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Everything posted by Punkcat

  1. That's true, blizzard it seems is only developing their online game World of Warcraft, because with 6 million monthly subscribers, it's where the money is. I'm a great fan of Diablo II and Starcraft, there aren't any signs of any updates or a Diablo III any sooner. Besides, they've just released the World of Warcraft expansion set, so you see the line they're taking.
  2. I'm definitely going to try this out! I'm so sick of the same fonts for all the web, and if you want to add a not-so-common-but-great font, you have to make a big image, which increases loading times, and I usually leave it out...Now perhaps we can work with more freedom in design. I'll post here what comes out from this.
  3. I don't think google will pay 60 millions dollars to IIR (that's the estimated value for the name), so I guess they will switch to another thing. Googlemail sounds too long, I think they will come up with something new, as they always do. In any case, it seems they have lost the UK case, and may as well lose the US case too. Google it seems has also tried to get gmail.net domain, but the owner wouldn't let go. For him Gmail stands for Grafical mail, and he's not willing to transfer the domain. If I were him, I would settle with some few millions
  4. I wonder if there are really 13 root DNS servers or they are just the visible side of it all. As pointed out before, a government that has control over all the internet flow can cause havoc, why would the US let go of it, if they want to have control over every single aspect of the globe? And because of that, I don't think that US government agencies would just let the internet "flow freely", being them who initially created it, with a purpose of course.
  5. Well if you want to know what scientiology is, you should hear it from the founder itself, Ron Hubbard: (some years before he started one himself) The main idea is to get other people into this "cult" and gain control first over their minds, then over their lives, their properties and their money. By exploiting their weaknesses, brainwhashing them and introducing new moral concepts, they take the followers to a state of slavery, subconciousness, and unawareness of what is going on around them. They apply psychological techniques of hypnosis and suggestion to create a state where they aren't capable of telling right from wrong, and will end up doing what they tell them to do - and believing this is good for them.As with most sects and cults, they isolate people from the rest of their family, relatives, friends and society, and followers end up having only their "leaders" to trust, to listen to, to follow, and to obey. This is very popular among celebrities, and it has survived the founder's death, because at later stages Hubbard in "delusions of grandeur" and a bit of self-brainwashing (he even wrote a "brainwashing manual") firmly believed that the new and greatest purpose of this "church" was to save the whole universe, to achieve higher key positions in governments and society to control the world and take it to "salvation". You can read a bit more here: http://www.xenu.net/roland-intro.html
  6. I checked both sites and they have the same template (different colors only) and if you check out Kingofhosts TOS, they say at the very beginning: So it seems that they are the same providers, and perhaps that is why they have such high Alexa ranking. Just people should be aware they are the same - Xisto and Xisto are "twins" but they say so in the open, they offer same or similar features, but never hide it from their users.
  7. Hey thanks for the advice here. I've wanted to connect to my database directly, but with no success. I always use SQLyog for my local databases but couldn't get to connect to Xisto. Then tried SQLYog with tunnelling, and I could manage to connect, but couldn't do much as it keeps logging off. Then I tried "Add hosts" from Cpanel ( I didn't know there was such thing in Cpanel, or anywhere for that matter) and I got different results. I had a previous user for one of my databases, but it seemed to have problems. I created a new user and all went smoothly. Just one thing: when I tried to change user permissions to access the database remotely (just for security) I couldn't do it, even though I changed them from Cpanel, when I got back to the user it had all priviledges again. I don't know if it's a problem with Cpanel, but well, all in all I know the access is working, and to keep things secured I'll create and delete users and hosts (my IP is dynamic) as I see fit whenever I want to access the MySQL server.
