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Posts posted by thejestergl

  1. Wow my favourite games? That is really kind of hard to say. But I think that these games probably make it into my list of tops!World of WarcraftMorrowind: OblivionTales of PiratesCounter-StrikeRainbow Six gamesGhost Recon gamesGunzAnd I think that about sums it up. I probably have others. Like I do have a fancy for Ragnarok also ;)

  2. Hey,
    First of all stop being shy ;) , I mean it's ok for some time but girl will not appreciate it too much if you are too shy and will probably ignore you as a hopeless case but instead be assertive, confident,caring and mostly listen to what they say not hear.
    well the thing is girls dont want you to be slaves but listen and remember, notice things like a dress she likes or color or flowers. But dont restrict it to that remember atleast your first date or something....... Dont let this noticing thing be a phase keep it as a life long thing if you are serious about the girl.
    Anyway coming to physical....... It depends on girl to girl, You dont have a buffed body but atleast be healthy (not obese), smile a bit girls love it.

    Just be yourself and honest coz frankly I dont care about looks but care about the guy from the inside and that got me a perfect catch that Iam dating right now.

    If your serious and you like her and she likes you then she will not care about your looks.

    Just overcome your shyness and be confident and make her feel that you are her knight in shining armour.

    P.S. Dont act but do these things out of honesty and not for the sake of it. Coz girls hate acts and pretenses in a guy. Keep listening to her and you will know for yourself what she likes in you and wants in you.

    I hope I've helped in all this rambling....;)

    Heh I'm not a girl but but I do agree with what she is saying about being yourself. And being a little bit confident and assertive because trust me a lot of girls don't like the shy look. They may think you are cute but that is about as far as it will go. Just try to let them know that you are being who you are. :) It caught me my perfect catch haha.

    As for looks? Well that does depend on girls I would assume. Some girls go for the buff guys, some girls dont care, others even prefer the skinny ones. Just make sure you are healthy like said above and you should be fine. Smile because that is showing that you are healthy, happy, and a good person overall.

    Best of luck,

  3. One thing that really helps is to take a step back and mentally assess your readiness. You have a high GPA and are taking AP classes - shows that you're taking school seriously, which is a sign of maturity.
    But that in itself does not necessarily mean that you're ready to leave home. The freshman year is the toughest - even though that's the year when the coursework is the easiest (no advanced classes yet) - because everything is an adjustment. Freshmen have to get used to living in dorms (often with roommates that they didn't get to pick)...eating dining-hall food (which can really stink - I have some terrible tales about the cafeteria pizza and burgers that I lived on for a year), that sort of thing.

    And freshmen are often caught up in the other things that go along with being in college. They aren't all bad things - there are lots of campus activities that are lots of fun without getting anybody into trouble - but they can really suck down study time.

    Anyway...what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing wrong with staying at home for one more year and taking your basic courses at a local college or university. Those basics - English, math, history, et cetera - are *almost* guaranteed to transfer to your university of choice later. (College advisers can look up each course that you want to take and tell you exactly which university will take it and how it'll be credited.)

    There's also nothing wrong with going ahead and starting at a university halfway across the country. If you're ready for that, then by all means go for it. Just don't get sucked into the false notion that community college is only for losers ;)

    Thank you so much for the reply. And yes I know that freshman year is probably going to be quite difficult because I have to adjust living outside of my home. That is why I was thinking of staying in California for a while before moving away because I really should get used to college life first. And being in California will at least give me some sense of being close to home. I know that my GPA isn't everything, but I'm still a little scared about it, hoping to get in and such. Again, thank you so much for the intel!


  4. Hey, I'm a Junior in high school and I need to start thinking about colleges early so I don't freak out during senior year! I have always been into computers and really want to go into a computer science course during college and get a majour in it. I live in California right now and I have a couple places that I plan to apply to.



