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Posts posted by thejestergl

  1. Well for making banners, first off which I am not very good at, I use a combination of Adobe Photoshop CS, Paintshop Pro 7, and Paint. Yes I use paint because in some ways it is nice and easy. But again, I am not very good at banners so I tend to have others do it for me... haha.

  2. Good topic!
    The site I'm hosting is a rant site (link in sig), for people and us to post things that annoy you. Unfortunately the site takes a long time to load from a image intensive Joomla template, but that will soon change (in exams atm... and none of our other members know how to do anything like that!)

    I have to admit that is a pretty cool topic. Daily rants for the win xD

    Well now that that is done. I made my website mainly to focus around art because I really want to see what people have. I let them post it in the gallery, I also have forums in which people can talk in. I am helping my friend host his guild on the website also because he needed a place to put it. I only have 24 members (most are inactive :)) but I still enjoy it. So for people who want to spread their art around don't be hesitant and join my site! Haha.
    I also have a download section which I might end up putting some anime, or music up on if I can. Though it is being very difficult (grr). Well hope to see some new people on my website and cool ideas for everyone else :)

  3. I loved Gears of War when I played it on the Xbox 360. The storyline and action was amazing. I especially liked the cover mobility because you can easily switch from wall to wall. the blind fire, although not very affective in damage, it does sometimes scare others to come out. Plus it isn't too bad to do when a friend is trying to move from one cover to the next. The locust are amazing, I love the NPCs in this game because they aren't dumb as a brick. They do have somewhat of a mind. Like I said the story line was great in my opinion. The ending was also pretty good. Though I found the game rather short, I can't see how much more they could put in without making it a whole new game. I hope that they bring out a Gears of War II soon because I can't wait to play it. The multiplayer for this game was really fun. The only bad part is you can only have 2 people on one Xbox. Though, you can't exactly be very effective if you had more considering you wouldn't be able to see anything! So in a sence it was a good thing to make it only 2 plays on one TV; plus you could always do a system link like I do with my friends. Overrall I found the game to be amazing. I really can't wait for a sequel.

  4. Ok here is my review on your website!Improvements: The first thing I noticed was that I had to scroll over to the side as you said above. I'm sure you will be able to change this easily but I would have to get back to you on that one lol. The text is a little hard to read and I found myself struggling a little to see what was being said on the side bar like "Free Templates" "Premium Templates" etc. The top tabs seem pretty good. The overall template has nice colors but again it is a little hard to read. Guiding through your website, I know that you are not done, is rather difficult. I find myself a little lost on where I am or what a certain area is ment for. I'm sure this will change once you put in more things though. Banners, you really need to get a banner going on both your forum and home page :lol:Good points: Yes! Of course there are good points to your website. Although you had a little trouble with your fonts I did like the color scheme overrall. I liked the format also, such as the "back to top" button that your links have. You just need to ad a couple more things and you should be ok. The forum looks nice but you might want to add a couple more things to it so it doesn't seem so plan and so people have a little more freedom on where to put things or talk about things.

  5. I also agree that Rosie did seem to have said the wrong things by calling soldiers terrorists. I personally am on the fence when it comes to the war. I do feel that we shoudl support the troops that are in Iraq because if they are there they should know that we back home are behind them. You don't want them feeling as though they are fighting for no reason. This comment by Rosie really struck it cold, there is no reason to have said such harsh words. I am currently writing letters to our soldiers to encourage them and let them know that we care for them. Again, I will not say whether I am for or against the war in the big picture, but I do support the troops that are already there or who might be shipped there.

  6. I wouldn't think that people are neccisarily AFRAID of being Atheist. Though some people look down on those without a religion or who believe in a supreme being, but that wouldn't stop people from, well, not believing! I know quite a few Atheists and they don't seem to be ashamed, or proud of being one. They simply are, just as many people are with their religions. For all those who are afraid to be an atheist I don't think that you should be, what you choose to believe or not is up to you. You shouldn't be scared because of what others say, such as, "You're going to H*** because you don't believe in our God or any for that matter". You should be who you want to be :)