  8. We have worked with barcode scanners before in some applications - managing items from a large database, to add, delete, and track items in the inventory. As CaptainRon pointed out, is really simple to set it up, because it works like a regular keyboard. So wherever you have the focus (ie a textbox) there your imput will go. So basically you treat it as data imput from the keyboard. You can work with the barcodes that come with the items, for example the EAN or UPC codes, or you can generate your own. This comes handy when you have your own organizing system, or you want several copies of the same item (for example, in a rental system you have several DVDs for the same film) and you want to track them individually and have them in correlated order(you get to choose the numbers for the code). There are programs that have many different formats for barcodes: you can choose the size,width, the symbology you want to use, which can be UPC, EAN, PostNet, etc. And then you can print them out on self-adhesive labels. For this, there are barcode printers, or you can just print them in a regular printer, just be careful with resolution and image definition, because it will affect the way the barcode scanner will read it. You can try some barcode generators online to see what I mean: http://barcoding.com/ https://www.barcodesinc.com/ For our applications, we generated and tested our own barcodes and they work perfectly fine. There are also free applications already made to generate them from your desktop (just Google them), or you can make your own Good luck with it!
  9. Let's say you're in power. Let's say you consider and truly believe in what is the best for your country, for your people. How would you go about letting them know that? How do you go about letting them know about love for the country, respect for the elders, passion in everything they do, be part of a community? Education. You educate your people - not brainwash them-. It's like raising a child (and I can tell you that from experience): they don't know anything, you still can't trust them and let them do whatever they want because they still can't tell one thing from another. If I let my child alone in the garden, she may take some pebbles into her mouth (what she has done), she might choke and die. Shouldn't I take it off her mouth, even if she cries, because it's something she wants? There is a time to learn, and there is a time to act upon what you've learnt. If in twenty years' time my daughter wants to go and swallow some pebbles, it will be up to her, she will know better, she will make that choice knowing the consequences, but not now. Now it's the same if teenagers go around disrespecting everything, saying (ar acting as if) the country hystory is a piece of s**t, admiring foreign culture and not giving a d**m about their own. But they don't know anything about their own history, or their own culture. You can't love what you don't know. So education is for that. If later on, you think something different, then it's up to you, you know better, and you'll act on the knowledge. But you can't do that before knowing, you can't go around and say "I'm being brainwashed!" for what they teach at school.
  10. For all I know, PHP4 and PHP5 ares still being developed as separate projects, and none has to do with the others. I suppose PHP6 comes as a new derivative and with the clean-up of what the managers of the project think as flaws in the other versions. It is true that still many servers(free or paid), if not most, still run on a stable PHP4 version, and this is quite annoying as usually my team codes in PHP5 and there aren't many sites to test scripts. PHP5 is only offered as a novelty. Now who will have PHP6 offered in their servers?
  11. This is quite interesting, by windows is always crashing and it seems I have to install it once a week... Now I've been trying Linux images that run on windows, they come handy when setting up servers, testing everything on your own machine and then upload the image to the main server.Now I'm thinking of changing to Linux completely and run a Windows image on it - it's just there are some windows apps that can't run on linux, no matter how hard wine tries ... A liveCD will really make things easier for the change and testing new distros... Thanks for the info!
  12. Does anyone have a screenshot of the 3D environment in Linux you're using? I'd be interested to see something before going through the process of installing a whole Linux only to find it dissapointing.
  13. I haven't tried Movable Type yet, I've used Wordpress in a few sites and I can tell you that is a piece of cake to install and have it running, either as a pre-installed script, or doing it all by yourself: the step-by-step instalation is very easy to follow. As pointed out before, it has a great community, and also good communities in different languages, full of people and you usually get help very quickly in case you get stuck. As a plus, many many templates and plugins to choose from.
  14. So far according to the article the nanogenerators aren't powerful enough yet to power a laptop, but a watch, an iPod a cellphone or a palm maybe so. All in all, it seems like science-fiction turning more science than fiction! I wonder if in the near future we could also get small gadgets to fly around - that's one of my secrets desires! Fly like a superhero! LOL
  15. I know that AJAX is one of the most popular ways of creating interactive websites, for example Gmail and Yahoo mail beta, so this course can really make me jump into things. Thanks for sharing the link!
