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Posts posted by niran

  1. how much money can i earn in adds on my web site if i had adout 100 hits a day?

    100 unique visitors or 100 pageloads per day?
    Its hard to earn some good amount in a short time if you are having the 2nd fact :P
    If your site can provide good contents and will have some interesting text contents , then try to god keywords, and description in those pages! Try to get Google adsense or any other ad program!
    Ads are not recommended to those pages, only having pictures or flash contents!
    If you have good amount of page loads per visitors, then that will gradually increase the costs per click!

    Most important thing is that, never try to fool those advertising programs!
    They can track fraud clicks, and will kick you out from the program! :P

    All the best!

  2. Belive me, Microsoft never learn of or admit thier mistakes, they will say that it's the user mistake always, but you know, i really think they are right, it's the user mistake to pay for a platform that causes him a lot of errors and troubles :P


    You are right dude! :P

    I like to share one joke related to this Microsoft, with u all!

    Its not a simple joke.. some facts behind that! :P


    Read below:



    A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic

    navigation and communications equipment.


    Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building,

    flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters.


    People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window.

    Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."


    The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After

    they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how he had done it.

    "I knew it had to be the Microsoft Building, because they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer !!!!"

    Notice from WeaponX:
    Niru, since this is not your original words, please quote them. There are lots of references to this in other sites as well...



  3. You can find some security mods from phpbb site itself! Please have a look at here:


    I was also facing such issues with spam bots! Some spammers can broke even visual confirmation!

    But after trying "Only Active Members Can Post URLs" I can control the spam posts in my forum!

    you can get it from here:


    thise mode will prevent Guests from posting urls in the forum! also we can configure it thru admin panel and can give some threshold for days and number of posts! So that, this mod wont allow new users to post urls!

    Members must be registered for at least Some days ( specify it from admin panel) and have more than Some posts ( specify it from admin panel)! Its working fine for me!

    I had specified 10 posts and 2 days as threshold to post the urls!

    Usually spam bots will try to post as guests! If its not working, then they will create one new account and will try to post some un ethical links from those accounts! If you specify some threshold, which will be greater than 1 or 2 days, then u can control those spam posts! beacuse, most of the bots will try to relogin using the same IDs after 1 or 2 days!

  4. I personally use Yahoo Messenger 8.0 for last few years! I really loves the neat and good messenger ever! But now a days, started to love the new Windows Live Messenger! And I loke the web messenger tool also named Meebo! Its rocking messenger than any other web messengers! I can rate meebo.com at 7/10. You can sigin to many Aim,Icq,Yahoo! Messenger,Jabber,GTalk and MSN at a same time itself. And,all in a single page itself.

    for example if u have the IDs

    name@yahoo.com, another@yahoo.com

    name@msn.com, another@hotmail.com

    name@gmail.com, another@gmail.com

    and you wants to chat using all this IDs, at a same time, then go for, http://www.meebo.com/

    and login using: name@yahoo.com, name@msn.com, name@gmail.com

    after signing in, It displays all messenger contacts in a single window itself, and u can login and add other acounts in that window by selecting: SIGN ON button,and add the remaining:

    another@yahoo.com, another@hotmail.com, another@gmail.com ! So all your IDs in a single window itself. Just checkout http://www.meebo.com/ And u can expect more options soon.




  5. You meant out of maybe a few pages you've tried, only that page works?
    Can you upload the working page and another non working one here?

    And also your system software specs, like windows' version, service pack, IIS setting.

    I'll try to take a look in the coming week, cause right now i'm quite busy with my work.

    Or at least with those information, others can help also.

    So please be patient.


    I am having
    Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2
    Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
    Dot net framework 1.4 (installed as part of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 )
    Dot net Framework 2.0
    And I'm having Avira AntiVirÂŽ PersonalEdition Classic ( http://www.avira.com/en/free-antivirus-windows )
    Disabled Windows Firewall and and I'm using Norton Personal Firewall 2006

    Anybody here to point out the problem?

  6. Can you test running some simple codes and see if it works. Just to confirm that the basic things works.


    There some link here for you to refer.






