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Posts posted by niran

  1. Hi all,

    Guys frequently using Firefox 2 for browsing may notice one session recovery screen for restoring session on your browser after improper exit of the Firefox Browser or immediate shutdown while using Firefox!

    Firefox 2 will give an option to restore your browser session to previous state!

    So you may seen this screen before! ;)


    Posted Image


    Its one advantage of using Firefox 2!

    You can even go to your Gmail inbox without signing in after restoring the session!


    But imagine, if 2 or more users are using the same system and while the 1st user is going through his Gmail!

    Suddenly because of the power failure, his system got restarted!

    But unfortunately the 2nd user is using the same system and he is opening the browser!

    He will get the option to restore the cookies!

    If he click YES, the browser will restore to previous session and he can read the 1st users Gmail without signing in!!


    So, how we can disable this restore option in Firefox 2??

    Its soo simple friends!!

    Open Firefox

    Type: "about:config" in address bar ( withot quotes ;) )

    Search for "browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash" in the list

    double click on that field and set that to "false"

    Posted Image


    Thats all guys!! ;)

    It is recommended those users with concerns about the privacy!!


    So, winding up now!!

    Will be back with more Tips!! ;)



  2. Introduction!!


    Providing a comprehensive 'How To' tutorial guide, on the installation of phpbb 2.0.22 forum on your Xisto/cPanel account.

    Tutorial includes

    Downloading of files

    Uploading using cPanel File Manager

    CHMOD using cPanel File Manager

    MySQL database creation

    PhpBB initial configuration

    This guid will help everyone from beginners, with images and an in depth guide of what to do.


    Step 1

    To start with we need to download PhpBB ( latest stable version is PhpBB 2.0.22 ). This can be done by visiting the PhpBB Downloads page which should look like the image below.

    Before you download please hav a look at the license agreement.

    Xisto's cPanel supports the .tar.gz compression file so by downloading that version, we can upload the files more easily!




    Step 2

    A save popup should show automatically. Save that file to your hard disk as given below!





    Step 3

    Now we need to upload the .tar.gz file to our hosting server. This can be done by using ftp orcPanel provioded by Xisto.com. I'm going to use cPanel for uploading the files and extracting the same. Go to the login page by typing: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    and login with your username and password there!



    Step 4

    After logging in, click on the File Manager that in associated with cPanel. using the file manager, you can upload/delete and edit the files needed!

    You can find File manager as shown below ( If you are using some other theme for your cPanel, then go thru the contents, and you can find the file manager some where there!




    Step 5

    Select public_html under the main window ( public_html is the folder that can be accessible by typing ur domain name :P )

    We need to upload all the files under one sub folder in Public_html folder.




    Step 6

    We need to upload the php .tar.gz file under the root directory. So, just click the upload files button on top of the page under public_html folder




    Step 7

    Browse for that .tar.gz file which was saved from phpBB site and after selecting that one, click on upload button. this will upload the compressed file which contains all files associated to run phpBB forum!




    Step 8

    Verify it by checking public_html folder after uploading. Now we need to extract the file contents! cPanel is having bulding extracting softwares!

    So, all you need to do is, just click on the file name to show some options associated with that file!




    Step 9

    Now you can see the options associated with file (.tar.gz) on the right part of the browser screen! Select "Extract File Contents" From there

    that will automatically extract all the files for your forum!




    Step 10

    This page may take a while to load as it is un-compressing a rather large file. You can see one page after uncompressing all the files like this



    (As there is some limit of img tag while posting, I can't embed images to this post! So that, Im posting the remaining parts as a reply to this post! )


    Step 11

    Now Navigate back to the directory where the .tar.gz file is currently stored. We want to delete it now. So, click on the file we have uploaded before.

    that will show some options associated with that one!

    Select "Delete" from that

    ( Note: I'm exceeding the maximum limit for the number of images in a post! So, Im posting them as link! Please excuse me )




    Step 12

    That will send the file to trash in cPanel. You can delete the file permanently by clicking the trash icon there.




    Step 13

    Now we need to rename the forum path ( extracting the files, will put ur forum under http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ). We need to rename the phpBB to some name, say "myForum"

    So, click on the folder named "phpBB" on the file manager




    Step 14

    Give the name in that input box and then click on "rename" button next to that inputbox!




    Step 15

    Now go back to File manager and click "myForum" (your forum name) under "public_html" folder.