    Washington University

    UC San Diego

    UC Riverside

    UC Irvine

    UC Davis


    I want to go to Washington because I heard that the computer courses are really good, especially since Windows is right there! I was applying to the other UC's which are in CA in case I don't get it. I was wondering if the other colleges as well as Washington would be a good choice. Also, if there are any other colleges I might want to try applying to. I have talked to a couple teachers/counselors but still not too sure! If you need some more information here are the courses I am taking and GPA


    AP Chemistry, AP Calculus (BC), Junior English, U.S. History, German III - 3.5 GPA


    Thank you very much in advance!



  5. I don't play the game. I have played it before but now I all I do is make fun of people who play it and get addtited to it. So common and fess up if you play the game so I can make fun of you.
    South Park even made an episode on it, quoted from the show "How do you kill that, that has on life?".

    Wow that is a pretty... mean way to look at people who play MMO's. I for one play World of Warcraft, I love the game, but that doesn't mean that I stay up till 6am trying to level, or get a quest done. Yeah some people don't understand responsibility but that doesn't mean that you should make fun of them for it. That is like yelling at anyone who doesn't have responsiblities, or take note of them. Sure the game is addicting and people do get much into the game, but that is still a very harsh thing to make fun of them. You don't play the game, what makes you say it is so bad? South Park made a joke about it, I watched it, and I laughed. The fact that so many people think that it is a stupid game and make fun of the "nerds" and "geeks" who play it disgusts me. Think about it, you just spent time out of your life to make fun of people. Personally I find that going out of your way to make fun of people puts you on the lower step of the "social ladder". So suck it up, live with it, and stop thinking you are so cool by making fun of people who play the game.

  6. Well technically he did quote it so it wasn't like he intended it to be shown as his work. It is still a nice poem and I'm glad that he shared it with us! Though I would really like to hear some original work :lol:

  7. is that in U.S. dollars? that's insanely expensive for one-month hosting, unless of course if it's an ultra-premium dedicated server which will allot you a mind-blowing high-speed processing unit, a gigantic memory, a humongous web space, and excessive bandwidth.

    I would have to agree, the price you are paying better be worth it or I would drop that host real quick!

  8. Yeah sometimes I find some trouble finding something to start a new thread on, or even reply to. There are a lot of threads out there too! You would think that I could find at least one :lol:. But I get by and usually find 1 or 2 threads that I can write a some-what lengthy response to. For example, this one! Haha. Even though it isn't very lengthy I still was able to write enough to rack up some points while still being interest in the topic :lol:. Hopfully I can start posting some new ideas on the forums that some people may not have thought up yet.

  9. well I just recently bought a new car.. and I haeppen to go out of town as well. Yeas I was in my new car.. and everything going great, speeding has never been an issue with me and driving.. but on this certain road inclind, and I was going down.. spped limit was 70 mph.. well I awas pulled over for goi9ng 74 mph.. and I could not belive it.. I know it was 70 mph on the sign but im going down hill and only 4 mph faster.. is it that much of a difference.. Sure doesnt feel like it.. well this but head Trooper was like do you know why i pulled you over.. and at first I was sure but i responded with.. For not license plates in the front.. and I told him well I just got the car.. he laughed and said that was funny, I like everyones excuses.. I should write them down some day.. I was like ok what is this guy talking abot.. but then he tells me I wa speeding, and I was steady with no way.. even told him c'mon i was going down hill and its not like I was flying thru.. but he was stil a butt and stillgave me a 140 dollar speeding ticket..

    Aww that really sucks :lol: ! I don't drive yet personally but I know a couple people who have been pulled over for 'speeding' even though they were going 2-3 miles over the speed limit. I know that in most areas you can speed to up to 5 miles over, but going 74 WHILE going downhill? That is rediculous. But then again, what are you going to do? I'm pretty sure that cops don't exactly have the brightest job just sitting there recording car after car... I hope that somethign like this doesn't happen again! Hopfully the next time a cop pulls you over is for 'beer money' haha.

