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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. I uploaded the code as a text file because it's pretty big:


    As I said it can't login. I get this error:

    Warning: ftp_login(): Authentication failed, sorry in /home/beeseven/public_html/ftp.php on line 45

    I think it might have something to do with character encoding, but I'm not sure. If you think it is, what kind of encoding would work as if I typed it directly? I tried putting it in the file, but then I got the missing required fields error.

  2. Sorry for the double post, but the edit button ran away. You can also add border-color to the style like this:<table border="#" style="border-style: STYLE_HERE; border-color: COLOR_HERE;" width="150" height="250" valign="top">The border color HAS to be after the border style or else it won't work. Multiple colors work in the same order as multiple styles, and you can use color names (ex: red green), hex values (ex: #FF0000 #00FF00), or rgb [ex: rgb(255,0,0) rgb(0,255,0)].

  3. <table border="#" style="border-style: STYLE_HERE;" width="150" height="250" valign="top">Replace STYLE_HERE with one of these:nonehiddendotteddashedsoliddoublegrooveridgeinsetoutsetYou can also put multiple:one - all four the sameone two - top and bottom one, left and right twoone two three - top is one, left and right are two, bottom is threeone two three four - top is one, right is two, bottom is three, left is four

  4. Here's one I made myself, if you still need it:

    <form method="POST" action="comment.php">Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>Message:<br><textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="45"></textarea><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Post Message"><input type="reset" value="Reset"></form>
    This is the input box, you can put this wherever you want. Also, name the file "comment.php" or change the form action.

    <?php$submit = $_POST['submit'];if($submit == true){        $filename = 'comment/comments.html';        $name = $_POST['name'];        $name = stripslashes($name);        $name = strip_tags($name);        $time = date("\P\o\s\\t\e\d \o\\n l F jS Y \a\\t g:i:s A");        $message = $_POST['message'];        $message = stripslashes($message);        $message = strip_tags($message, '<b><i><u>');        $comment = "<tr><td width=\"100%\"><i><b>From:</b></i> $name</td></tr><tr><td width=\"100%\"><i><b>$time</b></i></td></tr><tr><td width=\"100%\"><i><b>Message:</b></i><br>$message<br><div><hr width=\"50%\"></div></td></tr>\n";        $handle = fopen($filename, 'a');        fwrite($handle, $comment);        fclose($handle);}include 'comment/comments.html';?>
    This is the PHP code, it doesn't matter if it's above or below the input. You also need a directory called "comment" with a file called "comments.html" (or you can change that--it's like that because I made it on my school's server and it uses AFS for permissions).

    You can see this in action at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  5. I'm 15 and male, and almost every girl at my school, despite its nerdiness, (you have to apply, take a test, get teacher recommendations, and have really good grades, it specializes in science and tech, AND there are 7 programming courses, AND one is required) whenever I say something about programming, they're like O.o nerd.

  6. I use cisco pix hardware firewall and ZoneAlarm pro for my desktop. I have looked at a couple of others but I like the ZA personally. :D

    In addition i also use Zonealarm pro firewall and so far i didn?t got any problems with intruders or viri.

    I use ZoneAlarm Pro, too. It keeps just about everything out, but when you have to update it or renew your subscription it can get kind of annoying. I think ZoneAlarm is free, but you have to pay for Pro. Also, you have to set it to let stuff access the internet or act as a server. I gave Paint full access because Paint is awesome. >_>

  7. If you're going to take a highschool course, you should probably take it in an actual programming language. Then you will not only know a programming language (!), but you can also put it in your resume if you want to pursue a career in computer science. <3 My nerd school and all its programming courses (what I can remember off the top of my head):Computer Science (Java--also required for graduation), AP Computer Science (more advanced Java), C/C++ Language, Assembly Language, Elements of Artificial Intelligence, High Performance and Supercomputing Applications, and a UNIX lab

  8. Id say PHP, coz there are so many things that can be done!Im not that good at PHP tho :D
    I know what can and cannot be done using it, but dont know how lol. Learning tho..

    Making a RPG site like Kings Of Caos and Outwar at the moment... :D

    Kings of Chaos was actually created by some people at my school. It was hosted on the school's UNIX server but KoC got so big the server couldn't handle the load. There's an article from the Washington Post about it here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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