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Posts posted by niran

  1. You can create one Google Account ( Not Gmail Account) from here:


    But, If you need to get gmail, you need to get one invitation from an existing user!


    US, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Newzealand, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey persons can get gmail accounts without an invitation!

    they can join there by using SMS!

    Link is here:


    But its not yet launched for other countries ( like India, Pakistan etc)

    They still need some invitation from a member to start using Gmail! :P



    More Details Here

  2. It has been discussed here:http://forums.xisto.com/topic/89584-topic/?findpost=1064343725

    Anyway as I told even there, Writely misses some really required features of a word processor. I tried creating my resume on it, and you try it, you realise the potential drawbacks.
    No margins, no page setups, no tab-space settings, no identation settings. These are just a few of the many more drawbacks of it. It can only be used for very very simplistic task like writing short articles or creating documents that are not to be printed but only viewed online. It cannot be used for Desktop Publishing.
    It will be long time before I uninstall OpenOffice.org Writer or MS Word for anything like Writely.

    Try Desktoptwo.com, its an online desktop and it runs OpenOffice on the net. It uses VNC to transfer raw real time images of the software running on the server to you. User experience may be worse than Writely, but the good thing is I can bank upon it incase sometime I need a full powered word processor urgently and all I have is an internet connection.

    OOps! sorry yar! I did'nt searched before posting here! :P
    Then regarding Desktoptwo.com, I like all the features there!
    and you can also join te discussion about desktoptwo.com here:

    Remember, Writely is still n the beta phase only!
    Hope they will come up with lots of features in the final version!

  3. Hi all..

    Check this out:



    Its a new service from Google for simple and secure document colloboration and publishing product!

    I can call it as online Word Processor which is rocking in its Beta time itself! :P


    They wil aslo provide some mal address to which you can send documents directly!

    You can upload or create new from the sitre itself! :P


    - Each attached document will be converted to HTML and appear as a separate Writely document.

    - Each attached image will appear on its own within a separate Writely document.

    - The title of each document will be the file name of each attachment.

    - The message text itself will be ignored.


    · Share documents instantly & collaborate real-time.

    Pick exactly who can access your documents.

    · Edit your documents from anywhere.

    Nothing to download -- your browser is all you need.

    · Store your documents securely online.

    Offsite storage plus data backup every 10 seconds.

    · Easy to use.

    Clean, uncluttered screens with a familiar, desktop feel.

    Posted Image


    Tour is here:


  4. Finally the problem has been solved by removing the dot * in the end of the address! :P


    Now the mail is working fine!

    But Ic ant change the MX records for the subdomains!

    I was using Google Apps for Fun.NiranVV.Com also!

    But here in this cPanel, I can't change the MX records for that subdomain!

    Its showing the old error message as:


    a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive




    tried that after changing the name servers to point to Xisto also!

    But still I cant change the MX records for any of the sub domains! :P


    But Its not helping me!

    Please anybody help me! :P

  5. Hi all,


    Anybody checked this sire: http://www.zedge.net/

    Its a great site which offers

    Free Ringtons

    Free Wallpapers

    Free Themes

    Free Pic. Messages

    Free Games

    Free Videos

    Free Applications

    And the important thing is that, it supports a lot more mobile models! :D

    Its also a social networking community! ;)

    After creating your free accoun there you can browse thru the free collecto there and serach and add the item to your own account! You can add upto 20 items in your account at a single time!

    you can download the stuffs directly to your pC and then can transfer to your mobile device or can download that stuffs in your account directly to your handset using wap!

    the wap address is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ :)


    After downloading the items you can delete the old items from your account and can add new items to account! The only restriction is that, your account can hold only a maximum of 20 items!



    And the more atracting feature the customization!

    you can find one menu with the following items:

    Name Logo Tool

    ScreenSaver Tool


    These options provides full customization!

    You can upload your own pics and can edit the pics online to customize the stuffs and can insert frames texts etc!

    Just visit the site and you can find a large database of mobile stuffs!!

    I'm utilizing the site very much as, I dont have any datacable for my new mobile Nokia 6070! :)

    I'm uploading my personal pics in my account and downloading them directly thru wap ;)


    Ok, I'm stopping now!!

    Please reply with your views about the site!




  6. Hope, all of you are aware of the free domain mail server from Google ( Google Apps previously called as Google Hosted) and Microsoft!

    I need to edit my MX records for my domain which is hosted at: Xisto :)

    But by going to cPanel >> Email Management Tools / Modify Mail Exchanger (MX Entry),

    I cant see some fields asw explained in the Google Apps help pages!


    # Use the information in the following table when you enter each MX record.

    If your service requires you to enter server information directly into the DNS tables, the entries below need to have a type MX associated with them. You may not be able to enter the priority value exactly as it appears in the table below -- if you can't, make sure each record follows the indicated order (that is, an entry with priority "5" should be lower in value than entry "10"). And if you aren't able to assign priorities, you should only enter aspmx.l.google.com.. Set any TTL values to the maximum allowed.





