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Posts posted by kraizii88z

  1. Seams a bit brief and doesnt help that much,


    A better description is:


    RSS is a short file that can have up to 25 little titles that can be fed into a browser or reader and can display some output that. They are useful for news sites and sites that have a lot of news items that need to be counted. Search google for tips on how to make a feed and ask google what XML is about at the same time that will also help you.


    Made that up out my head :D maybe i should make a tutorial on maing a feed but i wouldnt want to confuse anyone.


    thnx. much better description.. It's nice to know the very basics.

  2. What did you do for Pi Day ?


    Pi day (march the 14th) is both a celebrationof all the wonderfull things we wouldnt do without 3.141592654.... AND its Albert Einsteins birthday.



    wow, that's a coincedence that "Pi" Day is on Einstein's b-day..


    We've got a coolest math teacher of 'm all, he tells us about politics, society, history and sometimes, very sometimes, he tells us about math.


    I love teachers like that


    i didn't know about pi day, so i didn't do anything.. don't go to school either, so i would never have known.

  3. hey all,


    this topic is - as you could have guessed from the title - about smileys.

    you can post you own edited smileys here, or the ones you have found somewhere, and you would like to share. i've got a RAR archive, and i added it, but i haven't made any of them...  this is my favourite:Posted Image


    please all post your favourite smileys, as long as they aren't in the standard package used in Xisto.. :D (<- like that one) and if you made one yourself, you definetely gotta post it!


    well that's pretty cool..SmileyWorld.com 's got a lot of smiley stuff..

    There's a smiley dictionary where you can vote for your favorite smiley's ... As the name indicates, it' s a world of smiley's.


    Here is my favourite:


    I call it a Heineken moment on New Years eve.






    That's cute

  4. Enough of this coffee crap.. i can't understand how anyone can like that stuff..

    actually it does nothing to help keep you alert-hyperactive, yes...


    If i eat even a little bit of rice or wheat food, i'm up for hours and hours...they are in my opinion the best thing to keep you up (like last night) stayed awake all frikin night [i slept all this morning, tho]:D

  5. Hey guys,

    I just found this really cool web-based FTP Client, that acts like any of your FTP Software - really fast and feature packed. Comes to real handy when you are in a cafe or some place from where you want to use ftp but don't want to go into the hassle of downloading and installing a client.. I tried FTP-ing to fortunecity, Xisto and several other places.. Login is almost instantaneous and a host of features, including being able to ftp to a second server and copy/move files between these two servers, zip/unzip, download emails, edit files.. got syntax highlighting too.. I highly recommend this site: http://ftp.philonthe.net/ .... Give it a try and post in your comments about it.


    Here's a list of features directly from their site:

    Happy FTP-ing :D


    That sound good ..

    nice ..less hassle-neat

  6. If you're not familiar with Javascript coding, the best way to do Javascript menus is stealing :D.


    Just when you see a cool menu on a website. Ctrl-U, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V And make your changes (urls and names) ;)


    Well of course website owners posses the right to their source codes, but I personally wouldn't mind if someone stole some code from my site. Just be reasonable. :D


    Take the code, and just chop it up the way you want..


    ANother place to get a menu is..: http://dhtml-menu.com/menu-demos/demo1650.html , it's not free

  7. Why thank you MC. Really most of the credit should go to my software, lol. Its not the most trendy or popular graphics program and its definitely not Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. Its actually a desktop publishing software called "Microsoft PictureIt! Publishing". It works pretty well for my purposes. I've gotten rather popular as a creator of sig images in the hobby forum I participate in.


    That's cool ,lol :D ..


    I used photosuite before i got paint shop pro8... it was so primitive i counldn't stand it .. I've never heard of Microsoft PictureIt! Publishing

    sounds good :D , though..

  8. yes it's best trilogy, good plot, good View of the movie. But book! Do you read the Lord of the Rings - J.Tolkien ? I thing that every one whos wants to see LoTR movie MUST read book. I am sure that plot of LoTR in the film not same that in the book. I dont like spare my time to the book, but when I begin reading LoTR... I was wondered ... How the book may be so interesting!!! And I say the book is common, the film is neccesary. Thanks...


    It's amazing how similar the plots are in both the book and the movies.. but the films are more interesting than the books(can i say that?) b/c of the amazing graphics and excitement [& the hott guys:)]...i found the book kinda boring to be honest..

  9. Its not that hard to create a custom built templates. Photoshop is a perfect software to create nice templates and layouts. Before I usually admire templates..how they are done, yet I was hesitant using them, for a single free template, probably there are thousands out there who are using it too. Templates are great web design guidance for me. You could grow and learn a lot from studying layouts made by others.


    This is problably a good idea for those that need inspiration for a layout

    Studying layouts can help make skills sharper..


    i use the psp8 b/c it's the only thing i have access to.. if i had photoshop i'd use that!

  10. Alright, here is a UNIQUE counter I made that requires php. A unique counter only counts how many DIFFERENT users go to your site. In other words, if you have fifty users who clicked on you site two hundred times, it will only show 50.

    Alright, first things first. Assuming you have windows, right click on your desktop, and make a new text document. Rename the document to "unique.dat". Alright, make another new text document. Now open up your new text document and paste this into it:

    <?php$filename = "unique.dat";$file = file($filename);$file = array_unique($file);$hits = count($file);$remote = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];$wholefile = file_get_contents($filename);   if (preg_match("/$remote/i",$wholefile))   {      echo $hits;   }    else    {      $fd = fopen ($filename , "a+");      $fout = fwrite ($fd , "$remote\n");      fclose($fd);      echo $hits;   }?>
    Done? Alright, now go back to the desktop, and rename this text document "unique.php". Now upload the two files into your hosting account (whether, it's through cpanel or an ftp application). Set your "unique.dat" to CHMOD 777.


    You're done. Now, wherever you want the number to be displayed on your site, place this in the html of your php file:

    <?php include("unique.php"); ?>
    It will only display the number so if you want you can also do something like this to display "unique hits = #"

    unique hits = <?php include("unique.php"); ?>

    And that's that. I tried to go through step by step, but if you need additional help feel free to ask :D



    Thats a great code, good work.


    That's what i was going to say.


    Great script... I really appriciate it... i've been using statcounter, though.. good service

  11. Gods have always been the answer to unanswerable questions, and as more answered dawned; more questions appeared, thus life will go on and religion will probably always consume the minds of the ignorant.


    Maybe the whole of humanity is more intelligent than the individual, which is why all of humanity (with the exeption of some individuals) believe in religion, even though the individual cannot explain religion


    maybe we know more than we think we know ..if that makes sense..





    Put most simply, I felt that the man in front of me would, though he had met me only minutes before, give his life to aid me. A better word might be 'selflessness', and this was indeed how he reacted to me. My problems were his, and all things were the same as himself.


    We are all connected to each other.. humainty can be considered a solid entity, with a 'life' & 'will' of it's own. I'm not surprised a monk would react this way to another human being, thier religion adressing the connection to human life.



  12. I think this is another step inthe evolution of nuclear energy and is not a change, oh no, it's just a shift from one dangerous thing to another. It's safer, but not cloe to safe.

    consider .. man-made objects do no good for the human body, the planet, or the ecosystems that flourish under "god's natural design" that was designed perfectly for all living things..how can a new system of nuclear energy be safe? :D ?







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