    If you can confirm that the basic things actually functioning, then we can move on to more advance troubleshooting


    Good Luck



    Thanks for your suggestion friend! I had tried some of the sample codes on that site! But its still displaying the same error only! But now I can notice that, If I type: LOCALHOST/myfilelocation.aspx, then it will display the page! But the problem arises when I try to run the Debugger by pressing F5 in the Visual Studio .NET GUI! Is there any default settings need to be changed for running the debugger?

  7. Thanks to WeaponX and vizskywalker...


    I am having one assembled PC! :P and having old Intel motherboard D 845 GLAD which is an outdated one! There is no more support for the motherboard from Intel , as they are clearly mentioned in the site:




    IntelÂŽ Desktop Board D845GLAD


    End of Interactive Support Announcement

    These products are no longer being manufactured by Intel. Additionally, Intel no longer provides interactive support for these products via telephone or e-mail, nor will Intel provide any future software updates to support new operating systems or improve compatibility with third party devices and software products

    The last BIOS update was published on 10/8/2003 :P Even though, I had downloaded that flash update and tried that one! But thats not working fine for me! The interesting thing is that, I can shutdown the system and and restart the system without any problem! But if I remove the power supply from the UPS, then only its showing the error message like that! that means, removing main supply only creates the problem! I had tried replacing the CMOS battery! But its not working fine for me!


    It is possible for the CMOS chip to become corrupted, which could cause a CMOS checksum error. If this is the case, you will need to replace the CMOS chip itself

    How can I know, whether its the problem with CMOS chip or not! :P and I'm not aware of much hardware stuffs! :P So, can you explain me, how can I change the CMOS chip? or do I need to get one new Motherboard :P



  8. Hi all,

    My hard disk was having some problems! If I open photoshop like large memory eating applications, after some times my system will automatically reboots! Thats why I had decided to format the hard disk and check the hard disk for errors! I was fixing the bad sectors using Hiren's boot CD ( http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd ) 's Partition Commander option! Its worked fine for about half an hour! and fixed some bad sectors in my hard disk. But unfortunately in the middle, I lost my power supply! and the system was not having any UPS! :P After that, when I restart my system, its always displaying as:

    "CMOS checksum error

    Time and Date will be reseted"


    and each time time and date will be reseted to 01/01/2002. I had changed the CMOS battery! But thats not helped me! If anybody knows, how to fix the problem, please do reply here!


    Thanks! :P

  9. Nothing working fine friend!

    I am still getting the error message as



    Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. Server-side error occurred on sending debug HTTP request.


    Make sure the server is operating correctly. Verify there are no syntax errors in web.config by doing a Debug.Start without debugging. You may also want to refer to the ASP.NET and ATL Server debugging topic in the online documentation. Would you like to disable future attempts to debug ASP.NET pages for this project?


    I tried reinstalling the application also!

    and didn't changed any thing in the default settings and default files that all are generated during creation of a new project! Googling also didnt helped me! Anybody here to help me?? :P

  10. thanks for the info friend!

    I never use those bult in password managers in IE and Firefox!


    I used to go with AI Roboform https://www.roboform.com/

    Its a rocking software, and its compatible with all those major browsers like:

    IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape 7, Netscape 8, SeaMonkey, Flock


    Complete List of Supported and Not Supported Browsers


    If browser is listed and the line does not say that it is not supported, then browser is supported.

    If you do not see your favorite browser in this list, let us know.






    Ace Explorer

    Adorama Print Wizard

    Advanced Browser

    AM Browser

    AOL browser

    AOL client

    AOL Explorer

    Avant -- with RoboForm toolbar

    Auction Sentry

    Auction Tamer

    Bay Office




    BT + Yahoo browser

    Bubbles (IE mode)

    Cayman Browser

    Chaos !ntellect

    Compuserve ver 6 or less -- supported

    Compuserve ver 7 -- NOT supported


    Crazy Browser


    Donut (JP)



    DX Browser

    E2 by VNcom

    EarthLink Browser

    Enfish OneSpace

    Enigma Browser

    Explorer 2002


    Fast Browser


    Firefox -- Adapter required

    Flock -- Adapter required

    Front Page

    Fun Browser



    Green Browser

    GuruNet FactFinder

    Ideal Browser

    IE Opera

    Internet Explorer -- with RoboForm toolbar

    Internet Surfer






    KIKI (JP)