  10. I was in luv. Really, but didn't know that much as i know it now. Few months ago, i broke up with my girlfriend. I wasn't messed up, i wasn't that sad, it was bound to happen. The romance and luv was gone, and the feeling just wasn't the same. My life back then was messed up pretty much. My tendency to do stupid things was huge, and i continued and continued venturing in to life of hollowness. I was so empty inside, hoping that i can achieve things that just weren't there. My love, my girlfriend was beside me, supporting me as much as she could, but i didn't see that. I was stupid and blinded by some meanings of life, that are so common to 23 year old guys and girls. Not knowing my place in world, i certainly couldn't know her place besides me!
    When we broke up, i felt relived, as i knew i could continue. My quest for knowing the unknown could end now, when i was alone. Venture was easier, and quest much clearer. The quest for eternal stupidity as i realize now, when i finaly figured out what was wrong with me.

    Hey sorry to hear about what happened. It sounds like even though the romance was 'gone' it still took a big toll. I hope that you do bounce up from it, and I'm sure you will. You should take it easy though before you regret doing something you know you shouldnt' have. "Time heals all wounds". I don't know if this is true, but I hope it is. Hang in there man and good luck in life.


  11. Oh man I'm scared about going into college! I'm only a Junior in high school but I'm still thinking about it a lot. I heard about all the work that there is in college and it seems so overwhelming! I am a pretty hard worker, and I have some responsiblity but that doesn't mean I don't get burned out :lol:.

    u have more work than u can ever imagine its really bad!! :'(

    Oh my >.< I hope that I can get through it, if I get into college that is xD

  12. I tend to feel that a lot of atheists are quite rude at times. However I don't feel that atheists should be looked down upon. It was their choice to not believe in a supreme being, and there is no reasons to down them for it. I know there are exceptions, there always are, but for the most part I find atheists to poke fun (jokingly of course) at other religions, or people, just because. I would think it is because they don't believe in the concept of a hell, or any other sort of punishment after death but that is just an educated guess. I do know a lot of atheists though that are NOT like this. They are nice, and they understand that they can't just go around poking fun at everyone.

    Who goes door to door selling their religion? Not only does that beat out every Atheist rant, but it's just plain rude and intrusive. Who THREATENS non believes, wether they be Atheists or another religion, that they will go to hell? Who makes posts about Atheist to shut up?

    Yes I find this extremely annoying that people who are extremely religious try to convert you into their religion. It is an annoyance and should be illegal, but this is what happens when you have anyone who is over fascinated by a topic. You can't say this only happens with religion alone. Any person you find who believes so much in something, will probably try to get other to see their way. My religion does not do this, nor do we do any other kind of ... public display to try and convert people. Threatening first off is a crime, and threating someone that they will go to hell isn't something that should be taken lightly. I would think that a person who wishes to convert someone by striking fear is doing wrong, and that they will probably go to hell. I'm not saying that if you really believe in your belief that you shouldn't try to let others know your ways, but that doesn't mean go around threatening or yelling at people.

  13. My teacher is a terrible person. She is ridiculously mean. She gives out homework just to see my classmates and I suffer at the hands of her burning wretchedness. She's also overweight. She's HUGE. I mean she is so big, she's bigger than my great grandmother! (Corny joke, most people won't get it). At one point, she was almost fired. All of the students in my 8th grade algebra 1 class did terrible on a test. I MEAN TERRIBLE. It was out of 52. I won't say what I got but it was in between 18 and 20. I hate her. So on thursday we had an assembly. We were told to behave approporiately and nothing more. So we are there and me and my friends are whispering and just having fun. Nobody hears us. The only reason she saw is because my one friend is retarded and is sitting there moving around with his head in his hands. So she gives my friends after school detentions because she didn't see me. However my friend says she found out I was talking too and I will have an afterschool detention on wednesday. This is ridiculous. If I have an afterschool detention I WILL e-mail my prinicipal.
    God, she is terrible.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    One of the reasons The Vent section was closed last time was due to abusing the VENT as a propaganda hatred forum. The Vent is NOT designed so that you don't have to watch what you are saying. This is stil the forum of Xisto and your expression can be delivered without using such crude words. I have given warning for even lesser than this post. This is your last warning. Do not abuse The Vent section.

