows access of the session data, the language files, etc.)With option 1, the thing is... I am not familiar with Joomla! and there are not much bridges for it and the bridges that are there, I don't like them very much... And I hate having a user called "Admin" it is SO overused these days!With option 2, the good thing is... I've used past version of Stargate Portals and I liked it, the bad thing is that there are so many bugs and coding errors. If 0.4.0 doesn't come out soon, this one will have to be ruled out... :)And option 3... The good thing about this idea is that it allows for me to get more familiar with php, and more familiar with the phpBB3.x.x API. I will also be able to incorporate things the way I want them... But the bad thing, is that I won't have ACP integration (Meaning, all the stuff will have to be edited manually in the language file), and updating phpBB versions will be a pain...So, Xisto'ers what do you think would be the best decision?
  15. Ah, typical... Alienware is overated... If you want to buy a pre-facricated computer, then get a Falcon Northwest Computer...But otherwise if you're going to build, I would need to know what currency you're using...
  16. Ok, time to post again with some of my new "theories"What IF... The Loch was a "nest" or "home" of Nessie, and that maybe that will explain why only 1 Loch Ness Monster is reported... But what if there are other Loch Ness Monsters around the world, and that The Loch is just "Nessie's home"? That would explain the times where sonar and radar have shown nothing, maybe Nessie was "out" in the Atlantic breeding with other Loch Ness monsters? I mean, its a truly plausible theory... What if Loch Ness was still connected to the ocean through a myriad of caves and tunnels?
  17. Haha... If you want the best e-mail, make your own e-mail client...But otherwise, Gmail wins, big time...Windows Live Mail loads WAY too slowly... There are advertisements, and so many SPAM gets past the SPAM filter...With Gmail, almost all of my activation e-mails don't get read as spam but actual advertisements are...With Yahoo... I've had a terrible experience with yahoo... They have enough space and all, but I just don't like it overall... I'm not "Yahoo"...
  18. yeah, I agree with you... Too many styles these days are basically re-coloured versions of proSilver...There are SOME styles (i.e. Glacier) that are proSilver based but aren't JUST recoloured versions of proSilver...You COULD try the style called "Mimic" which basically "Mimics" the phpbb.com theme which is not released and the next best one will be "Swanky's Rounded Corners", and then "proGrey/proGray"You could also try to make your own proSilver based style, like I'm doing right now...You can even make your proSilver based style look almost excatly as subSilver 2 based styles...There is one bad thing about phpBB3.x.x and it is very annoying... With Joomla!, or IPB, or something, installing mods is a breeze! With phpBB you have to manually edit the file core, and if something goes wrong then you would have to manually uninstall again!
  19. I agree, because phpBB is open source and anyone CAN modify the source code without permission, and even see the source code; it will be ALOT quicker for hackers to find vulnerabilities in phpBB and other open source forum software like IPB or vBulletin. The thing with phpBB3, because its open source it MAY actually be a good thing if you are very good at php. Because then, you would be able to "fix up" code that looks like a vulnerability to you, and upgrading might not mean all your mods/work is going to go to waste, as phpBB3.x.x's new upgrade feature allows modifications to be kept. phpBB3.x.x is wonderful software for those who are low on budget or who don't want to spend any money on their personal website. I have to agree with you that for a commercial website, you'd be safer going with a closed-source forum software... Though if you're so good at php, why not just make your own forum software? I totally agree with you. The admin control panel is designed to be very user-friendly. But as a result lacks on some other, more complicated features that IPB and vBulletin have... Actually, I would find creating styles for phpBB3.x.x (proSilver base) so much easier than for the other forum softwares... Mainly, then ENTIRE looks can be changed JUST by editing "bg_header", "bg_list", "colours.css", "common.css" and that's it! but for more complicated styles or for portals, you'd have to change the template files... phpBB3.x.x DOES have forum categories! 1. In ACP navigate to "Manage Forum". 2. You then type in the category name and press "Create a New Forum", in the right-hand side... 3. You should see a list of "Forum Settings", the first one should be "Forum Type", set that to "Category" 4. and That's it... set your own parameters and you have categories. To create forums inside of categories, either navigate inside on of the categories (in the ACP) and create a new forum there, OR create a new forum and set the "Forum Parent" to a category of your choice... 1. Yes, but people WILL try to answer your question. Its just that the time difference probably means most of the users are asleep... But yes, asking on STG will usually get you a quicker answer... 2. Not necessarily... Take a look at some of the styles created by "ShadowFlames Development", "Semi_Deus", and/or other people who are on the "Styles Team" at STG or phpBB.com... also, some of the ones that normal people create are quite good... Or you can just get a style based on subSilver2...
