i was unsure wheater to post a topic about this subject, and then just few posts below i saw someone talking about lsd, and mentioning dr.Houses episode when he used it to treat migraine... anyway, dr House is only series i'm lurking for on TV, and i think it's great. It's power is in the brilliant new way of studying human behavior on whole new level. Psychological profiles of characters like House, and his crew are made to be conflicting but again show that line in each one of us which makes us humans. Anyway i just wanted to comment on last episode i saw, when he got shot, and had complete outer body experience, in which he realized that he's hallucinating, and strugling to stay alive. Also he mentioned ketamine, which is powerfull supstance that i know people used in heavy depressing states, when they had trouble dealing with deaths of their closest. ketamine is known to produce outer body experiences and so called astral projections, and many people noted that after just few trips they had chance to feel the presence of their lost family, friends, which helped them in accepting their deaths, and getting rid of depression. as for psychedelic writings, i do that in my free time, on paper and on web, but i'm writing in my native language, couse it's hard to express all those feelings and impressions in foreign language. thanks for accepting this topic, couse i'm sure many people will misunderstand it's purpuse