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Posts posted by kraizii88z

  1. DUUDE ! no ! never ever ever just post your email account on a forum like that... especially your gmail account.


    spammers use things called spipers or bots or whatever that scan websites. ESPECIALLY open forums like this looking for emails to spam and sell to other spammers.


    the best way to protect yourself from spam, is only giveout your email to firends, or websites that do not display your email on web pages.


    its reeealy bad with gmail, as you cant just get anouther acount when this one is spammed up.


    if i were you, i would remove my email from every public webpage you have posted it.


    Dude, that's great advice to everyone, in all forums.. Spam mail sucks!!


    --I wanna sign up for Gmail and get away from my current acount at Yahoo. The descriptions I hear about Gmail sound really nice.

  2. I dont personally like it, I feel its just a big shop for gossip and junk, and its not gotten very big where I am, MSN profiles still remain peoples favourite way of telling information, mind you Blogging hasnt been big either over here.


    You're right, MSN is the best way of telling information and keeping in touch with each other.. Myspace is just a way of sharing gossip and a waste of space in my opinion..

  3. Google have come out with a new "thing" i guess. it's called Google home page




    it's for you to set up what you want and to set their page as your home page. If you have Gmail it can show you up to the last 9 emails that you have recieved, the word of the day, the weather for where you live(united states only), 9, or something like that, quotes of the day, and a whole heap more. After you customize it you can go to anybody's conputer and go to the site and open up your preferences, but you need a gmail account.


    That looks pretty cool.. i guess. It's another google thing that looks pretty uselful

  4. Basically, stored fat is unused energy. That's not going to kill you at all. However, foods with high fat content tend to have high amounts of cholesterol (which builds up in your arteries and stuff) which will kill you. Before it kills you, it will reduce the rate at which blood flows through your body, and blood carries oxygen throughout your system. Without oxygen, you'll feel tired. If you're tired, you're not going to run a mile to burn off the stored fat.


    Basically, it willl kill you because it stores the toxins in your system that eventually build up , and are stored in the layers of fat in a body. then if you don't loose the weight , the toxins will have no way of escaping and that's when disease often starts.


    When the build-up of toxins in the body gets to be too mcuh, then the body will try to get rid of the excess by creating degenerating diseases that try to destroy the affected tissues, e.g. the whole body..that's where cancer springs up , and high blood pressure, and heart disease, or any other disease. You can bet that if you're slim & healthy ,you won't get those diseases. skinniness is a prerequisite for health.

  5. OK, you may not like your old host and you may not like that they are down. Why do you think it's funny when they have problems? Are you the same who whine and complain when we have problems? Everyone is entitled their opinions but at least try to make them constructive. Ridiculing someone because they have a problem just show the maturity or should I say immaturity of the poster.
    I think it's nice that they took the time to at least try to give out free hosting, yes they may have run out of money or been hacked. It may be as simple as here where we see new "hosted" members try out everything in the cPanel and ending up taking down the server. Anytime there is mySQL problem here you all complain and in the end it ends up being a user running a faulty script.

    It's sad when you can't commend someone for the effort but you have to put them down. What that shows me is 1 thing, they did it and you didn't so it looks like your reaction is "do they think they are better than me", let me put them down.

    I think everyone of you who "can't afford" free hosting should be grateful to the people, who are giving you hosting (I mean all free hosts), be it here or at another site. Just because you get it for free doesn't mean it didn't cost any money.

    As for hosts shutting down after a year, yes that will happen and it happens in types of venture not just free hosting. The biggest problem are script kiddies who think they are God's greatest gift to computers and that it's their right to hack or try to hack any computer they encounter.

    So as members here you are not promoting Xisto by putting down other âFree Web hostâ here in our forum or by mentioning Xisto in derogatory posts on other forums. I am for free speech but that does not mean you are allowed to bash anyone in Xisto name. There are free web host review sites out there where you can post your opinion on any particular hosting site. If you feel the need to criticize, at least be objective and make it a review not a âspamâ post.

    Yeah, it's a shame these free hosts get hacked by people, so that we cannot have a good free host.i think that people should not use the free hosting if they really don't want it--they should appriciate the value for what they get.

  6. I don't believe there is a difference webhostwise, they are different forums (Xisto is a lot more relaxed)
    webhostwise other then the name they are the same, I believe they even have the same server machines.

    Onto Xisto, I really like it, the admin here are fair and cool. The hosting is good and there are pretty fast responses for your requests

    I totally agree-nice forums, great webhosting, good admin, lots of options with cpanel... what more could you ask for??

  7. I must agree that this kind of protection is useless against someone who know how to remove it, but it will stop the 60% to 80% of surfers who donât know how.


