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Everything posted by beeseven

  1. That would just return the server's time, which isn't necessarily the desired time.
  2. Is somebody doing something which requires a lot of connections or is there just an error somewhere?
  3. I'm making a forum and I'm currently coding signatures. Is there a function that I can use to make sure that what the user inputs is a certain number of lines?
  4. One thing you can do (that I did, and it worked) is to change the offset (actually I think it's the only thing you can do). Figure out what time the server is at with just a simple date showing the hour/minute. Something like: date("H:i")Then, find your time (just look at a clock). Where I am, the difference is 3 hours. Then convert the difference to seconds (hours*3600). To make it change the time in the date function, add this optional parameter:date("H:i",time()+thedifference)ORdate("H:i",time()-thedifference) //In the case that you're behind the server, I don't know what timezone you're inYou can do a test or two with the other date things to make sure it's right.
  5. I get through the school things all the time, it's really simple. Just go to https://www.megaproxy.com/ and select "TRY IT FREE," then put in the address and you can surf through there.
  6. I'm waiting for someone to make one that says "UNIX." It's the only one I'd actually get.
  7. It kind of looks like you're bragging that you know CSS. You generally don't want to use effects like italics or bold for hover links because it can mess up line length and related things. Also, IMO, active link changes are pointless, and nobody uses strikethrough anymore. The visited link top and left border thing looks really weird, too. The images also get a little blurred in the cell backgrounds, and the thin, black text on gray background is hard to see.
  8. If you don't want to physically select an IP then put it into your browser, you can go to http://anonymouse.org/ or https://www.megaproxy.com/ (Select "TRY IT FREE") and surf through their windows. Also, for FireFox, to select an IP you go: Tools --> Options... --> General --> Connection Settings --> Select "Manual Proxy Configuration" --> Select "HTTP Proxy" --> Put in the IP and Port (I believe the port is usually 8080) --> OK --> OK
  9. Instead of right clicking and deleting then emptying the recycle bin, you can skip the middleman and completely delete it with Shift+Delete, if you have something in the recycle bin that you may want to restore someday.
  10. A few things: One, you might want to change "* are COMPULSORY" (mail section) to something more people would understand (mandatory, required, etc.). Two, you appear to have passwords for things in the source. Last: Address: http://forums.xisto.com Encoding: utf-8 Doctype: HTML 4.01 Transitional Errors: 60 http://forums.xisto.com
  11. Picasso didn't paint the Mona Lisa, it was Da Vinci.
  12. TV commercials don't go into your brain and modify the paths of neurons, though. I wasn't saying that the ads would have adverse affects, just the technology of changing brain function.
  13. Nice tutorial. I don't have PS, but in GIMPshop I could find where everything was. I even made this (attached in case the image suddenly stops appearing like it usually does on these forums): I think it's pretty good for my first thing.
  14. If the column is set as a number (INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, etc.), then I think you can just do this: mysql_query("UPDATE `tablename` SET `colname`=`colname`-1");
  15. Overflow:auto + width and height worked, but I had to make the height absolute. Is it possible to use a percentage with height?
  16. That doesn't sound good. I don't really trust a big corporation to fire ultrasound at my brain and do only what they say they will. It's ludicrous to think they won't put some form of marketing or that this will have no adverse affects on brain activity at all.
  17. Do you have links to some of these things?If any are true, I'm switching my family to Linux no matter how computer illiterate they are.
  18. How do I set a maximum table height? I tried height and max-height but neither worked. I need to have it a certain height because more than that height it adds a vertical scrollbar, which adds a horizontal scrollbar because I have an image that's pushing it. beeseven.trap17.com I want the table that the updates are in to be a certain height with a scrollbar there instead of making it above the page length and adding a main scrollbar.
  19. I beat Tetris once >_>Well, sort of. Tetris Plus for GB has a puzzle mode I beat. It's 100 levels long and you have to get rid of enough blocks to let a 2x2 guy fall to the bottom. I wish I hadn't reset that >_< some of the levels (esp. every 18-20 -- it was in 5 sets) were really hard.
  20. Try Unfreez. Free, unlimited gifs, no watermarks. You can't do much with it besides animate, but you can set the number of miliseconds per frame. If you need variation, you can put the same frame multiple times in a row to extend the period.
  21. Number format is good, I just used number_format($n,0,'','') the separator '', which achieved the desired affect.
  22. Tools --> Internet Options --> Advanced --> Multimedia --> Play Animations in Web Pages.Also, animated gifs are annoying.
  23. He said he wanted to highlight the contents of a textarea, not highlight a link. Here's some code that'll do it: <form method="post" name="highlight"><textarea name="textarea" cols="#" rows="#" onClick="textarea.select();">your content goes here</textarea></form>
  24. Usually when you output a large number (>14 digits), it takes it and turns it into an exponential expression (eg: 1.6E+15). Is there a way to change it so that it doesn't turn it into that and just keeps outputting all the digits?
  25. If you can't figure anything out, maybe you could use JS to select a random number and then name the div/whatever you use that. There's a chance it'd be the same, but if you use a really big upper limit, you could decrease it a lot.
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