    Step 16

    We need to change the permission of the config.php file. We need to give write permission that one. click on that file, and select "change permission" link link on the right part of the browser



    Step 17

    In the permissions window, set permission as "666" which will allow the phpBB installation to set the variables on that file!



    Step 18

    Now go to "images" folder under main forum directory




    Step 19

    Select "avatars" under the "images" folder and that will display some options associated with that folder!




    Step 20

    we need to give write permission for that file, so that users can upload the avatars to the avatars folder! Give permission for the folder as "777" and click "save"



    ( Im posting remaining parts a reply, as there is some restriction for the number of images inside each post ;) )


    Step 21

    Now we need to create MySQL database for the forum! so, we need to go back to main cPanel window under Xisto.com

    Select "MySQL Databases" under site management tools part




    Step 22

    Give some name for the database and click save ( the name will be as urUsername_databaseName )


    that will show one status message for the creation of database ( Xisto.com provides 99 databases under each account :P )




    Step 23

    Now we need to create one database user with full access to the new database!

    So, give some username and password for the new user ( username will be like urHostingUsername_databaseUsername )


    This will show one status message as below



    Step 24

    Now, we need to grant full permission for the new user to the new forum database!

    For that, you need to select the user name from the drop down list and select corresponding database from the drop down list )

    and give permisson as "full access"


    and this will show one status message as:



    Step 25

    Now we are going to install the forum

    The part where most people give up due to confusion but in fact one of the easiest stages. You need to go to the install page now. To visit this simply visit your forum directory and it automatically redirect you to the installation page!

    so type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in browser

    that will show one window as below. You need to change the values in red only!




    Default Board Language: Simple enough. What language should guests and anyone who haven't set their language, see?

    Database Type: At Xisto.Com we use V4 so choose 'MySQL 4.x/5.x'

    Choose your installation method: Were installing so leave it alone.


    Database Server Hostname / DSN: make it 'localhost'

    Your Database Name: As created in step 22. In my case my username is "niranvv" and I called the database "demo", so the database name is 'niranvv_demo'

    Database Username: Also from step 23. My username is "niranvv" and created the user "demo"so the database username is 'niranvv_demo'

    Database Password: In my case I chose 'password' put yo should enter the password you created in step 23.

    Prefix for tables in database: Leave as phpbb_ unless you already have phpbb installed using the same database.


    Admin email address: The address of yourself for admin emails to be sent to (and sent from to users).

    Domain name: Hopefully obvious.

    Server Port: Leave at 80

    Script Path: This will depend on where you uploaded to and what you called your directory later. Its in relation from public_html so if you uploaded one directory up (public_html/forum) you just need '/forum'/. If you went sevral directorys higher you would need to enter them.

    Administrator Username: This is the name of your admin account for your forum.

    Administrator Password: create a password for the above account

    Administrator Password [confirm]: Same as above

    Click 'Start Install'



    Step 26

    Click on "Finish installation" button



    Step 27

    You need to delete install/ and contrib/ directories to run the forum



    Thats all friends!!


    You can setup your forum free! If you need any help, please pm me or reply to this thread!

    I'll install phpBB forum for u absolutely free


    Hope you enjoyed this small tutorial!

    (As there is some limit for the maximum number of images inside a post, Im posting as 3 parts! Please excuse me for that )


    Note: You can use Mods for adding some more features to ur board! A customized phpbb 2.0.21 forum can be found here:

    http://www.funlokam.com/ ( Its my personal forum with funny pics ;) )





  3. 3 days ago somehow a virus got into my system and it dont let me access my drivers when i double click on them and show me this message:
    i don think this kind of virus is a low-rating for pc harming but it abit an annoy.
    in the first the antvirus cought it and deleted it then after a while it stop even i had a full system scan and now i cant find it ,scaned my Pc 5 times and still cant find it.

    if any one have anyidea or know this virus , post here.

    thanks in advance.

    Hi friend.
    Its because of the worm named : VBS.Zodgila
    and its having Risk Level 1: Very Low according to Symantec
    VBS.Zodgila is a worm that copies itself to removable drives.
    You can find more details here:

    Check this for removal instructions:

  4. Thats really a cool tutorial friend! I was googling for creating such raining effect in images. But now i found that cool effect here in fav forum ;)

    thanks for sharing with us. we are waiting for more from you!


    how do i hide the layers lol, im such a newb

    For hiding a layer, goto windows >> layers

    then click on the eye symbol to hide particular layer

    Posted Image



  5. Thanks For approving my small tutorial guys ;)

    Hope, all will enjoy this small tutorial to sutomize ur drive icons!

