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Posts posted by thejestergl

  1. I have to admit that this is a pretty nifty thing to have, and good to know that it goes away when they shut off their computer (so you aren't a COMPLETE jerk). Some of the things you posted are more annoyances which is better then just messing up their computer completely. I think there should be a limit for how far you can go, and I think this one just hits the line so it didn't go too far. Personally I like the one that will constantly open the CD drive because I know that can get really annoying haha. Then again having the backspace key constantly pressed down could be rather bad. I know that I would just die if I had a whole essay typed up and then re-opening it and find that my work got backspaced out xD! Though I know you can just not save it, it is still funny.I think that what you have written is actually not really for someone you hate or seek revenge for, but rather a good prank. At least for most of the code it is! If it does no permanent damage I don't see how this can be all in good fun, especially since most of these again aren't really bad for the computer, but rather annoying to the user. I think I might use some of these for an april fools joke hehe. Thanks a million! <3-Jester

  2. I do agree with most of your suggestions though I do feel that the AK-47 is a superior weapon because from what I have tested it does more damage with less shots. However it is completely useless if you do just spam it as you said. The M4A1 though, at short range is still pretty effective even if you do spam it at close range. The AWP is a very deadly weapon in the hands of an experienced player, but possibly completely useless in a new one. Though it does have a one shot kill for most of the shots, it doesn't help if you can't aim! A good tactic to use if you really have run out of bullets with your side arm, and can't use a knife (because they still have ammo) just try the no-scope. Just judge where you think they will run next and wait for their names to show up then fire. If you try moving along with the target your bullet will go aray and probably miss so you have to make sure you at least hold the "crosshair" still for .5 seconds. This will cause the bullet to go straight and kill the target, hopfully.Well there are my 2 cents worth of CS:S weapon usage. I just began to play again so don't put too much thought into it! Hehe.

  3. I used to play this game a lot, and I loved it. It was a lot of fun to make new parks, and to build your park up and get more people! Lol you could do a lot in that game, like pick people up and put them in different places. I lost the game disc though so I couldn't play anymore which made me reall sad. Though I might try to look for it again now that ou mention it. My favourite place to build a theme park was in the desert, everyone loved the water log! Hehe. I think that had to be my most successful park, even when it was raining I got a lot of customers. Well thanks again for reminding me about this game, and you aren't the only one who loves it!

  4. Take a break and Tuddy and chassidydawnn said. You really have to clear your mind more because you need to think about what both of them mean to you. And yes, you did cheat on Guy #2 (according to you) and that was your fault, which could come up later in the relationship. I don't know what kind of guy Guy #2 is but a lot of the time things like this reoccur in a relationship because of some stupid fight. Some guys are different though, and they don't bring up the past like that, especially if they want to get back together with you. Guy #1 has supposidly changed, but that doesn't mean he has changed for good. You can't re-judge someone in my opinion in a quick turn around. Though it could have been the stress from school that make him a jerk. So honestly he could have been a nice guy all along. So here is the bottom in line for my opinion, take a break, think of what kind of guy Guy #1 and Guy #2 are, make your decision. You have to really think about how each realtionship was, and what each one ment to you. You may want to get back into a relationship with one of them soon but it would be best to wait and be 100% confident about going into one. You don't want to be in one and have the question "What if I chose the other guy" going through your head. Good luck,Jester

  5. As said above, first impressions really are everything. It goes for everything not just relationships! Everyone really does judge you on the first 'glance' because that determines whether they want to talk to you more or less. Being yourself, being honest is the greatest advice. If someone finds out you were lieing later could be worse then finding out the 'horid truth' then. Especially if they don't find out from you about lieing. Being overly nice (if that isn't your true nature) isn't a good thing because it grows suspicion. Nervousness - this isn't the way to go! You have to be calm when you meet someone or else you might say the wrong thing accidentally, it may not be significant then to the dad but it will be to you. And that can just cause it to get worse and worse. No one likes to talk to someone who is always afraid of them, they want someone who has some confidence, at least I know I do! Though it is tough to say "don't be nervous" and then follow through with it. Just remember you're a great guy and that if the daughter likes you I'm sure you have some great qualities. Best of luck to you, and stay calm!-Jester

