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Everything posted by Xedos

  1. I was just wondering.... It would make my website harder to build if you didn't. A ******** harder. You don't do you?
  2. 0.o. Ive learnt a lesson. Who edited my topic and made a poll, eh?
  3. This is some of the best advice ive ever heard. Ill be remembering this for my sites. Its so.. easy too. Im surprized no ones thinking about the searche engine stuff. Ill be making a good not about that. I usually have my menus at the top center. Would that appear on a search engine? If it does ill have to change my style. >_<. Anyway. Great guide or notes or document whatever it is.
  4. 0.o Last time I checked it was a half of that. Damn people, they must be so sad. Why is life so ******* hard to live?
  5. It is posiable. Simply select C when on the new projects page. I use Dev C++. Its extreamly easy and simple. I would spead the word to anyone who needed a compiler.
  6. People actully think that? I thought only the dummys who didn't have a brain knew that. (No insults). But really? If you've ever seen a page with java or javascript tutorial on, it says that its not the same.
  7. Not that im insulting you, but didn't we all know this. Its the basics that anyone teachs you before a tutorial. Its the first thing ive seen in any Javascript tutorial, don't know about Java ones though.
  8. If not php, use perl. Its all good. The main goal in any language is to let you do the most things in the least set of lines. I say PHP. PHP is the best language for anything and alot simpler. I also see PHP as more wildy documented and theres alot more support. Go the Smart Way, Use PHP.
  9. I have to agree. Hotscripts is the best for any programming language, well not any. If I hate to rate its scripts and tutorials overall it would get about a 8. Its got a nice layout too. Thats a plus.
  10. I wish I could run php on my computer. I installed a server, but it doesn't seem to like my PC. If I run a page from a URL it will work, if I run a page from a link, it will crash. 70% of the time even the url doesn't work. This is one of the reasons I need a webhost. I just suck at setting really complex things up.
  11. Firefox is fine for me. This is the first time ive heard someone putting firefox down. I don't know how you can. Some guy, I forgot who once said "The only this IE is good for is to download FireFox". Now isn't that true. As for your problem, get windows xp. I think Bill gates has messed with your computer so only IE works.
  12. Xedos


    You can't argue with that. PhpBB sucks. Invisionboard is easy to use, setup, host and maintain. The best if you've got some cash is Vb, but if you've got some cash.
  13. Do know what I would call that..? Indeed. A Freakin' Awesome Background Picture. The title is the truth in this case. I set it as my desktop, I hope you don't mind. Ive had the **** desktop picture of a linux for ages. Thanks man. This will really giveme something new to look at... Finaly.
  14. Thats the one I like... New at gfx? HA. Don't make me laugh. You've just shown me some of the best graphics ever. Your new at graphics. God is that a lie. I don't care for the third one though.
  15. Thats an extreamly good point. Google ads are some of the worst. Some guy from a layer company did a test. He gmailed himself an advertisement of his company, and the google ads showed a rival companys advert! I agree with you more than myself.}
  16. 1. I love the site. Everything a good forum needs. 2. To quote: Where did that come from?
  17. Is it just me, or is this link dead. All you guys are viewing it fine. It sounds like a good site.
  18. I agree. Smartftp and WS FTP both rock, though WS FTP is slightly on top. With smartftp you can't select laods of directorys at once and ask it to upload. You need to do each dir manualy. Horrorable for forums.
  19. Funnyjunk is ok, but its never updated. By far the best archived lists of sites site is I-Am-Bored. Its got user submitted sites and good ones at that. Never gets old. I would say its updated about two times a day. Albino Blacksheep is also good, but not many updates. It does have forums here.
  20. Nice site. I was doubtful it was yours at first. 0.o. I susgest you read thru this though. Might be useful. http://validator.w3.org/?verbose=1&urvetopsites.com/ You've sure got alot of forums. Yet no posts. Its a good site, but im not sure that many people will be into it. 0.o.
  21. Those poor, poor familys. At least we're helping them. Over 5 airlines have sent free flights out to the countrys to bring back our tourists. The forces have been sending out supplies too. I just hope those people can get their lives back togeather. It must be extreamly emoticonal being in something like that. I will pray for these people, that shows how I care. I don't pray much. Anyone know how high the wave was? The waves are very bad untill they get to land. The only problem is the low sea floor scoops them up making them tall.
  22. Xedos

    Gta: Sa

    You've got to be kidding? GTA: VC was the suckzors. Ive never finished VC, yet ive finished all from GTA london up. Why? I got bored. I can't belive what im hearing. Someone who likes GTA: VC? Your crazy. I think VC was rockstars failure. It just sucks.
  23. Thats really some of the best graphics work ive seen. The top people at this site deserved that and more. *Stares* Thats some might good graphics. I wish I could do graphics. I don't have any graphics programs but PSP 8 and that sucks. Im rubbish im MS Paint. . Anyway love the way its reflected. That rocks. What font is it? What Program did you use?
  24. I love adverts or Commercials. I think they are one of the best parts of tv, call me crazy. The're stupid so you remember them. If someone walked up in a suit and said 'Buy Xisto Hosting' would you remember it? You might mixed with all these other stupid commercials but thats off the point. I don't think theres anythink wrong with stupid commercials. No one cares of people make fools of themselfs, right?
  25. Hi everyone. I was wondering if I could do this with my account: Ok so ive got 15 posts and I request package one, I get it. I upload a site and im merrily happy. Then I reach 25 posts, and im nearing my websites limits, can I upgrade you package two? Then the same for the last two packages. I just want to know if this is possible, and it wouldn?t cause trouble for you wonderful admins. Not that im saying my site will be a hell of a load on your server, im just asking about it. There was something else I wanted to ask but ive forgotten now so.. Never mind. Thanks in advance. Edit: I just posted a 467 (without spaces) message, over three lines, and my post stays at one?
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