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Everything posted by AnkitGoswami

  1. hey thanks guys! you really helped me out. now i can have an even better time using linux.
  2. Wow! Seems you have put a lot of effort into this site. I love the colour scheme and the navigation is great. Good work over all.
  3. yeah sabayon is great and it does save you a lot of time as it has many softwares preinstalled. The only thing I like about ubuntu over sabayon is that you can get help more easily for ubuntu than for sabayon.
  4. Well i changed some of the css, added a better background and a cool flash game i found somewhere. The site looks much better now. Try the game and tell me what score you got, my highest is 1900 something.
  5. I just got hosted at Xisto and decided to make a new site. I made a background and used a old template I had on my computer (so I didn't write all of the css).Check it out and IE users beware. (Why can't IE do something right?) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Hey just tried sabayon. I'm happy but for the fact that it screwed up my boot list. But it makes up for that by having lots of important applications preinstalled including beryl windows manager. If you want eye candy and don't want to get an headache trying to install beryl, Sabayon is the distro for you.
  7. If you want to try linux go for kubuntu (or ubuntu) or sabayon. Sabayon has beryl preinstalled so you can have all the eye candy you want plus the dvd edition comes with a lot (and i do mean a lot) of features like an option of installing with kde or gnome. Kubuntu is very user friendly and easy to use and customise. I would reccomend going for kubuntu first to get used to linux and then trying out sabayon.
  8. I just installed Sabayon linux and I think it's great, however, now I cannot boot with kubuntu or xp. When I was installing sabayon I think it asked for all the partitions which had an OS, I listed them all but now I can see those options in the boot menu but when I select some other OS, it says something like- file not found .Can anyone tell me how to fix the boot list?
  9. I've been using linux (kubuntu and just installed sabayon) for the past month and am very happy with it but for the fact that I can't use gtalk with it. Gtalk is my favorite chat client and I don't like chatting using a browser. Does anyone know of a way to get gtalk to work in linux?
  10. Schools in Kerala, India are adopting Linux for teaching computers instead of windows. This could be a great step forward for the open source community. If people grow up using linux who would want to buy windows? India is shaping up to be a key battleground in the global assault of Linux: and you'll love this:
  11. How can anyone hate Dragonball z/gt . I'm crazy about it. It has probably influenced the way I think. . Anyway I know this was an old thread but I just couldn't resist. Why Oh why did DB had to end? Why?
  12. anime is great!! I will be a DBZ fan forever and I also love Ghost in the shell and Transformers. Heck, when I watched transformers some 10 years ago I used to wake up at 6 in the morning to watch it before school and I used to watch DBZ at 2 am in the morning
  13. Well apart from the guys in dragonball z I love spiderman. It's because he is the only superhero you can actually relate to and he uses more of his normal human abilities to defeat the bad guys instead of just relying on his powers.
  14. Dragonball Z!! You can't emagine how big a fan I am of DBZ. Oh, I've wasted soo much money in importing DVDs and comics of DBZ. I think I stopped watching cartoons quite recently (2-3 years) but I still watch DBZ on my computer and have soo many DBZ stuff in my room.
  15. I agree with rvalkass, Kubuntu is a great linux distro. I can do almost anything I want in it and its installation was even easier than ubuntu's. Linux isn't bad compared to windows its just that you have to give it time to get used to it plus the gui beats windows anyday.
  16. Well I'm a new linux user (kubuntu 6.10) and after two weeks of pulling my hair, I can finally say that now I can use Linux for almost everything I did in XP. I managed to install real player, opera and vlc player which really made linux much more pleasant for me. However I've started hating google (no picasa, no gtalk) and find myself going back to xp for web development. The real reason for me to go the linux way was Vista. I tried it and found it didn't live up to expectations and then I saw Beryl + XGL on a friend's comp and I knew then and there that I was gonna install Linux on my pc.