    KK Man


    K-Meleon -- NOT supported

    LunaScape (JP)

    m9P Surfer

    MaxThon -- with RoboForm toolbar

    Medical Browser

    Money (MS)

    Moon Browser (JP)

    Motive Browser

    Mozilla -- Adapter required

    MSN ver 6 to 9

    MSN TV -- NOT supported

    MusicMatch Jukebox

    MyIE2 -- with RoboForm toolbar




    NetCaptor (with RoboForm toolbar)

    Netscape ver 4 -- NOT suported

    Netscape ver 7 -- Adapter required



    Opera -- NOT supported

    Optimal Desktop

    Outlook (MS)

    Public Web Browser

    Quicken (Pro)


    People PC

    RealOne Player

    Research Desk by Winferno

    Paid Help

    Paragon Last Minute

    PC Health


    PSP 8 Register

    SAP logon

    Safari -- NOT supported

    SBC + Yahoo browser

    Secure IE

    Sleipnir (IE mode)

    Slim Browser -- with RoboForm toolbar

    Smart Explorer


    SR Browser

    SurfBoard by HP

    Sweepstakes Online



    TG Games

    TenCent Browser

    TextBrowser (JP)

    Tiscali Browser

    T-Online Browser


    Ultra Browser


    unDonut (JP)

    WalMart Connect

    Wanadoo Browser

    WebMA (KR)


    WebSite Watcher



    Windows Media Player



    Yahoo Browser

    Yahoo Music Engine




    But one sad news is, RoboForm does not work with the Opera browser. :P


    It can, fill personal informatn into online forms, can Generate Secure Random Passwords, Encrypt passwords and personal data using powerful encryptn algorithms like, AES, Blowfish, RC6, 3-DES or 1-DES..

    Using that you can Backup & Restore, Print your passwords! Using that you can autoSave passwords in browser, AutoFill passwords to login form!

    And you don't need to enter any one character in the address bar to login to any of the website!

    Just click the desired Roboform login account! That will open the desired address, and autofill the login forms, and will submit the forms!

  11. Hi all!!

    I'm a newbie at asp.net

    I'm not able to run the asp .net application in my system!

    It will always display some debugging error even though I wont go to edit those default pages created by the application! :)

    I don't know why its generating some sort of error messages always!

    Today I had reinstalled my OS and tried installing

    Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003!


    But while trying to debug the application! But Its generating an error message like:


    Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. Server-side error occurred on sending debug HTTP request.


    Make sure the server is operating correctly. Verify there are no syntax errors in web.config by doing a Debug.Start without debugging. You may also want to refer to the ASP.NET and ATL Server debugging topic in the online documentation. Would you like to disable future attempts to debug ASP.NET pages for this project?


    I didn't edited any of the default pages created by the software, and was trying to test the project by simply putting a label box on that page! :D

    I was trying to create >> Visual Basic Projects >> ASP .NET web application!

    And while pressing F5, it always shows the same error message!


    Let me explain the problem fully!

    I had installed Windows XP Pro in my system!

    Then installed IIS from control panel ( by selecting those front page extensions also)

    Then Installed Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003

    I didn't changed any of the settings in IIS and .NET 2003!~

    I was trying to test the project by selecting create >> Visual Basic Projects >> ASP .NET web application

    I can create application, but the problem arises while I go to debug the application by pressing F5 button!

    I didn't changed any of the default files including Web.config file!


    Goggled some time for fixing the problem! but any of the solutions didn't worked for me! :D

    Anybody knows how to solve the problem?? Please help me!

    Waiting for your responses!!




  12. Hi all,

    Im a newbie at ASP.NET!

    Im using that one for developing one new project!@

    But Im facing one problem now!

    While displaying the calender control over the dropdown box, its not overlapping the dropdown box!

    It will display like this:


    Posted Image


    Tried various options Tried style sheet to set z-index of Calender more than that of dropdownbox!

    But its still displaying like this only!

    Anybody here can help me to display that calender control over that dropdownbox!

    Please guys, help me! :)

  13. If you are not logged in, you cannot save the picture to your computer. You can only save a html page.Of course, if you save this html page to your hard disk and edit the source code, you can extract the bare location of the picture, open this picture, and then save it to your computer.
    Honestly, I think that doing this needs more time than registering and using the registered user download mode.