  16. Personally, I don't like text-based games, I prefer some kind of movement , but if you want to go that way, don't choose ASP, as it will only run on a Windows server (don't think it will run on Xisto server, correct me if I'm wrong). PHP and MySql are the basics, so you might start off with that. That will give you the "game engine", that is, the functions and tools to do it, but as it was pointed out before, you really need to know WHAT you want your game to do. It's not the same to have a strategy game like Ogame than a RPG game, or a mafia game. Apart from this, you should also pay attention to layout and graphics. You may come up with a great game, but unattractive visually. So get at least a basic knowledge of CSS, a good graphics program, even better if you have nice images, and some flares of AJAX will spice it up a bit.
  17. I agree with the others here that you really need to aim at something less "huge" than a MMORPG like WOW to start off... More if you are starting to learn the basics of a programming language. This said, to make a MMORPG like WOW you would need not only programming skills but soon you'll be involved in the creation of sound FX, music, levels and graphics as well, and you'll be spending as much time in this as in the game engine development.For graphics, you need to get hold of a 3D model editor, either buy one, such as 3DS Max, Maya or Lightwave, or you can get a free one like GMax from turbosquid.com (the free version of 3DS Max) or GameSpace Light from caligari.com - good starters. Also, you might need plugins from the 3D modellers to export to the format you want to use.Also you need a good graphics program for textures, PhotoShop or PaintShop Pro are good. The Gimp is free and it can be used in Linux.For level editors, you might even have to write your own if the ones available don't suit your needs. Ok this is just my two pennies
  18. I currently use Photoshop, and I tried GIMP also, mainly because I wanted to switch to a Linux OS and that's the only decent graphics program there is available for linux. As there is a windows version, I installed it, and the first thing I noticed is the windows style, (more linux-like) and it took me a while to get used to it. There are many options, alpha channels, tools that are the same level of quality as in Photoshop, and of course tons of plugins as the GIMP is open source. In the end, I stayed with Photoshop as I was used to it, and didn't have the time to learn a new program(different names for same things, shortcuts, etc) So I would suggest that if you have Photoshop continue with it, unless you want to switch to Linux for graphics, or want to support open source developments The main advantage is of course it's FREE.
  19. Maybe the planet knows what she's doing, and she's slowly getting rid of us... With so much pollution, we're in a way attacking her and we're just no more than parasites. Perhaps this is the way to show us that in the end, she will remain and we will disappear, perhaps it's too late now to make any changes, to reverse all the damage done, and we're heading slowly towards destruction as a species - if we don't destroy ourselves first with some bombings....
  20. Thank you so much, it solved the problem alright. Also, I learnt a lot from this example alone. Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
  21. Hi, I just installed a joomla CMS and I wanted to use this template, but for some reason it doesn't show the way it shoud be. This is my site: Rarex.uni.cc and it should look like : template It was tested on Joomla 1.0.11 and 1.0.12 The problem as far as I can see is that the modules for this template: top_menu, main_menu, grey, logo and header aren't listed in the modules position dropdown list when I want to assign a module to that position, so the menus show up in weird places. It's a tableless template, and in the css it's specified the div for this, but I don't know what to edit to add the missing modules positions. Please if someone can help me I would be very grateful.
  22. I do believe that civilization on the Earth started longer ago than what "writings" or the books normally say. As it was mentioned in the opening post, there are many evidences of advanced technology or civilization that date millions of years before what most scientists affirm the first man walked on earth. Of course, they don't fit in the mainstream theories and are absolutely ignored or taken as fake. These theories are nots een as theories at all, but taken as absolute truths, and cannot be challenged in any way. And one of the main failures in these theories is the method used to identify the age of things. They are so inacurate and cand determine only a huge span of time to which the objects belonged. So most of the "findings" are not more than speculations, used as base for more speculations until a very "solid" base is formed, a base upon which the history is cosntructed.
  23. So what are you stating as the debating question?
  24. If you can't see or are unaware of a higher purpose in life than eating breeding, then by all means, as you say, you are not much more than an ameba, or a cow.In that case, I would state that there are two different kinds of human beings...
  25. This is quite interesting stuff, and clarifies some questions anyone can have. One thing though, most popular sites on the net fail to pass W3C tests. That's something to think about.
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