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Everything posted by Misanthrope

  1. Dearest Baw, where are thou? I can no longer see thee from afar....

  2. Dearest Baniboy, please don't apologize for injecting some much needed satire into the public sphere! God knows people need a good mental rogering every now and then to wake them from their stupor, and any thinking person will naturally interpret your post for what it is, as opposed to some show of mental superiority - which I know it isn't. We run in to trouble when we take others words too literally. As far as one person's mental prowess over another, what's wrong with admitting we are not all the same? For all I know, you ARE smarter than the average American. That is something to be proud of, not something to apologize for. Must we all languish in the hellish realm of mediocrity? For myself, I refuse to dumb down my speech or attitude because some mental midget might get "offended" by use of anything other than the gutter-speak propagated by our slave masters on Madison Avenue. Keep in mind, their agenda is to keep you enslaved in their inhuman Matrix. The dumber you are and the weaker your vocabulary, the better slave you make. So strive for academic excellence, even though it is not "cool." There is nothing more threatening to powerful interests than the man who can reason things out and question the status quo. That being said, Baniboy, please continue to titilate our minds with your thought-provoking witticisms! I for one, am game.
  3. Very nice, Baniboy. Much nicer, in fact, than the one I saw on a previous post. Of the ones on this post, I like the first. I was wondering, can you redesign my website....LOL
  4. The topic starter has an interesting signature. In fact, when I try repeating here, it gets bleeped out. But in response to the question, yes, Americans have been systematically dumbed-downed via the Public Fool System, mind-numbing tel-LIE-vision, video games, fluoridated water, mercury in vaccines, high fructose corn syrup in the soda, chemtrails in the air, factory-farmed meat, and the list goes on. I'm sure this engineered war on the public is all an incredible coincidence. Still, it's cool to be a knuckle dragging moron, didn't you know? Witness how the media glamorizes the mediocre and chastises genius, over and over again. Repeat the same idiotic mantra enough times and those of feeble mind (or without strong parents) will readily succumb so as not to appear "different" or of an individualistic bent. The citizens of the world's once greatest empire have served their purpose as the world's police men, having procured much of the planet for the globalist elite/banking/corporate cartel who the culture creators (via Madison Avenue) the American public so sheepishly follow, and the rest of the world so grudgingly admire. And now the same elite who built America up are going to bring her to her knees, so that she might be more readily assimilated into the North American Union. The idiots of reference in this video are simply collateral damage, as war criminal Henry Kissinger would have it. And make no mistake, when America falls, the rest of the world will go with her.
  5. You make a valid point, oh One-Who-Goes-By-Many-Numbers my compromised mind can't remember! There have been times a nice, soft carpet could have cushioned the blow from a fallen beer, wine, or spirit receptacle that might have otherwise shattered on a harder surface. Talk about alcohol abuse. But believe it or not, I have yet to experience shattered glass on a wood floor. And if you're into the whole "sustainable" thing, you can heat a wood floor with radiant heat. From what I understand, heat from the ground up is more cost efficient than the usual protocol. I'm no expert on home improvement. I'd venture to guess our resident Builder (jhaslip) would know more on the subject...
  6. Wondering how you are, "more than meets the eye." Hope all is well in Buffalo...

  7. Dear MichaelA8, I apologize for the delayed response. Hope you are well...

  8. Dearest Arch Angel Michael, who am I to deny you your plush, carpeted comforts? I am currently living in a Marriott hotel suite with wall to wall carpet and it's very nice to walk on with bare feet, I must admit. Happily, someone else gets to vacuum this horrible eyesore every day! Seems Marriott decided to revamp their interior design with lots of red, red, red. I don't like red. But I now see red everywhere. There is also a kitchenette with faux stone flooring and it feels like the real thing. But if you drop a wine glass on it, it doesn't break. It's phony stone! Oh well, as long as it looks like the real thing, they can up their price tag and charge the dumb public whatever they please. I find it curious how in this manufactured economic downturn the hotel business seems to be booming with business travelers of all ilk. Don't believe everything you see on the corporate controlled media, folks. People are still out there making bank.
  9. Ash-Bash, we are birds of a feather, you and I. Even when I travel hither and yon, I'm willing to pay a little extra for comfortable surroundings that nourish and inspire the human spirit. Four white walls with wall to wall germ incubation is the providence of po' white trash and nuevo rich. Lets not forget the above ground pool, junked cars, chained pit bulls, and unruly brood of unkept children. Given a choice of the later, I'd say the pit bulls hold more promise.
  10. Yes, I hear Ontario gets pretty darn cold this time of year...lol:)

