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Posts posted by kraizii88z

  1. Check this out,

    (if you have the raw nerve):


    Loose Change, a 9/11 doc:

    --Part 1



    --Part 2



    --Part 3




    It'll make you cry.


    Do you need anymore proof?

    What else does it take? Does the vice president have to shoot you in the face?


    Spread it around like herpes in a Danish whorehouse~


    Peace Out,

    pursue truth.




  2. Hmmm - I usually feel 'down' if I don't get enough sleep. Like the other day I spent the whole night preparing some lessons for some students of mine, and the next day I felt so 'listless' and rather depressed.

    I tend to use sleep and exercise to deal with feeling low or depressed. When I catch myself thinking the wrong kinds of thoughts, I get a hold of myself and ask - are you really depressed, or are you just tired? And then I look back and usually find that I haven't had enough sleep, so I just put everything to one side and sleep. (I might mention that I live a rather 'uncivilized' lifestyle in the east that's not as 'time-based' as life in the west, and so have considerable freedom with my schedule).


    When I wake up, I engage in a tough workout, usually either martial-arts, or weights or 'ability-training' which basically are different exercises we do in Ninjutsu to train different abilities - our balance, our ability to make leaps, our control in mid-air, the ability to throw objects accurately. Anyway, the activity is unimportant - what's important is that all of it is strenuous and gets my heart rate up. Sometimes I go rock-climbing or for a hike in the mountains.


    After one of these 'exercise sessions' I feel tired, but in a nice sort of way, and I don't feel depressed or low anymore.

    Just my way of dealing with feeling down - not saying it's a 'cure-all' for depression or anything of the sort.

    And i agree with Yratorm, also. I feel also that it might be tough to go out and exersize when you are feeling down, but it can have the quickest results in making you feel 'up'. It also might be a good idea to do what he said: go rock climbing or hiking in the woods, as these activites will also make you feel better because you will be outside, and you can feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair.


    The fresh air and exersize will also strengthen and cleanse your lungs, which help you breath deeper and more efficiently. Deep breathing has been called a total body tonic, because it gets into deep places, and soothes the nerves and balances the body.


    Also, the sun is an important factor in maintaining a healthy outlook on life. It is the only soure for your b-6 vitamin, and a great source of vitamin b-12, two very important vitamins for mental health.


    i hope that these tips help with the depression factor, that is becoming very common in our (United States/UK) society. If you follow up on all or all of this advice, you will find that there's always a way, and that taking medication is not always neccesery!!

  3. hello all, i have a tip that i read somewhere in a book, and i think there's alot of truth in it. Basically it read: Grief that is not expressed become Depression, a very unnatural emotion. Grief is the feeling of loss. Now this could be the loss of a loved or the loss of a contact lens, but if you don't express the grief naturally, you repress it and become depressed.So the best thing to do in my opinion would be to just grieve over whatever it is that is making you feel at loss. What is making you feel sad? Just fell the feeling and move on. You could try to turn the sadness into gladness, by focusing on feeling the sad feeling for as long as possible, then it will go away on it's own. The energy will have moved upwards, into a higher feeling of gladness. Also, more tips on beating depression would be to first and foremost, get rid of all negative influences in your life. So often we have friends or family members that bring us 'down', and we do not deserve to be brought down by anyone! Do not judge, just move on. They are not what you need right now. Learn how to let go graciously, as they are in your life for some reason. It is up to you to learn the lesson they are there to give, then acknowledge your gratitude for it, and go on with your life. Also, you could try improving the quality of foods that you eat. Notice i did not say to 'go on a diet'. A diet is too restricting, and you were meant to be free! Free from the fear of being fat, in my opinion ... And as long as you commit to feeding yourself the highest quality of foods that you can find, i.e. raw, fresh, organic, fruits/vegetables, then you will become stronger, healthier, and more empowered to take control over your emotions. You can also try eating more RAW cocoa. It has beneficial nutrients, more than most any other food. It also helps lift depression, because it causes you to feel endorphins that lead to feeling happier. Thats raw cocoa, not milk chocolate. You can find it by typing raw cocoa into google, and ordering it online. (I have not found it in health food stores...yet.)

  4. Aw.. what a terrible story, amish or not ... They are a peaceable people, and they certainly don't invite any comotion into their community. It think this story speaks volumes about their forgiveness and their ability to move on, becuase they live a more natural life, closer to the earth. If we all lived closer with the earth, we could all forgive each other for anything.

