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Posts posted by niran

  1. I just add for the first time a new subdomain to my account with the cPanel and it is very easy as simple insert the name and submit, how can i setup the default folder of this new subdomain??? because I want to assign this to a different folder or i just copy all the files to this default folder.
    Best regards,

    I think, you are asking about, adding files in the subdomain only!

    If you create one subdomain say, "demo"
    it will create one new folder under your man domain named "demo"
    you can find that "demo" folder under "public_html"
    so, just go to: "public_html/demo" and uyou can upload the files inside that folder!
    You can create one default html file say: "index.html" under thae new folder (here "demo")
    So that the file named "index.html" can be displayed by typing "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;

  2. Firefox2 RC3 is available for download friends!

    here is the link: http://website-archive.mozilla.org/www.mozilla.org/firefox_releasenotes/en-US/firefox/2.0/releasenotes/

    The biggest adavntage of the newest version is that it has its own buldin dictionary!

    A nice feature, and the dictonary can be updated with the addins available on extensions section!

    US, englasnd etc dictonaries are available for download!

    And one buld in crash recovery that can be helpful to restore the opened tabs in caser of crashs!


    any more features are there which was not available on forefox 1 version!

    I love the nice interface and the own bright theme!






    Visual Refresh: Firefox 2's theme and user interface have been updated to improve usability without altering the familiarity of the browsing experience. For instance, toolbar buttons now glow when you hover over them. We will continue to improve the look and feel throughout the release candidate process.



    Built-in phishing protection: Phishing Protection warns users when they encounter suspected Web forgeries, and offers to return the user to their home page. Phishing Protection is turned on by default, and works by checking sites against either a local or online list of known phishing sites. This list is automatically downloaded and regularly updated when the Phishing Protection feature is enabled.



    Enhanced search capabilities: Search term suggestions will now appear as users type in the integrated search box when using the Google, Yahoo! or Answers.com search engines. A new search engine manager makes it easier to add, remove and re-order search engines, and users will be alerted when Firefox encounters a website that offers new search engines that the user may wish to install.



    Improved tabbed browsing: By default, Firefox will open links in new tabs instead of new windows, and each tab will now have a close tab button. Power users who open more tabs than can fit in a single window will see arrows on the left and right side of the tab strip that let them scroll back and forth between their tabs. The History menu will keep a list of recently closed tabs, and a shortcut lets users quickly re-open an accidentally closed tab.



    Resuming your browsing session: The Session Restore feature restores windows, tabs, text typed in forms, and in-progress downloads from the last user session. It will be activated automatically when installing an application update or extension, and users will be asked if they want to resume their previous session after a system crash.



    Previewing and subscribing to Web feeds: Users can decide how to handle Web feeds (like this one), either subscribing to them via a Web service or in a standalone RSS reader, or adding them as Live Bookmarks. My Yahoo!, Bloglines and Google Reader come pre-loaded as Web service options, but users can add any Web service that handles RSS feeds.



    Inline spell checking: A new built-in spell checker enables users to quickly check the spelling of text entered into Web forms (like this one) without having to use a separate application.



    Live Titles: When a website offers a microsummary (a regularly updated summary of the most important information on a Web page), users can create a bookmark with a "Live Title". Compact enough to fit in the space available to a bookmark label, they provide more useful information about pages than static page titles, and are regularly updated with the latest information. There are several websites that can be bookmarked with Live Titles, and even more add-ons to generate Live Titles for other popular websites.



    Improved Add-ons manager: The new Add-ons manager improves the user interface for managing extensions and themes, combining them both in a single tool.



    JavaScript 1.7: JavaScript 1.7 is a language update introducing several new features such as generators, iterators, array comprehensions, let expressions, and destructuring assignments. It also includes all the features of JavaScript 1.6.



    Extended search plugin format: The Firefox search engine format now supports search engine plugins written in Sherlock and OpenSearch formats and allows search engines to provide search term suggestions.



    Updates to the extension system: The extension system has been updated to provide enhanced security and to allow for easier localization of extensions.



    Client-side session and persistent storage: New support for storing structured data on the client side, to enable better handling of online transactions and improved performance when dealing with large amounts of data, such as documents and mailboxes. This is based on the WHATWG specification for client-side session and persistent storage.



    SVG text: Support for the svg:textpath specification enables SVG text to follow a curve or shape.