  6. Oh phew made it before Saturday! Haha. Well there really isn't much you can really do about 'planning' a date. Sure ou could choose if you want to go to the aquarium (nice place!) or the movies, but you can't exactly plan out a conversation or anything hehe. The best thign to do is kind of go with the flow, which may seem like bad advice and not exactly pin-point but it is the truth. You really can only see how everything goes to really decide how to end it as well. The date goes well you can get a hug I'm sure, and if it goes really well maybe even a kiss! You seem like a nice guy, and rather excited (understandable) just don't go too crazy! I'm sure that you two have something in common, you might want to start with that topic then move on from there. It is only natural that a conversation shifts to something else, then somethign else, etc. etc. Don't agree with everything she says unless you really do agree! No one likes someone for lieing to them even if it is about the smallest things. I wish you luck, and I'm sure everythign will go smoothly, don't sweat it. I believe in you! xD-Jester

  7. Hey I remember your server, at least I think I do! The name sounds very familiar and it was rather popular back in the day. Why did you guys need to shut down anyway? Well I haven't played RO in a very long time but I heard that the game has really picked up from when I left off. I know there is a lot more to do now and much more leveling to do haha. The weapons are different as well I heard. Well I might start up and good to know about some different servers, a 10/10/10 rating isn't that bad but I like servers with a little bit more leveling power. Though sometimes it takes the fun out of the game, I know that staying at low levels isn't very fun either! But I might check you guys out later thank you for the info. If I join any RO server I'll probably be joining DragonRO first hehe. Good luck on getting members I'm sure you will.-Jester

  8. Wow that really stinks man! You really had to go through all that to just get your internet back up? I would assume they woudl believe you once you got the bank statement about making the payments, it is kind of hard to fake those. But then again charging you for the phone call and saying they are going to charge you ?30 just to plug it back in? Haha I have to say that is a really sneeky way to get you to pay more and more money just for a mistake they did. To be honest I would ask for a refund because that is really wrong you wasted quite a bit of money because you were cut from the internet for 4 weeks. I'm glad you got your internet back up though! Phew seems like you did a lot of work though haha. I wish I could say I feel for you but I have never had to go through that much just to get my internet back up, nor have I had the internet down for that long because of the provider's error. Maybe you shoudl get a new provider for better customer service hehe,-Jester

  9. Yes the company does have to give a reason for his dismissal if he does get fired ( I hope he doesn't!). If your boyfriend really is working as hard as you say he is then he shouldn't be too worried. However I have had friends fired from their jobs when they also worked hard. The company had nothing against them but they did have to cut employees to keep up the profits. The most likely canidates to be fired are the ones that have the least amount of experience in their field and in the company. If he is more towards the members who have been in the company longer then he probably has a good chance to staying, at least until 4 months. People acting rude to him in the work place, or suspicious is rather strange. It could possibly be that they are worried about what someone else said about him. Forbid that someone has spread rumors about him but unfortunatly some people never seem to grow up from their middle school/high school years. The best thing to do is try to finish those projects, get in those daily reports, and keep at it for as long as you can. There is no sense thinking about being fired, because I know people who felt they were being fired and simply cut back on their work with the "I'm going to be fired anyway" attitude. As for someone who does less work then him getting more pay because they are related is the companies choice. Although it is unfair and stupid to do (considering they are losing the maximum amount of profits) companies still do it. Depending on how high up the related person is on the ladder, is how much the slacker is being payed. There is being paid. There is not much you can really do sadly, but it still is an unfair advantage. I do wish you the best of luck, and your boyfriend. He sounds like an honest, hard worker and he should at least be able to stay for four months. If you feel that you are garunteed to be fired before that four months you might want to try and find him a "side" job. Although the pay may not be as much if you get enough to hold out till you move you should be ok. However I warn you! If a job sees you scouting for other jobs that does not look good for you and they may fire your boyfriend sooner then you expected. So you might want to keep it on the DL. Again best of luck!-Jester

  10. I have not created an account on this new website but to me it seems like a lower rated Neopets. I don't play neopets but I used to, and the links, games, and many other features of Marapets is just like Neopets. It has some new features, but again I have not played neopets in years. The site has poptential and if it is true that there are 3 million + members then it seems to be doing successful. I wish Ian the bet of luck with the website because I'm sure its a good time killer.

