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Posts posted by kraizii88z

  1. :D The vegan in me no pun intended, is shocked..

    i think

    in ancient times, cannabalism was practised as more of a spiritual rite, consuming the enemie's flesh, or the relative's, was kind of like eating their spirit? It's a symbolic thing i think and there is this tribe in the Amazon that repotedly still celebrates cannabalism.


  2. Donnie Darko was an amazing film. Ive only seen it once even though im aware in order to understand it I must watch it more times, but what I saw, and ended up leaving me confused thinking 'what the hell did I just watch', it was an amazing genre busting film. Frank the bunny is a classic and should definitely be put down next to Freddy, Jason, Myers... All the villains that we all know about.


    I love Jake Gyllenhaal! ..Now that that's out of the way...


    Tell me if you've bought the new director's cut of Donnie Darko (the new extended uncut edition). It's supposed to be less confusing..more added scenes that the director intented to be in the film [that explain the story :) ]-you'd expect them to be in there btw. But i thought the film was great- very interesting..The beggining just didn't make sense to me though...someone explain it to me!! Why did it come full circle???







  3. The Matirx was awesome...other two? i don't know...a little contrived and sloppily made...definatly not up to the level as the original Matrix. They can be compared separatly because of waivering production values... but LOTR i think, cannot be compared separatly b/c they were all made the exact same way...you know what i mean... they are all part of othe same movie sorta.. the matrix i can see being redone in the future (the far future), but The Lord of The Rings...it won't be attempted :)

  4. On an unrelated topic: I've also been trying to wrap my mind around death theories.... And blinking out of existance completely, the most logical one I can think of, is just scary X.x


    That would be a realy interesting discussion, i think sumone should start it in philosophical..BTW

    Nostradamus said the world will end in the year 3797. Its' odd to think a thing like that would happen.. it's best not to think about it too much..

  5. How can you say that someone dosen't have meaningful music? If they write it themselves it must be pretty meaningful, it dosen't have to be good music...Sum 41 Blink 182Simple Plan ...i can't stand, but U2 has some good music even if they are 40 something...Vertigo's pretty neat

  6. Organization


    Things should be easy to find. Navigation should never be confusing. Try to make sure the labels youâre put on your links are direct or to-the-point as possible. I personally like things small. To me itâs easier to see, ironically enough, and get around. 


    I always went with big and obviuos.. but now i see that small is good, too. It is way more stylish and can be easier to navigate, ironically.

  7. Also..Listen to your body.. if you want to stop eating, is it wise to tell you're body not to? What are you going against your body for? It is a grand machine and it dosent need man-made influences [ex.physical addiction to sugar, which is really very common]. If you can't put the brakes on eating unhealthy food, simpy only eat what you really want. That way you get no cravings..

  8. ok here's one - why do most people like other people to be outgoing and chatty etc? why can't they accept people who are quiet and introverts, people who prefer to spend most of their time at home with books? why must they try to change them?


    People should learn to be who they are..

    If you can accept who you are you will become more open and receptive anyway & will have more to share with other people because you will be so proud of who you are. You should always be the best you can be and part of that is knowing when to be quiet and become intro-spective. Everybody has his own path in life you can't let anyone lead you, just support you.


    You can't relie on anyone to make you happy unless they force it on you, so we must seek happiness for ourselves, & rely on ourselves for nourishment spiritually.


    Why live up to someone else's idea?

    If they are trying to make you act a certain way , but it is not best for you and you fell it is not best for you, they don't give a **** about you, so why even entertain them?

  9. 1.Kill Bill 1&22.Gladiator3.Pirates of the Carribean4.Run Lola Run5.Rozencrantz [Guildenstern]..6.TheLord of RIngs...Lots more!Donnie Darko's awsome, & Quentin Tarantino's are great [Resevoir Dogs/ Pulp Fiction], but i definatly like parts of those movies, not the whole things//Any movie with Joaquin Phoenix/ or <3Tim Roth!

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