  7. I have to say that I have used Naruto Fan before and I love the website. The website layout, downloads, everything! The community is great too. Though it kind of sucks that you have to pay to get access to some places, but I suppose they need to support themselves somehow! I have never been to bleach exile before but it seems awesome. Just like Naruto Fan actually! haha. The color scheme, banner, and the updated information about bleach is great. I tend to push toward Bleach a little bit more than Naruto so if I ever decide to get back into it I will definitly go there. I should really register there so I can start getting some episodes again. Though, if I have to pay i don't think I'll do it xD! Thank you for the links though, I will check them out a little more :) ! By the way, if you by chance have any good Inuyasha sites that would be a huge help, and I would very much appreciate it. I like how the Naruto and Bleach are layed out and what you can get/do on them. So anything similiar would be just perfect. Thank you!-Jester

  8. I suppose it seems like a pretty cool website. I like how it has a pretty simple design. I didn't get to explore it very much so I'm not sure how the user friendly capabilities but I'm sure they are fine. I can't say I have ever heard of this site before so I'm not sure how popular it is. But hey, if you say it can do all that, then it must be a pretty sweety site. I might go back and explore it some more later :)-Jester

  9. Yes I do suppose that the wait is quite a long time, but I still find it to be a nice feature! I like to know how other people in different browsers view my website. I know that some browsers may mess up the layout of a website, causing the font or overall template to increase in size or decrease. The best thing to do in that situation is either find the median of the two browsers (yours and your viewer's) or simply let them know that it is best viewed under "such and such" conditions. I know that is what a lot of sites do when guests to the website complain about the look of it. I have not had that complaint myself but then again I don't get many guests! Haha. But thank you for showing me this, I had no idea that this was out there. I'm sure that once I get the screenshot I will be happy, hopfully. I am hoping that my IE viewers like my website as my Firefox ones. Thank you! :)-Jester

  10. Your website sounds pretty cool (well judging from how you described the logo). You also have the same problem as me, thinking up names! I wish I could get a preview of your website before I say anything, because the logo can't really tell the same, though it might tell the "motto" so to speak. I'll get back to you however, if I think of a name that is. But please if there is any possible way of you showing us your website, maybe a screenshot even, that would be awesome! I would really love to see what kind of designs you have going so I can help you name your web design company.-Jester

  11. Thank you all so much! I really do appreciate the reviews on my website. I am sorry that I did not get to you earlier but I was hoping for reviews so I can answer them all at the same time! So here we go.

    Log directory is not writable - please CHMOD e107_plugins/log/logs to 777

    I have actually just fixed this error message I do believe. I was not aware of it before and thank you for letting me know about it. I just had to log into my FTP account and change the folder like said about, easy as pie :).

    It might just be my web browser, but I can't see an image at the top of the page. It would look better if you had an image there, instead of just text.

    No this is NOT a browser problem. It is just a box with the text located in the lower left corner. I wanted to change the image, but I am not a very good graphics designer. As you can see from my affiliates that my artworks with the computer is very minimal and I only know the basics. I do have a banner, however it does not fit with the theme I have chosen. I am currently looking for a designer who could possibly help me with this. I DO plan on changing the banner, and my "Link to Us" buttons. I will have to do some tweaking to get it so the whole banner will be a link and not just the text.

    First, the title still says e107 Powered Website, which could do with a little customisation.

    This problem i was very aware of and I have tried very hard to get it so it did not say that. However, I have quite a few folders I have to go through, and files, which I have searched and search with no avail. However I will keep looking and hopfully I will be able to find the source of this problem soon! Thank you again, I really really appreciate both the "negative" and postitive comments I have recieved. I will get right on fixing some of the problems. I hope to see more people looking at my website, and see artwork done by my members which is what the site mainly focuses on.


    P.S. Please visit back soon to see if you have any more opinions on the website
    P.S.S. Thank you for everyone else who still has comments to give!

