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Everything posted by kraizii88z

  1. It depends on the shade, i think. Bright yellow can look harsh and eye-straining, but a soft pale yellow that's pastel can look pleasing and won't even stand out that much . i like to use smoky colours, i figure they are the most versatile.
  2. Why think about it? What's the point? Does it affect me, no. Why waist time thinking about stuff that dosen't matter.
  3. That's really interesting...Nice to find!
  4. Yeah, WS_FTP is pretty good, they had some free downloads at download.comThey might have phased it out, but it's the only one i've tried and i'm pretty happy with it.
  5. I agree. i think stat counter is pretty good, but not that useful, & you should probly check out the Awstats located in the cpanel.
  6. IIf you have a table cell going ary, i don't know why you can't control it with another table? i don't know what i'm thinking excatly, but wouldn't that make everything relativly postitioned to each other, no matter the browser?
  7. I like to use Coppermine, it has a lot of functions to resize, whatever your images, so you don't have to worry about that as much
  8. If what you mean by pixel paint is to draw one pixel at a time, then all you do is go to the menu & select the paint brush [it looks like a paint brush] & paint away..
  9. The best way to learn it of course it to mess around & practice with it. i learned a lot about it just doing that. i t should work for some , but a tutorial really helps. [i can't remember the really great ones that i've found ]
  10. That's true , ain't it? Well i like my main image editing software: Paint Shop Pro8. I just like the way it uses
  11. These are all good points , but i think that the simpler the better, with intriging site design &/or images.
  12. Personally, i think the answear to the question at hand is more of personal choice. it dosen't matter what the background color of the site is as long as it's an integral part of the whole layout. This can vary from white to black and anywhere inbetween. That's what i think
  13. Not so.Green is actually the harshest color on the eyes, purple is the easiest. This is because the eye sees more shades of green in the spectrum than those of a purple-ish hue.
  14. i 'm using em right now & so far surprisinglyi have about eleven bucks. Yeah they won't make you money fast, but thenagain i don't get many hits & i'm surprised anyone clicked em at all.
  15. Yes i agree, i didn't whatch the st.union address, but i think mediation in Iraq is a good thing for us american''s
  16. Yes, 'http://www.w3schools.com/' is a great site for brushing up on my html skills. It is great to just brush up on html too, so i'd definatly recomend it.
  17. Easy to navigate is best... Not too 'Flashy, hard to navigate'.It should be complex on the inside...well designed on the outside
  18. Yum.. Joaquin Phoenix [heart] & John Travolta are in Ladder 49! I can't wait to see it ! Anyone seen it yet? [ JoaquinPhoenixOnline ] I love joaquin Phoenix!
  19. I actually saw The Return of the King on my birthday. It was so cool! The most recent movie i saw was The Village. it was really good- alot of people hated it -they don't know movies..It freaked me out! I must say Lucious Hunt [Joaquin Phoenix]was great& talented-I have a fansite about him look for him in Ladder 49 w/ John Travolta on Oct.1!
  20. that's true, & it will not let you host a site with just a free domin restry you have to pay for the DNS. & when you move of course, you still will loose customers & visitors.. Pay for the Domain Name in 99% of the cases & you will be better off
  21. My preference is WS_FTP. It works well & is a great tool to have on hand. It's real simple to use & comes complete with a guided tour.Also a Free Trial can be downloaded from Ipswitch.com
  22. They say that the "Big Bang" theory's about the fact that a preexsisting universe crupled in on itself as a result of gravity. The new universe was created by a gigantic explosion that came about when a previous universe crumple to smaller than an atom with infinite density. The explosion caused the expansion of this universe & formed the galaxies as we know them today. Scientists are split on the theories that there is enough 'black matter' to again slow the rate of expansion, which would cause the propsed theory of a "Big Crunch", which would again cause another Big Bang & start another universe. not enuf black matter means an ever-expanding universe, & that is just one of the hundreds of theories out there. This all takes about a trillion years, tho. Yeah Right, That was really confusing, i know. it's a jumbled mess. To learn more about the 'Big Bang' theories, check out google, it's really interesting stuff..
  23. Sorry thought this was the 'what is' forum...my mistake...
  24. I came across a tag that i'd never seen b4, i dunno maybe u have, thought it mite come in handy =<html><head><style type="text/css">div:first-letter {color: #000000;font-size:xx-large}</style></head><body><div>Write stuff inbetween the div tags & the 'W' in "write" will be bigger than the other text around it.</div></body></html>
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