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Ridwan sameer

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Everything posted by Ridwan sameer

  1. Oh no. Just another bump. This is like a desert next to america (LOL). ahh no ones here come on people vote it wont take long
  2. hm. i think you are new t sig aking?. Well i actuallydon't like either of it in a proper way. Well let me explain.The first version i don't like Because of the Sudden Glow. It really affests the sig. Try Blurrung ita lil. Oh even better addin a nicee lil shadow? Or darke it.v.2 i ldont like because ifyoulook closely. Where i said it was bright right? well look inside it is black. Hyh? Well this is because of a sudden Change of black. What i mean is See at first it is a solid white ok and then it just turns in to a greyish black. So what you sould do is smudge it maybe. Like. this is what i mean. Youcan make it form white to a darher white then another darker white and then to gerey greyish black. Got my drift?Wel other than these points it is good.My ratingof v.17/10My ratingof v.28.5/10. I dint know what does it that makes me like both of it
  3. GOOFY. YEAH!!!!!!!

    I am glad you recongnised. Doesn't Goofy and evil Go icely. ok it's time for me to


  4. Oh so your new. Well i have to tell you the best place is at reap. Get atleast 10 Unique posts and pop a request in the Request free sig or banner topic in this forums
  5. Oh you didn't add me any way i addedyou . So add me ok Cya

  6. BTW i didn't know you added me. Well i'll add you. We'l be come Mutual friend LOL

  7. Thanks for the Comment HC. IN reutern just wanna say hello so Hola Cool Gal'

  8. You Really should get a computer in your dorm. You know It doesn't cost that much $$. If you buy one wiht loew memory and don't jam packit with Lots f goodies
  9. Hey,Nice Find over here wenster. But basically i woudn't pay 100$for it. I mean people like us. But this is surely one of the greatest things i have seen. You know why? I'll tell you why. As you said US$100 That's pretty cheap for a laptor right. So, Thinking of the people in Nigeria, Algeris, IRaq, Iran and other countries in war and countries Where even the Pres. has Had a streak of poverty Just thinking of them. I would like to thanks Nicholas Negropantefor this amazing artifact. Just ine qauestion. Is this one of those kiddy aptops that tyeaches you nnumbers or sumthing? LOL or is it a real laptop Maybe with just some small Liabilities. Well anyway a real nice find here. Is t Already out? or when will it be out?.Thanks anywayMight Buy one myseld :)Thanks. Hope Nicholas has helped people on The stroke of povertyThanks alot. :)Cya
  10. OK topic is closed. I would appreciate if a mod would close it lol Here is the voting place if you want to vote PLease vote
  11. Well some to the evil group. your Hiness of evil. who's spirit may i kill for you? :XD: well just saying hi i am evil spirit fromt the evil society

