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Ridwan sameer

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Everything posted by Ridwan sameer

  1. I'll get mine in sooner or later. I will get started on it later. and why did you post this when the last SOTW isn't over yet?. well you ust be high :)J/Kwell anyway i have to get back to making a banner for my dad's busiess websiteCya around
  2. This is really cool especially the dust & Scrathes one the other one wont work for some photos that's why
  3. Name: Ridwan Sameer E-mail: ridsameer007@hotmail.com Time designing: approximately 8 months. I a a very fast learner Other sites: Admin at the GFX forward Forums. http://http://www.gfxforward.co.nr/ Examples: My *latest* work This is a template created for my dad\'s website. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Two more templates:- And another sig:- well i think i have shown everything your\'ll need. I havemuch more work but they are in PSD files and im lazy to open Photoshop CS3 Well i have shown sigs, templates and animation what more doyou want. It has always been my dream to be in the GFX crew. I really love GFX
  4. Hey medoraho.Welcome to Xisto. An online community of web designers, Graphic designer, Lazy people , and people looking to have a good time. Well your an egyptian eh... well i live in saudi arabia currently but i am a sri lankan i know many egyptians and i can speak a little bit of arabic. let's see ifyou can translate this ( If you are a true egyptian )kayfa ha'alak?hahWell if you have any problems PM me ( dont PM Tramposh :) LOL )if you want to PM me.1) look up my profile2) Find my personal Photoso ( usually located to the top left )3) Click the Send message button which is usually located to the bottom of my avatarWell aything else please PM mealso there are certain rules we have to follow the rules are located to the top of the shoutbox. There is a pink navigation near the top of it. Click the Shoutbo rules and Xisto readme. Hope to see more of you
  5. WOW.I didn;t believe i was this bad at that timewell anyway i am better now much betterI got PS CS3 Extended
  6. HMMMM.Good idea imtay but i think that wiki pages are picked by the CEO of wiki and therefore he hasto find this. But Xisto can submit this site and they will check it out but they hae to write a history and all.But anyway i ope xisto get's added for it's vast amount od products and resources.
  7. HEy true he does use fireworks. Have you seen his iceman sig? wellanyway my first post waswrong i agree with true fusion on the best one being the first, I didn't see the text in any of them and as both me and truefusion said the man and bear fade ixture isn't good. well anyway keep up the good work and hope you can become better. Regards
  8. hmmm.Doesn't the term "FREE cPanel Hosting,PHP, MySQL, Fantastico, No Ads" sound familiar LOLwell actually how can we get hosted by them> wherethe link to sign up oh i found it well anyway that link should be exposed it should be on the navigation menu whilst it is not. well anyway sound like trap but whee are the evil people there? no evil no cake :)well i'll stick with trapAnd BTW i love mazda cars too
  9. This is just waht i was looking for. But anyway when you say look for this and look for that. on which CSS ae those placed? are those in the main css? the IPB default one? please reply
  10. OMG.I bet these were done in fireworks, they are excellent for fireworks stuff. i say the 2nd one is the best from the all. Because the 1st one is consistance of the main part of the render at full visibility and that doesn;t do wonders for me. the 3rd one consists of two renders overlapping each other and both having their fair amounts of visibility causing an upsetin the total outcome. What i mean is it doesn't look nice putting one render on top of the other.Now the 2nd is great because the bear isn't a main part of the renderv ( Although it is consisted in the render. The man stals everything )But the bear is great .Grat stuff mattmgill hope to see more
  11. WOW SM.This is anither great wall paper. Gues your into wallpapers now and vectr brushes eh..Well anyway keepup the good work
  12. Although i am not an admin. I am a trusted member of the society ( I THINK ) Well now to answer your question. Yes, Ofcourse you can. there are many challenges that offer free credits on Xisto. Some are likejimmy recently finishes quiz and alexes website thatgives away free credits. But it better if you are hosted by Xisto first. Otherwise, Your credits are not being deducted and therefore you wil have enoguh credits to offer. It is mucappreciated if you get hosted by our web hosting services first. And better yet when you get hostedyour website can be for giving away Xisto credits. That will be really apppreciated by us people Remember get HOSTED FIRST
  13. Hey OPaQue how dare you say that? Something free is right under ur nose. Guess? Oh who cares Xisto webhosting is free for life and no extra charges ( in terms of money) Otherwise you have to drain all your power into your fingers and type so you can post and get Credits to kepp your hosting up MUAHAHAHAHA
  14. wow this is an amazing find. But not vr\ery useful causeit takes long and you can't open each page with tabs (IN IE7 )Because you have to open command promt and then type in the URL. Straightaway you can click the desktop icon and type :)but anyway it is amazing to find tis you are a good coder and code finder
  15. WOW.However did you find this out? and is it nescessary to remove the UMD and that infast the Memory stick?
  16. I see your problem. Xisto readme states that short postsare considered Spam. Like the post you have currently written. Your writing is very short and there fore it s considered as SPAM Please post more "HIGH QUALITY POSTS" It is nescessay to keep this forum alive and to continue growing.
  17. I onlylike the last two sig ( imean this when you added the new sigs ) Because the effects in these two sigs are good better than the others and they have renders :YAY: Oh and the 2nd one you added the render. That makes it better. Do yousee? before it was wthout a render and looked ugly and now it is cool The Text This is you biggest fail. Your text is too pale. There are no affects at all. Try doing this ( i'm not sute ifyoucan do this in the GIMP but in PS it works) 1. Click on your text layer 2. Hide the text layer 3. While the text layer is selected. Create a new layer 4. Apply the Image on this layer and Make a clipping mask for this layer 5. Now unhide the text layer 6. NOw next to the name of the text layer there should be a small image which has the letter "T" on it 7. HOLd "Ctrl" and click on this small image 8. It will select the outline of the text ( But the text wont be visible ) 9. Go to Edit--> Stroke. 10. Select it by 1PX 11. It is better to keep it small other wise it wont look nice What this does is Creates the color of the text as the backgroind so it blends really well. Thus it looks like the background is going into the text Hope this helps This is just a sall example of what things you can do with the GIMP or PS. The text is an important part of Sig making and without this t wont look very nice. It looks like you are getting to a good start considering you are a newb in sig making ( I THINK ) Well anyway there are many tutorials and do look at Truefusion Gradient- Brush sig tutorial ( Link was posted by Truefusion. And these are some goodsite GIMPtalk--------->It is the most biggest interface of GIMP tutorials you can find many GIMP sig tutorials. I would considering Upgrading to PS but with GIMPtalk you can make the GIMP just like PS Hope i have helped Phew that is a load of typing:LOL: Evil spirit is signing off :EVIL:
  18. Happy Birthday salamanker