    New Windows installer: Based on Nullsoft Scriptable Install System, the new Windows installer resolves many long-standing issues

    Download it here:


  3. Yes friend!
    The problem is still there!! :P
    The sendmail function problem is not yet fixed!
    I too waiting here for the issue to be fixed!
    I had sent one mail to support team as mentined here:
    But not yet received any reply from them!
    Still waiting for the reply from them!
    I dont know, why they are taking this much time to fix the issue!

  4. Auto responder configuration using php is simple one!

    For me, I'm using one php code to send one auto response to the visitors

    who is entering the email ID in my comments page!

    I'm sharing the code will all of you!

    If you need this one, u can feel free to use this code friends :P

    Here I'm taking the email as input from the users thru one input box named: visitorEmail

    and then Im giving the action attribute of the form tag to one php file say, auto.php

    like this:


    <form method="post" action="auto.php">



    And creating one auto.php file to get the values from the input field of the invoker form

    and sending one mail to that email!

    Im copying the code here!




    # ----------------------------------------------------

    # -----

    # ----- Code From Niran V V

    # -----

    # ----- http://www.funlokam.com/

    # -----

    # ----------------------------------------------------




    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {


    } else {

    $ClientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];



    # RegisterGlobals OFF


    $FTGvisitorEmail = $_POST['visitorEmail'];



    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc) {

    $FTGvisitorEmail = stripslashes($FTGvisitorEmail);


    # Redirect user to the error page


    # Confirmation Email to User


    $confEmailTo = $FTGvisitorEmail;

    $confEmailTo = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F]/', '', $confEmailTo);


    $confEmailSubject = "Thanks For Visiting";

    $confEmailSubject = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F]/', '', $confEmailSubject);


    $confEmailBody = "visitorEmail: $FTGvisitorEmail\n"

    . "\n"

    . "Thanks for Visiting\n"

    . "";


    $confEmailHeader = "From: MyID@MyDomain.Com\n"

    . "Reply-To: MyID@MyDomain.Com\n"

    . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"

    . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"\n"

    . "Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable\n";


    mail($confEmailTo, $confEmailSubject, $confEmailBody, $confEmailHeader);


    # Redirect user to success page


    header("Location: success.html");



    # End of PHP script



    Here replace the MyID@MyDomain.Comwith your mail ID!


    $confEmailHeader = "From: MyID@MyDomain.Com\n"

    . "Reply-To: MyID@MyDomain.Com\n"


    Thats all friends!

    If you are having any probs with the code, then feel free to ask me!

    Thank you all.



  5. Well, it could take a little time since the error isn't consistant. Some emails from my site works fine but others do not. So there must be omething incompatable in in the non-working email code with the setting in the new cPanel.
    As for the SMTP settings, I haven't tried them.


    That smtp email was not working even before cPanel upgradation!
    But that was not a matter for me, beacuse the phpbb forum can send mails without that smtp option!
    Before cPanel upgradation also, I was getting the same error message as:

    Could not connect to smtp host : 110 : Connection timed out

    Line : 112
    File : smtp.php

    But didnt mentioned here as Im able to send mails wthout that smtp option!
    Noe after cPanel upgradation only, the mails from my forum is not delivering to the users!
    Hope, the techs team will fix the issue soon!
    Waiting for the announcement from the guys!


    I've tested smtp on my account and it works fine, looks like only phpmail is affected.

    But smtp mail configuration for my phpbb forum was not working even before the cPanel Upgradation process!
    But the same code was working fine for my old server!
    I dont know why it was like that! :P

  6. Hi all,

    Please check whether you can send mail using php! :P

    I cant send mails after the cPanel upgradation process! :P

    I dont know whats happened with that!!

    Is it for my account only or all are having the same problem??

    Please guys, check it now and confirm it!


    Im having phpbb forum my site!

    It was working fine without any problem!

    But after cPanel upgradation, php mail is not functioning well!

    Its not sending any activation mail to the registered users!

    Its not notifying users about the reply and nothing going from the phpbb forum!

    Please help me!

    I need to fix it as soon as possible! :P


    Then I changed the configuration of Email Settings

    to: Use SMTP Server for email


    Activativating that smtp email option gives me the following error:


    Could not connect to smtp host : 110 : Connection timed out




    Line : 112

    File : smtp.php


    Had tried many smtp servers. But all are giving same error only!

    Please guys, help me out to fix the problem soon!




  7. Its showing as:


    Error: Page Not Found

    I can't even run Photoshop CS2! :P

    Its eating all my system memory!


