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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. My school pwns. We're pretty famous, the best public high school in the U.S. You might've heard of The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Governor's School of Northern Virginia.


    Bragging aside, though, I love it. All the people are nice, and a lot of the really nerdy kids are considered cool. We have a lot of freedom, because apparently smart kids are also responsible (cough).


    There are also a lot of programming courses, and we have a UNIX lab and a supercomputer (we won one, then it broke, then we begged CRAY for a new one until they broke down). We don't get as much homework as everyone says we do, either.

  2. A job in straight programming isn't usually the best idea. Programmers are a dime a dozen. Some might know how to do a specific task better than others, but usually programmers are expendable. Not doing your job well? Your company could probably go get a kid of the street who'd do it just as well or better for less money.But that being said, programming is an important tool. For most jobs now a days, some knowledge of computers and programming is a must, but it should be seen more as a way to do parts of your job, not your job itself.It's just that given enough time, pretty much anyone could be taught to program, and most programs could only be made in a couple ways.

  3. How can I get stuff to automatically happen with XP Pro? I tried putting stuff in AUTOEXEC.BAT, but it didn't happen. Is there some environment variable that I can edit or something I have to change to get AUTOEXEC to work, or is there another file that would have the same effect? Also, is there something like that for shutting the computer down--that will automatically do/stop stuff on shutdown?

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