  12. Hey everyone! I just wanted to see how my site looked to others, and I would really appreciate some reviews. Here is a little background information about my website - The website was created for art purposes, I wanted to post my own, and hopfully have others post their art on the website. I may also be starting a web comic on it soon, but I am really focusing on paintings, photography, sketches, computer done images, and even writing (poems, stories, etc.)! I made the website with the help of e107 and have touched it up a little to fit my own needs :unsure:. Here is a list of what we currently have:



    - Affiliate page

    - Forum

    - Gallery

    - Downloads section

    - Member Blogs

    - "Link to us" box

    - Polls (sometimes)


    Even if you are not an artist, and don't feel like posting up any of your art we are not forcing you too! The forum is a place where gamers, anime lovers, and people who just like to chat can hang out. So please, again, I really wish for some reviews if possible, all opinions will be read and replied to! Thank you for your help ahead of time



  13. I use Azureus because it's for Windows and Linux and vice versa. It's also made w/ Java :unsure: I like it alot because I can limit the upload speed so I get better download speed. Plus, I will use less bandwidth w/ my 3.0 MBPS. I really need the 5.0 MBPS soon! (Yes, Canada does have 5.0 MBPS dl and 800 KBPS ul for residential internet)

    I also use Azureus and yes it really does cut back on the bandwidth compared to most torrents. I know it used to be the one that took up the most but still had the fastest download speed, but now with the new scripts I am assuming, it has cut back on the bandwidth usage immensly. I suggest getting this to anyone who downloads torrents, especially more than one at a time. I have gotten movies, series, etc. all from this program because of how quickly it goes. Though, it also does depend on how many seeds/peers you have, but for the most part this will give you the best connection/download speed. I think it is due to the fact that it runs on Java.

    Anyway, I agree with you xboxrulz that Azureus an awesome torrent program to use!

  14. i hate dreams with a royal passion!
    i hate dreams because they show you what you want

    but in some cases (allot) they show you what you cannot have!

    and it's not fair!

    that is probably the shortest vent of all times! but it is true and i would elaborate more but it is nothing i feel comfortable talking about.

    I cant agree with you more. Dreams suck and sometimes they are so good you just don't want to take up, and just drift off into your dream forever. I'm not sure about yo but I usually hav peacful dreams to get away frm all the chaos and such that you I generally see around me. The worst have to be day dreams though because those you are phasing in and out, and sometimes even seeing things that aren't there till you finally get snapped out of it. Then again I guess it might be because I am more of a dreamer than a realist. I tend to drift in and out a lot so I begin to lose a sense of reality which isn't always the greatest thing. Well like I said I can't agree with you more, but keep on dreaming on because sometimes that's all you can do!

  15. I'm with Saint Michael with his last advice about being weary of his current girlfriend so to speak. It's exactly what happened between you two, you could potionally be doing to him. He could be happy with his current girlfriend and then a 'friend' has to come along and like him, and cause problems. You need to make sure you don't come across as 'imposing' on their relationship or that your trying to steal him.
    Maybe a simple letter explaining your feelings could be the best way going about it, that way, he can read it in his own time, think about it, he could opt to tear the letter up and throw it away or could easily keep it hidden somewhere. Don't think that "Oh, they will break up soon..." will get him back because people are hurt after relationships and it could get messy. Write a letter, I think people should go back to letters.

    Anyone says write him an email or SMS him, i'll shoot them myselfs! :unsure: Romantic, pfft!

    I agree with Tuddy here, if you want him to know how you feel you have to just do it. You shouldn't just hold it back, because a sudden outburst one day might just make it even worse! >.< And yes you should be weary if someone has a girlfriend already, because trust me it can cause problems (knows from experience). If you tell him how you feel, and he says somethign you dont want to hear; you have to make sure that you respect his wishes. Trust me, prying more and more might hurt the friendship that you have, and possibly the relationship he has right now. But you know never, it might just turn out the way you want it, and all you had to do was tell him that you still care for him.

  16. Ok I have mentioned only few people who uses smilies ( :(:(:(:D:P:D:D:(:o:(:unsure::D;)B) ).. My question is why you use smilies and why you use/don't use them?

    I use them just because I like to! It kind of helps to express what you are tryign to get out and they are just really fun to use haha. Pretty much all of my posts have some sort of smilie in it :( Whether it is from the Xisto selection or just ones that I like to use :P.

  17. So I got the original Age of Empires. I set it on easiest and tried to get a feel for the game. I got owned. Hard. 1 enemy heavy calvary killed all my villagers, entire army, and all my priests.
    Then I started a new game. I got 10 calvary units, 10 Academy units, and I stormed their base. I got owned. Hard. Catapult triremes and catapults owned me.

    Unlike AoE 2, in AoE 1, whoever has the most catapults wins apparently.

