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Posts posted by niran

  1. Hi all,


    I'm having a strange problem. Recently I have reinstalled my OS with a Windows XP (Slipstreamed with SP2) Installation CD.

    After installation , I could not browse any pages using the IE.


    When I try to open any site, it will show the file download windows.

    Please check the below screenshot.


    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    Its the window which I got while opening https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl


    But I am able to open the pages in Firefox without any issues.

    The same installation CD is working fine for other systems.


    Can any body help me please??










  2. Hi all,


    You can now find one more option at Google AdSense for allowing crawling of pages that are behind a login!

    That is, now you can allow Google Bot to crawl login-protected pages!

    You can find that menu under:


    AdSense Setup >> Site Authentication


    Posted Image


    First you need to create some ID and password for Google Bot!

    Now you have to enter the login protected page address and login page url!

    Then You have to select the method form submission method ( Post / Get / .htaccess)

    Now you need to enter the text box names ( like, username and password )

    Enter the user ID and password created for Google Bot

    Posted Image


    You can check the page by clicking the "check authentication page" link!

    You need to verify the account by going to Google Sitemaps!


    Thats all guys!


    Thanks & Regards,


  3. Hi all,


    I'm having heavily MODed phpbb2 forum at http://www.funlokam.com/

    I'm using,

    Fully Integrated Shoutbox

    Simple Quick Reply


    AJAXed MOD

    Cash MOD

    IP Country Flags MOD ( My All time Fav MOD )

    Advanced BBCode Box

    Album MOD

    Pic Upload

    Zarath's Shop Mod

    SEO Url rewrite tools

    Last topic on Indix

    Zarath's bank MOD

    Zarath's Lottery MOD

    Zarath's User Shops MOD

    Guests See Only First Post MOD

    Random Banners Hack

    Random Smilies Display MOD

    User Reputation System

    Email Topic to Friend MOD

    Medal System

    Referral Plus MOD


    These all are my fav phpbb2 MODs!

    Insted of that I'm using some more small MODs also!

    Also, u can find some more cutomizations / MODs from me B)

    The loading bar over the Banner, then the RSS feed subscribe for RSS Mod etc!




  4. Hi all....


    All of you may came across the issue! While typing some sentence, you may press CapsLock button instead of pressing those nearby buttons like , Q or A or Z or Shift or TAB!! ( Its happened so many times for me :) )

    So without realizing that mistake we may continue typing! After checking the sCREEN ( hehe :) its not my mistake :() oops, screen only we will realize that. So we have to retype the whole sentence/word!

    So we need to have some indicator while pressing that CapsLock key!! This small Trick will help you to avoid those accidentaial pressing of the CapsLock Key!!


    the first thing you'll need to do is get the computer to beep when you hit the caps lock key. here's how:

    click the Start button, Settings, Control Panel (Windows XP Users, hit the Start button, Control Panel).

    Open select the Accessibility Options Icon ( the 1st one)

    on the Keyboard tab, click the "Use toggle keys" checkbox.

    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Next, we need to get your screen to flash you, uh, flash at you.


    Here's how:

    from the Accessibility Options screen, click the Sound tab and check the "Use soundsentry" checkbox.

    next click the settings button and select "flash active window" from the "warning for windowed programs" drop down box.

    Posted Image


    that's it.


    hit OK until you're clear of property and settings screens. open your favorite program and hit your caps lock key.


    Post your comments here FrIenDs!! B)





  5. Hi all,


    Many of us will use Alt+Tab key combination to switch betwwn all those opened windows! But it may be confusing if there are same types of program windows opened already!( I mean more than one instances )


    Microsoft became aware of this draw-back after releasing the XP operating system and subsequently released a "Power Toy" named: Task Switcher (Alt-Tab Replacement) to resolve this issue. The Power Toy resolves this issue by replacing the program icons with actual screenshots of your open windows. This way you can easily locate the window you wish to switch to, that is immensely useful for eg: when navigating between several notepad windows at one time.


    Here is the screenshot of the key combination Alt+Tab after installing the power toy!


    Posted Image


    Here are the instructions to install:

    Copy http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to browser

    Choose "Run" from pop-up dialog box

    Choose "Run" a second time, this will kick-off the installation of the Power Toy

    Once you get the "Installation Complete" dialog, the toy is successfully installed. No need to reboot your PC.

    You can get Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP from here:






  6. I had uninstalled Dreamweaver 8 before installing the CS3! :)

    Its taking that much time, may be because of my old system B)

    Anyway, the Windows XP installation will take only around 30-35 minutes and Vista also took the same time for the whole installation!

    DMA is enabled in my System, and I'm using Intel Application Accelerator ( for Intel Motherboards) to speed up the File Read/Write operations!


    Here is my system configuration:

    System Type: X86-based PC

    Processor: x86 Family 15 Model 1 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~1699 Mhz :)

    Total Physical Memory: 768.00 MB

    Total Virtual Memory: 2.00 GB

    OS Name: Microsoft Windows XP Professional

    Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600

  7. Hi all..


    One great news for all designing friends here!

    Most of the Adobe CS3 products are out from Adobe now!

    And its the 1st time they are releasing a major version after renaming Macriomedia to Adobe!