  5. Hi. I think that girls are beautiful with or without makeup, it doen't really matter. What matter s is how you feel when you are wearing it, or not wearing it. It you feel ugly without wearing makeup, then your energy will reflect that, and you will not feel beautiful, so you will not reflect beauty. If you feel just fine without it, like, just normal and beautiful, then you will definatley fell beautiful, and you will reflect beauty in your energy centers. i think it only matters what a girl thinks about the situation, and makeup can definatley help to create a 'look', which can be really fun. But au natrural is a good look, too, becuase it reflects how your energy is truly.Basically, what i was saying was: it's all about the attitude. i think guys look good in eyeliner, though, even though they look fine without it. But you stick a little eyeliner around your eyes, and it just changes the whole look .... remember Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribean? Now, he looks just great without any make-up, but it just adds a little sexy oomph to his energy...Compare his look with au natural Orlando Bloom. they're both utterlly utterly hot, but Orlando just seems a little bit ... more innocent or something. Johnny Depp definately takes the sexy award for his eyeliner in my book.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Merged two postings. Please use the Edit feature to avoid sequential posts.

  6. I don't --but if you do, and you want to talk about it, then feel free, i'm a sympathetic listener... :lol: PMS = Pre Menstrual Symtoms, in case you don't know...*Tip:I have found that eating nothing but bananas, or any other raw fruit or vegetable, as long as it's only one kind, can really help alleviate cramping of the uterus. -it works!! :lol:

  7. /home
    Chinese scientists have claimed that they successfully fused deuterium and tritium atoms for about three seconds at 100M°C. If it's true (which I kind of doubt, they have a tendency to claim breakthroughs that turn out fake), then large scale fusion reactors are closer than ever. Fusion creates much less waste than fission, which is what nuclear power plants use currently.

    Do you know what that means at all, or are you trying to sound like you know? i don't even know what this means for the world! Are they for us or against us??? If they are, then that sucks, but if they're not, great!

  8. take scissors to the mainframe, that's what i say.You know, all those computer viruses can easily be used to take the whole interenet world hostage. That would effectively render us incaple of using the internet, at least for a while. And of course the economy would suffer, people wouldn't be able to earn a living, and the whole society would be in turmoil. As for recovery, i'm sure that would happen. I don't think you can destroy the interenet forever, if only for the simple reason that somebody, somewhere, would know how to set it back up.

  9. If there was no internet then I would have a life. I would go out and be active doing things like jogging, rollerblading, or football. I would not be the fat slob that I am right now.
    I would also develop social skills because I would have to go out and make friends and hang out with them. Ideally, I would like to develop wit and sarcasm.

    But, since the internet is here and looks like it will stay... I retire to my room so that I am able to continue being a fat, witless, slob.

    Ahhh...you're too hard on yourself.

    Anyway, there was no interenet, like 20 years ago, my god, has it been that long already? Actually, i don't know when teh internet came out, do you? --i still remember it, though, being naked, huddled under the trees together to keep in body heat. Catching our food with our bare hands, tearing the flesh off the wild animals --Urm... maybe we were alittle more...civilised. But not much!

  10. I used to meditate a lot, but real patience didn't come to me until I grew exceedingly powerful in the course of my martial arts studies. Once I achieved great personal power I found that even someone yelling in my face didn't faze me.
    So while meditation is a wonderful path to mental and spiritual growth, it's not the only path, indeed.
    These days if someone yells in my face I smile and tell them that they're only stressing themselves out, and I say it so calmly and reasonably that it 'brings them to their senses' in no time at all. Heck, even if someone attacks me (so long as he doesn't draw a weapon) I respond as gently as I possibly can.

    You know the saying 'With great power comes great responsibility..' well, I also think that sometimes, if your training is just right, with great power comes great patience, great kindness and understanding, and ultimate personal control.

    Nicely put. I do agree with you, but i have more trouble honestly with someone yelling in my face, or attacking me. i sometimes loose it, but i feel more sad, actually, that we all can't just live in peace. I have this mechanism that allows me to respond with cold, chilling indifference to someone who might come at me. i will just respond, sometimes brutally, without feeling any remorse whatsoever to someone who offends me. then i just go on with my life. i just don't play games like, you know?

  11. i love to mediate, i do it constantly. I always make sure that i just let my thoughts flow, and that i don't try to manipulate them. I just let it flow....it's quite interesting to whatch your thoughts from a removed viewpoint, it's almost like i am another person, just listening to their thoughts. i do sit down to mediatate quite often, and it's v beneficial. it puts you in touch with yourself, and makes you focus on your thoughts. That's where your focus should be 100% of the time, anyway.

  12. I think it's all a bit ridiculous to say the least. They are not looking forwards, only facing the past laws. The laws don't work anymore in my opinion. It was the same thing with napster. I think that the media has to face the truth, that will eventually become overwhelming, that you can't contain media anymore! Not in the form of images, music, or now thanks to youtube, videos. \\The laws must change, and viacom is only going after money, anyway. They know google can afford it, and that they broke an unfair and stupid law, and they are cashing in with their cold & greedy hands. They should just change the law, once and for all! Stop the ridicuousness!