    Yeah I would have to say that I agree with the other's in the thread that your teacher isn't that bad... I mean I have some teachers that irk my nerves on the occasion but you have to kind of think where they are coming from. I mean they have handle.. what? 200+ kids a day. And considering that most of the kids don't really want to be there and I tend to notice that a lot of the kids rather just disrupt the class than actually do the work they are told to do. I'm not saying that teachers are always right though, yes somtimes they can be unfair but not all the time. They know what is best for the most part, because they do have to keep order. Whether it be giving out a detention or giving test after test.

    Its ok I wont bag on you for the overweight comment, you are angery, not going to make it worse. Just think about where the people you talk about come from.

  14. I am also in America and I live in California! Our school system isn't bad, but America, as you know, has one of the lowest educational programs. It is actually quite sad how poor our school system is. Our school starts at 7:45am and ends at 2:45 pm. We have a "minimum" day on Wednesdays (8:50 - 2:45). We study quite a bit, depending on what kind of courses you have. If you have some of the advance courses you may find yourself studying 3+ hours a day. I still have to say that compared to a lot of other countries America is pretty low in rank. However, our educational system still isn't that bad.

  15. - Arrogant people, especially if they have no good reason to be- People who can't spell properly, or who don't make any attempt at proper grammar, or who mix up homophones (they're, their, etc)
    - People who use "ie" to mark an example
    - People who use big words to try to sound superior, and USE THEM WRONG! :P
    - People who type in ALL CAPS or AlT cApS
    - People with no sense of humor

    Not in a bad mood, just thought I might as well add to the pile. :(

    Yeah all of the ones that you listed irk my nerves too :(. I hate it when people use all caps, but only when they just do it in normal "speaking" ways. If they are trying to stress a word or phrase then I think it is ok, other than that it is just annoying >.<. The Alt caps are the WORST (note that I tried stress the "note" so it's ok xD). Reading it is bothersome, I don't understand why they would want to type like that. I don't find it to be very appealing, but I guess they might. No sense of humor. Yes this is never fun to deal with because if someone doesn't know how to take a joke, well... they live a sad, lonely life. I would bag about people using big words in the wrong content but sometimes I do it too xD (But I don't do it to sounds superior, I just don't know any other word and picked the big one up some place).

  16. To be honest I don't spend much time on Xisto because a lot of the topics that people talk about I can't really post about so I generally just look around most of the time and I usually just get bored so I go to my site or play some games. But I spend a good 30 minutes or more maybe twice a week. I gotta keep the hosting credits up! And occassionally I find a thread that I can reply so such as this one! Well there you have it :PCheers,Jester

  17. Yeah Max Payne games were awsome. I loved them. The storyline and game play really kept the game upbeat. I really do miss these games ( beat them) and I kind of want to play them again now haha. Another game that I felt was pretty good was Dead to Rights. That game was really cool. Sicking the dog on people was the funniest thing :P.

  18. My favourite Final Fantasy had to be FFVIII because Squal was one of the coolest characters that I know of in the Final Fantasy games. I liked FFVII but the Buster was pretty generic, the gun blade on the other had was pretty custom. Also the storyline, other characters, and progression in general were my favourite. But a lot of people actually didn't like this FF, I found it to be quite entertaining :P

  19. Okay lol. Yeah, I'm trying to get on more but I've got to work with my site and Diablo 2. Both are addicting lol.

    Haha yeah the problem with having more than one MMO to play is you don't know which to play! Haha. I had the same thign when I had three going on! I used to play FFXI (I love that game), WoW, and Ragnarok at the same time. Boy was it hard to choice, and even when I did choice people in the other guilds of mine would get mad because I didn't level fast enough haha. But yes, both are quite addicting :P

  20. Hey, just a heads up, but this is the wrong forum for this! Haha, it should probably go under action, or first person shooter. But anyway, sounds like a lot of fun! Battlefield is a pretty cool game I liked it when I used to play it but I haven't played the new one yet STILL! I hope whoever goes to this event wins the prizes :P Good luck to everyone! May the best man (or woman) win!

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