    You can save those images by going thru Firefox :D
    If its not allowing you to save images on some sites, simply goto:
    Tools>> Options >> Content >> Enable Javascript >> advanced
    and uncheck : Disable or replace context menus!

    But its not a recommended way since some images may be copy righted! :)

    Between, Thanks to knight17
    for sharing such a wonderful site with us!
    Good page design and good navigation layout!
    Site contains niceheader images also!
    Great work dude!

  14. I was searching at https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl for "free cpanel web hosting" which supports,


    Domain Hosting

    Own Sub-Domains

    Unlimited MySQL Databases

    FTP Manager

    and php, perl supports


    I got http://forums.xisto.com/ from Google.com and from there I got the information about http://forums.xisto.com/

    I was searching for a stable reliable web hosting server, because my old server always goes offline for 1 min in each and every 10 min intervals! Thats why I was searching for some stable server!

    Finally I got into Xisto.com and now I can say that, it is the best free web hosting server than any other hosting servers ( including paid hosting servers) which includes all the necessary packages for the professonal web servers! Initially I was facing some issues while transfering my account to here! But the guys around here helped me a lot to overcome all those troubles, and finally I got a best ever hosting server here! Guys here at this forum helped me a lot, and I like to express all my heartful thanks to all those guys around here! :)


    Oh, I forgot to mention about my site url!

    Its http://www.niranvv.com/ which is my homepage and

    Im having one subdomain also here!

    Its http://www.funlokam.com Its the phpbb forum with free Funny Pictures, Jokes, Free SMS fascilities, Free Orkut and Gmail Invitations!

    Im getting around 250+ unique hits per day and my site hosted here is working fine without any problem from the beginning itself!

  15. Server was having read-only permission at that time, to avoid update losts,
    beacuse of the movements of accounts to another server!
    There was some out time also!
    You can fine more about this in this official thread:

    Well, the last couple of days have seen some pretty odd behavior from the server. Files won't upload, files won't edit, and then of course there have been a few server outages all together.
    Well, I have the reason behind the issues. In an effort to better enable himself to offer all of the services that he provides, OpaQue's company has aquired another hosting companies assets. That is Xisto - Web Hosting has bought shothost.com which means that he basically took over the hosting accounts for shothost.com. As a result, all of the shothost customer hosting accounts are being transfered to the Xisto servers. Since OpaQue already has the needed servers, there wasn't any reason to keep the overhead the shothost had invested in servers.


  16. never been a problem with me.. i have uploaded my own copy of phpmyadmin just chmod it to deny execute all when i am done with it..
    plus the installation first ask for login info..


    due to cpanel upgrade.. there may be files in the phpmyadmin that was not upgraded.. if you were using the phpmyadmin supplied by cpanel..

    I'm using the same phpMyAdmin supplied by cPanel.
    And didn't edited any of those files!
    So, it wil be the problem with rhe Server only! Am I right guys??

    i have uploaded my own copy of phpmyadmin

    Between, How can I use my own phpmyadmin?
    Guys, please help me regarding this issue!

  17. If you send an improper query through phpMyAdmin to a MySQL database and recieve errors it is because you are improperly sending a query, some thing is wrong with your query and not phpMyAdmin or any upgrade that may have taken place. You might want to show the query you have made as well as the database structure that you presently have for anyone to help you solve your problem.


    Im sure that, its not a problem with querry string!

    I had tried hitting the "Go" button, without changing the values!

    That aso generating the same error messge!

    But it was working fine before, and the same thing is working without any problem in my old server!

    (Im still using that server to host some of my test files :P )


    Well for me phpMyAdmin works fine, no errors. :P

    Best regards


    TavoxPeru, Just try this one friend!

    Goto cPanel >> phpMyAdmin

    Select any database from there

    Select any table under the database

    Select Browse Table

    Select any table value and hit >> Edit

    No need to change the value, just hit OK/GO (You can try that one after changing the value also )

    Whats displaying there??

    Is it working fine or generating the same error msg as:


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/tbl_replace.php on line 155


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/tbl_replace.php:155) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/libraries/common.lib.php on line 1154


    Try It yourself friend, and let us know what you are getting there!

    I think, the problem is with the phpAdmin only!