  13. The only way this is gonna change is to change the hearts of the people who demand this product. There is no man-made, thus easily defeated, law that you can ever put into place to protect the environment or it's animals. The only sure and lasting change will be to change the people who are in the offense, they have to see what they're doing, and why it is considered unbeneficial to the ecosystem. Good luck in changing the world, whoever tries...Another thing--we have made money to be the most important, powerful energy on the planet. The drive for money, that is. It keeps one from perishing, and the fight for survival is incredibly strong. you have to think that the people who are doing the poaching are just trying to stay alive, as much as the lion, but that these people have money on their side, and what lion can stand up to the force of survival when money is involved? What's stronger, greed for money, or a mere unprotected lion? Why don't we try to change the poacher's situations, from probably extreme poverty, to a more conscientious situation. Maybe they would stop poaching, if they could afford to...

  14. My name is Lisa Ren?e, and it's suppossed to be kraizii88z, but it's a typo. kraizii88z, you know, like in Kill Bill? Love that movie.

    Anyway, my favourite things are to: read, write, draw, do yoga, listen to music, bathe, run around trails, and whatnot... i love the theatre, and i want to write plays or something. And i love films of all kinds.


    Website is as thus: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  15. Ooh, this is interesting, i use clove oil to freshen the breath. I use peppermint oil, sometimes, too, but it dosen't mix well with foods!I would also like to point out that the medical industry will NEVER EVER use "natural remedies" for curing people's diseases. They have to make a profit that is outrageously high, and they will chemically alter the natural medicine from these plants, and force it into some "unnatural medicine", so they can slap a patent on it, and get all the credit. This is what they always do. Every medicine that has ever been "invented", has come straight from a plant! It's been chemically altered in a laboratory so that someone can make a profit out of it. You can't make a profit on something that someone can just pick up at the store.

  16. Few word for you:


    Why do we want to know this?



    In all honesty, i think that a psychic clairvoyent medium with real skills could be able to get some information about the guy who did it. He hasn't been caught, right? Well, he needs to be. and a phychic could cut to the chase, and get some real information that police could look into like: what does he look like, what does he do for a living, where does he live, and maybe where is he now. These insights could be of great help to the police and the community for getting this guy off the streets, and it's my feeling that obviously the guy knew the family, or how else would he know what room she was in, and all?



    [These things happen all the time, so I'm not all that surprised. I'm not psychic, but I could have predicted that someone, somewhere would get raped...]

  17. So your gonna be a chef, huh?

    If you really want a good idea of what that's like, i would suggest that you read a great book, Kitchen Confidential, by Anthony Bourdain. It's just a few anecdotes from his years and years of chefdom that i think you might find interesting, if you havent' read it already.

    This basically sums it up from Amazon.com:

    "Most diners believe that their sublime sliver of seared foie gras, topped with an ethereal buckwheat blini and a drizzle of piquant huckleberry sauce, was created by a culinary artist of the highest order, a sensitive, highly refined executive chef. The truth is more brutal. More likely, writes Anthony Bourdain in Kitchen Confidential, that elegant three-star concoction is the collaborative effort of a team of "wacked-out moral degenerates, dope fiends, refugees, a thuggish assortment of drunks, sneak thieves, sluts, and psychopaths," in all likelihood pierced or tattooed and incapable of uttering a sentence without an expletive or a foreign phrase. Such is the muscular view of the culinary trenches from one who's been groveling in them, with obvious sadomasochistic pleasure, for more than 20 years. "

    Yes, i can cook, too. I can cook just about anything, because it's all about knowing the ingredients that go together, and the one's that don't -and i find that cheese and garlic are a great combination in any situation...

    If you know a few rules about chopping and basic, basic things, then you too, can become a fine high-class chef like the one and only Bourdain.

    Have fun!

  18. Is this a joke? Well, i guess i'll go along with it...I think that time is an illusion created by humans.If this is the case, (time=illusion), then eternity cannot exist,Because eternity is a measure of time, as well. Now we have eternity=time,If eternity=time, and time=illusion, then eternity=illusion, and your question is nullified.Make sense? I think it's more of a mind bender than "how long is eternity?" You see, eternity hasno length, for it does not exist, so then what does exist? I think that everything that has ever happenedor is going to happen or is now happening, does so in an instant, unexplainable in human terms. It is obviouslymuch too large a subject for the human mind ever to grasp. So stop wondering, and get rid of the illusion of time. If you do that, then you will see that everything happens all at once. I do believe that on some level, we know everythingthere is to know about the universe, and one day we will again re-experience that knowingness. There is nothing to figure out in the meantime...

  19. i think that the right to look however you want is an unalienable right of human existance. It is up to you to change anything about your life or in your life that you do not like and this is a right that is universal that nobody can change or take away. You are who you are in your soul, and nothing can change that. You came to the physical world to espress who you are, and that's all. are you someone who is skinny, or fat, or are you someone who dosen't care what they look like on the outside, for they are getting to know the rich treasure that resides within? Or are you someone who rails against society and goes against what soceity tells you it wants? Do you have a chip on your shoulder? Do you listen to what the whole world says and not to what You say? Who do You want to be?

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