Hey guys i just wanted to share my thoughts on cloning with you....so here goes:Cloning, genetic engineering, and other forms of biotechnology are fast advancing, and there's no denying it. The question is: Is this advance good for the human race, or is it bad? Cloning of humans is seriously unethical and immoral and should be addressed soon because of its grave consequences. Opposing cloning takes sophisticated knowledge and a mature mind to look past the big: It can save lives excuse. The dilemma with cloning is not how many lives it can save, but how many lives it can endanger and horribly alter. The practice of cloning humans is unethical because it diminishes human individuality. Cloning eliminates uniqueness, dehumanizes people, and creates an object-image into people's mind.When we discover the most effective and safest way to clone humans, it will be devastating. Humans would be cloned for intelligence, athletic ability, beauty, or other forms that please the society's image. Individuals would be cloned to create replacements for parents who have lost a child. It is said no one has the same fingerprint as you. No one is like you. You are unique and special and there is no one in the world like you. That is the message society teaches us as we grow and mature, but what happens to the clones? Individuals who are cloned would not be individuals anymore. They would be drones, robots created to carry out assigned tasks. It would transform these clones to share a social identity with another human, instead of earning their own. They would share genes, and fingerprints with someone else. An exact replica of someone else. Crafted in the image of someone else. Not original, not one-of-a-kind, One-of-someone-else. Clones are not robots though, far from it. Clones are humans, real, living humans with emotions, dreams, thoughts, ambitions, and a soul, and cloning will take these human-qualities away. Cloning will begin a dehumanizing process. The clone's dreams and ambitions may not match with those that have been set for them. The reason for their creation would not be pleasing to them. How could you feel if someone created you to be something you are not? Could you live like that? A clone would have aspirations that are unique, even if their physical body isn't. You cannot put your empty hopes and unfulfilled dreams into another living equal. It is not reasonable, it is not plausible, and moreover, it's not moral.Not only will cloning eradicate human qualities, it would create and object-image of humans. Clones would be manufactured to serve as a vessel of spare parts, to be used for harvesting organs and blood when needed, and when you use humans in this way, they change. They are not human anymore. It transforms humans in to something, inhuman objects. Humans have a natural-born right to a unique identity. Cloning threatens this natural right. Engineering one's entire personal, private genetic make-up would compromise their right to a unique human identity. Individuals created by cloning would lack conception. The relationship and bond between parent and child is purely natural and cannot be meddled in with technology. Reproduction with machines, such a symbol of our mechanical conquerment, would depersonalize the natural acts of begetting children. Technological reproduction would tempt people to view children clones and acts of technological advancements and not as what they truly are: Beautiful accomplishments of nature. This therefore creates in our mind an image of children being achievements, as products, and our desire for high quality associated with buying technology objects would push us to demand higher-quality humans.Cloning has raised many questions over whether science has gone too far. Many believe, in this aspect, it has. What is the purpose of cloning a person who will grow up to be regarded as less of a person whose humanity and dignity would not be fully respected? When we start to view humans as objects or toys to buy, it starts many processes. Objectification is one of these classifications. Objectification is treating the child, or clone as an object- a creature less deserving of or respect for his or her human qualities. Commodification is sometimes associated with objectification in the way that they both dehumanize clones, but commodification is another process in which clones are treated as commodities. They are treated as a thing that can be exchanged, bought, or sold in a marketplace. When such cloning is undertaken not for any benefit of the cloned himself or herself, but rather to satisfy such avaricious needs of others pursuing a longer happier life in expense of others, it starts to transform un-cloned humans to. It transforms them into greedy animals that care not of how many lives are to be created and destroyed for their sake of living. So, in conclusion, when dealing with cloning, there is no possible solution including the further research and pursuing this medical advancement. There is only one resolution and that is to raze all further implements of cloning and genetic engineering for the safety of the entire human race. The potential risks and morality issues vastly outweigh the possible benefits.Sorry it's so long!Please give me you ideas and comments and views on cloning, i know there is already a topic about cloning but i wanted you to review my ideas.