    Then I made a lot of Helipolises, which worked, but they had like 20 priests which converted half. After I killed all the priests, they made more and converted the other half...

    Haha for the most part a lot of RTS's are like that. To be honest the stratedgy in most of the games is actually just to go in fast than anything. I loved AoE and I wasn't too bad at it. Then again, I just play defense and let the Wonder do the work (Win automatically in 2000 "days"). It was a little cheap but still got the job done. When I played without wonders I usually still set up a wall and played a little bit of defense while my other men went around the back way. If you just try and hold out while the enemy attacks you, send your men around and take out their village which is often ungaurded. And yes catapaults do own :unsure:; priests own more though! haha.


  18. Even though the game is quite dilapidated, I can never seem to tear free from it's hold. I've been playing Ultima Online for about 7 years now and it never gets tiring. Sure, certain aspects of it get old (like the people who do nothing but trash-talk about peoples' PVP skills), but I don't think I will ever get tired of the game. I played on OSI paid-servers for about a year and a half. Then I found the wonder of free shards. All the fun, and more, of a paid OSI account without having to pay? You bet I'm on top of that!
    I started with one shard right after leaving OSI. It was called Icrontic back then (it went from Icrontic.. to Icronticshard.. to Ikrontik) and it was my life. I spent about the first year of my free-shard career on Icrontic before I decided to strike out, see if there was something better. In these last few years I've probably tried out around 50 other free-shards, but I have yet to find one that compares to Icrontic.

    After about 3 years of being with Icrontic (off and on.. and dealing with Icrontic changing hosting and ownership and downtimes as a result) I applied for a staff position. I was initially turned down due to circumstances regarding my roommate. But I stayed vigilant and continued to help out the shard in any way that I could, being a player. Within 2 months I was accepted to the ranks of staff as a Trainee Counselor.

    That's where my whole UO mess started. Staffing wasn't what I had expected. I went from Trainee Counselor to Full Counselor in about 3 days and then I zipped straight to the near-top as a GM (Game Master). All the stories I had heard about being a GM gave me nightmares. People told me I would have a never-ending flow of stupid questions, constant accusations of being a cheater or showing favortism, and various other horror stories. But honestly, I loved it. It was a fairly busy job, but it wasn't bad. So, I persevered as a GM for almost a year. Then, the time came for me to step up into the ranks of Administrator, which puts me where I am now.

    I am currently developing the Ikrontik Shard Network (spelling changed to Ikrontik about two years ago). Rather than just having 1 server under the wing of the Ikrontik name, we will have several. Currently, we have 1 POL server ready to launch today and a RunUO server that will be launced before Valentines Day. We will expand into more POL and RunUO servers and possibly even into Sphere servers. My job in all of this: get the ball rolling (and graphics design). I, and 1 other, are the head Administrators of the project. I've received nothing but naysaying from other Admins.
    "Oh you won't be able to handle it. One shard is hard enough for anyone."
    But, these are also the same people that said I wouldn't be able to handle being a GM =).

    Anyway, that's my story with Ultima Online. Please share your experiences if you have them. If you're interested in Ultima Online, but want to know more, feel free to ask me. It's a great game and, contrary to popular belief, it's simplicity makes it one of the best.

    Yeah that is quite a story haha. The game is quite old but I hear that a lot of peopel still play it. I actually got a free version of the game which I thought was pretty neat, but I never really got into it. What really got me even thinking about it was the fact that you could make your own house and such. But after a while I just figured it was like any other RPG. I don't know, maybe I just have to get a little going first before I can judge the game :unsure:. But now that you reminded me about it i think I might try to get into it and se what happens!


  19. Yeah I used to play ragnarok online, but I stopped playing after a while. I guess I just got tired of it like most MMO's that I play. I liked it though, I usually ended up playing a priest or something of the sort. I was also a game master for one of my servers and it was quite fun! :unsure: But, again, I lost interest. I might start up again though :( always nice to have options! I'll check it out.Jester

  20. its soo annoying when your just trying to quest and then the horde come and ruin everything ;), i love playing in instances tho, its making my college grades slip too tho, such an addicting game, i think the only way of stopping people playing is for their subscriptions to run out lol