  11. You have a true idiot for a landlord. Let's see, you're offering to foot the bill for an upgrade that will add value to HIS property, and even willing to do the labor yourself, and yet he refuses. Yup, he's an idiot. And yes, you are wise to consider a move elsewhere. May as well just buy a place this time around so you can do what you darn well please.
  12. I'm aware of at least two Mr. Universe winners (including Arnold Schwarzenegger) who reached their personal best by adopting a vegetarian, or mostly vegetarian diet. May I suggest a meal that includes whole grains of some sort, accompanied by a tasty legume? India and countries of the Middle East and Africa have perfected this equation, so look to them for guidelines. They are generally thinner and more limber than their American counterparts, no doubt in part to their excellent diet. For a quick meal to be followed by a workout of some sort, I personally like a hummus wrap, which includes:- organic whole wheat wrap (a whole grain carbohydrate; can be tortilla or any whole grain wrap)- hummus (a protein dense blend of garbanzo beans and succulent spices; readily digested and assimilated - unlike meat)- organic yogurt and/or feta cheese- lettuce, tomato, greek olives, red onionsAnd since you're in training, may as well have some brown basmati rice or whole grain chips on the side. A hummus wrap can be had in most urban areas. In lieu of this, you can buy the ingredients at places like Trader Joe's, Wild Oats, and even Costco. Just try to avoid hummus containing Canola Oil (Canadian Oil). This controversial product damages heart tissue. Try to find hummus made with Olive, Sunflower, or Safflower oil instead. Of course, you can always make hummus yourself. You just need to throw some cooked garbanzo beans in a blender with some olive oil, lemon juice and spices.
  13. Having lived with both carpet and hardwood, I would definitely go with the later. Carpet is disgusting. It harbors every nasty thing you drag into the house, brews it all up into a foul, noxious concoction, then spews it into your breathing environment every time you walk over it, and even when you don't. And don't forget the chemical cocktail of poisons the carpet comes with straight from the factory, including my personal favorite: formaldehyde. And it's a pain in the a#s to clean. Not that you can ever really get carpet clean. If you must have carpet of some sort, why not install hardwood, then throw down a few area rugs? At least you can easily throw them out if they get too nasty. Try doing that with wall-to-wall. Given my druthers, I'd actually choose some sort of rock flooring over carpet or wood. There's a look of permanence about it that harkins back to days of castles, knights, round tables, motes, and silly people falling out of tall towers.
  14. Thanks for starting this thread, as I've been thinking of upgrading from a Cutenews format to Joomla (watch as SM, JH, and BH run for cover!). Has anyone hosted here use Joomla successfully? If so, I should very much like to follow your protocol, so as to save the forementioned Masters much torment and agony.
  15. Misa here checkin' in on the Moogsta. How are ya girl?

