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Posts posted by kraizii88z

  1. i am against the death penalty, but i think you have to take it on a case by case basis. i mean, i'm against sentencing people to death and all, but i wans't upset about sadam hussein getting the death penalty at all. i think it was coming, he deserved it. all though i would have liked to see him face the natural consewuences of his actions, i almost think this WAS the natural consequence of his astrocities.

  2. how long i sleep depend on how much i've had to eat the day before. i have to spend a lot of time asleep, digesting a big meal, but when i eat nothing, you know, fasting, i CAN NOT get to sleep, and i wake up a few hours later, full of energy! it's so cool, it's like i don't have to sleep, maybe 3 or 4 hours at the most, only when fasting.

  3. you gotta get a clear image of what you want before you design it, that way you can just bring it to life. i just get a feel for what i want, and go with it... sometimes i come up with different ideas halfway through, and i go with it...just see what works and what dosen't, play around with it..

  4. Anyone reading the amazing Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda? It is such a great book--i really do recommend it.


    It is about the life of the yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, who spent his beginning years as a disiple to the great Sri Yukteswar. Some of the accounts in this boook are amazing, and even though i am only a thrid of the way through it, i can tell it's really life-changing.


    I have been thinking about things in different ways. That is what this book does, it opens you up to the myriad of possibilites that exsist on earth. Some things, i've never even considered a person could do, but here is a real life account of someone who's seen it all.


    Here is a link to a free copy of the book available online... just in case you're interested

    Autobiography of a Yogi

  5. Not safe at all for protecting against HIV. Well, maybe a little but safer than nothing at all, but you can still get it. Just don't sleep with any one with HIV, unless you want to risk getting it. Truth--not political incorectness, just common sense is all.It does protect agaisnt pregnency...unless it dosent', so they are effective, but i wouldn't risk my life with one...

  6. :P Mururoa

    Has anyone heard about Mururoa? It's an old testing site in the south pacific, occupied by the Franch government, where the [crime] of underwater nuclear testing has been taking place since the 1970's.

    They have tested numerous nuclear devices off the coast of small pacific islands, causing numerous problems in those areas.

    1. pollution- nobody eats fish cauught near Mururoa; everytime they set off an underwater bomb, there is an eartquake somewhere in the world.

    2. health- people in nearby island are dying from cancer more and more, people swimming near there are getting radiation poisening

    3. gigantisism- species of parrot fish have been known by scientsists to have tripled in size from radiation.

    4. lies- the french governemt conintues to deny any and all of the before-metioned problems, even though they are being backed up by scientists all the time.

    There is to be more testing in this area, i believe, and the Freahc government will not be governed by scientific law...

    link-- http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/france/mururoa.htm

  7. They are going exstinct --beautiful blue icebergs. Did any one else see the National Geographic where they filmed the giant iceberg tearing apart? i almost cried. There it was--a huge iceberg poking out of the arctic sea, blue, not white, but blue ice, indicating that it was only about MILLIONS of years old....It's was being filmed by a bunch of sightseers, and as if on cue, it decided to flip over, slowly at first, then all of a sudden, the whole things just dissintegrated before everyone's bewhildered eyes. This ancient, almost eternal structure, has 'killed' iteself in a mere two minutes.how did this happen, you might ask? Why is it important, you might be wonering? It shows us what state the world is in, when a million year old iceberg disappears under teh water...how long before everything else disspears under the water, leaving no trace of it ever having exsisted?Everyone 'knows' it happened because of pollution. Nobody does anything about it, though

  8. America, land of the not-so -free, home of the terrified-of terroism. America gets a 5/10. It's not a full y developed country yet, it's still lacking immensly in spiritualism.We have too many kids dying of starvation, without a decent place to live, yet we call ourselves the wealthiest nation on the planet? We are a bunch of pigs. The people in the country do nothing about the problems.

  9. The only reason this is not being looked into more carefully, is based on big-business and what they have to lose. Oil companies and whatnot... They do not want people interested in the environment, not do they themselves want to become interested, so they make environmentalists look like no-good losers, when it is they themselves that are the no-good losers.It's true-i'm sure you've heard the terms so dearly associated with environmentalists, tree-huggers, granola-crunchers, and many other 'clever' remarks, just to slander what these guys are doing, which is a very noble cause. They continue to laugh in the scientists faces when they tell the world about some imment threat to our very exsistance, because they have the money, they have the power, what cruel fate could befall them?Environmentalist are trying to SAVE THE WORLD, and they have immense numbers of sound scientific research to back them up, yet they are being thrashed around by a small number of small-minded individuals who could care less about the future. YOUR world. The freakin earth for god's sake!Let's get angry!

  10. I've tried to get a designer Louie Vatton bag from one of those sites...it was infuriating.. cuz it's impossible.. they send you to another thing that you have to sign up for, that links you to another thing that you have to sign up for, and so on till infinity.. so in short, never got the huge deal, but wouldn't that be great? -A $1500 purse for free? I tried though! i really did. I did sign up and submit a poem to a poetry site, & won an award so.. all's well!

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