    Do reply with your comments. You people can get free Iocns ( should be .ico format for this customization) from internet!

    Im posting some links. Please have a look at them, and you can download free Iocn files from there!!










    All the best!





  6. Hi all..

    the problem was solved before! But I need to bump the topic, as the problem is again back thr!! ;)

    I was trying to edit one value in my database table, and after clicking "go" button, its showing as:


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/tbl_replace.php on line 155


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/tbl_replace.php:155) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/libraries/common.lib.php on line 1154


    Whats the problem with that guys!! ;)

    ( Im using phpMyAdmin budled with cPanel )

    Please fix it!

  7. Hi all,

    Please have a look at here!

    Posted Image


    Its the window for me, while clicking "MY Computer" ( Not "Your Computer" ;) he he! Just Kidding)

    Ok, Do you like to put your own Icons for each and every Drive in your computer?

    ( You can use seperate icons for the CDs also,

    and u can see the same icon, for the CD, if you use it in any computer around!!)

    Yes.. Its one simple thing to put the icons!!


    I will explain how to put those icons!




    Step 1:

    Get some cute icons for the drives!


    Step 2:

    Open Notepad and type the following:





    Posted Image


    Step 3:

    Save the notepad with file name: "autorun.inf" (without quotes)


    Step 4:

    Copy both the files (Icon File & autorun.inf) to the drive ( eg: C:\ , D:\ , E:\ etc)

    You can put the same files while writing CDs also ( Do not put autorun.inf inside any sub folders)

    Posted Image


    Step 5:

    Open My computer and just refresh ( For windows XP, you need to restart the system in order to see the change )

    Posted Image







  8. Hi,


    I'm using "Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic" for last 1 year!

    Its one totally free anti virus, and it wont eat memory resources!!

    I think, its the best FREE antivirus, I came across till date!

    I had tried many anti virus programs before!~ But most of them uses much memory resources!

    Its having easy user interface, and if u try it once, u will stick with that! Im sure about that!

    You can get more details about Avira AntiVir here:



    Download it free from here:







  9. Hi all,

    Please help me!

    My site was working fine! ( http://www.funlokam.com/ )

    But now, its showing one error message as:


    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/niranvv/public_html/fun/db/mysql4.php on line 48


    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/niranvv/public_html/fun/db/mysql4.php on line 330


    Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/niranvv/public_html/fun/db/mysql4.php on line 331

    phpBB : Critical Error


    Could not connect to the database


    I didn't changed anything!! ;)

    Why I'm getting this error message!

    Im using phpBB Forum in my site! Whats wrong with the database??


    Please help!



  10. Hi all,I'm a hosted member at Xisto.Com! ;) As I'm little bit busy with my work, I'm not getting much time to come here to get hosting credits by posting here in this forum! So, Im planning to switch to Xisto - Web Hosting.com I need some help to transfer my hosting to there! Whats the procedure for that and all those details needed!Is it a another server ( I mean, As Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting are from the same company, are they hsoted in the same server or not? ), and whether the name servers and ip address of the servers are same or not.I need these details, because I need to change those MX records, A records and Name server details etc with my domain registrar!How can I move to the Xisto - Web Hosting Server?Please reply me guys!Thanks! ;)

  11. Im using netvibes.com for last few months regularly!

    You can create one free account there to save all ur preferences including ur feeds list!

    Its using Ajax technology to display items there! You can drag divs and place it anywhere in the page!

    Many more customization options are available there! You can find some feeds directory in the left side there! Just drag them to the main window! thats all guys! you can get the feeds directory from the ecosystem available here: Eco.netvibes.com/.

    You can insert many tabs inside a window itself! So its "ALL YOUR FAV SITES IN A SAME PAGE" !

    yes, Its true friends.. Just try it here: http://www.netvibes.com/en

    You can even see mail previews there! ( Including Yahoo, Gmail and pop3 mails supported there)

    News headlines, sports headlines etc etc are available in a same page! some custom modules are available at eco system, using that u can even embed a complete web page ( not only a single site! many sites can be embedded) inside the window! Using embedded meebo.com chat module, u can chat using yahoo/GTalk/MSN etc in the same page itself!

