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Everything posted by Neutrality

  1. Welcome xwilson7x. Please enjoy your stay here at Xisto.
  2. You don't have to concern yourself about being scammed. I used to frequent at Xisto's sister host Xisto, and they have never scammed anybody. When they say you receive CPanel 10, they mean it. Unfortunately, I don't have a screenshot of the CPanel, I never took one when I was still utilizing my Xisto account. Basically, the CPanel front page features a blue-light striped background, a white foreground, and a number of icons possibly in the range of 24-32. Some of the features include the File Manager, Index Manager, MySQL Databases, PHPMyAdmin CGI Center and a myriad of others. I hope this clears up some concerns you have.
  3. It's really hard to comment on a forum-only website, but I was able to do it with NilsC's site, so I'll be able to do it with yours also. The skin is okay, it's nothing over-the-top nor is it destructive to the eye. Mind you, it's nothing fantastic. I think you could adjust the colors just a tad. But that's just my opinion, take it for what it's worth - a penny maybe?
  4. It's nothing special to be quite honest NilsC. I mean, the default forum template is becoming quite redundant and monotonous now. I was thinking that the skin was redone in several shades of green-blue/blue/light blue, something along those lines. Maybe you have already considered giving your forum a new skin. If you haven't, I urge you to. The logo is good, I can't complain about that. Is there an actual website, or is it only a forum? I'm not trying to find fault in it, I'm just curious. Okay, I'm done.
  5. It seems that you are acting slightly ignorant about Game Maker's capabilities. Game Maker is far more powerful and flexible than you give it credit for. What you saw was just the drag-and-drog portion of it, most likely. Once you reach the GML portion of it, I think you would change your mind on the matter. Not only can GM produce simple games, "very simple games" if you will but it also can create large-scale RPGs and 3D FPSs if given the time, patience and the hard work. Personally, I don't use GM anymore. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as an aggressive advocate, but I'm just trying to get the point across. When I did utilize the power of GM, I discovered that it could create amazing things if one put patience and hard work into it. Of course, I've been known to give up on things, so like with the said, GM also followed suit. But I still enjoyed the experience. Honestly, I don't know much about DarkBASIC other than the fact that it's language is based off of the BASIC language. It might be more powerful than GM, I don't know. However, I don't think I'll find out any time soon. I'm not into game making anymore. Okay, I've said enough.
  6. Welcome to Xisto Ashley and do enjoy your stay. It's an excellent community. Good luck with attaining your hosting.
  7. Welcome to Xisto crs cwiz. I hope you enjoy your stay here. It's an excellent community with great hosting packages. Just remember to accumulate enough posts each of those Thursdays and Fridays so that you can keep your hosting credits up. Otherwise, have a nice day.
  8. Like SadElated stated above, my favourite Final Fantasys are FF7, FF8 and FF9 [ not in that order though ]. My favourite is FF8. It's the first Final Fantasy that I played, and it's still the most memorable to me. The gameplay is unique with the flexible Junction system. The storyline was pretty good. Unfortunately, it was little to "mushy-gushy" if you know what I mean. The graphics, well, they were okay for that year, and the music was great. FF7 and FF9 are tied for second. FF7 has a very interesting storyline which parallels our world in many instances [definitely not in the magical aspects though. ] But anyways, the gameplay was unique and original [i enjoyed the materia system immensely. ] The graphics were okay, but in some instances, they were too "cubical" if you know what I mean. The music was great too. Sephiroth, on the other hand, is...ahem...overrated. Finally, the Weapons were a challenge too. FF9 had a storyline similar to that of FF5 but it wasn't entirely parallel to it either. The gameplay was okay, I couldn't complain. The graphics were excellent compared to the previous FFs. The music was excellent - the best aspect of this game by far [ in my opinion of course. ] However, Kuja was a disappointment, and I never came around to defeating Ozma. Oh well, I'll do it eventually. And that's about it.
  9. Yes, I've tampered with the RPG Makers in the past. I didn't create anything with them, but I did mess around with them a little bit. The problem with them is that they are just too generic. They aren't flexible to any stretch of the imagination. Plus, I soon become bored of them. RPG Toolkit is much better, even though there is some coding involved. RPG 2000 95 was pretty crummy. It was terrible actually. RPG Maker 2000 was mediocre at best. RPG Maker 2003 was the best, but still something to be desired. What a waste of almost 30 MB. I don't recommend these programs, not because they are "illegal", but because they lack flexibility and originality. On the other hand, I have never tried out the RPG Makers for the Playstations and Game Boy. They might be better? I don't know.
