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Everything posted by PurPleKuSh

  1. Ive oed a pit bull before, they are very great family dogs. They can be aggressive but only if raised so. They are great dogs for scialization and vrey sweet. They are great protectors and are one of the most loyal dogs. Lab's are too big pit's are only medium sized dogs. Most of their weight comes from raw muscle. Theyr very strong and pretty hyper but i like to run so ill get it out of him daily. Pit's are great dog's all the bad press is usually wrong and 5/10 times its not really a pitbull but a different type of dog. Not too say their not aggressive, but if raised lovingly they are overly nice and full of love. It is by far my favorite breed of dog.
  2. Im so excited!!!! Im gunna try to go get a Pitbull from the animal shelter tommarow!!!!! A sixth month old male, and it hasnt been neutered!!!(which is rare in an animal shelter) heres a pic hes gorgeous isnt he?????? http://awos.petfinder.com/shelters/wwww.html
  3. i think that people are not born into who they are, but are a product of their enviroment. So royal family members already start learning too rule from a young age...but it still dosnt make it right. If two twin brothers were split up at birth, and one was sent to compton, LA, while the other was sent to beverally hills, LA, they would be two complete opposite people. One would be a hardened, tough person. While the other would most likely be a pompus, snob. People are a product of their enviroment. The people around them make them what and who they are.
  4. Id say just play around with the effects more an practise an youll be a great artist
  5. Well we are capable of imagination and complex ideas...which is far above any primates capabilities. If monkeys have been around as long as scientist say there are, then they should be as smart or even smarter then us if they had the same capabilities of us. But like i said we are very superior, the human body can do a lot given the time and practise, and also determination. We only use 10% of our brain which means that if we were at our full capabilities we would probobly have telepathic skills or some crazy thing like that but right now at our current state we are similar to monkeys...but far more superior.
  6. So, is cricket the sport that i think it is? Im sorry but i don't believe we have cricket in the U.S.....an if i do ive never seen it played.
  7. Sorry to crush your hopes and dreams, but we eat sun rays. We get energy from the sun and thats what we run off of. When a plant grows it harvests a lot of the suns energy. When an animal eats a plant he takes something like 1/10th of its energy. Sae with us when we eat a plant, or an animal. You cant manufacture food because you need solar energy inside the food or else the food will be useless. Now if you can think of a way to manufacture solar energy......
  8. I have too agree with you there Watermonkey....i may believe in most of what the democrats stand for but i wont pick a presidential candidate based on is party, I think it should be based on morale fiber and what they can offer us in terms of national growth and our peoples health and welfare....People do tend to think too much in terms of a "group" rather then an individual...i guess it is easier for most people too lob everyone in catagories rather then figure out for themselves the individuality of everyone.
  9. I don't mean to sound like an ignorant fool but...what is indian cricket??? I think i know what cricket is..isnt it like horseback riding and you hit a ball with a club or something like that?
  10. My favorite is mexican by far.....I love spicey food and all the sauces i can get my hand on..Nothing better then shredded beef and guacomole with enought salsa verde too float the titanic on....Burrito's tacos casidias i love it all...im a big meat eater so i love pork beef chicken...anything with legs ill eat it. haha...hispanic food is the greatest
  11. Ive thought a lot about these things over the past few years and have come up with many theories resolutions even the secret to life for that matter but one thing ive always decided is nothing in life is certain. Now humans as my first topic. We are very complex animals but, all in all we are JUST animals the only thing i think that seprates us from the rest of the species of animals on earth is that we have a soul....now does anyone really know what a soul is? Or if there even really is such a thing? No, but i have theories on that as well..now when you die your body is left behind and your soul will leave it, as some like to believe but a soul is what really? I think the soul is the mind iteself but with some complexities. Now animals think, they feel sad happy hungry etc. But one thing that ive noticed is animals learn, but not at a rate of humans. Humans atomatically start mimicking what they see as babys. They want to do everything they see. Animals how ever are usually starting themselves on instinct. Take a deer for example, fresh out the womb they start to walk. Now thats much faster then an infant human, but i believe that this is because they think in terms of instinct while we think in terms of knowledge and expantion. People mite say "Oh but look the birds can think, the crows can use straws too get bugs out of jars" well i think this is instinct as well....They use the natural tools around them to manipulate to get what they NEED, now us on the other hand, we get things that we need as well as things that are just for recreation. You dont see monkeys building skyscrapers, just like you dont see humans swinging from trees (short of george of the jungle) But i beieve that we are set apart only by our thirst to find things out thus making our quest for knowledge our soul.Space - i believe we ourselves are aliens. Think of it in these terms, Humans have abilities of all the animals combined, Maybe not as sharp as some but the human body is capable of amazing things. The way we are built is so perfect that if you took the time to train yourself and become a master of your body you could really do a lot. I.E. Karate, breakdancers, Gymnist,Parkour) Now, look at your hand, relax it with your arm raised, it closes correct? It is like a bug, when relaxed it goes limp the fingers point down and almost in, now grab something, like a soda can. You can relax your hand while it is open while someting is in your hand, again like a bug. You will find a lot of things like tat with your body. we are a super race, humans, but i think we lost our super abilities millions of years ago. Maybe we came to earth from another planet and the only survivers were ingered and became retarded or something (I.E. us only using 10% of our brain) and so we come from super intelligant, powerfull beings that went brain dead, so we THINK were intelligant but were really just smarter then your average bear...litarally. You mite think these are rants from a crazy madman...and maybe they are...but sometimes things like this make more sense then youd like to admit...