    If I move a single layer on a photoshop file with 300 dpi,

    then I can go for a tea in the mean time!! :P Nice na! :P


    So, If they are releasing CS3 and I'm going behind that,

    I'll dfenitly get one Lunch break time to move a layer in those photoshop files :P


    But I really like the CS2 features! But I can't use it beacuse of the lower system resources! :P

    So, Still adjusting with my sweet Adobe Photoshop CS



  8. Hi all!

    This is with ref to this topic:



    I'm happy to say that cPanel is Back now without any problems! :P

    Thanks to the technical peoples for fixing the issue in a short time! :P

    I was waiting for that to upload the files beacuse I cant access FTP behind this proxy :P


    I thnik, the cPanel version is upgraded now!

    Its now showing as:


    cPanel version 10.9.0-RELEASE-44

    cPanel Pro Version 1.0 (RC36)


    ( I dont know what was the old version :P )


    You can check the cPanel Update history here:



    Cheers to all,



  9. Hi all,

    I was trying to upload some files to my account using cpanel!

    There was no problem in the beginning!

    But suddently it shows one error message as:


    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operation has been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.



    Authentication is working fine! After authentication only, ith shows the error message like this! )


    Please check this one:



    (Edit: I'm using cPanel Proxy for accessing the Control panel without specifying the port addrss! http://ww1.cpanelproxy.net//?gtnjs=1 )


    I dont know whats went wrong, is it the problem with the server or is it for my account only! :P

    But sites are working fine without any problem!

    Whats wrong with the server?

    Is it running out of disk space!

    Admins, please try to solve the problem fast!




  10. Thats realy a great news!But I'm little bit confused about the news!Google is already having one Video sevice "Google Video" which is still on its Beta Phase!Whether they are going to delete that service and use that youtube.com as main site(like Orkut.com, which is in affiliation with Google )Or any other plans?Guys what are you thinking about this one? :P Regards,Niran

  11. Try these keyboard shortcuts friend!

    That may help you!


    Full Mode: Ctrl+1

    Skin Mode: Ctrl+2


    If Its not working, then u may be enabled hoide menubar option!

    To disable thise try these keyboard shortcuts:


    Ctrl+M : will show the menu bar

    Ctrl+Shift+M : will enable the option to auto hide menubar!


    If its not working fine, then do reply t this post!






    yordan Overtaked me :P

  12. Finally the problem has been solved by removing the dot * in the end of the address! :P


    Now the mail is working fine!

    But Ic ant change the MX records for the subdomains!

    I was using Google Apps for Fun.NiranVV.Com also!

    But here in this cPanel, I can't change the MX records for that subdomain!

    Its showing the old error message as:


    a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive




    tried that after changing the name servers to point to Xisto also!

    But still I cant change the MX records for any of the sub domains! :P


    But Its not helping me!

    Please anybody help me! :P


    Still I can't fix the problem! :P

    Is there anybody to help me?

    Its still showing as: a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive for subdomain

    But no problem with the main domain! :P

    I tried editing MX records for all the su domains!

    But it displays the same error message for all those sub domains!


  13. Hello everyone

    I'm a photography student in college, I post my pictures here -> https://www.flickr.com/browser/upgrade/?continue=%2Fphotos%2Fbad-and-ugly%2F

    Check it out when you have the time, and tell me what you think '=)


    Nice pics friend!

    But pics are having some strange colors! :P

    Is it the problem with camera or did you applied some effects to those pictures??


  14. PM me and I will gladly give a gmail invite as well. I have 97 left with no intentions of using them.


    Gmail is great and the ability to label and create filters is great. I never really understood how to sort my emails but with gmail it made things pretty simple and understandable. I like it, but there's a lot of email services out there. Maybe I'm missing out. All in all I think gmail is the way to go.



    Please join me at: http://www.funlokam.com/

    and share your Gmail Invitations with all others!

    I'm getting more visitors asking for Gmail and Orkut Invitations..

    If you can share your Invitations please join there and help others to get a GMail Account! :P

  15. Whats happened to Xisto.com yesteday?

    It was not loading yesterday night! :P

    It was redirecting to: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    and it was showing as:


    This Account Has Been Suspended

    Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.


    Thanks GOD, Its back now!! :P

    But I like to thank the staffs here, because the site which was hosted at Xisto.com was not down at that tiime! :P


    Check the discussion at Xisto here



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