  12. WTH WTH WTH WTH. What doyou mean by that. I knwo hotcick i i thn,k she would make a great leader. I knwo she wull. well you aree rught that mr lynn is a moron. All robert got is that he is cool. and has better speeching Cpabilities. Well if he is always late for club meetings i see no re4ason for im to be president. It's like being the leader of an ary and not showing up during a war. Don't you think that is a lil' stupid? and HC don't worry the evil society will take car of this. and i am sorry for that comment SM said i made to you that wasn't nice. I don't know what i said but it wasn't me. It was my stupud. Brother. If you saw i said good bye. and then i left my Xisto profile logged in my bro saw your vent and then he made a comment that i don't know of. BTW what did i saw? Sorry that my brother offended you Hc I think that you would make a reat president. Wait till i gie lynn a piece of my mind. Since i am an evil spirit ill kill his spirit and Sm will suck his blood. and the evil monkey will annoy him ( LOL ) OK sorry about the offending thing Cya later
  13. Well well wel, This is toguh really really tough. Well since im voting first ill follow the voting format Well there you go my vote goes to TF. i like the way the cool looking icy look is trhere on the background and the lighting of the sig is good. Don't let me bring you down SM and KuBi your'll can win
  14. Ok done,Size is now maximised. And abus i don't understand are u taking part or not? cause peeps have to vote tou can't just say i won.Ok, let's just say the battle continues and the challener is albusok vote people votye first to get to 7 wins
  15. Ok guys, Here i want to battle a non GFX member. these are the specifics for the sig Theme: - Any Render: - Yes Render theme: - Any comic book person ( evil or good) Min. Size: - 300*150 Max. Size: - 500*170 The first erson to pst will be the competitor. I want some one with talent to face but not in the GfX group OK please chalenge me. Here is my sig ( Entered This in an SOTW) Note:- Images hosted by ImageFilez if unable to see please PM
  16. Nice Imtay,I would have to say this is a 100% improvement from you. And it is 100% an improvement from your Ghost recon sig. I really ove the way the flames of the human torch blended in with the brushing and the render is cool. IF you make your ow renders. just try improving. Ifyou use 3Ds max like e or better i use many. You can make some pretty cool stuff. If youi did make this render by your self here's what i would do1. Just Makr a new layer for tyhe image. And name it highlight. then use the move feature and move the highlight just a nidge tot he left. (note:- It has to be a very small nudge.) and there you hve it perfectionOther than the render everyting is great superb. Except the border cause you used one simple plain color. Try making the forst border thrn another one with a new color and and another wiht the same one as the first boder made. and also lower the pixles each timeyou chage it ok. otherwise youll have a big fat border. I would prefer for the first border use. 8 PX then choose a differne t color and make it 6 PX. then choose the same color as the first border and make it 4 PXAnd there you have it at;ast perfection. Best work yet Imtay9.5/10That's just me let's see what the other maggots have to sayCya
  17. KuBi,This is the perfect idea giving the competers like me a chance to make their sigs perfect and voters enoguh time to vote. so there would be no sort votes. and also why not put no restriction on the amount of votes like you know some SOTW's say that the first person to get 7 votes wins right. Change that and make it that people can't do that. They'll have to wait till' the end of the month if it becomes SOTM.Well there are my suggestions for this topic well hope it heps i'll vote after posting my reply in this topic.C'ya
  18. Hey, My first SOTW , hope i win No border: - With Border: - This is truly my first SOTW. and i give this sig all thanks to truefusion because he thoguht me some thing newlike the text and other things. And he provided a full tut whic i ued at my disposal. So thank you true
  19. Hey true, Really mani love this tut so much. I can't telyouhow much i appreciate you doing this for me. I a entering this a SOTW ( you said this tut was based on that hulk sig right. I see you uploaded it to the same SOTW i am going to put it in. Well thank you for everything . The text effect was really great. Thanks alot truefusion. Iw ill post my results here. BTW i am putting in the SOTW #58 render challenge. ok I finished it. here goes nothing. Note:- images hosted by ImageFilez. If unable to see image please send PM No border: - With border: - One last thing I want to ask you. Can you provide us with a cropped version of the render you used? please? and tell me from which game show or whatever it is Thanks cta
  20. Hello,I too play the online MMORPG game known as runescape,You haven't exactly explained it fully mind if i do?here goes: - Runescape is a Massive Multiplayer online role playing game. It has several features and is the perfect alternativeffor WoW. The graphics may not be that good cause it is written under a special script made by a man name Andrew Grower. Althoguh andrew had nothing to run it on he had to run it on java. made a deal wiht Sun Microsytems. But overall thw game is great. Other features explained abovr and possibly below ( who knows)
  21. hey imtay,Nice sig. i was just wondering if you did yhis onGIMP and picked up a few things from truefusion. cause i think you got the text effect by him. He recentlyposted the text tut by my request. So any wayy about that CC loltext: - 6.5/10The text is a lil' hard to see but the placing is good. I thinkyou set the opacity levels a lil'bit low. try tuning it up a more 5 extra if it still doesn't work increase it by 5 moreBrushing: - 9.5/10 Let me just tell you i think that is the greatest brushing i have seen fromyou yet really. I didn't give you ten because of some X's i see over there. Try duplicating the layer and covering that up a lil' Keep some X's but not all.Render:- 8.5/10. Sorry but the render didn't blend that well for me . JUst try chaniging the coloursor somethingOverall: - So, you think your ready for the big cheese part of your sig? well let's just see your total is.............9/10 Well, that's just me actually i will wait to see what other members think. I didn't actually divide all the thingsi gave you like renders, brushing etc...I just did it by my mind. But really great sig
  22. Hey true,My ple buddy and pal' .This was made by my request. He said he neede some time so i thought he just needed the pictures. I did;t know he would make it this cool .Oh yeah true one morething In this same topic can you please give us a tut on how to apply the text affect you have used in your sig?Thanks any way your the best in GIMP
  23. hey truefusion,I couldn't get the gradient to appear. reallyi made a new layer and named it grad1 i added the gradient but it neve worked. can u find the prob?
  24. Hey,Thanks for sharing this with us. JUst a few questions[1] Are you sure there is such a thing or it s just a smal online based application?[2] Is it released?[3] Will it be good? i mean are they planning on updating it each time a newer version of photoshop arrives?[4] Could i have a lunk to the softwareso i can try it out? ( i mean the website)Thanks anyway samiFX
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