  11. Yeah I'm pretty sure that the website he wants reviewed is the one in his signature. I think that the website looks pretty good but you really should change the default logo at the top of the page. It is pretty neat but I'm not sure what I can really do on the site. I personally like more interactive sites where I can do more then just browse around, like make comments and posts (example forums!) I will look around it a bit more later but from what I see it is pretty good. Just add some more things, and put more content on the other pages and you will be good to go. It is hard to get traffic on new websites but if you keep it up, get the word out, I'm sure you'll get a pretty good amount. Good luck-Jester

  12. Oh I loved this game so much, it was entertaining the full way through. The action and gameplay was amazing, and the different moves you could learn were awesome. Also the fact that you could really run around anywhere you want was fun because I know that it is very boring just having 'levels' that restrict you to one path. There were so many different secrets too in the game and you could unlock a lot of things, and even if you play it a second time it is still entertaining. The action again is the greatest part of the game. I loved the graphics and how you could throw out many different combonations. The different weapons were also fun, you could have a slow strong hitting weapon or a quick, thousand combo weapon. The powerups, storyline, everything was brilliantly planned out. I have to give this game a 9.9/10 (because no game is perfect but this is darn close to it!).

  13. I am a freelancer and I have tried to be in clans before! I have to say that it is fun most of the time being a clan that isn't as serious as the big leagues. You tend to be more friendly and talk outside of the game unlike the ones that only really hang out when they are trying to prove themselves. I haven't played in a long time, but now that you mention it I kind of want to start up again! I have tried out for some clans before I have gotten in to some but then the clan usually breaks up or I just don't play enough because I have other things to do. I think that if you have the time to put into clans then its fun to be in one but if not then its just annoying! Freelancer kind of puts a little ease on you because you can play whenever you want and it doesn't matter how well you do! You can do awesome one day and cruddy another day lol. I think that if you just play in the same server that you find to be fun then people will get to know you and it will be pretty neat. Anyway, I'm a freelancer and plan to stay with it. -Jester

  14. As many before me has said, your site looks very professional. I really like how you have the layout, its simple but appealing. The navigation is very easy as well. I'm not sure if you fixed the "problem" but your site seemed to have loaded instantly for me. I hope to see it when it is completely done and I get to see some music tracks, downloads, and an updated portfolio! Keep up the site, I'm sure you will get it going pretty quickly if you just stick with it. I wish you the best of luck have fun with it as well.

  15. I have to admit that I have gotten bored of video games from time to time, but I have never been able to make successful video games either. I guess it is a lot harder to think of a plot summary, characters, and what is even going to happen than I first thought! Then digitalizing it is just a whole other story haha. I have to say that I have attempted it quite a few times, and I have attempted other things like making a magazine, book, etc. etc. I guess it helps keep my mind of video games and a great thing to do when you are bored period!

    I'm taking Java right now in school so I'm hoping that will help me get started on making a small video game application, or modifying others. Not to steal video games but just so I can kind of put my own story, characters, and other things in the game.

    t is very fun when you make your games, you can make your own genre, characters and all. All you just have to do is download GameMaker from yoyogames.com

    Thanks I might try this out! If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them as well. I love finding new games and if you ever need a tester I would love to help hehe. Post more guys I'll keep a scope out :P

  16. It doesn't matter if someone else has already asked her out, you could at least let her know how you feel. You would be surprised how much others wished someone cared for them. