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Everything posted by hippiman

  1. Well, I figured out how to export the applications right a while ago, with Fat-Jar. When you're exporting an SWT application, you make sure that all the SWT jar files are in with your project, then you export it, and make sure you set the main class. Then, you have to get the right SWT dll's and make sure they're in the same directory as the application you want to run, and it should work perfectly. I think they have some kind of tutorial on their site for that. If you need more help, just ask. But I've never really tried putting an applet inside an application. I knew it was possible, but I didn't ever think to do it. For your problem with JFace, I'm not really sure what it is. I'll look into it, though, and try to get back to you. If you PM me with some kind of link to your source code or something, I think I could help. And don't worry, I won't steal it. I think it's funner to make stuff myself, anyway.
  2. I guess those would be helpful, but I think it's a lot better to try and figure it out yourself, unless you're in some kind of a hurry. You learn a lot more that way, and then you can actually say it's yours, and not that you just went around and used a bunch of free scripts you found online.I would only use them if I was in a real hurry for some reason, or if it was for something really simple, or I would just reference them if I needed help for something.
  3. I found this site once (I don't remember what it was) where they had a perfect idea for that. They had a system made up, where artists would put their music on it, and when people wanted the song, they would only have to pay a fraction of a penny for it. Then, at the end of the month, they would have to pay the people they got the music from that much, plus some base fee for being a user of the system, and they would completely own the song. They could make copies of it if they wanted, but they couldn't give them to friends or whatever, unless they bought the song again for them.Then, no one would really have the incentive to pirate music, because it would always be so cheap. And even if everyone that got a song only had to pay a fraction of a penny to own it, the artists would still make a lot of money, if they did good. If you really want to go out of your way to steal a song that costs less than a penny, then you must not think the song is worth less than a penny, and there would be no reason to steal it, or there is just something wrong with you.It might be kind of hard to set up in the first place, and it would be really easy for people to pirate the music, but no one would have a reason to.And if anyone else has seen the site I'm talking about (that had this idea), let me know, or post the link to it. I stumbleUpon'd it a while ago, but I don't remember where it was.
  4. I voted for gummy worms because of their chewyness, too. They're both gummy, but there's something about gummy worms that's just better to me.I didn't think it would be 100% for gummy worms, though. That's just weird.
  5. I think there are sometimes when I don't even dream at all. It's just a blackness all night long. When I actually do dream, I usually remember it mostly, or at least a faint picture from it or something. But it's really boring when you don't dream. I think I get more tired when I have nights without dreams. I'm not even sure if it's normal to not dream.
  6. When you talk about religion, you get down to people's core beliefs. For some people, the religion is who they are. So if you disagree with their religion, they take it as disagreeing with who they are. The main problem is when people just say that the other person is definitely wrong, it's like when people get in a fight and they think they're going to win by saying, "Well, you're stupid!" instead of actually making a point.You should never try and force your religion on others. The best thing you can do is tell people it's benefits, and any kind of proof that you have that your religion should be true. It's just being retarded to tell people that their religion is wrong and yours is right, because then they won't listen to you anymore.The reason religious arguments get escalated is because people think that people are saying their religion is definitely wrong. And you just can't say that. It's an opinion.
  7. I'm not completely sure, but I think in IE, when you define variables you have to use the 'var' keyword for some reason. Like 'var x = 0;' or something. I guess you could try that with something simple, like just displaying a string from a variable, then if it works with the 'var' keyword, and doesn't work without it, then that's probably the problem.
  8. I just use notepad++, or just notepad, depending on where I am. I use those for all of my HTML, javaScript, PHP, and CSS. I've also made some applets, but I always use Eclipse for them, and I'm not really sure if you could fit applets into the 'web design' category.I don't think I'm very creative when it comes to design, either, but if I mess with something long enough, I usually end up with something at least decent.For web design, if you're really creative, it might be better trying to design it with an art program or drawing it out first, but for people like me, who pretty much suck at design, trial and error is usually better.
  9. That doesn't look very safe. You could end up accidentally pushing the button, and getting the spray all over your stuff, in your food, or even en your eye. That would really suck. What they really need is one of those things that the guy from Johny Mnemonic where he could take his thumbnail off, and there was a cord that when from his thumb to the nail that could cut through anything. It was friggin awesome. And I think it would be a lot safer than a pepper spray ring, except to the assailant.Or we could all walk around with guns and grenades and stuff. Then no one would ever attack anyone, because everyone would be able to fight back.
  10. That's pretty cool. I've always used cookies, and I didn't know there was any other way to do it, unless you used a database or something, and I don't think using a database to see if a user is logged on is very smart.But when do sessions end? I saw that there was a way to do it with the PHP, but does the session end when you close the browser, or can you set a time limit or something? I'll try and look it up.But that sounds really useful. I think I can use that for this PHP project we're doing at school.
  11. It's a lot better to use a database if there are going to be a lot of people trying to change something at the same time. Like, if mySpace used flat files for everything, it would either end up going really slow, or it would just crash, and have a bunch of errors in all the files, because of people trying to change stuff at the same time. If you use a database, it usually has a built in way to protect against anything like that happening.Once you learn how to use SQL, it's a lot easier, and more efficient than flat files, unless you're not going to have many people on your site. It mostly depends on traffic, and the type of data you're trying to store.
  12. That's pretty sweet. You might need to make a tutorial later on basic cmd files, for those people that don't know anything about windows, or whatever. Unless there's already a tutorial on that. I'm not sure.
  13. I'm pretty sure 'default' is alway supposed to come last, because it has to check all the other values to know if it has the default. If you put the default first, it's not even going to check any of the cases.And it might be better to use the $_POST variable, instead of $_GET, because get shows in the URL. You can look it up, if you want. If you use get, you could do the same kind of thing with javascript, because I think you can get the variables from a method='get' with javascript, too. That way, it doesn't matter if you have PHP installed on the server, but it might matter what browser you're using.
  14. You should be able to do stuff like that in any 3d program, right? Like Blender, or Maya, or anything else?
  15. I don't think anyone could match them... They've been around so long, and they pay their workers so good, they can't help but come up with new, good ideas that make the world even simpler.I just wish I could work for them...
  16. gMail, duh! The only reason I even have a hotmail is because of MSN messenger. There were some of my friends that only had MSN, so I got it, too. I don't really use it very much, though.Google Rules!
  17. That's pretty cool. I've been trying to find good tutorials on making stuff work for IE, like the position:fixed; thing, but a lot of them either take a lot of code, or they don't work.I think people should just stop using IE and all go to FF.But I guess I could use that on my pages for all the people that still use IE.
  18. The best site for tutorials has got to be the noobToPro wiki thing they have: Blender:Noob to Pro. There are also a couple good tutorials on Blender's main site: blender.org/tutorials-help I would recommend looking at the noobToPro thing before anything else, though.
  19. I'm pretty sure they've come up with a water or hydrogen powered engine, but if you think about it, it would kind of suck to have one. If everyone started getting them, they would start charging a lot of money for water. The more people want something, the more it's going to cost. Then a bunch of people in poor countries where water isn't as abundant won't be able to get any. That would just suck.What we need is an oxygen powered engine. They can't really charge for air, can they? I just hope they never find out how make you pay for air...
  20. That's pretty sweet! It sounds like they're trying to be like Java, though, with the cross-platform applications, except you get to use your web skills. I think I'm going to have to try that sometime, hopefully while it's still free.
  21. Wow... mine's $45.I thought it would be less, because most of my links go back to my site, instead of going out. I think the only out-going links I have are to co.nr and to mydatabus. I need to get rid of the mydatabus one, though.
  22. I don't think this works in IE, but I don't really care because I hate IE.It works perfectly for me. That's pretty cool.
  23. OF COURSE IT'S WORTH IT!Especially if you're a Nintendo or Zelda or Mario freak like me.
  24. That's pretty friggin' sweet. I would have never thought of that.
  25. I use the FF extension, fireFTP. It's pretty much the best thing I've found so far. Once you figure out the options in the first place (which should be really easy, I'm just really slow with that kind of thing), it's really useful.That's what I use for this...
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