    I would suggest you use water mark text in your photos and still keep them in their highres format, and use the code if you want to.


    I agree watermarking is a way to stop a percentage of users who don't know how to remove the script, but i have actually reconstructed hundreds of watermarked images that didn't reduce image quality one bit.There is no way to stop images from getting stolen, but if sumone dosen't know the script, then it worked..

  8. Another addiction game on the internet is on http://www.isketch.net/; All its basically just a website set up to play pictionary. Its obviously multiplayer and easy to learn. You draw the pictures with the tools and colors just like Paint has. Its very fun and worth trying out if you are bored.


    I've played Isketch, or something like it.. A pretty fun game that is just like pictionary but better cuz it's played online. Simple really, but addicting. :rolleyes:

  9. I do the MSN chat thing, go to forums, read blogs, do research about important things, or just things i want to know more about. There is always something to look up online.. i like band websites, music videos, photo galleries, updating my own website, although that can get boring at times, like right now , i just don't want to think about reworking my 500+ image gallery! But anyway, just go to some fun sites like quiz sites or bored.com or play games online, (kind of time-consuming, so use in moderation) & just have fun!

  10. I think it's good that you kept it clean and organized, which is a good starting point for all graphics, but i kinda thought that the letters look a bit fuzzy and i sure don't know what DWA stands for, so maybe add that info.? And also you might want to fill up the exterior space around it, or space the letters a little better.

  11. In the Bible, they do not even mention the other tribes of humans that were created during the time of Adam and Eve until you hear about Cain's wife, and she is mentioned hardly in passing.


    Just because something is not mentioned in detail does not mean it ceases to exist.


    I do believe there are extraterrestrial beings. However, I think it is really foolish to begin a religious debate on either side based on this thinking, so I am not going to go any more in depth in to this. None of this can be known for sure, so it is absolutely pointless to call  nonbelievers, believers, or those who believe in aliens fools.


    None of you are all-knowing, so do not put down your fellow man based on something you have an equal lack of proof for. It is foolish.


    I agree with you.. and i agree with the fact that it's impossible to comprehend that anyone would not believe that there was other forms of life in the universe, i mean, how can you not think that in the hugeness of infinite space, the universe isn't brimming with life.. isn't that sorta the whole point of the whole mess??? Universe creates life.. that's it's job :rolleyes:

  12. I realy want to see this movie! In fact, Im probably going to see it tonight. It looks realy interesting...and exciting. The trailer is realy what drew my intention to this movie. Especially the part where there plane crashes in the desert and they attach a bed sheet to it and start sand surfing.


    I want to see it too! It looks exciting like an Indiana Jones movie or something.. cool :rolleyes: ..





  13. If you think about it, maybe religion is humanity's way of believing in some thing bigger than itself that cannot be expressed scientifically or denounced by "logic". It's scientific fact that humans cannot even begin to comprehend the nature of the unvierse or the concept of life. Spirituality in my mind can be a way of connecting with the universe, and maybe humanity's understanding it on some level...


    Every culture on earth has SOME form of religion or another, so don't denounce it so quickly as being primitive, or unimportant. Maybe there's some things You don't understand :P ...

  14. It's not really an "embarrassing" moment, but i had this experience when i smacked my friend in the face once, just because i turned around and didn't see her there! She was really surprised and hurt and her face totally turned red (as mine did also!)




    The exact same thing happened to my friend also, a different one.. She animately makes hand guestures when she talks and when my Japanese teacher came up behind her in class, she totally hit her in the face! gomennasai, sensei :P..

  15. You mentioned taking frequent breaks.

    At the webdesign company that I own, we have 9 team members who I allow a 10 minute break every hour. You will be suprised at the amount of work they succeed in getting done. It also gets their creative juices going. How many times have you thought of your best ideas when you are not sat at your computer desk?? Many of the worlds largest, powerful and most famous inventions were invented by individuals while on a lunch break, vacation and other relaxing activities. I do pay them for the 10 mins they are not at the computer. I believe this is the way you should treat your staff/team members, it is a much better environment when everyone is relaxed, well rested and happy.

    Sorry for going of topic,



    I find that taking frequent breaks is nessacery when at the computer for a while, so get up and do something that takes your mind (and eyes) off the screen so it gets you motivated again... those were helpful tips, though, so good job..

  16. The use of Iframes depends entirely on personal choice and purpose [ex]- if it's a personal site , blog, journal, band site, or fansite, then i think they are neat and can spice up your page a bit. They also make it so that you don't have to reload the main image every page turn.On the other hand, if your site is proffesional, or it's a large site... iframes are not a good choice. Regular frames, imo, are just clumsy and unnessacery in most cases... so i say yes to iframes, down with regular frames.

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