  10. There are several good freeware image editors that I have come in contact with. I'll post the links to their download pages so you can judge for yourself. The first one is Painter 2.5. It's much better than Paint [ obviously ], but it lacks compared to other image editors, but it's still good. The second one is Pixia. This program is alot better than Painter 2.5. The third program is Project Dogwaffle. I personally consider this the "poor man's Paint Shop Pro", but I'll let you judge that for yourself. Painter 2.5: http://jansfreeware.com/ Pixia: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Project Dogwaffle: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Enjoy?
  11. Is SQL difficult? No. It's a very simple language to learn. It's learning curve is no more difficult than HTML's learning curve. They are both very easy to learn and to utilize, so that's not even an issue. What is the best database? That is totally subjective. There are different types of databases, each created for a certain group of people. For example, MySQL is great for those who want something that can process data quickly, and because it is free of charge. Oracle on the other hand was created for industrial-strength companies that need an efficient, feature-packed database program that can store tens of thousands of customers and whatever else. Of course, there are others in between, like PostGRE, MSSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, and a myriad of others.
  12. Realistically, constructing an OS from scratch is far more complex and daunting than you think. You need to be incredibly affluent and profficient in Assembly Language, C++ and/or in other powerful programming languages. You don't just snap your fingers and voila, you have an OS! It involves a lot of hard work, persistence, patience, and possibly outside assistance from others. I'm not trying to come out sounding like a know-it-all nor am I trying to discourage you from partaking in this task, I'm just trying to make it clear - it's not a piece of cake. Hell, people have a hard time creating paint programs and text editors let alone OSs. Don't think that I'm trying to put your programming skills into question either, because I don't know where your skill level is at honestly. If you pull it off, all the more power to you. Okay, I've said enough.
  13. It was about 2 years ago, about June 2003. I has just started to learn web page design in my drafting class near the end of the school year. We used Notepad to create those first "oh so simple" header tags. Then, we moved on to adding links, images, backgrounds, etc. from a site called pagetutor.com. My first site looked, to put it lightly, atrocious. An eyesore!After that, I started to explore web design on my own. I began to search for tutorials that were more coherent. I ended up on htmlgoodies.com, and I started to learn more HTML. I also dipped into bravenet.com's tutorial as well. Along with HTML, I also picked up the CSS language.And things just went upwards from there.Two years later, I can code efficiently in HTML CSS JS and PHP along with some MySQL. And that's about it.
  14. I've used a plethora of html/php editors along with Notepad. Some of these editors include Crimson Editor, HTML-Edit, NoteTab Lite, PHP IDE, and others that I can't remember now.Note that these were not WYSIWIG [ What You See Is What You Get ] programs. On the other hand, I have also utilized FrontPage [ which is a WYSIWIG ], but not to the same degree as I have the ones before that. To be quite honest, I've only used it 4 times, and only because I didn't know what the hell I was doing. :PCurrently, I use an absolutely amazing program called PHP Designer 2005. It can except many other languages besides PHP though, plus more. But before I started to utilize this program, I just settled with Xisto's default text editor which is no better than Notepad. Actually, it's worse. But that's just me.
  15. Dude, a video game is half-movie, half game. That's why it's called a video game. Most movies have crappy storylines anyways [well, that's what I think. ] But anyways, Final Fantasy 7 was pretty good. I like it. The gameplay was nice [ I like the materia system ], the graphics weren't too bad [the field animations were a bit too blocky, but that's fine], the music was pretty good, and the storyline was interesting to say the least. The only "discrepancy" I have is with Sephiroth. He is by far the most overrated FF boss. Now, I don't want to open a new can of worms, so I'll just stop there before we end up in a debate. Anyways, the Weapons were nice for a challenge too. Frustrating, but it was worth it. All in all, it was good game. I can't complain really. It's not my favourite FF game, but it's memorable nonetheless.
  16. PHP Designer 2005 is a text editor/environment that I discovered in my search for a php editor that had a built-in browser and debugging abilities as well. PHP Designer 2005 is not just any text editor though. With this program, you can use many scripting/markup/programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java, PHP, Perl/CGI, SQL VB, C# and more. Other features include: - Built-in browser to view your pages - Built-in debugger to check for errors - Common HTML tags and syntax [ selectable ] - Common PHP syntax [ selectable ] - various environment skins And many more features... PHP Designer 2005 can be utilized by anyone - anyone from novice HTML users to hardcore PHP coders. You can find this program at the mpsoftware website. Here is the link to the downloads page [ click the link that says PHP Designer 2005 ]: http://mpsoftware.com/downloads.php If you would like to see the reviews it received on php-editors.com, click on the link below: http://www.php-editors.com/review/php-designer.htm NOTES: You must also download the PHP-CGI.exe from php.net for the program to work properly. When you enter the program, click on Options on the top menu, click Editor Preferences, click on the debug tab, and then select where the php-cgi.exe and the php.ini files are.
