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Posts posted by thejestergl

  1. Hey,Yeah it sucks that things didn't work out for you and her but the way you seem to be taking it isn't too bad. The fact that you don't just jump to another girl after a week is a good sign. I know that my ex who was quite the clingly girl would jump from one boy to the other. Not because of sexual reasons just because she hated to be alone. Yet she would be the other who would want to break it off. Yeah it sucks that (at least in my view) she seemes to see the dating 'game' as a trial and error sort of thing. You seem to be a little more advanced than that which is a good thing. I'm sure that later on you will find someone who has the same views and be happily married to someone who loves you back :P. Just keep it in the there, and even though being single is a little strange after 15 months that doesn't mean its a bad thing. Some things happen, some things don't. Good luck in life, hang loose man.Jester

  2. Personally I love Diablo. I think that the storyline and game play is fun. The classes are also awsome for the game and I like to play it when friends come over. I play Diablo I though and not II. Diablo one I only play when my friend comes over, the only problem with it is that you die pretty easily and it can get pretty frustrating after a while haha. It is still a great game though. I never really got into Starcraft so I guess that kind of sums up what I think of the game. I'm sure it is good if you stick to it but I like the games that hook you in the beginning. So for me Diablo vs. Starcraft? Diablo wins.

  3. I used to play this game back in the day but I stopped playing it for some odd reason. I never really enjoyed it as much as other people did. I did like the game play a little but compared to the other games I found it to be a bit repetitive so I would assume that is why I stopped playing. I don't plan on going back to it either since, like I said, there are other games. But good to know it isn't completely dead :P

  4. Hey I used to play America's army and I loved the game. Thanks for reminding me to get it again! Hopfully I remember my login and such because I went through all the training and would really like to be able to use my sniper and such what. I enjoy being the medic for the team more than a sniper though. I hate just sitting back and waiting it's just no fun haha. Well I'll see what happens when I get it again. Thanks again for reminding me.Jester

  5. Yeah I play World of Warcraft and I should have picked it is like a drug to me! But then again I know that school comes first so I just picked yes :D. On WoW I am level 68 (main) and 61 (first alt) and other alts that are around level 25 or so. Now I would be happy with this but I have been playing for two years and I don't exactly level quickly compared to other people haha. But yeah if you want to hit me up then I'm on skullchrusher alliance. My main is Gefion which I play the most :P. Let know if you want to party sometime or somethign :D

  6. Yeah it sucks that you and your ex broke up, and that your friends yelled at him which kind of pushed him over the edge so to speak, but hey, things happen. And breaking up because of friends is actually not as uncommon as you might think. A lot of people figure that if they can't get along with the people you hang out with they won't be able to get along with you. Yes not exactly the smartest way to think but people think like that sometimes. And it isn't like it is never true. For the most part, people "mold" to their friends so they become a lot like them. If you don't like one chances are you don't like more =/. I hope that everything works out though. Hopfully he will see his emotions for you. And if anything it just wasn't ment to be. Good luck.

  7. This is actually a very hard choice for me personally. I like that Counter-strike 1.6 has a lot more mods that you can play with so it keeps the game pretty upbeat and fun to play because of the variation. I also find it a lot harder to kill people in that game compared to Counter-Strike: Source. Both games have its ups and downs. I love the graphics they used for source, but the fact that they don't have as many mods for source, or custom skins makes the game pretty repetitive. The game is pretty realistic however so that is an upside. I have been playing source lately but that doesn't mean that I don't like 1.6 anymore. To me comparing between the two games is a bit of a toss up. Jester

  8. Another thing you could do, is to find a highwayman, pay him when he demands money, and wait for the imperial legions to come by, i did this for a while, with the grey fox cowl. It was quite fun... Has anybody done the goblin trouble quest? thats fun!!!