  12. Did any body tried Live Image Search?? Its simply superb, and will definitely catch all your eyes, and will take away from all the remaining image search engines, including Google and Yahoo! I'm 100% sure about that! Just go here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Its new Live Image search result for Flowers! You can see that, there is no need to click on "NEXT" button to go thru the results ( which I hate with all the remaining search engines) images will load dynamically, and will communicate with Server using advanced AJAX technology, and will load images as you scroll thru the page! you can even customize the size of the thumbnail preview using the scrollbar on top! And you can see a large preview of each and every images on mouse over! Then, if you click on one particular image, then, that will open the image with the particular page in new layer inside the same browser window itself! Then, wat else? If you need to add some images from the results to some place , for further filtering, that also possible with the new powerful image search by Live.Com . Just click the "Scrathpad" link on top, that will show one side panel. Just drag and drop the needed images to that Scratchpad, and u can review that collection later! Also, u can categorize the Scratchpad into some collections! In short, Live Image Search is simply SUPERB!!

  13. Hi all,

    I'm an Xisto.com hosted member!
    Today, I cant able to access my hosting server GAMMA -
    pinging to that server is not working!
    But here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    its showing as server is up! My site is not opening, also, ftp, cpanel etc are not working!
    Xisto.com is not opening today!

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping Xisto.com
    Pinging Xisto.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

    Please help me guys!

  14. Hi all,


    I need a help from any one out here! I need to display one confirmation box using windows startup script!

    I need to run this script on each and every client system in my LAN!


    Here is the requirement:

    The script should ask the user to click yes to continue or no to exit.

    If the user click yes, that should open Internet Explorer with some site , Say google.com

    and after filling some forms and after closing the browser, that should bring to regular login screen which says, cntrl alt del to login!

    If the user directly preses the no button, that should close the confirm box and should go to the regular windows login screen!


    So here is the sequence:


    1. Call the script on Windows booting ( I can do that )

    2. The script Will display one Confirm box with Yes and No button!

    3. If the user clicks Yes:

    i. Open Internet Explorer with google.com

    ii. When user closes IE, go to step 5

    4. If the user presses No, go directly to step: 5

    5. Show windows regular login/welcome Screen


    So, If anybody knows the windows script programming ( I think, VBScript is using for that) please do reply to me! I'm waiting for ur responses!




  15. Hey!! If we set the attribute 's' to a particular file or folder, then it becomes a a System file/folder.

    so if you do attrib +s +h file.doc the file will be hidden + system...


    and you can still view the file without changing the attributes by unchecking the option " Hide Protected Operating System Files (System)" in Tools>folder Options>


    and If you want to change back the attribute , you just need to run the command attrib -s -h file.doc

  16. Friend,I dont know about the maximum file size restriction here!I think, no restriction is here for the file size limit! you can use the full account space for hosting the file!For what, you are using that flash file? Is it for web sites? If its for web sites,then shall I ask you a question?Will you stay on browser if a page takes more than 2-3 minutes to load?So, don't use such a big sized flash files for animations in web pages! Can you tell me whats the flash file meant for? If it contains lot more images, then try this! Try to reduce the image size!(for that, just open the images used in some photo editing softwares. Photoshop is re commented for that!Open it in photoshop and go to: image >> image size menu! set the width of the image to less than 1000 . Its the better option! because, usually screen resolution width will be 800 or 1024 or lit bit greater! So after setting the width to that, goto >> File >>save for web! there you can see some template settings! select some settings there and you can see the image quality and size of the image! select the best one asnd save and then update the images! this will optimize the images!)After changing the image file size, go to library at flash and update the library images from there! like that you can reduce the file size!bye bye!!

  17. thanks faulty.lee for spending ur time to fix my issue!

    It was a simple problem! :P

    hehe he! I was using my DSL modem to connect to Internet!

    I think, its configured as a client in LAN! ( I don't know why it is :P )

    So, we need to specify the IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway and DNS information manually!

    That was the problem!! :P

    So, after identifying the issue, now I can debug the ASP application without any trouble! :P


    So, Im explaining how the issue has been solved, if any one comes across the same trouble!

    Goto>> Control panel >> administrative tools >> computer management


    there you can see one IIS settings. in that IIS settings, just right click the default website and select properties!

    For me there was my IP address specified for DSL! :P which was making me mad! :P faulty.lee

    Posted Image

    so, after identifying this issue, I temporarily disabled the LAN system, that automatically displayed the default IP address as . After selecting that default IP address, its working fine without any problem!


    thanks for spending your time to fix the issue!


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