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electriic ink

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Everything posted by electriic ink

  1. SPAM!!!! Google Talk topic already started over here. No more replies allowed until someone can report the first post with a good reason for its opening. We can't have two topics about the same thing so... //Warned //Locked
  2. Hey all, I decided to write a script which writes some text to a file, but I have a problem when I execute the script, I get a fatal error: This is the code I'm using to write the file: $ipfnsdoc = "/home/cmatcme/public_html/afolder/afile.txt"; if (!is_readable($ipfnsdoc)) { echo "File cannot be read"; $stopload = 1; } if (!is_writable($ipfnsdoc)) { echo "<br>\nFile cannot be written to"; $stopload = 1; } if (!$stopload == 1) { $da_contents = file_get_contents($ipfnsdoc); if ($da_contents == NULL) { $da_contents = 0; } $towrite = $da_contents + 1; [color=blue]<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>file_put_contents($ipfnsdoc,$towrite);[/color]</span> } I've read php.net's documentation on the function and to be honest, I can't understand half of it, so can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  3. Looks like another wordpress site to me, so if I were to credit the code I'd be crediting wordpress's code not yours. Perhaps a graphical banner instead of the text link at the top or alternatively set it so that so the header text is vertically aligned in the centre aswell as having it aligned horizontally.Just a question, if you haven't finished the site yet why are you putting it up for review?
  4. I hate it... When you really don't want to do something and you feel like your being forced to do it. I especially hate it when the only thing they can say to persuade you to do it is "There's no such word as can't" When boring sports program overrun so all the decent shows (namely The Simpsons) get cancelled. When child singers form a band and release songs on a CD for everyone to buy an listen to, I hate the sound for someone reason of children singing probably because half the time they can't. A good example of this is S Club 8 (aka S Club Juniors). Thanks be to the fact that they never last long. But I could go on at other things such as when singers make it so obvious that they're miming etcetra etcetra...
  5. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the dogs, shambling aimlessly. They yowled frantically, pawing only scratches. Momentarily, everyone ran, attempting, praying that it would help them escape the shamble that
  6. Hi ambient and welcome to Xisto and I hope you enjoy your free hosting. I'm from the UK aswell
  7. No, this isn't advertising. Advertising is when you're trying to sell the product to people and seeing as all you want are reviews and personal opinions (which can be good or bad), this doesn't count as advertising.
  8. Hey xclusivesoldiers and welcome to the community Enjoy your hosting and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask... Notice from cmatcmextra: Just realized, this is posted in the wrong forum. Moving from Have Your Say --> General Talk to Have Your Say --> General Talk --> Introductions.
  9. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the dogs, shambling aimlessly. They yowled frantically, pawing only scratches. Momentarily, everyone ran, attempting, praying that it would help them escape the [hr=noshade][/hr]Note: Meh. Decided to keep it locked till the next game starts
  10. Lol 1080 errors. The reason why you're getting all those errors is because xhtml must be written in lower-case and open tags such as <img> and <br> must have a forward slash before the >. When you started the body tag you spelt it boy instead. If you want no margins on the page, you shouldn't use the marginleft, marginright, margintop and marginbottom attributes, use css instead it's safer. To do this add: margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px;margin-right: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px; under the body { } part of your css document. Whenever you use the script tag, remember to specify the langauge your writing in (language="javascript" for example) and the type of code that's being written (type="text/javascript" for example). That should clear up a few hundred, I've found that sometime certain errors cause other errors, so if you fix them they should sort out some others
  11. electriic ink


    Hey there Blue0016 and welcome to the community. Hope you enjoy your hosting
  12. This is amazing! I could in theory make the numbers higher and higher and the page-load speed would get faster and faster, but does anyone know if anything bad would happen if I did?
  13. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the dogs, shambling aimlessly. They yowled frantically, pawing only scratches. Momentarily, everyone ran, attempting, praying that it would help them
  14. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the dogs, shambling aimlessly. They yowled frantically, pawing only scratches. Momentarily, everyone ran, attempting, praying that it would [hr=noshade][/hr] Note: If you want to host the game next week, send me a pm by Mon 16:00 GMT and if I approve you can - next week's host (if any) will be announced when I lock the topic. First come first serve. You must start the new word game before Sat 16:00 GMT but after Sat 13:00 GMT, if you start it too early I'll hide the topic, too late and I would've started it for you Closing time for this word game is Mon 16:00 GMT. Thank you for playing....
  15. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the dogs, shambling aimlessly. They yowled frantically, pawing only scratches. Momentarily, everyone ran, attempting, praying that
  16. 10 points to astraesboi for getting my name right I masked the url so people couldn't look at it and guess my name...
  17. Well when you try a click on a link that existed a whole year ago, it's not surprising it doesn't work. Since then they could've moved or shut down due to may reasons. Since ippon's host is a post-2-host type host their account was probably terminated due to inactivity...Back then Xisto's forums were only 10 days old For these reasons, the topic is closed until someone can provide a link as to where the site has been moved (if anywhere).//Locked
  18. So all you want to know is why you should get firefox? Well this topic has been created before and here's the answer and here's a 21-paged topic called Firefox -v- IE. And besides all people are gonna say in this topic (in many different ways) is that firefox is good because of its security, extensions and themes and quick-search bookmark feature. More informationabout this on the ff webiste and links above. #David789 -- Opera is a browser that can be downoloaded for free but there's a nasty banner ad for Opera in the program unless you pay for it. More info... I declare this SPAM. Report this topic with a good reason if you want it opened. Please search the forums before starting a new topic to prevent this from happening again. // Locked
  19. Some older browsers may not support frames, so after you've put truefusion's code between your head tags, place this between the two frameset tags: <noframes><body>Your browser does not support frames! Redirecting...<script> window.location = "http:/your.com/~longurl/"; </script></body></noframes> This must got between the frameset tags and you'll have to make the doctype html 4.01 framesets.
  20. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the dogs, shambling aimlessly. They yowled frantically, pawing only scratches. Momentarily
  21. Well from what I remember, this is how embed applets into a webpage: <applet codebase="codebaseurl.class" alt="alernative text" name="optional_applet_name" vspace="0" hspace="0" height="21px" width="23px"> </applet> Then there's the param tags which I don't know about. Needs someone else to explain that. I'm sure if you google applet tag, you'll find a helpful document explaining it all for you.
  22. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to dogs, shambling aimlessly they
  23. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the
  24. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation
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