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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. Thought that NovaTerra beat me, but then I saw that his/her school system has 93 as A. Here are mine:


    AP Computer Science (Java): 99.52 102.29 - A

    Spanish 2: 97 - A

    English: 94 - A

    History: 96.67 - A

    Driver Education: 96 - A (Schedule for that period is by quarter: PE, Health, Driver Ed, PE)

    Chemistry: 99.51 100.2 - A

    Algebra 2/Trigonometry: 100.9 - A


    GPA = (4.5 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4) / 7 = 4.07


    Everything on there that can be is honors, don't remember exactly which are.


    Edit: APCS was curved and Chemistry didn't take into account a test which was done on the last day of the quarter

  2. What I would do is to create a new table in the database that stores the names of the groups and a list of members. For example (assuming mySQL for data types):

    ______________________________________________________| group_name VARCHAR(#) | members BLOB			   ||-----------------------|----------------------------|| cool group			| personA, personB, personC  ||-----------------------|----------------------------|| not as cool =(		| personR, personD, personQ, ||					   | personF, personJ		   ||-----------------------|----------------------------|| etc.				  | etc.					   |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ
    Then when you need to access the members of the group, you could get the blob and explode it at ", "
    You could also have a cell in the members table that keeps track of which groups each member is part in the same fashion.

  3. http://www.plasmapong.com/


    Plasma Pong is basically a cross between Pong and a fluid dynamics demo. It's similar to Pong in that a ball flies around the screen and you have to hit it with your paddle onto your opponent's side, but you have two special abilities:

    You can shoot plasma onto the field, which flows around and changes the path of the ball

    You can create a black-holeish kind of field around your paddle which will suck in the ball

    As you progress through the game, your plasma and the suction become stronger, but the AI's do, too. There's also a tech demo which you can get to by pressing F1. When you start up the game, it gives you a list of buttons and what they do for the demo and game, but there are a few that they don't tell you about:

    (game) L - automatic level up

    (game) T - show intended path of ball

    (demo) Hold MMB (middle mouse button), hold RMB, drag, release MMB, release RMB - create jet with infinite ink

    (demo) Hold MMB (middle mouse button), hold LMB, drag, release MMB, release LMB - create jet with infinite particles (note: this is the only way I've gotten visible particles in the demo)

    You can also use the LMB and RMB together to create a jet with particles and ink. Finally, there's a params.txt file that you can use to change different things, like the initial strength of the jet and suction, the resolution, and some physicsy stuff (I recommend having a backup or writing down the numbers that you change so you don't have to redownload the game to get them back).

  4. If you need some help with graphics, I made a tutorial on the basic graphic functions of Java: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shol=java+graphics


    If you pester me enough, I might make one about double buffering. Double buffering is basically a way to make animation so that it isn't really blinky. If you try to repaint the entire screen without it, then the screen will flash and it won't look good.


    Java's not always the best for online games, though. A lot of people use Flash. It just depends on how you use it, though. I made a copy (sort of) of Mario for a project for my Java class, and it turned out pretty well: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. It probably won't work because of a special Class that I used, but you can still look at the code. I have a fixed version somewhere but I'm not exactly sure where it is.


    Edit: added last paragraph

  5. You didn't learn y -> ie in elementary school? This is why I'm annoyed that they don't teach anything but literature any more. People need to know the basic rules of grammar much more than they need to know that Robinson Crusoe loved raisins.I didn't even know what a mood was until this year when I heard about it in Spanish class.

  6. After reading all of this topic, I have thought of many arguments against this. Here I will compile and expand on them:

    It would be way too distracting in multiple ways. Typing is usually louder than writing, which would distract the teacher. The students would also be tempted to surf the web (something that can easily be done without a mouse) or use chat programs. My friend goes to a private school for which each student is required to use a laptop, and I frequently see her on chat programs during the day.

    Not everyone is computer literate. Everyone should be, but unfortunately that's just not the case. People would spend too much time trying to get things to work. Students would also spend too much time formatting their writing. I've seen people spend upwards of 5 minutes formatting rough notes.

    The network would be too bogged down. I don't know of a school whose network would be able to stand more than 1600 connections at once. Mine takes around 5 minutes to log in to, and we usually don't have enough computers for everyone who needs one during lunch or breaks, much less for the entire school.

    The cost would be enormous, even if they were bottom-of-the-line laptops. Laptop technology is not cheap. After a short search, the lowest priced laptop I could find cost $500. Assuming I didn't search well, let's say $350. There are 1700 students in my school. 350 * 1700 = $595000. That is a lot of money. If four other schools in my county have that many students, that would cost almost 3 million dollars. That's not even all the schools in one county. Even those new laptops that are powered by hand cranks and cost $100 each would cost $850000 for those five schools.

    It would be much easier to cheat. The other day in English, we had about one hour to write a persuasive essay based on a book we had just read. We could only use the answers to a few basic questions about plot that we had discussed in class. We didn't have access to the book. If we had been using laptops, we could have found the full text of the book online or even downloaded a complete essay. I could have asked any forums if anyone had written any essays about the same topic or know of any not-well-known essay websites.

