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Everything posted by Luigi

  1. I have a couple of mates that have World of Warcraft, and they both say it is an absolutely amazing game, personally, i have never actually played it, but i have watched my mates playing it.The sheer size of the game world and the customisable game features are apparently 2 of the features that make this game as good as it is. I would buy it, but apparently it requires a lot of your time in order to really enjoy all the features of the game. Could somebody confirm this, or correct me on this issue.
  2. Luigi

    Fifa 2005

    I haven't really heard much about Fifa 2006... Can't wait to hear some information on what i am sure will be a great successor to Fifa 2005, which is great in its own right.
  3. I feel we should just respect the man, and lets not pre judge him. So he was in the Hitler youth, most probably because he was forced to, rather than by choice, but we shouldn't judge on what has happened in the past.There is a BIG difference between being part of the hitler youth, and being a Nazi!
  4. That's strange. I recently updated my site from 2.0.13 to 2.0.14 without any probs. I think the best advice is to just re-do it like bureX said.
  5. Luigi

    Msn Messenger 7

    MSN 7 is much better than the beta version (i think that comment made sense.... )I love the new features, especially the way in which you can see what music other people are listening to on windows messenger. I can rip it out of my mates for listening to terrible music, but they can do the same to me. :PI'm just waiting for the latest msn related virus to start spreading now....
  6. I never really liked Halo 1, and i have not seen anything in Halo 2 that has made me really impressed.If i owned Halo 1, which is not really going to happen, then i certainly wouldn't pay for a brand new game that felt exactly the same as Halo 1Hey, that is just my opinion...don't shout at me.
  7. Like many others, the only popup i saw when using Mozilla Firefox was the drop down one.This is yet another reason why i love Mozilla Firefox so much.
  8. I seriously doubt PC will die because of the next generation consoles.Next generation consoles will certainly be popular, just like PS2, XBOX and Gamecube gaming is now, but PC gaming will still offer a unique gaming experience in the sense that you can play great quality PC games online with so many other people. I don't think online gamers have anything to worry about.
  9. Luigi

    Soccer Sig

    It is fairly good, loving the whole football (or soccer, whichever you say!) theme. May i make a suggestion........Make it English!
  10. From personal experience, i would have to say that Windows is better to use then Linux. I use a Windows XP system at home and i find it so easy to use, with great features. We have Linux computers at my school, and i detest using them. Linux is said to have better security then Windows, but i don't know this for a fact.
  11. Firefox >> Internet ExplorerMozilla Firefox is secure, easy to use, has great addons and general features, and my downloads seem faster through Firefox compared to Internet Explorer.
  12. I am not honestly sure what to suggest. I only know the basics, which is basically the fact that you should be very wary of accepting files or clicking on links that are sent to you by your contacts, especially if they have your e-mail address in the file name. All i can suggest is that you try and detect it by running through Norton Antivirus, and then deleting it through that. I am not sure if you have already tried this or not, but it is all i can think of.
  13. This is absolutely disgusting. In cases like this, they should throw away the key. People like this are a danger to society. We don't want the likes of them to be let loose.
  14. I had a feeling it may have this sort of affect, which is why i didn't buy it. I find that i get very bored of handheld consoles rather quickly because the quality of games on them tend to be of an average quality. I was always just going to wait for the PS3 anyway. PS2 > Psp.
  15. The only case in which i see codes as being acceptable is when you are playing a deathmatch type situation offline, so against bots. Using codes such as antigravity and all weapons can make it fun. Cheating online and cheating in order to actually make progression in a game is not something i would do. Affecting others while cheating is unfair, but if they are not harming anyone, then it's there choice and they should be left to do it.
  16. People like to blame video games because it is easy, even though in most cases, it is not founded. I would like to do a study into the number of people who own or have played GTA San Andreas, and then see how many of them have become crazed killers. I would like to guess that the number of crazed killers would be a tiny number compared to the number of GTA owners. Plus, games have age limits on them for a reason, to ensure that little 8 year olds don't play them. If they are allowed to play such games, then a parent or guardian should be ensuring that they don't have access to these types of games. The video games leading to psychotic behaviour belief is just a myth, which has no real evidence or proof.
  17. Here is my PS3 wishlist:- Fifa football- Metal Gear Solid- Smackdown- GTA- Killzone- TimesplittersI would really like to see these games feature for the PS3 in some form or another.
  18. You made somebody very happy by doing what you did. Imagine how much hurt and suffering you would have caused if you hadn't done it? It would have been catastrophic for the guy. You did a great thing, and i hope that the guys upstairs were watching you at that point.
  19. In this type of situation, i would always recommend the PS2 over the X-Box, and here is why. First of all, the X-Box does have superior graphics to the PS2 in general, but have you seen the graphics in PS2 games such as MGS2+3 and GT4? Those games have a very high standard in tems of graphics. The range of games available for the PS2 is absolutely awesome, it blows the competition out of the water as far as range of games is concerned. In my opinion, the PS2 controllers are a mile better then the fat and ugly X-Box controllers (even though some x-box controllers are ok), the PS2 controllers are still more confortable, which makes gaming so make more enjoyable.X-Box is good, but PS2 is better.
  20. My mate also has Devil May Cry 3 and apparently it is an awesome game, although i have not seen enough of it for me to give my own opinion.I did see the beginning couple of cutscenes, and they did look fairly awesome. I guess the rest of the game followed in a similar style.
  21. I have a Playstation 1 and a Playstation 2. The PS1, back in its time, was the best console on the market in my opinion. Like the PS2, the PS1 has a great selection of top quality games, compared to the competition.
  22. I hope that isn't the actual design, it looks far too 'projectory' for my liking.I, like a few others, was hoping for a PS3 design that wasn't too dissimilar to the PS2, with a simple, yet very effective, look.If that screenshot was seen on Gamespot, then i fear it may be for real..... Gamespot has never failed me in the past, but i hope it has this time.
  23. That is kind of disgusting actually. Here in Britain, we don't have a wendy's, which in a way is lucky for us... although we have plenty more fast-food chains I am not surprised the person vomitted. I can't imagine how i would feel if i had a human finger in my mouth.
  24. I never leave my computer on longer then i have to. I don't do it for the following reasons:1. It absolutely kills your electricity bill - A PC uses a fair bit of electricity2. It increases the chances of catching anything - you can't catch anything if you are not connected to the internet :)3. I am paranoid about leaving anything turned on if i can't keep a check on it - Just the type of person i amI can't understand personally what is so difficult about turning the PC off, and then turning it back on when you want to use it next.The only time i would leave my PC on overnight is if i was to download a large file, but i hardly ever do, so that should never be a problem for me.
  25. I had to do that yesterday. A way to realise if you need to update your Mozilla is that a red symbol thing will appear to the top right corner of your Mozilla browser screen, that is how i realised i needed to update. As has already been mentioned, keep up the good work Mozilla.
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