    The 30 Days Trail downloads are available for all from here:




    Here are the quick links for major products:


    Adobe Creative Suite® 3 Design Premium



    Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Standard



    Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Standard



    Adobe Dreamweaver® CS3



    Adobe Fireworks® CS3



    Adobe Flash® CS3 Professional



    Adobe Photoshop CS3




    Ok.. Now come back to My Issue! Probably you will be here in this thread, by seeing such a catching title :(


    "And the Award 4 Worst Installer Goes to Dreamweaver CS3 for 3+ Hours marathon Installation"


    I'm not kidding friend! Its the real fact guys! I had downloaded Adobe Dreamweaver® CS3 30 Days full working Train version from Adobe site today morning. and It was around 250 MB download installation size!


    So, after downloading , I had tried to install the new Version on my PC..

    But do u know guys, It took ****ing :)3+ Hours to complete the installation!


    Yes friends, Im not joking! Thats the fact!

    It will show like this for around 3+ hours! :(


    Posted Image


    I dont know whether the problem is with my system or not!

    Im having Pentium 4 Processor with 760 MB Ram


    Remember the entire installation of Windows XP and Windows Vista will take only around 30-40 minutes!

    But wats wrong with the installation of the Dreamweaver!


    One more thing, in those 3+ hours installation, I was even not able to open a single window in my system!

    The whole 3+ hours time, system was busy for full time!


    The Setup process took all of my CPU and RAM! :)

    Anybody else had the same problem??? Is it because of my system configuration or not??? B)

    Reply with your reviews here!





  8. Thanks for each and every guys for such nice comments and sugegstions!


    I'm not a good or Professional designer! But I can say that, I tried my level best to get those credits! ( hehehe :ph34r: )

    Anyway, My personal choice will be Saint Michael 001 only!


    He had created one nice logo with nice effects!

    That will be much better than mine! I like to appreciate Saint Michael for such a wonderful job!


    Thanks & regards,


  9. Try this out.....


    Copy following code:


    cmd /c for %a in (d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z) do subst %a: %windir%


    Press start menu > run > paste the code > press enter


    Now open (your) My computer…






    Run this command to remove the virtual drives.


    cmd /c for %a in (d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z) do subst %a: /D



    Best Regards,



  10. Hi..

    Thanks for approving my small tutorial!! :ph34r:

    Let me explain the process flow in this tutorial!


    I had created one php page to retrieve database values and display them:



    Then One page for sending the values in the database and included/called the above php file inside this page:


    (You can see like this: Hacking Attempt!! or No Input Values )

    The code will get values from the query string! If no query string is there, then it wont insert any data to the database!

    But You can insert manually like this:



    Now One new page that is the integration of all the above pages!



    Here, clicking the button will calls the file: php_ajax_integrated_script.php?word=myWord

    Thus it will insert the values in the database!

    And will display the datas using php_ajax_integrated_output.php


    If you have any douts regarding this, please post here! I will try to help you!!





  11. Hi friend!!

    Thanks spending your time!!

    But If the database is having so many records then, executing 3 queries will take long time! ( I think so)

    I prefer to go for a single query using that I can fetch those records and display them!! Maximum of 2 queries!!

    I was going through w3Schools, SQL JOIN Tutorial here: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp

    But I'm not able to implement that one in my page!


    Because, I need to get 2 different user names ( For FromUser and ToUser) from the user table!

    Thats creating trouble with me! :ph34r:


    Can u please update the query with that?? U can avoid the 2nd table! No need to fetch the Product details!

    I only needs to display Sales ID and FromUSer and ToUser Details!

    Clicking on that ID will show the product details on some popups ( I can do that 8) )


    Anyway, thanks for your fast response!!



  12. Hi all..



    Please help me to write the SQL Query for the following requirement!


    Im having 3 MySQL tables




    1st Table (Sales_users) contains unique userID and username for the users!

    2nd Table (Sales_products) Contains unique Product ID, product Name and Product Description!

    3rd Table (Sales_details) contacins unique Sales ID, Product ID (Foreign Key), FromUser (Foreign Key) and ToUser (Foreign Key)



    User_id name


    1 Test1


    2 Test2


    3 Test3


    4 Test4





    Product_id ProductName ProductDesc


    1 Product1 ProductDesc1


    2 Product2 ProductDesc2


    3 Product3 ProductDesc3


    4 Product4 ProductDesc4





    sales_id Product_id FromUser ToUser


    1 2 1 4


    2 3 4 3


    3 1 2 1


    4 2 3 2


    Posted Image


    I need to display the details in some pages!

    I mean, I need to get the last table Sales_details and diplay details by using the previous 2 tables!

    How can I write the query to Display like this:


    Posted Image


    How can I write the SQL query to Fetch the Details by combining all those 3 tables??

    If you can write the php code, then please help me!

    I'm not good in php and SQL!! I'm just a beginner here!! Please help me guys!



  13. Hi...


    All are aware of the server issues happened on April 6th:



    I'm still facing the issue with the MySQL Server after the server problems!!


    I'm using phpBB forum for my site, and it often shows some error message after losing connection with the Database server!

    Its happening many times in a minute!


    Its not at all stable after the server issues! I had tried repairing the databases and optimizing the databases!

    But nothing helped me! Still facing the issues!


    Its showing like:




    SQL Error : 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query


    Also showing as:


    Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

    Please fix the issue!! :ph34r:





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