    Yeah but the thing is about killing a guard is they only have heavy armour! So I suppose that is good if you are primary in that skill. But I find that light armour is better because I heard that it doesn't slow you down as much as heavy armour does. Then again, if you become the top rank of any armour it doesn't effect you :D. The best way though for a person who has a primary stat of sneak is to go up behind them and kill them. To level it up just walk in the sneak position for a while. After a while you eventually get enough to skill to bypass an enemy's armour when striking them in sneak. If that happens, why not just sneak kill both the guards and the highwaymen :P!

    Also on a less related note, I was curious if anyone had seen that Kajit in blue robes that runs when you see him. I wanted to know if he surved any real importance, I have followed him for quite some time but he never seems to stop running! If anyone has any information on him that would be awsome.


  9. Yeah seems like everyone else pretty much nailed it on the head on what to do. I guess I'm posting to kind of back up what they said. You should just try to stay friends for now, hopfully later you will get into something more than that. I really hope you do. It is a great thing to find someone that is really close to you :P. Just always remember how much you love her. Because hey sometimes its better to love and loss than to never love at all. Luckily in this case you aren't really losing right? Good luck man, hope things work out for you.Cheers

  10. Ahh the internetless days. These have got the be the worst days for you if you are like me and most of the programs on your computer need the internet. I don't play offline games, or at least not many, and other than that I don't know what else I would use my computer for. Sure I can write an essay, but who the heck wants to do that on their free time =P? But take it one day at a time, I usually just sleep a lot, it helps pass the time pretty quick. Also another good thing to do is work on your website! That is a big time waster. Sure you can't preview your site, or heck you might not even be able to edit it if you use a specific system...well actually now that I think of it that kind of defeats the purpose. Well anyway, read a book, or write one. Great time waster! TV is cool too.

  11. Personally I kind of like schoo. I mean yeah it kind of sucks that I have to get up every morning at around 6:30 (8:00 on Wednesdays) but it isn't too bad. I mean you get to see all your friends in school, and if you can get past a period at a time you are in good shape. The only thing I hate is the homework! I don't like coming home and having to do do mindless work every day. Other than that though school is a pretty cool place. I think getting to see friends is worth the time I have to get up , and the amount of time I have to stay in school. I sure as heck would get even MORE bored if I stayed home from school everyday , or even 2 days of the week! You shouldn't think of it as 'school' more than something to do. :P

  12. Hey, yeah pretty hefty stuff there buddy, but actually isn't that uncommon. You might feel that it is just jealousy which it could possibly be, but wouldn't you rather think that it could be a little more than that? Though, most girls (at least in my thoughts) like guys who can control jealousy. You should just stay friends with her, unless of course she wants more than that. She seems like a nice person, understanding, and so do you . If you really care then you should just try to mask the jealousy and think to yourself "Well at least she is happy, and that makes me happy." Maybe masking wasn't a good word to use but hopfully you got where I was going. Just try to let her know how you feel about the guy, and if she takes your thoughts into consideration that is up to her. But if she doesn't, don't hang yourself over it. You can only tell them whats on your mind, not believe what's on your mind. I have had people before do the same, and if I learned anything is that the jealousy you feel isn't because she is with some other guy, but that the guy she is with isn't, in your mind, good enough for her. You seem to just be a protective friend. Which can be good, but bad too. Just stop and think for a second, maybe she is walking into a bad relationship, but that doesn't mean you are the one to tell her that. That could just make it worse, and just let her go with her flow, and if things turn out bad, just make sure you are still there for her.Jester

  13. Anyway, FYI, there is an expasion called the "Shivering Isles", which is set in another plane of Oblivion. (Sheogorath, the God of Madness).

    Hey thanks for the heads up I'll go check it out. Can I get it on Xbox Live Marketplace? Or is it only for the PC. I'll go find out right now lol. See ya! Thanks for the information!