  19. HMM although myVB currently cannot be installed ( due to HDD and server problems) This seems godBut not that effective good for newbies Whi just bought VB but for me it is too simple but wil try ti out
  20. Thank you Tm.I hopeyou join i am looking for even more people so everyone join please
  21. Hello all. Today is the Big opening of GFX forward( not actually today but i am releasing to full public today ) We are a new GFX site that with your help can become a vast community. We would like if all GFX lovers would join. Right now it is nothing but soon it will be Great. PLease join and show-off some of your sig or maybe write up a tutorial. I will be adding more forums shortly. So please Join THe GFX Forward ^^^CLICKME^^^ Please join and write what youthink about it or ways to improve it
  22. WOW excellent tut SM. I liike the end result but eh.... Wallpapers are ma thing buti think i should do it if i want to be accepted in the GFX crew right?
  23. I'm sorry but i don't like the outcome. Other than the Tile effect there's nothing special in that tutorial. I am really sorry but it just doesn't do for me. But if you showed me this 2 years back i would have loved it ( Great fir newbs with a lil Practice)Because thereare soethings needed that you must have some basic concepts of photoshop Known atleast
  24. Im sorry but this is just out of the question How can you say that now don't you think your hurting Us muslims feelings? Ok i believe that we are sesitive. That;s because we are too afraid t take any risks. Because the Amount of wars againt the muslims are uncountable and now we cannot trust anyone. Because we believe in the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S) and we don't like if some one portrays him I mean if we say something bad about jesus wont christians get affected? If we say something about Gauthama Buddha. Wont Buddhists get affected? I'm sorry but i just don't like that sentence you said even if you did not mean any disrespect Regards Ridwan sameer
  25. BUMPTo getin more entriesafteral saturday is almost upon us
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