    As I didn't edit any of these files:






    The problem will not be a transparent one by simply looking at phpMyAdmin!

    We all can open phpMyAdmin and view the databases and table datas!

    But the problem arises when, you go for editing those table values! :P


    Check it and confirm it..

    Waiting for the responses from you people!



  18. Hi all,


    (Sorry for disturbing admins and techs here :P )


    One more issue friends!

    After cPanel Upgradation ( I think so :P ) the phpMyAdmin is not working fine guys!

    I think, that also upgraded now! :P

    ( As its showing Server version: 4.0.26-Max , phpMyAdmin - & MySQL client version: 4.1.10 )


    I mean, if I open a database on phpMyAdmin page, and going to edit some fields in tables,

    after pressing submit after editing the field values, its showing some error message as:


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/tbl_replace.php on line 155


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/tbl_replace.php:155) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/libraries/common.lib.php on line 1154


    For all databases, Tables & records, its showing the same error message as above!

    I dont know, why its showing like this?

    Is it my fault or the server bug?


    I'm asking this because I was able to edit the same fields before!

    But now its displaying the same error message!


    I thin, you guys were not aware of the issue!

    I'm hoping that, you guys will try to fix the issue soon!

    Waiting for the reply from techs!





  19. (Continuation....)

    < As there is some limit for inserting the images to the post, I'm not going to edit the above post! Sorry for double posting :P >


    Here is the methods to read RSS feeds using Extensions on Firefox!

    The following are the famous RSS Reader extensions!


    Try to install any one of them:




    (Many RSS extensions are there! I prefer to use Sage, as it is the simplest One :P )


    After installing Sage, pressing Alt+S will open Sage window like this:

    There you can view Latest news from Sage!

    Select Options>> Manage Feeds List


    Posted Image


    That wil open Sage Bookmarks window like this! Click "New Bookmark"


    Posted Image


    Enter the feed url there in the window and press "Enter"


    Posted Image


    Thats all friends!


    You can view the latest feeds by Opening the Sage window and clicking the new Bookmarks link like this:


    Posted Image



    Google Reader



    A new Tool From Google! Google Reader!

    Here is the site link: https://www.google.com/reader/about/

    Here als you can read the RSS feeds!

    You only need a Google Account!

    SignIn with The Google ID and password!

    That will show Google Reader like this:


    Posted Image


    Click the + symbol on that Add subscription link!

    That will open one testbox like this


    Posted Image


    Enter the main URL there! That will search for the RSS feeds in that page and will automatically adds them to the RSS reader!

    You can preview the latest posts in the site by clicking the Site heading itself!


    Posted Image




  20. Original Post here:



    Hi all.

    RSS feeds are the new trends in the Information Technology Field!


    What IS RSS:


    RSS is a protocol, an application of XML, that provides an open method of syndicating and aggregating Web content. Using RSS files, you can create a data feed that supplies headlines, links, and article summaries from your Web site. Users can have constantly updated content from web sites delivered to them via a news aggregator, a piece of software specifically tailored to receive these types of feeds.


    More details Some More


    How To Read Those RSS Feeds on IE7


    You can find one Orange button on IE7 like this Posted Image

    If the site does not have any RSS feeds, that will appear as gray Icon only!

    Click on that Icon on toolbar of IE7 if its in orange Color:


    Posted Image



    That will display the formatted RSS feeds page (XML format) with latest posts in IE7 window, like this


    Posted Image


    Click On that "Subscribe To Feed" link on top. That will open one window Like this!

    Click "Subscribe" button on the window!


    Posted Image


    That will add the feed link to the Feeds window!

    You can read the latest posts by simply selecting the feed on this window!


    Posted Image



    How To Read RSS Feeds on Firefox!



    Firefox 1.5.0+ needs some extensions to read the RSS feeds!

    But Firefox 2 has some built in RSS feeds reader!

    Im now saying about Firefox 1.5!


    Here Two methods are there! Either use Firefox Live Bookmarks or install Some extensions for that one!


    If you go for Live Bookmarks tool, Open the site with some RSS support!

    Click the RSS feed Icon on addressbar Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Then select One folder and press OK


    Posted Image


    The Latest Feed with latest Topics List can be found there at Bookmarks


    Posted Image


  • Create New...

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