    Mail Server


    * This is the top priority mail server. Do not assign this priority to any other servers. Learn more. ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.




























    MX records often require the specific format of DNS records, including a trailing dot * at the end of any full-qualified domain names (for example, server.example.com.).


    Congratulations! Your MX records are now configured to point to Google. Keep in mind that changes to MX records may take up to 48 hours to propagate throughout the Internet.

    I can find only one input field there!


    (I dont know what the diff of using the last . (dot ) :D )

    But both the time, It shows one error message as:


    a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive


    How to solve this?

    I need to edit the MX records for both my top domain and also for my subdomain! ;)

    Anybody please help! :)

  7. niran bro am talking abt apache not IIS
    i have disabled my IIS for apache to work

    and i checked port 80 is fine on all pcs

    still cant get it work on lan :D(

    OOps!! :) Sorry friend!
    I'm not aware of that!! :)
    One more suggestion from me!
    Try to give http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Just one suggestion, Not sure whether it will work or not! ;)
    If don't, then pleasse excuse me! ;)
    otherwise, cross ur hands and say one thanks to me! ;)

  8. That may be beacuse of firewall..

    Check whether some other firewall software is installed in your system or not!

    (Some antivirus softwares comes with integrated firewall software)

    check them also!

    If the problem is still there then try the following method:


    If you installed the IIS in your system , then open IIS by going to Control panel >> administrative Tools and from there open IIS!

    Check whether your folder is displayed in the tree view or not!

    If its displayed there, then right click the folder, select permission wizard

    and select template option and change the setting to "public website"

    check it after changing the permission!


  9. Hope, the phpBB team will come up with a solution to avoid these SQL injection attacks!
    I'm also using phpbb for my forum!
    like it very much as it is the simplest forum and easy to maintain than any other bullettin boards!
    I like the simple interface also! :)

    BTW, what is an SQL injection attack ?

    SQL injection is a security vulnerability that occurs in the database layer of an application. The vulnerability is present when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed.
    SQL injection is a technique used to take advantage of non-validated input vulnerabilities to pass SQL commands through a Web application for execution by a backend database. Attackers take advantage of the fact that programmers often chain together SQL commands with user-provided parameters, and can therefore embed SQL commands inside these parameters. The result is that the attacker can execute arbitrary SQL queries and/or commands on the backend database server through the Web application.

    You can see more about that here, here and also here

    How to avoid SQL Injection >> Read it here & here

  10. Wow, so much disucussion about such a simple thing:goto cPanel > Index Manager

    This will give a error 403 Forbidden if there isn't an index.*** available.

    The other option is to just put an index.html/php/asp/ext in each directory with no data in it. This will display a blank page if the directory is acessed without a page specified.

    Hope This Helps. :)


    thats great dude!
    That method is working!
    Now showing the forbidden message by disabling the index for my images folder!
    Thanks a lot friend!
    I'm a newbie to the cPanel! so I was not much aware of those functions in cPanel!
    thank you very much friend! :)

  11. thannks NIran, great help. But please let me know how to make the TOP image Click able. Like I have a map and on that map i want to put one of this PIN http://www.awesomebackgrounds.com/templates/map-pin1.GIF and i want this PIN to be Clickable. Please guide and give some idea how to get it done Dynamically through PHP ?


    thats simple friend! :)

    Just use the <a> tag around the 2nd image (in the second layer) which will be displayed on top!

    That will make the second image alone as clickable one!


    Modified code will be like this:

    (for the 2nd div tag with z-index of 2)



    <div style="top:40px; left:30px; z-index:2; position:absolute"> <!--Top layer -->


    <a href="yourUrlPath"> <!-- Url for the top Image -->


    <img src="YopImagesource.jpg" width="" height="" /> <!-- Image to be displayed on top -->





  12. Using div tags you can use like this!!

    enclose both the images in seperate div tags!

    specify the top and left positions of the image in that div tag itself using style sheet!


    and the imporatant thing is, you need to specify the z-index field for both the div tags!

    The image needs to be appeared on top should have a higher z-index than the image to be appeared in bottom!


    Dont forget to specify the position attribute! :)


    I'm giving one example here:

    <div style="top:10px; left:10px; z-index:1; position:absolute"> <!--Bottom layer -->


    <img src="BottomImagesource.jpg" width="" height="" /> <!-- Image to be displayed bottom -->






    <div style="top:40px; left:30px; z-index:2; position:absolute"> <!--Top layer -->


    <img src="YopImagesource.jpg" width="" height="" /> <!-- Image to be displayed on top -->




    This code will display the 2nd div layer with higer z-index value ( here it is 2 ) over the 1st layer having lower z-index value (here it is 1)



    [Note: there is no need of any php as specified in the topic title :) ]

  13. I work with alot of multiplatform files in my work, especially PC and Mac.

    Right now I have about 3 main compression/decompression utilities to handle

    a variety if different formats and I was wondering if there was any application

    out there for windows that could handle ZIP, RAR and Suffit (.sit/.sitx) formats.

