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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. I skimmed the posts here and didn't see anything about this: Islam (pretty sure) and Anabaptism (Amish people, etc.) actually address this. These religions state that you're not actually a member unless you've chosen to be. For example, in Amish communities, once a child turns 18 he or she can go out into the rest of civilization for a period of time (I think a week) and see how he or she likes it. Then a choice is made, whether to stay with the family or to leave the community. The downside of leaving is that the family never speaks to the child again =/

  2. I need to be able to have my program listen for a key while another is being pressed but right now it only works if they're pressed simultaneously. I've tried to have one KeyListener doing both and one for each, but they seem to work the same way. Is it possible to have it listen for one key while another is pressed?


    EDIT: It appears to have fixed itself

  3. This has probably been said but six pages is a lot to read:As much as it would suck to pay to use anything on the internet, Google truly is a valuable resource. You can find almost anything, and usually much more than with other search engines. Even I barely believe the stuff I've found (like long-lost websites made by friends). Then there's GMail, Images, Desktop, Earth, Maps, personalized homepage, Video, search history, and a whole lot of other things. I don't like to pay for things on the internet but $5/month isn't much for a set of things that I use a huge number of times per day.

  4. The point of exclusive dating during high school is basically to get ready for later in life. When you're older you'll probably want to go out with someone and if you did any dating during high school you'll have a little experience. It's not necessary; some would argue that it can be bad. I think that it doesn't really matter if it doesn't become detrimental and it can be pretty fun depending on how well you get along with whomever you're dating.

  5. Lists of "facts" are one of the worst things ever to sprout from the internet. No list will ever apply to everyone, much less the simple majority of people. People are different. I could make up a list of 99 things about girls and tout them as facts and some people would believe me but anybody who has any sense would realize that as a whole they mean nothing. I read the first 10 or so of those facts before I couldn't take it any more. 5 don't apply to most people I know, another 2 to nobody I know.

  6. Become Mormon.Seriously, though, I have little doubt that what you're talking about is actually infatuation. How much time have you spent with either? How much time alone, conversing? Pick the one which you think probably likes you more, ask her out, see how it works. If it don't, you can go to the other. Unless you're like 40 years old it doesn't really matter.

  7. A perfect number is a number with the property that all of its divisors (including 1 but excluding itself) add up to that number. Alternatively, if you want to include the number as a divisor, then all of its divisors add up to twice itself.


    Some examples include:

    6 (1+2+3)

    28 (1+2+4+7+14)

    496 (1+2+4+8+16+31+62+124+248)

    8128 (1+2+4+8+16+32+64+127+254+508+1016+2032+4064)

    It used to be thought that the fifth perfect number would have five digits since the others had 1, 2, 3, 4, but it turns out that the fifth is 33550336 which has eight digits. It was also thought that the endings would alternate between 8 and 6, but the sixth perfect number is 8589869056. There most likely aren't any odd perfect numbers, but if there are, they are extremely large (> 10^500).


    Wikipedia has more, including the conditions which an odd perfect number must satisfy and the proof that all perfect numbers are also Ore's harmonic numbers.

  8. What I would be using this for immediately is just a game, so it would be fine if each client sent to everyone and then received from everyone. I tried to make a chat but there were too many Threads and it got confusing. I thought about having a separate server program but realized that I don't really have a reliable server that could do that. For now, unless I have a stroke of genius, my game will remain two-player only, but I'll check out java.nio.

  9. In Java, it's pretty easy to set up a connection between two people, but I've been thinking about how best to connect more than two. If you only have a small number of people, and you know about what that number will be beforehand, you could have a direct connection from every person to every other person. However, if you have a lot of people or you don't know how many there will be, it's kind of difficult. Here are some things I've thought of, comments/suggestions/ideas would be appreciated:

    Have each person store a list of connections and iterate over the list when you need to send/receive data.

    Pros: Easier to implement

    Cons: Might eat up bandwidth if the clients don't have much

    Have each person only have a connection to the server which stores connections to everyone. When the server receives data from one connection, send it to all the others.

    Pros: If the server has a lot of bandwidth, it wouldn't put strain on the clients

    Cons: Harder to implement, lots of threads needed if connections don't send data in any order

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