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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. I couldn't find anything about AMPHP, but AMFPHP appears to be a "flash remoting gateway." Looks like just something to communicate with a server using flash. PHP is put in text files, so that appears to be the only difference. I am by no means an expert, though. There's probably someone here who has used it.

  2. http://www.newsday.com/long-island

    A teacher was fired from her job at a Catholic school for becoming pregnant out of wedlock. The school bans premarital sex because it's one of the values of Catholicism, so they fired the teacher for being a bad role model. She says that it's discrimination against women because it's much harder to prove if a male teacher had premarital sex, so she's suing.

    A poll on the site shows that about 51% think she shouldn't have been fired, 45% say it was the right thing, and 4% aren't sure. Personally I'm with the 51%, but I've never liked a lot of the Catholic teachings.

  3. It's different for each person, but there are some things that are pretty much universal:-Her pupils dilate when you're with her. When people get sexually excited (!! almost always subconciously - unless you're in bed with her it doesn't mean she wants sex =P ) their pupils dilate, in order to make themselves look more attractive.-Her lips get bigger when you're with her. Same as above.-She tries to get close to you physically. Like leaning in when you're talking, or walking close to you.-She tries to do things with you. For example, tries to make plans with you or goes to a party where you're the only person she knows.-She makes eye contact a lot. It can mean she's interested.-Laughs at all your jokes.But be careful, not all of these are sure signs. Here are some things that might cancel out the above:-It's dark-She's well hydrated-She's cold-She likes you as a friend (ouch) or wants to meet new people-She's interested in what you're talking about, not you specifically-You're funnyOther than that, you should just watch her body language. Read up on what certain signs mean so you can see what she's subconciously telling you. You could also try noticing things such as inflection and body language in other people and figuring out what it means, then apply it to her. Good luck, I hope it turns out well for you!

  4. Whenever you get a "headers already sent" error, it means that you're trying to change the headers after they have been set in stone. The headers are set as soon as anything is outputted to the browser. This can be text, an HTML tag, or even just a linebreak. Try to find at the beginning of that page if there is an "echo" or a "print" statement or anything before the initial <? tag.

  5. Anybody else hear the song in their mind when they saw this question? >_>


    You really can't define love. You have to feel it for yourself. But I do agree that people who have gone out for 6 days and say that they're in love are really annoying.


    I believe there was a scientific study, though, about love. If I recall correctly it concluded something like love stimulates a certain portion of the brain that other things (things like friendship, infatuation, up to sex) don't. It also said that love is something that most people actually need on a subconcious level. Unfortunately, I don't have a link- I saw it on the news a month or so ago.

  6. Usually for input where not everything is acceptable, you use a while(true) loop, then if what the user enters is acceptable, you break, otherwise go back to the beginning. Since you have two things, use two while(true)s. Something like this:

    String firstWord, secondWord;while(true){     firstWord = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("First word");     if(firstWord.length() == 0 || firstWord.length() > 37)     {          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Must be between 1 and 37 characters");          continue;     }     break;}while(true){     secondWord = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Second word");     if(secondWord.length() == 0 || secondWord.length() > 37 || firstWord.length() + secondWord.length() > 38)     {          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Must be between 1 and 37 characters and total length must be less than or equal to 38 characters");          continue;     }     break;}System.out.print(firstWord);for(int x = 0; x < 40 - (firstWord.length() + secondWord.length()); x++)     System.out.print(".");System.out.println(secondWord);

  7. http://shakespearelang.sourceforge.net/report/shakespeare/

    This is a weird language whose syntax is kind of like a play. It may not seem like it can do anything, but it's actually more powerful that it looks. The programs are much longer than those in any other language, but SPL is more fun. Unfortunately, there's no compiler-it has to be translated to C, then compiled from there. There are some example programs at the bottom.

  8. https://www.sciencedaily.com/

    Yep, anti-gravity. Apparently it

    alters the curvature of space-time outside the craft in a way that counteracts gravity

    The patent office has broken its rule to not grant patents for things that defy the laws of physics. The reason they say anti-gravity can't work is because it requires an unlimited amount of energy. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens...

  9. Sorry but you're wrong. Look at this sentence that you claim is correct:

    So if the Kangaroo is hungry, they are going to hop over and find something to eat.

    The verb "is" is singular. "They" is a plural pronoun. "Is" doesn't agree with "they," so the sentence should be worded as follows:

    So if the Kangaroo is hungry, he or she is going to hop over and find something to eat.

  10. I just got Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow for DS and I am impressed. If you've played Aria of Sorrow, it is very similar, but they improved a lot. First of all, I know it shouldn't matter much but it really does, it is beautiful graphically. Everything is really detailed and smooth, and there are some neat special effects. There are a lot of enemies and some really creative powers. Many of the enemies are reminiscent of other Castlevania games, too. There are also lots of weapons. One of my favorite additions is that you can fuse weapons with souls to create more powerful weapons.


    I think I should mention the great music that fits with each different place, too, and the depth of the character interaction. They tell you what they think of each other and you get to see everything unfold. The only thing I've found to be a problem is that sometimes it takes a long time to get a certain soul from an enemy, but that's pretty small and is dwarfed by the good qualities (and there are a lot!) of this game.


    Everyone who has a DS and enjoys Castlevania, unique blends of genres (RPG/adventureish/platformer with slight puzzle elements), or just good games in general should pick this up. I'm barely a third of the way through and it's been well worth the money already.

  11. http://phys.org/news/2005-11-ma.html


    A chip inserted into a patient's brain can allow him or her to control a robotic arm just by thinking. This has enormous implications, seeing as the first test patient is a paralytic, but he has been able to draw and use a computer with this arm. It works by reading the activity of neurons then sending the data to a computer. Some scientists believe that this will lead to an era where all we will have to do is think to accomplish most tasks-including communication. I for one think that this will just make the obesity problem in the U.S. worse, unless they make it so we can just think to excercise.


    (Sorry if it seems copied, it's my own summary. It just sounds really formal because I've been writing a formal scientific essay for school and I'm still in that mindset.)

  12. I've been saying that for a long time. If you want to get into programming, PHP is a pretty good start because it has dynamic typing, it's simple to read and write, and you can do a lot of things with it.Python is also pretty good for starters, but some of the syntax is a bit confusing if you've never programmed before, and it's less like other widely used languages than PHP is.

  13. I think that the word love is thrown around too much these days. It used to mean something, but now anyone who's been going out for a week is "in love," but then the next day they hate each other.Also I don't believe in unrequited love. True love has to be mutual, or else it's just infatuation. If you "love" someone but they don't "love" you back it can't be actual love.

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