    One other feature that would be a huge plus would be if it supported MacBinary

    fork encoding. Does anyone have any suggestions? Right now my right-click

    context menu is full of options from stuffit eaxpander and winrar, plus I have

    other applications for certain situations and I would rather just have one

    all-inclusive program.




    Try installing: ExtractNow


    Site Address: http://www.extractnow.com/


    ExtractNow will let you extract multiple archives with the ease of a single click.

    ExtractNow has a clean, well-designed and easy-to-use interface. To extract files, simply drag and drop them into the main program window, or right-click the files while in Windows Explorer.

    The program supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, JAR, ISO, IMG, IMA, IMZ, BIN, MP3 (MP3>WAV), LHA, LHZ and SIT formats.


    Here are some key features of "ExtractNow":


    ¡ Supports ZIP, RAR, ACE, JAR, ISO, IMG, IMA, IMZ, BIN, MP3 (MP3>WAV), LHA, LHZ, & SIT formats

    ¡ Drag and drop files or folders from Explorer to extract them

    ¡ Detailed history of extraction procedures

    ¡ Simple user interface and sleek design in a small package

    ¡ Recursively search through folders for archives

    ¡ Delete files or close program after extraction options

    ¡ Windows explorer file associations for ZIP, RAR, ACE, JAR, LHA, LHZ, SIT

    ¡ Extract files into current directory, named folder, or favorite folder of choice

    ¡ File type masking for ZIP, RAR, & ACE

    ¡ System tray icon on Minimize

    ¡ Write to file option allows logging of extraction procedures

    ¡ Always on Top option


    Posted Image


    Posted Image

  14. In my IE 6, there is no icon. For the most part, I don't get favicons in IE. Makes me wonder if the issue is on our PCs. But clients tend to have the same thing happening too.


    Are there any settings in IE that affect this?




    Internet Explorer 6 is not supporting FavIcons! :)

    But Internet Explorer 7 is supporting FavIcons ( Only Static .ico files, not animated Gif one )


    So It not the problem with your coding!

    But Internet Explorer 6 will show your icons in the bookmarks field! :D

    Just bookmark your site in your browser and verify that one! :)

  15. Why would anyone spend thier freetime helping a multi million dollar company tidy up thier mess for free?

    Or am I missing something vital here?


    Thats a good question :D

    but the thing is that, you are not only helping the multi million dollar company,

    but also helping a lot of people uses Google Image search ( Including Me :) )

    to get the correct image results in the top while seraching for Images at Google Search! :)


    Just check the page, and after starting the stuff, you will surely get addicted to that!

    They designed the stuff as a game!

    If you and your partner give same name, then your points will get increased!

    And they will put your name in the list according to your points!


    Once you get addicted you will try to score more points friend!

    that will pop up your name to the top of the list!


    like that Google can also improve the image searching!

  16. Here is a quote with the answer, in short rather Xisto wouldn't do it :)


    Thanks Quatrux!


    Downloaded that Cproxy File from sourceforge.net/projects/cpanelproxy and uploaded to the server!

    and created one subdomain!

    Now I can access the Cpanel without the port number!


    Thanks a loooot friend! :)


    ( Note: for those, who need to use cpanel without Proxy, I'm attaching the zip file with this post!

    Download it and the instruction are there in the Readme.Txt file )

  17. after putting that .htaccess file in the directory "files"

    Its showing like this


    But what I need to show something like 403 Error page like this

    ( here simply copied 403.shtml file to the directory and renamed it as index.html )


    I dont want to display 403 error by copying that page in all the directories!

    All I need to show one 403 error page If there is no default page in the directory!

    ( My previous hosting server automatically disables the directory listing and will show the 403.shtml page if there is no default page to display! )


    I need to do like that! Is there any other method my dear friends! :)

  18. A new feature of Google Image Search that allows you to label random images to help improve the quality of Google's image search results.


    How does it work?

    You'll be randomly paired with a partner who's online and using the feature. Over a 90-second period, you and your partner will be shown the same set of images and asked to provide as many labels as possible to describe each image you see. When your label matches your partner's label, you'll earn some points and move on to the next image until time runs out. After time expires, you can explore the images you've seen and the websites where those images were found. And we'll show you the points you've earned throughout the session.


    It has become an addictive game by now. Try it and you will know:



    and he is the genius behind it. Intresting session too

    Check This

  19. Whenever I give the control panel address it changes it to port number 2083. We are behind a firewall and uses internet thorugh a proxy server which do not allow this SSL port.


    It gives the following erro on Microsoft IE.


    Proxy Reports:

    12204 SSL port specified is not allowed.



    An error occurred while trying to retrieve your URL.

    This error could have been caused by:</e



    Is there any way to access control panel without this port number 2083.


    I'm having the same problem!

    When I try to login to my cPanel from my office it wont allow to connect as its changing to port 2083!

    But for my old server, it was using 2222 for the DirectAdmin!

    At that time, its allowing us to connect thru that port!


    Is there any way to connect to cPanel without mentioning the port number??


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