  14. This game sounds pretty cool I will check it out I'm always up for something new. I will look at some other comments on the game, get a better insite. Or hey why not just check it out myself? Thanks for the info, I'm not very good at looking at the latest news updates on games and such ;)

  15. There is no problem with interracial relationships because I don't think it really matters what you look like, or your cultural background. Though some parents or grandparents may find a problem with it because some don't really feel that you should date out side of your own culture. But again, that is more of a traditional thing, which I am not fond of. I think that if you love a person, or hey even just like them, dating them is fine whether or not they are the same race, religion, etc. I hope that everyone accepts this some day. Or at least deals with it so that the persons who are dating can be happy together without having to worry about what their friends or family think.

  16. I have to admit this guy sure was a man for letting the girl have his helmet. And smart enough to keep his cool and save her. I know it is probably not realistic but I kind of hope it is. You don't see many people, let alone guys who would do that. I'm happy, but sad for the person. Well, good story hope to see others like it.

  17. Wow I actually hadn't really thought much into this but I hope that they do make more areas for Oblivion. I would love to explore more places to steal from (evil laugh). They can do it for the 360 too because of the online market. Just download it from the market and put it on your Xbox 360! I don't know if they will do that but hey we can hope can't we? I love this game and seeing more content would be awsome.Speaking of expansions there is a Beta out that allows you to duel wield weapons (steel only) I haven't tried it personally but I'm sure it is cool. People have sent requests also to increase the relationships between player and NPC. Thing like getting married and such. I thought this might be a cool idea but again not sure if it is being worked on. The duel wielding however I do believe they are working on. Just rumors so don't get your hopes up!

  18. I am also a user of Light Armour and I actually have a hefty elven set. I also have many, many, different enchanted weapons (level 18). Gray Fox of the Theives guild, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, and Grand Champion of the Arena. The way I got most of my equipment was off highway men actually. If you ride around for a bit you will most likely run into one. Or another way to find some gear is to take some side quests and usually if it involves killing someone, you might find some good Light Armour. I am not sure how well your combat skills are but I am good with Blades/Marksmen/Sneak/Security. So the best way I feel is to just get it off the people you kill. Good luck hope you get your armour. Cheers,Jester

  19. To be honest I like Gears of War and I find it to be one of the greatest games around. The fact that the graphics really set you in the alien killing mood is nice. The camera angles, game play, storyline, etc. really fit well. I also haven't played the game Lost Planet thoroughly but I heard it isn't bad either. I wanted to try it out. But I find it hard to see a game beat Gears of War. Like I said, the game play is outstanding. It is a game you can play with your friends or by yourself. Gears of War got my voteJester

  20. Hey ShiningYeah there is nothing with asking a girl out on a date. I'm sure you would like to get past the frienship stage (obviously! lol) so just make a shot at it. Life is full of risks. If you never made a risk life would be pretty boring now wouldn't it? Go for it. The best thing could happen to you, and its worse thinking constantly about "what if" then a 'No'. Just make sure you stay friends with her even if she says no. You seem like a nice guy so I don't think she will. I hope that you get the girl hehe.Good luck. Cheers,Jester

  21. Well first off WoW is actually (depending on where you are playing) heavy on the PvP. Considering that there are two factions (Horde and Alliance) who are sworn enemies it is hard to say that you aren't PvPing. Yes I do agree that World of Warcraft has more into PvM but that doesn't mean that it focuses on it. I know a lot of people who don't go on raids (dungeons) and instead just kill horde for their honor system. You can get gear this way as well, and in the end you end up just killing players from the other faction because if you have all the great gear, and all the great weapons, there isn't much else to do. The payed subscription I believe in twelve dollars a month. But this is if you do "continuous paying" (which is better anyway) which just keeps auto-renewing your subscription month after month. You can freeze your account any time so that isn't a problem, but for people who tend to 'forget' or parents who want their kids to play for X amount of months only, they have those options but you have to pay, say $15 for about 3 months. So the best way to go is continuous. I play it myself, and with the new expansion coming out it is a good idea to start. They have multiple server types so you can either concentrate on leveling or killing the other faction (Roleplaying servers or Player vs. Player servers). Well I hope I helped your decision good luck have fun, and keep MMOing. Jester

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