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Posts posted by thejestergl

  1. Although I have a dying question or so: how are you getting matter to go faster than the speed of light?

    Well supposidly (what I have heard maybe someone else can explain better) is that a blackhole, if any matter is sucked in, will go faster than the speed of light. Now this can't be proven obviously, but judging by studies that scientists have made this is a theory that is pretty solid. The amount of force that a blackhole has is tremendous and uncomprehendable. The theory, as many of you say is not original, is a good one in my opinion. Constant contractions and expasions eventually causing a "big bang".

    Blackholes are extremely hard to spot, and occur much farther out in space then we would normally travel, actually never travel. If I remember correctly don't they actually surround us? The pulls are also very specific, the force at which the blackhole can pull is limited to its outer boundary (I think! Not sure). So the idea of something eventually touching the boundary and bouncing back etc. etc. is believable, especially something like an atom. Good theory whether orginal or not.

  2. Yeah I hear you man, I lost my internet and I was frustrated because most of the files on my computer need the internet. Also, I lost credits and am now trying to get them back up! I hope that the cable will ease my pain of disconnecting all the time. I hate wireless internet because it is so unreliable. I know a lot of people with it though, because they don't want to spend the money on cable, and each and everyone complains about the disconnection issues. The worst was when my firewall or something interfered with my internet. I would be connected but I wouldn't be able to do anything. Hope you get better internet days my friend. Cheers,Jester

  3. Yeah my PC is pretty buggy which kind of sucks. Sometimes if you leave it inactive for too long it willjust freeze. And you have to restart it, and it doesn't take long to reset its just annoying as fudge. Not only that but my internet isn't too great either. We are getting cable but right now its so bad because at night it usually gets all disconnecty (wireless) which bugs me the most. I now have negative credits because it took way to long to even connect to this site so I just said forget it. I don't know why it keeps on freezing up any suggestions? It isn't because of the programs because I don't have any running when I leave it idle. Or I usually don't. But even when it does run programs it wont freeze from time to time. Hopfully I will get cable soon and that will at least ease the pain because of better internet. Well good luck with your computer :PCheers,Jester

  4. Yes I do enjoy Day of Defeat quite a bit actually haha. I like the array of weaponary you can choice from and the game play in general. The maps are pretty cool, and straight forward. Grenades actually do something too! Hahaha. The graphics aren't too great I have to admit but that doesn't matter much to me. To some it does. I stopped playing for a while and have to re-download the game off steam. Thanks for reminding me though haha.Cheers,Jester

  5. Actually I just started re-playing counter-strike source. I heard there is a Day of Defeat source too, I want to try that one out. I like the new graphics and all but for some reason I still like 1.6. Probably because 1.6 has more mods, and you can customize the skins too. The default guns in source look.. a bit toyish. They seem pretty small in perspecitive. I do like how you don't die "stiff" as you like to put it. It does make the game feel a lot more real, and smoother. The graphics for the game (grenades, bullets, etc.) are amazing. The running.. not so much haha. They look like they are skipping really. I got it just to have it though, and I play it on the occasion. Been playing it more often recently but doubt it will last long. The gameplay is neat and all but I don't like it comparatively to 1.6. Well happy shooting, if anyone has an update on Day of Defeat: Source that would be awsome. Or some other works such as skins on CS: Source.

  6. I played it for a little while, it is essentially a free version of BF2 and counter strike mixed into one game. Its ok, but the graphics aren't really that great.

    Yeah but most free games don't have that swell of graphics. Though if the game play is nice, than I should try it out. I think I might it looks pretty neat; and I do like trying out new games :lol:. Thanks for the heads up on the game ^.^

  7. Lol wow I haven't played RO in quite a long time. That seems pretty cool that they are making a RO2. I think I might check it out when it comes out for beta, that is if the beta is open for public. Seems pretty need that they decided to work with it a little more. Though once it comes out of beta there will already be people working on private servers :lol:. I think I might get it hehe.

  8. Oh jeeze that is a hard choice! Right now I play world of warcraft but I have gotten quite bored of it recently, waiting for the expansion to come out. Other than world of warcraft I would have to say FFXI is one of my favourite games. Not many people actually like the game but I find it to be rather entertaining. The only reason I really play world of warcraft is for my friends, other than that, there really is no point to be honest. I would probably just go back to FFXI :lol:.

  9. Oh Halo 3 is going to be an awsome game. As for the release date, no one has an exact one. I do believe that it is coming out in the summer but which month/day is unknown; and yes not much information about the game has been released yet :lol:. The only information that is really out is in EGM and such, but even that, there isn't much...I can't wait till it comes out though ^_^ it's going to be awsome

  10. I have to say that I have played all those games and I found all of them quite enjoyable. Though private servers are illegal adn I just decided to pay for WoW. The thing is, the money is worth it if you play enough. I know a lot of people who should pay because of the time they spend playing the games. But it is always nice to have a couple free MMO's if you get bored of the one you are paying for ^_^. I know that there are some free Lineage II private servers :lol:

  11. I don't mind the small ones that are barely noticeable, but these days, advertisements can be so annoying. Seriously, I was just on a site that had a giant flashing one pasted across the sides. I had to minimize the browser window, making the ad unvisible, or else I would have gotten a siezure. Well, that's that's probably an exaggeration, but the point still stand: advertisements can be *BLEEP*ing annoying. They detract away from what you're trying to do on the website that you're at, especially the already-mentioned flashing ones, or these new ones that make noise.