  17. I'm either going to set up an IPB, or I'm going to start working on my own message board. I'm leaning towards the latter though.
  18. This is just a small script that lets you display a set of pictures in a slideshow-like manner. This script lets you show the thumbnailed versions of the pictures, and then when the user clicks on a pic, the user is taken to the actual picture. NOTE: You can add more pictures to the array by copying the format that is being used in it: <html><head><script language='Javascript' type='text/css'><!--slideshow = new Array( "images/image1.bmp", "images/image2.bmp", "images/image3.bmp", "images/image4.bmp" )slideNumber = slideshow.lengthslideCurrent = 0function loadSlides(){ document.slide.src = slideshow[slideCurrent]}function slideNext(){ if(slideCurrent < slideNumber) { slideCurrent ++ document.slide.src = slideshow[slideCurrent] } else { slideCurrent = 0 document.slide.src = slideshow[slideCurrent] }}function slidePrevious(){ if(slideCurrent > 0) { slideCurrent -- document.slide.src = slideshow[slideCurrent] } else { slideCurrent = slideNumber - 1 }}function playSlides(){ if(slideCurrent < slideNumber) { slideCurrent ++ document.slide.src = slideshow[slideCurrent] setTimeout("playSlides()", 2500) } else { slideCurrent = 0 document.slide.src = slideshow[slideCurrent] setTimeout("playSlides()", 2500) }}function openPicture(){ window.open(slideshow[slideCurrent], "slideWindow")}//--></script></head><body onLoad = loadSlides()><a href='java script: openPicture()'><img name='slide' width=96 height=96></a><br><center><a href='java script: slidePrevious()'><img src='prev.bmp'></a><a href='java script: slideNext()'><img src='prev.bmp'></a><a href='java script: playSlides()'><img src='prev.bmp'></a></center></body></html> If you need more information, just ask and I'll reply. Good luck with the script and enjoy! If I receive my hosting, I will upload the script to the server and show you what it's supposed to do.
  19. When I was still utilizing the services of Xisto, I always wondered whether the disk space used by databases was actually applied to the disk space usage total on my account. Is this true? I'm just curious. I never bothered to ask in Xisto [ I don't go there that often, so... ]
  20. My site is going to contain my artwork, stories, comics, pixelations, and other creative stuff. I'll also be providing tutorials on web design, I'll be setting up a message board, a photo album, and some other good stuff. That's about it.
  21. Yes, I also plan to host a site with Xisto. Nice to meet you Infamousflame.
  22. Like others have iterated and reiterated, Javascript can not create a message board, nor does this said topic belong in this forum. Javascript was and is meant for adding dynamic elements to your page, nothing more. You can not create a message board with JS because it was not designed to, plus it's not a powerful language like PHP and Perl/CGI. You could use Javascript for certain elements of the message board like a fast reply box like this forum has, or for dynamic menus, but that's it really. You would use PHP and/or Perl/CGI along with MySQL and/or flat text files to be able to create message board software. I would recommend some message board software, but since I'm only aware of the more renowned like PHPBB and IPB [ which you are most likely familiar with ], I'll digress.
  23. I'm in the 4-6 hour range when I'm on holidays, 1-3 during school time, and I don't stay on non-stopped either. I do other things In that 4-6 hour range [ eat, go out with friends, sketch, write, work out, etc.] Hey, I was the only kid in my class going into grade 8 that didn't have a computer. I was able to entertain myself before I got my computer in late 2001, so I don't think I would have a problem getting off of it for a few weeks now.The only problem I have is with kids who play games online from 10-12 hours non-stopped each day for a prolonged period of time. That's just sad. Those kids need to do something else. They need to participate in some physical activity, because doing that for years on end is a detriment to your social life, and more importantly - your health. But that's my opinion.
  24. I don't know if you'll go for the software I will be recommending. It does check for errors in your php scripts [amongst other languages] and it does show you the debug information so you can fix the errors, it just doesn't correct the errors for you. It's called PHP Designer 2005. It's a very nice environment that lets you not only code in php, but in other languages too like HTML CSS JS Java VB C# etc. It's a very useful piece of software - a diamond in the rough if you will. Here's the link. http://www.mpsoftware.dk/downloads.php https://p''>https://p'>http://www.mpsoftware.dk/downloads.php https://p By the way, you will also need to install the PHP.exe from php.net so that you will be able to debug your scripts. Just go to downloads.php.net and download the newest version.
  25. Neutrality


    Hello, I'm "Chris Neutral". I was Neutrality on Xisto, but I decided to leave because it was too childish, let's just put it that way. When I posted I was rarely responded to or listened to so why even bother when no one gives a damn what you think most of the time? But anyways, here I am ready to help with php/mysql problems, to debate others on interesting topics, and basically to enjoy myself. I hope to get to know some of you here. Peace.
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