    Even though computers are a big part of our lives, everyone needs to be able to function without them. I don't have much to say about this, it's just common sense. You can't let a little box take over your life. Also see the next point.

    What if there's a power/network/hard drive failure? You could miss deadlines, lose data you're working on, not be able to turn in things or access needed information, or even lose everything you've worked on. There's too big a risk associated with electricy-driven, not to mention man-made, technology.

    All this funding is put towards raising test scores, while it could be done to buy a laptop for every student.

    What's more important? Being able to think or being able to make a computer think for you? That's one of the biggest things and possibly the most important. No matter how good you are with a computer, you won't be successful unless you have the capacity to use it. You won't have this capacity if you spend all your time at a computer, because you need to do other things in order to stretch your mind. That's what school is all about. They're not just force-feeding us mindless information, they're making us stretch our minds. Think of how much of this stuff you'll remember, even how much you remember from last year. You're not learning information that a computer could teach you, you're learning how to learn.

  7. I'm using Win XP for now, but one of these days somebody is going to come up with a Linux version that will run all the Windows games and programs, then I'm switching to Linux. :)

    Whether or not a program works on an operating system depends on the system on which it was compiled. All you would need to do to get a Windows-dependent program to run on Linux is to get the source (easier said than done, since so few Windows-only things are open source) and then compile it on a Linux machine.

    If you don't want your Mac running Windows to get hacked, don't run Windows, use OSX, it's as simple as that.

    I think you may have misunderstood the definition for "hackers" being used. It's not that they hacked a Mac that was running Windows, it's that they changed the Windows code so that it could be run on a Mac.

  8. Hex is just short for hexadecimal which means base 16. There are more phobias at phobialist.com. And the weird names do come from roots in other languages (sometimes Latin and Greek), much like in scientific nomenclature. I'll post a few here and break them down:


    Acousticophobia- Fear of noise

    Acoustico = Acoustic = sound or noise

    Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances.

    Aero = air

    Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.

    Agora = public square or market in ancient Greek cities

    Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.

    Spiders are arachnids

    Hydrophobia- Fear of water or of rabies.

    Hydrophobophobia- Fear of rabies.

    Hydro is a prefix meaning water, which explains the first. Rabies also causes hydrophobia, so hydrophobophobia is basically the fear of fear of water.


    The rest make sense, too, even the weird ones, if you find out enough about the roots.

  9. (A splash screen is an image that pops up before you run a program, sometimes it tells you what portion of the program is being loaded. One example that immediately comes to mind is Ad-Aware, which you should probably get if you don't have it.)Is there anything that could do this in Java? I thought about having just a JFrame with the top bar and edges hidden, but I found nothing in the API that suggests that that's possible.

  10. Sucks when you're just as good as someone but they get a higher place anyway. At that tournament I mentioned, my team's captain really wasn't that good (most of the team was as good or better) but he became the captain anyway because he'd been to more tournaments than anyone else.We're just waiting until there's a tournament where they keep track of personal standings so that we can prove we're better.

  11. I was at my first tournament today, at Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C. I come from TJHSST, so we had a lot of teams. I ended up on the fourth ("D" team) whereas some schools only had one team each. We ended up one win and four losses and didn't get past the preliminary games. It's kind of annoying, because they tend to put really good teams against the bad ones in the preliminaries to weed out the bad ones before the actual pyramid-style tournament begins. It was really fun, though, we only got crushed really badly twice, won one, almost won another, and the last wasn't completely a shut out. One game, though, we lost 320 to 50. 40 of those points were on questions that only we were allowed to answer >_<


    For those who are wondering, it's not exactly like the T.V. version. The questions are usually easier on the T.V. version, and we use slightly different formats at each tournament. But if any of you did know, do you do It's Ac? Have you possibly gone up against TJ A (our best team)? They're pretty good.

  12. The difference between an interpreted language (like Python or BASIC) and a compiled language (like C or Java [...sort of]) is that whereas compiled programs must be completed and turned into a separate, runnable file before they are run, interpreted languages are looked at by the program that runs them line by line, and each line is executed as it is come to. (I say that Java is "sort of" a compiled language because it is compiled into byte code, which is then interpreted, as opposed to machine code like C, C++, and [i think] assembly). However, the makers of Lua (an interpreted language similar to Python) have made something that can execute Java code one line at a time (if you've used Python or Lua or another language like those, it's the same format).


    You can find out more about it at the LuaJava page. You can download it from there (you also need Lua 5.0, it won't work with 5.1 for some reason) or I have a zip of what you need at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (run luajava.bat, if you really don't trust me just open it in Notepad). You also need Java installed.


    The code isn't exactly the same as Java, it's a little more relaxed and uses some syntax from other languages. For example, to make a JFrame (-- is a comment, var: is the same as var.):

    frame = luajava.newInstance("javax.swing.JFrame","title")frame:setSize(300,300)frame:setLocation(0,0)panel = luajava.newInstance("javax.swing.JPanel")frame:setContentPane(panel)frame:setDefaultCloseOperation(3) --3 is the same as JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, I just use 3 because it's shorterframe:setVisible(true)
    All the other commands you need to know (there are only a few) are at the LuaJava reference
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