    Ha yeah a lot of people say that their grades slip because of this game, and I don't deny that this game is quite addicting and it is easy to get lost in it. But personally I try my hardest to make sure that I keep studies first before gaming. It is my Junior year in highschool and it is a killer. With thinking about colleges, keeping the grades up, SATs, subject tests, etc. Not to mention all the outside school/WoW life that I have that can be quite the neusance. But if you do find time to play this game, and don't mind the monthly fee, then this game is a great one. I know a lot of younger and older people play it simply because they have nothing else to do. Great time waster, and fun

  21. My school has finally made me EXTREMELY mad! First of all, I need to explain sosme stuff: Duriing this week (for three days, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) we had testing. We had to sign up for after-testing activities (during those days, we did nothing after we tested). Well, the only one I really wanted, was the Internet. I signed up for it on all three days.


    On my first day, I did everything I always do when I get on a school computer: Stick in my flash drive, and launch Portable Firefox (I'm not sparking a FF vs. IE conversation) because I hate IE. Nobody said a word. Plus, I'd been using it for over a year at school, anyway. Well, the next day, the computer lab teacher (who is pretty much computer illiterate), started fussing about me using some program she doesn't know about. Well, I'm not the only one who uses it, either. Two of my friends do. Plus, a lot of people were playing games that they downloaded from the Internet. She said that she talked to the principal, and he said that we couldn't use a program that wasn't already on the computer (stupid, isn't it? They even said that it wasn't a concern for viruses, either. I don't get the point in what they said). Oh, and I might add that the principal is also computer illiterate. Well, I did as they said (even though I hate IE), and didn't use Firefox the rest of the day.


    Now comes the next day (today). It turns out, that they took me out of the Internet just simply because I used Firefox!!!! That ticks me off so bad!!! If you ask me, they're just afraid of people using new programs! I have no idea whatsoever why the heck they would throw such a fit over something like that. Oh, and I want to add: I don't mean to insult them by calling them computer illiterate. Most people around here, though, barely can get by with a computer (literally). I'm always helping people in computer classes with problems (most even the teacher doesn't know how to fix).


    Anyway, I'm not mad because I couldn't get on the Internet, or use a computer, but I'm mad simply because I got kicked out for using Firefox. All my teachers have seen me use it before. None of them care if I use it, either. Except that ONE teacher. I don't see how she became a computer teacher in the first place!!! I wish there were some schools that at leas knew a LITTLE about computers around here. Anyway, my tennis coach is the technology expert of the school, so I'm going to try to get permission to use Firefox from him.

    Wow that really sucks man... I know what you are talking about when you say that a lot of people at school are computer illiterate. Most of my teachers don't know anything about a computer, they only know the basics to a Mac (which I personally do not like). It does make me angry that for the most part the school computers are very restricted, new programs are almost impossible to get simply because the school doesn't want them on there. I asked one time why it was such a bad idea, they said it would "Slow the computer down, may have a virus on it, and the school's computers are supposed to be used for research/projects only and nothing more." Which I can understand, but a lot of the people at my school simply like using the computer and internet that is provided for them because they can't get it at home. Also most kids who are dumb enough (please excuse that if you are offended by it) to get a virus on the computer probably don't know how to download the programs in the first place.


    But again, that really stinks and I hope that you get permission from your tennis couch.



  22. Ah, I see what you mean. Well, a good friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend after about 2 years or so, solely because there wasn't enough "vroom" left in the relationship. He said she became tedious, and nothing was new. Now I believe thats crap, really.
    I believe some people just get bored after awhile, but if it is your true love you'll never get bored, eh? I know this isn't a straight forward answer to your question, but theres gonna be a lot of answers to your question and there all gonna be varied, you just really never know. Hope I helped atleast some, best of wishes in your relationship and don't let it get boring. ;)

    Yeah I would have agree with this. Most people get "bored" of their partner especially after being them for so long. Some people really like to seak out change and have things new everyday. After six years that may finally just take too much of a toll on them and they call it off. This if course, as you said, excludes cheating and backstabbing. The search for change makes people feel alive I suppose. Not many other ways to put it.

    Another reason is they just finally realize that they aren't the best match for each other. Maybe some things over time happened, some small things that never really ment much till that final day. I don't know how many instances this really happens because for the most part you know if you aren't a match within at least a year.

    Well that's my insite ;)!
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