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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/saDA483414B7F0000/

    You may know of Charon, Pluto's largest moon. The Hubble Space Telescope has helped us to discover two more moons of Pluto. Ground-based observers have been trying for over ten years to find anything else out there by Pluto. They're relatively small- estimated 29 and 38 miles in diameter. The New Horizons mission (launched about a month ago) should go past Pluto in 2015 when it will check out these observations.

  2. http://www.hiptechblog.com/2006/02/20/its-f-windows-vista


    You only have eight to choose from: Windows Starter 2007, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Basic N, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Business N, Windows Vista Enterprise, and Windows Vista Ultimate.


    I pity those who end up with Windows Starter 2007:

    This edition does not include the Aero graphical user interface, hence it?s not Vista-branded. And there?s no 64-bit edition, no networking, no Fast User Switching, no DVD Authoring, no gaming common controller support, and no image editing with enhanced touchup, and only three applications/windows are allowed to run simultaneously. Good only for really basic users with low budgets.

    Actually that bolded part kind of sounds like windows now.

  3. Is there any real reason for the letters you chose? They seem pretty random. Anyway, I've never had trouble memorizing things. I have a really good memory (especially for trivial things) and I memorized about 60 digits of pi in 6th grade. I also tend not to forget things very quickly (some last a few years), so I still know all those. Also helps with things like Jeopardy >_>

  4. Makes sense, but unless I'm missing something here it can't be the answer. Here's the function:

    void setval(treenode a, int b){	a->val = b;}
    Not too complicated. treenode is defined earlier:
    typedef struct atreenode *treenode;struct atreenode {	int val;	treenode left, right;}
    It's the same as another function I had for listnodes/linkedlists, the only difference is two children as opposed to one.

  5. What does it mean when I get the error

    two or more data types in declaration of (function name)

    It's almost the exact same as a function I have in another program that compiles and works fine.


    Also, can someone explain malloc or give me a tutorial? Like where and how you use it, and if there are any restrictions to where you can use it.


    Notice from KuBi:
    Shortened topic title to fix page distortion on the home page.

    Edit: Made new title make sense >_>

  6. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/california-drive-by-shootings-seven-dead-after-gunman-goes-on-rampage-in-santa-barbara-9430598.html


    The full article isn't available any more, but this is what I remember from when I read it a couple days ago:

    Scientists recently found a new place in remote New Guinea that is practically unreachable except by air. There they found hundreds of new species of mammals, birds, plants, and other things. Among the birds found were two species previously thought to be almost extinct and new varieties of "birds of paradise." Mammals found included new kinds of tree kangaroos and the extremely rare echidna. For the most part, the animals ignored the scientists and were not afraid, indicating little to no previous exposure to humans. The only nearby people are an indigenous tribe who would not have been able to get to the site easily.


    Notice from KuBi:
    Reduced title length to get rid of page distortion

  7. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (you must have a membership at that website to read it now since it's older than 10 days or something, but there's a little on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Nye, 4th paragraph of Biography)


    Bill Nye, a hero to our generation (in this case probably 15-25?), was married to his fiance, Blair Tindall, last friday. The wedding march was performed by Yo-Yo Ma and an MIT Media Lab professor.


    Edits: Title: Go -> Got / article dead

  8. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The answer? Neither, according to a recent experiment at the University of Minnesota. The experiment answers an old debate between Isaac Newton and Christiaan Huygens. Newton said that the more viscous a liquid is, the slower an object's speed through it. Huygens said that viscosity doesn't matter. The explanation for this by those who did the experiment is that although there is more friction and drag through the syrup, you are able to apply more force to pull yourself through it than the water.

  9. #include <stdio.h>main(){	  printf("Enter a number: ");	  	  int n;	  scanf("%d", &n);	  	  if(n == 2)		   printf("%d is prime", n);	  else if(n % 2 == 0 || n < 2)		   printf("%d is not prime", n);	  else	  {		   int x;		   for(x = 0; x < (int)sqrt((double)n); x++)				if(n % x == 0)				{					 printf("%d is not prime", n);					 return;				}		   printf("%d is prime", n);	  }}

    If n is 2, less than 2, or a multiple of 2, then the program runs fine. Otherwise, I get told that it encountered a problem. I'm kind of new to C, so I'm not exactly sure what's wrong. My background is in Java =/

    Can anybody see anything that may be causing the problem?

  10. http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=536

    U.S. Representative Marty Meehan (D, Massachusetts) has had his staff edit his Wikipedia page to eliminate negative information and strech truthful, positive things. Apparently the IP range 153.33.xxx.xxx has been blocked in the past for vandalism and violation of Wiki policies. This range is reserved for the U.S. House and Senate. Now it is getting permanently banned from editing articles as a result of continued violation.

  11. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    It is/will be a version of Ubuntu, and it is currently being referred to as "Goobuntu." Google has confirmed that they're doing this, but not why or what it will be used for. There has been speculation- some people say it'll just be for the Google employees, others think that it's to compete with Windows. Personally, I hope that it's to compete with Windows.

  12. http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=590

    You may have heard on the news or internet recently that Google and the Chinese government set up an agreement for Google to filter searches coming from China. Apparently, for a little while, Google "forgot" to filter searches with capital letters, letting Chinese people see things that the government didn't want them to see.

    An interesting thing, try going to Google China Images now and searching for "Tiananmen" (the string in the picture). Notice how happy every result looks?
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