    I agree with you 100%. I hate those adds that are located on the side especially, although they are "out of the way" I keep looking over because they are just so darn distracting. Luckily pop up blockers block out most ads that pop in your face but some slip by on the occasion. I use firefox though which helps a ton of those annoying banners that are flashy and cause slow site browsing. I use a flash blocker which allows you to choose whether or not you want to see a flash file. It is extremely nifty I suggest anyone who uses firefox to get it, or get firefox just for that purpose!

    I don't really mind text adds because I usually can ignore those, but it doesn't make the site look very good, but at least it is better than if they had flash ads. That is why I really like Xisto, they do not force ads on you. Well we have to live with ads so I suppose there is no use in fighting it, have fun all you web browsers out there, and remember, dont be lured in by the pretty colors of an ad!!


  12. Lol crazy poll man. But I am one guy who does play games, maybe not staying up to 2 AM "pwning noobs" but I do enjoy them. I am not overweight, in fact I am under weight haha. I don't really eat very health food, just whatever comes to mind. It kind of sucks that people think I don't eat much but hey at least i'm not obese. Probably because of my extremely fast metabolism. Haha well cool poll, see ya!-Jester

  13. Ninja Gaiden has to be one of the greatest ninja games out there. I love the game play, especially the newest one for the Xbox. It actually lets you unlock the older versions of it lol. For anyone who has a knack for ninja games I would definately suggest this one. Although sometimes it can get difficult, it is still a great game. The best party about the Xbox version I would say, are the graphics. Then of course there are always the old school ones which are just as good, and seemed pretty advance for its time :lol:. This is one game you probably wont get tired of quickly, especially if you get Ninja Gaiden: Black. Good luck all you ninjas out there XD

  14. Guys although in your turns it isn't a "Worst Day Ever" to them it was. You should at least be a little conciderate. If you didn't have any support to give them, that doesnt' mean you have to critisize them. To them it was a horrible day, and its their life, not yours. Their bad days don't have to live up to your bad days.I'm sorry that your day didn't go to so well. I'm sure you will have better ones to make up for it :lol:.

  15. I would have to admit that PS2 does have a nice variety of games but the quality of the games on Xbox (however few there are) are worth getting the console for. The Xbox live features I personally feel are better than the PS2 and def. better than the gamecube lol. Games such as Rainbow Six, Halo, Halo 2, and Gears of War are all great games to play online. There are quite a few people who play them too!

  16. Heh I remember playing RO, that was a great game for a starter. Though I only played a little bit after the beta was done with. I play WoW now but I generally play it for friends more than anything. The game play is nice and I like the PvP. But I would have to say the best MMO (Most people are going to disagree) is FFXI. I love the party based game play, the countless number of quests and job abilities, plus the ability to have one character be multiple things. The leveling system was great because it helped people play smart in a sense. I know that in World of Warcraft people just charge in and cause a big party wipe. Not only does FFXI have more things to do, the community is generally better. FFXI isn't filled with little kids comparatively to WoW. Although people are a bit up tight at times it is still a great community. I loved the game through and through, but again I left due to friends. And yes World of Warcraft is a great MMO, I just think FFXI is better ^.^

  17. Yeah like some of the others said it really depends on what programs are strating up on when you turn on the computer automatically. I know that I have Steam as one of the programs that auto come on. Its not a big thing so it doesn't effect it much. Also having programs on when you want to shut down a computer causes it to take longer. Which is a bit annoying yes, but you simply shut down as many programs as you can before shutting down. Other than that you really can't do much. RAM might help but not to osure about that topic.

  18. Lol yeah money in this game is quite helpful. I love the game to death, but my CD messed up and got scratched up bad so i need a new one. I am not sure about the quests though I am more of a guy who likes to steal and such what. I do like the mini quests in the game but hey messing around can be much more fun. But cool glitch, just don't want to ruin the fun in the game by trying to find other ways of getting money. Currently I am resorting to stealing stuff from cities >.>... Good luck in your RPG adventures Cheers,Jester

  19. I like skype personally its the best free mic-to-mic service out there I think. I am not sure if others feel the same but I would say you should get it. It is really good to have chatroom chats with, especially comparatively to AIM and MSN. The microphone quality is great. Vent is also a great program to use for talking on a microphone, but you either need to use your own IP (which can be dangerous) or buy a server. Skype is 100% free I believe, unless they changed it. Teamspeak is also a option but the microphone quality is horrible. I suggest getting it, it is awsome if you get other friends to join in too :lol:

  20. Hmm most embarrassing moment in CS... well I wasn't doing bad at the time I had a score of 10-4 or something. I was the last guy left alive as well as another. The other one was afk, which was gonna be an easy kill. I ran up to the guy who was AFK and started shooting. I obviously was aiming for the head just to make it quick and easy, but I missed FOUR TIMES. I just had to aim, shoot and kill. But I missed the afk's head 4 times, which then he finally came back, I killed him but oh the crap I got from my teammates was not fun lol

  21. Wow awsome site. Not much to it right now but i'm sure you will fill that in later :lol:. I like it very much, I especially like the "My Music" . Pretty neat. Just keep it going and I'm sure you will have some good success on it. I love the skin, the cool blue color is very soothing to the eyes unlike most sites with flashy graphics haha. Well good luck with the site!Cheers, Jester

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