  16. Old guy? Hardly! You're in the prime of your life!

  17. Yes, yes. The youth of every generation, especially this one, are targeted more than other age groups for ready indoctrination and mind control. The powerful elite knows that when they control the youth of any given generation, they control that sector for the rest of their miserable lives. Get ?em while they?re young, right? And the youth, unfortunately, are naively open to utopian causes that appeal to their idealistic sensibilities. Our resident Veteran and Archangel (Saint Michael himself), aptly points out the video games currently in use to prepare future soldiers for the thrill of blowing away the ?bad guys.? And he more than any of us would know, having born personal witness to the horrors of such treachery first hand. But who are the bad guys we?ve been conditioned to hate to the point of wanting to invade their sovereign countries and blow them sky high? Usually, they are common folk like the rest of us, but they happen to have a different skin tone, religion, or creed?.you get the point. Or, maybe they look like you or me but have been chosen by the elite to make an example for the rest of us. The point I?m trying to get at is this: The entities who create war for profit and self- interest must create an ?enemy? to rile the troops to battle. After all, you can?t have war without an enemy. Usually, these war-mongering elite fund both sides of the conflict to create a more lucrative venture. Remember how the US initially funded Sadam?s escapades? Well, he is only one in a long line of fall guys used to deliberately create conflict for profit. And we, the common folk, die in the battlefield or waste away in veteran?s hospitals while the elite get richer and richer. And thus it has always been, and will continue to be until the masses wake from their stupor. Still, I can?t blame anyone for wanting to enlist during this manufactured economic collapse that offers little in the way of options. I have two nieces with criminal justice degrees who, for reasons unknown, decided to enlist instead of going in as officers. Now, of course, they regret it terribly. And they now understand, as Saint Michael does, the military does not give a flying crap about them. One recently had a baby (yuck!) and the Army won?t let her go to take care of her own child. The other fractured a pelvis in boot camp and suffers in silence for fear of retaliation. Have you ever been to a VA hospital? It?s shameful how our so-called government treats our fine veterans. The government used them as experimental guinea pigs during their enlistment, and continues to ply them with dangerous pharmeseuticals as their health diminishes. We die and languish so the richer than rich may prosper. If had had my druthers after my schooling, I would have gone in as an officer and had an exciting career traveling the world. Instead, I traveled the world without getting paid (much) and now have no medical benefits. So much for genius. My primary concern for new enlistees are the mandatory vaccines, which are now so vile and toxic they subject the recruit to health hazards previously unrealized. Were it not for this health hazard, I'd say, go ahead and enlist, but GO IN WITH EYES WIDE OPEN.
  18. Rayzoredge, how can I possibly retort your brilliant statement? I am in total agreement with the jest of your statement, 'cause when all is said and done, it really all comes down to the individual. It's when we lose sight of this poignant truth that we run in to trouble. God speed, my friend.
  19. Firstly, "our" troops are only as bright as the culture creators our Public Fool system have allowed them to be, meaning, today's youth have been systematically compromised and dumbed-downed by design. Read, "The Deliberate Dumbing-Down of America" for more on this sad state of affairs - that is, if you can still read a book from cover to cover without being distracted by a video game or that large propaganda machine in your living room. Secondly, "our" troops are not fighting for the common man, but for a very powerful, very wealthy banking elite who have historically created war and conflict for their own selfish benefit. But you don't know your history, because the Public Fool system has kept you in the dark. And thus, you are condemned to repeat history till you wake up. In the meantime, good men will continue to die in the name of patriotism and love of country, not realizing they are merely cogs in the wheel of this un-godly machine of lies and deception.
  20. From personal experience, I can't stress how important it is to get a CPA on your side, especially if you do a Schedule C or otherwise operate a business of any sort. And even if you don't, you are much more likely to get audited by the fraudulent, illegal system that calls itself the "IRA" if you are a small entity that doesn't have a professional preparing your returns. Did you know this system is unconstitutional and operates under illegal extortion? No where under tax code are you REQUIRED to pay taxes to this den of thieves. That's right. In their own documents they state it is a voluntary act, yet they extort monies out of citizens under pain of jail sentence. Do you really think these same thugs will give you a break because you flip burgers at McShit? The bottom line is, you are considered an easy mark if you prepare your own documents. These are the words of my CPA. He has been repeatedly horrified at how the IRS goes after the little guy and leaves the big fish alone, with very rare exceptions. Don't think you are immune to audit because you make a meager income. Granted, you will spend a tad more for a CPA, but the peace of mind is worth it.
  21. Dear God, man! As if there aren't enough bitc*y folk running amok in the workplace and beyond. All we need are the male of the gender blaming their foul mood on the "time of the month" or other such drivel. I've had it with the she-males and emasculated "things" so touted by Madison Avenue's media whores. Don't they understand the most powerful empires were built on solid pillars of testosterone? De-ball the male, and you destroy family and culture. Or, maybe that's the whole point.....
  22. I find the term "health care" as used to describe our medical established an oximoron, at best - meaning, there is isn't much healthy about health care, as it currently exists. People are generally treated as machines as opposed to the unique and complex individuals they are. One size does Not fit all. And doctors often fail to take this into consideration when they so freely dole out their toxic pharmaseutical band aids. Please note, I am not referring to holistic and traditional practitioners here. These healers diagnose the whole person as an individual, relying on ancient cures that honor the individual, and do not refer to the one-size-fits-all MERK medical manual the establishment runs to for cover. In the States, medical doctors are responsible for more deaths than auto accidents. This is why lawsuits against this negligent group are so common, and why they should not be revoked. These so-called professionals are being sued for good reason. THEY KILL PEOPLE!!!
  23. I don?t think one can underestimate the importance of a name, and Xisto?s CEO rightly exercises sound business savvy in polling his customers on his personally created namesake. Many self start-ups lack the detached humility necessary to achieve the level of success we all benefit from at Xisto.com. Obviously, the name has worked so far, despite the initial confusion most users experience upon hearing the name. The thing is, its? not necessary users comprehend the name on a conscious level, and one need look no further than ?Yahoo? or ?Google? to grasp this simple concept. That being said, a revised name would undoubtedly open more markets. Marketing agencies employ talented folks well versed in culture creation and human psychology to achieve this very thing. The key, I believe is, is coming up with a name that taps into your desired market?s psychological archetype(s), but this poses complications when attempting cross-cultural and/or international appeal, as is the case here. Still, it?s certainly doable. Where there's a will....
  24. Dear Miladinoski, In answer to your query, butter is infinitely superior to margarine. The latter is a non-food product of the artificial process of "hydrogenation," which I'm sure I don't have to educate anyone here on. It's received enough bad press as of late to put nicotine to shame. Simply put, the body doesn't know how to break down and assimilate hydrogenated products, which come in many forms. And anything the body has trouble processing eventually contributes to physical disease. Butter, on the other hand, occurs naturally. Furthermore, man has acquired the ability to process it's beneficial qualities over the centuries - unlike the artificially imposed menace of margarine. So, gentle reader, seek ye the healthy fats of raw, organic butter from cows not victimized by the cruel hand of factory farming.
  25. I suppose I was fortunate to have come of age before the menace of video games and other high-tech gadgetry. Nonetheless, there is always something to distract you from you goals, that is why you need to be goal-oriented, and get yourself a day-timer or some other non-computer related calendar to reference throughout the day. Write up your itinerary the day before on this calendar, and check off the events as you finish them. General rule of thumb is get the drudgery out of the way as early as possible, then you can relax and slap yourself on the back for actually accomplishing something. And, if you must, return to your mind-numbing video game.
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