  12. The top one is pretty good, but it looks as if you just thew a bunch of effects and colors together in the background..It has a nice grunge effect but it is doing a lot and has no real color scheme...other then that, nice work
  13. I hope they dont bring anything back from mars...I already think that a lethal virus has come from outer space...Ebola....it is strange that we visited mars in the 70's but it is even stranger and a huge coincidence that the first Ebola outbreak took place on August 26, 1976....now i don't know what you guys think about this but i think Ebola is an alien virus...it kills in less then 2 weaks and causes your pores too bleed...this dosnt sound like any earthlike virus i know...No cure No vaccines and it is a surprisingly new virus..If it had been around before the 70's im sure there would be refrence to it in old stories, books, or even the biblical out breaks but no, the first case ever heard of was in 1976..makes you think dosn't it?-KuSh
  14. I think the whole bush administration is crooked and probobly had the Ohio voting officials in their pocket...After all the things ive heard thats happened..and the sudden recount in florida (were georges brother is in charge of polls) I think we have been scammed. Its a damn shame too because this is a great country but its the crooked people who run it that are tearin it apart...Well theres nothing i can do but Vote the democrats into office..But that still dosnt mean that the democrats will have our backs..You never can tell these days but with G.W Bush it was kind of obvious that he was an incompetent idiot...I love this great nation and will live here till i die...But people need to stop believing everything they hear and look for the truth themselves instead of just agreeing with things just so its easier....But like i said O-Well theres nuthin i can do-KuSh
  15. Area 51 is a Top Secret millitary base that has made great advances in technology such as the drone plane (unmanned spy plane) and i believe a few other airplanes...its true that the only way the workers get there is by airport they are flown in...There is talk of alien crashes and of course all of the cover up theories but, you can find an alien autopsy video and they cant determin if its real or fake...if you find it you decide...looks pretty real but you never can tell now a days. Some theorist say that Velcro came from alien technology from the roswell crash but like i said you never know.
  16. Well i think its great, that could be a T-shirt...Very nice grunge effect and the noise is half the greatness...Very Nice Work Bud!
  17. Very nice template...Is it php or html? Either way it looks great...Very nice abstract theme and the color scheme is great...Great work bud.
  18. Haha nice slipknot sig..very original. I havent seen very many rock band oriented graphics around not as smooth as most sigs but goes well with the grunge feel
  19. I like the soldier one at the bottom...Very nice work bud.....you have good quality pictures 3d even-KuSh
  20. It may not be your best but it is DEFINATELY original...i love how you made the women rise out of the original frame and into another...vrey detailed and the picture quality is great...nice work
  21. Haha! very nice work! You have made an instant classic here...You have made the star wars theme great in a single sig...i love how you used the black cracking effect in the background and blended the hooded character and darth vader into it....you are a pro and i applaud you
  22. Wow i love the color scheame...don't like the picture personnaly but i love the effects you used and like i said the coloring is fantastic
  23. Personnaly, im not an anime fan but you do great work...very nice sig's i especialy like the one with the guy in gold armor and the purpleish background...great detail and quality...keep up the great work bud!
  24. Very nice...Is that the guy from mortal kombat??? This sig has a nice evil feel i like the background as well it goes good with the graphic...good work bud
  25. Man your good...V3 is deffinately my favorite out of all of them...you did a great job on it..i like the black and white coloring and the destruction and havoc feel you made...i give it two thumbs up!
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