  20. This is my opinion only. Feel free to correct me or if you think otherwise...NOTE: I am NOT advertising phpBB and I do NOT get any profit in making this post :)Invision Power Services' Invision Power Board (IPB), although very popular doesn't have enough new features and flexibility to keep it going against the free forum software...Jellsoft's popular "vBulletin" is becoming more and more popular these days with most of the gaming and web community. Though because of it's unecessarily high price, most of the free forum software are beating it!In my opinion, phpBB3.x.x is better than any other public forum software there is. You have to consider the fact the phpBB is free...It has a very large volunteered community. The list of mods are endless, creating styles/skins/themes are a breeze, especially with "ColorizeIt" out there...Compared to all the other forum software phpBB3.x.x ranks up to the top. For those that say phpBB3.x.x is not so good... Go out and try it! It is REALLY good! And in my opinion better than any other free forum software there is. I mean, if you would compare the different forum softwares, IPB and vBulletin are both commercial and cost US$150 (IPB) and US$170 (vBulletin), phpBB3.x.x is free, compared to myBB styling is so much easier and more easy to manage the styles, compared to AEF, phpBB's styles/skins/themes/mods are so much more than AEF's! And the list goes on!The phpBB team has brought us something really good for no price and yet people remove their copyright!But my main point of concern is why people don't like phpBB3.x.x? Sure, I can even say that phpBB2.x.x was bug-laden and had so many security holes, but with phpBB3.x.x there aren't any major security holes, the CAPTCHAs are so much better, and it is XHTML1.0 Strict!I myself don't have no Bertie but I certainly will get one if I get any money on my Paypal account anytime soon...IPS and Jelsoft makes you pay for something that phpBB gives for free! If you don't believe me, take a look for yourself!I myself use phpBB3.x.x and will not change anytime soon...There is just a few things with phpBB3.x.x though... I DO have to admit that vBulletin and IPB are somewhat more user-friendly than phpBB...
  21. Ah... Let me have a go!!!I'll PM you most of those answers...Man, you've been giving away SO many credits these days...
  22. Don't apply Cocoa butter... Your skin is burnt... 8 Hours... I believe that it is in the USA... I don't know what the Ozone concentration in the USA is, but here in Australia and New Zealand... just 2-3 hours in broad daylight can give you a bad burn...But I have gone through this before... There is no "quick'n easy solution" the best thing is time... There are medication which you spray on your skin to MAKE (yes make) your skin peel which encourages new skin growth... sadly it takes around 4-5 days which might not be so beneficial for you on your date on Monday...Do not apply anything which even contains Oil for even a few minutes. And that just doesn't include things such as i.e. cooking oils, but also things such as... Moisturiser... From past experience... I would need to ask you if you are using LIVE Aloe Vera or using a Aloe Vera you bought from the store? Because if it is LIVE Aloe Vera, it should heal very fast...Don't stay in the sun for too long, and... Good Luck on your Date
  23. Actually, streaming from youtube DOES take HDD space... Which is why I normally run CCleaner after I watch a lot of youtube videos...But I found there is NO way to stop people from stealing you music, no matter what happens, the good ol' microphone and speaker and audacity'll do the trick...But to prevent people from downloading it... use Flash if you're so keen...
  24. If you're not so "full of money", try a good open source engine such as "Ogre3D" or "Retribution Engine" for some good games...If you have ample amounts of cash to play around with, try a full-on commercial engine such as "Unigine", "Gamebryo", "Unreal Engine 3"...But if you have money but not THAT much, use Unity3D, it is good engine. It is built for Macs, and so can only be used on Macs, although if you get the professional edition, you can also create games on PCs. Otherwise just use Ogre3D... I'm not that into game engines, but you'd want an engine that has good physics, graphics rendering, collision, high "modifiability" which I recommend Blender3D for... but if you're serious about developing but don't have much money and aren't gonna go with anything open source, then I would recommend Torque Game Engine Advanced (TGEA). Sure, it has a high learning curve, but from reviews its worth the learning...
  25. o.O This is probably the WORST place you could post anything like that... Anyway... Yes, the domain is "FREE" but you have to get 280 hosting credits to get it, which although is "FREE" does "COST" "TIME", so only look forward to a "FREE" domain if you can "AFFORD" "TIME" to post... Anyway... That picture made me laugh out loud, literally... But the thing is... Why do people hold almost a "grudge" against BuffaloHELP? I mean, he's always helped me out and many other members... Just because nobody trusts buffalos these days doesn't mean you can't trust BuffaloHELP...
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