  17. This is easy : WORMS Armaggadon. Awesome game!! I still play it in my hostel on LAN (well there are 5 other worm's fans in my hostel) . OH, I've wasted soooooo many hours playing this game and I'm still not through with it. It is so unpredictable, every week or so we invent a new move or tactic. Too bad they stopped making 2D worms, they 3D ones are crap.
  18. I dual boot with Kubuntu and XP. XP remains my primary OS however I intend to switch to Kubuntu as soon as I become comfortable with it ( it's my first OS other than windows ). The only problem with linux is finding good enough replacements of softwares you use in windows (like Dreamweaver). I tried Vista(business edition) on a friend's laptop and didn't like it at all, especially since my current desktop looks better than anything Vista could offer. Here's a pic of my desktop:
  19. "A lot of people I have talked to say firefox is way better than Internet Explorer, but then I found out that without Microsoft Internet Explorer on your computer you cannot run firefox since firefox uses microsoft internet explorer to run."Nah, that's not true, I use linux and firefox works great in it. Firefox has its own engine so it doesn't depend on IE in any way. However, I prefer Opera. Firefox needs much more work from the user's end to make it even comparable to opera. And Opera is FAST. I can go on and on about why opera is much better than FF but it woul be a very biased opinion as you see, I've been an opera user for the past 8 years.
  20. Well one way I can think of is to provide your images in swf format ( flash ) and add a link in the flash file to your site. Now even if people rip the flash, they still provide a link back to your site. However, there are some softwares which can decompile the flash files and give people full editing power over your content. This can be countered by using some clever programming. You can write the name of the link in hex and convert it back while running the action script. This way the person trying to change the link would, atleast, not be able to easily find the script. Another way is to trick the one who tries to steal your stuff. Show your content using flash, however perform a test to find out if the file is running on localhost, your own site or some other site. For your own site and on localhost let the script work the way it is supposed to but if it is running on some other site, just redirect the page to your own site. And better: use hex encoded links. This should be enough for anyone to leave your content alone.
  21. I meant tricking google's pagerank when publishing a site.
  22. test your browser for security holes: http://bcheck.scanit.be/bcheck/ This checks for the most commonly occurring security vulnerabilities in the major browsers.In total there are some 40 tests and may take a long time to finish. I have run this test on 4 browsers: 1)IE 7 : 0 vulnerabilities (but the browser goes crazy, opening several windows and applications) 2)IE 6 : 1 medium risk (the browser goes crazy like IE7) 3)Firefox 1 medium risk (i think some plugin might have caused this as some others have had different results) 4)Opera 9.2: 0 vulnerabilities Notice from jlhaslip: Posts, especially Opening Posts for a Topic should be longer than a single line. Anything else is considered spam and will be deleted. What form of security checking does this do? What does it stop from invading your machine? Does it assist or interfere with existing checks? Who would benefit from the check? Lots more information should be provided in Topic opening postings.
  23. Spam that gets sent to the spam folder doesn't bother me but when it arrives in the inbox it is very irritating. I started getting around 150 spam emails in my yahoo account so i switched to gmail where my inbox is spam free. I know gmail checks for automated and script generated spam 'cause when I run a script to send emails they get sent to the spam folder but i think yahoo does this also and well written scripts can slip emails into the inbox. Lately, I've been getting lots of spam emails asking for my bank account number on the pretext of transfering large sums of money into my account. I don't know why these ppl don't get tired of pestering normal internet users.
  24. I know that google uses a very advanced algorithm and it even checks if the text colour and background colour are the same, etc but will it catch this:if i put lots of meta related text (but not enough to get it blacklisted) and then at the end of the page include a php file which redirects the page to an unrelated (to the meta data) page?
  25. most wanted was awesome much better than ug2. it is the best pursuit nfs. It is soo fun to get your heat up and run from the cops who have some tricks of their own. though MW is a better pursuit game, Carbon owns it in all other aspects.
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