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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. HotKeyz - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    HotkeycontrolXP - http://www.digital-miner.com/hkcontrol.html

    Basically they let you set hotkeys that do stuff like start programs or mess with the current window. They both work pretty well, but personally I prefer HKControlXP. An interesting thing I noticed when looking through the license agreement of the first (HotKeyz), apparently they think we can use their software to proliferate and export biological weapons in and from South Africa :angry:


  2. If you mean a file, you can do this:

    <?php$hello = $_GET['hello'];$file = "info.txt";$handle = fopen($file, 'a'); //Says to open file (or create file) for writing and starts the pointer at the endif(!fwrite($handle,$hello)) //If it can't write{        echo "Could not save information";}else{        echo "Information saved!";}fclose($handle); //Closes file connection?>

  3. It still doesn't mean that spelling isn't important, just that one should be able to read whatever is said (of course this doesn't even apply with typing like "hay gaiz wutz gong on in thi stopicks?"). Online, where no one can see you, spelling is one of the few things that people can judge you on. If you spell as bad as in that example, people will most likely look down on you somewhat. People who try to come across clearly and intelligibly are by nature going to be more respected from the beginning.

  4. There's really no point to having a phone until high school. It's also rediculous for a ten year old to have one. At 16 you should probably have one, and even more so since your younger sisters have them.

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