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Posts posted by beeseven

  1. I have to do this program for summer school computer science (I didn't fail- my school requires a few extra credits so some people take classes over the summer instead of forfeiting electives), and I finished it early, so I wanted to make it cooler. It's a ball that bounces around the screen and touches another little ball, which then moves to somewhere else. A bunch of people were messing with theirs, seeing how many points they could get, making cheats, etc., so I wanted to add something that moves the ball to a place clicked.Anyway, to the problem: It works pretty well, except the farther I click from (0,0), the less accurate it becomes. Like if I click at (400,400), it'd appear around (395,375).Is there any way to make it more accurate? Or would I have to write some complex thing that adjusts for it?

  2. My school is generally known as the best public high school in the U.S. >_>I go to Thomas Jefferson/TJ/TJHSST in Northern VA. All the students are really nice to eachother because we know we're among equals. The teachers are generally pretty good, too. The school is also really safe- you could leave almost anything out in the hall for a week and it'd still be there when you came back.Lots of cool classes, too- tons of programming courses and the math goes really high up (after AP Calc: Multivar Calc, Linear Algebra, AP Statistics, and some others).

  3. That and finish every line with ;, you know that is my least favorite thing about PHP.  Everytime I forget it.  What's even worse is that the error, unexpected something expected , or ;, well if you expected it, then put it there!


    Too bad most programming languages require you to finish commands with a semicolon :unsure:

  4. Also the loading time may be caused by the file types. If your pictures say ".bmp" after them, then they'll probably be really large files. ".png" usually has the highest quality for not much space. ".jpg" is good for pictures and is usually small, and ".gif" is really small and can be animated but can only handle 256 colors.

  5. The first one looks very good, and it employs a nice color scheme, but the "Looking for a company..." part on the right side looks a bit off, and goes outside of the border of the images. It'd look probably better if that didn't go past the right edge of the images and didn't look like it was interfering with the news.The second is overall good but maybe a little bit distracting with the gifs. Interesting colors, but maybe not the most web design company-y.Third looks professional with the simple color scheme but flashy logo and image mouseovers. The emoticons make it seem less professional, though; when you see a professional website, it usually doesn't have them.The last one has potential, but it depends where you go with it. The horizontal lines are interesting, but make the images in the top left look a little off. I wouldn't use Times New Roman, either. Last, the scrollbar thing is a neat idea and it shows off your skill, but it's a bit annoying having to scroll down with the normal bar to get to your scrollbar.Overall, I'd say go with the third one. It's got a good scheme and a simple layout, but still shows that you're good at webdesign.

  6. First go to C:\WINDOWS\FontsThen, go to File -> Install New Font...Navigate to the folder where you saved the fontSelect the fonts to install and click OKRestart the application you want to use them inBut remember, if you're going to use your new fonts in FrontPage for a website, most people probably won't have them and so they'll just get a generic font.

  7. Okay, now that finals are over (my school gets out so late >_<), I've been trying to fix this. I made a database account and gave it all privileges, then I changed opendatabase, but now I get this error:


    Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'beeseven_ammin@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/beeseven/public_html/gaem/opendatabase.php on line 8

    Could not connect to database

  8. Post forms would be better, as previously stated. You could also use hidden inputs if you have to take it through several pages:

    <input type="hidden" name="prod_id" value="###" />

    If you also want secure as in payment and such, then you have to buy a certificate.

  9. If you're using Xisto host, I think you use the wrong username, cause all Xisto username is prefix with your cpanel username... and your prefix is beeseven, and so if your username you entered is beeseven, then your $username = "beeseven_beeseven";


    I though about that, but for my forum I just used "beeseven" and that worked fine.


    its def on your side... you need to get some error info here... wat exactly is your report saying?


    There is no report, it just won't submit it. I got it to echo all the variables, then I copied the query into PHPmyAdmin and it worked fine.

  10. I have this code that I've tried everything to fix it, but it still won't work. I'm hoping someone here will be able to help.

    First, the open database file:

    <?phpfunction opendatabase(){	$hostname = "localhost";	$username = "beeseven";	$password = "**REMOVED**";	$database = "beeseven_**REMOVED**";	mysql_connect($hostname,$username,$password) or die("Could not connect to database");	mysql_select_db($database) or die("Could not select to database");}?>
    I have that included in the register file:
    //variables and whatnot	include 'opendatabase.php';	opendatabase();$mysql_query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (name, password, concode, confirmed, email, joined, job, level, exp, moves, weapon) VALUES ($name, $password, $concode, $confirmed, $email, $joined, $job, $level, $exp, $moves, $weapon)"); //here's where my problem is	if($mysql_query === false) //this checks if the username is taken	{  $err = mysql_errno();  if($err == 1062) //1062 is the duplicate entry for unique field error  {  	echo "<div class=\"err\">Error: Username taken.</div>";  	die("</body></html>");  }	}	mysql_close();
    My problem is with the query. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work- everything is stripslashes()'d, and I even have it echo the variables at the end and there's nothing that should cause any problems.

  11. Here's a little script that'll read the contents of the directory. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how it sorts, but that may just be a problem with my school's server:

    $dir1 = "**DIR**"; //replace **DIR** with the directory where the stuff is$dir = opendir($dir1); //open directory        while(false !== ($file1 = readdir($dir))) //as long as there are more files        {                if($file1 != "." && $file1 != "..") //so that it doesn't get parent directory and current directory.                {                        $file = "$dir1/$file1"; //the file path                        echo "<a href=\"$file\">$file1</a><br />"; //print link to file                } //endif        } //endwhile

  12. What I would do is first cut down the picture to just that group of flowers and then put that in a frame to the side. I haven't used frames in a long time, but you should be able to get code for them really easily on Google.

    Next, you'd need a map to designate the parts as links:

      <img src="**LINK TO IMAGE**" usemap="#**MAP ID**" alt="**ALT**">  <map id="**MAP ID**" name="**MAP NAME**">   <area shape="circle" coords="**X, Y, R**" href="**LINK TO**" alt="**ALT**" target="**TARGET**">  </map>
    Replace the stuff with what you need. Make sure the map id is preceded by a #. You can add more areas and there are different shapes, but for the center of the flowers, those are all circles. For the coordinates, the origin (0,0) is at the top left of the image. R is the radius of the circle.

    For more map stuff, go to http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp
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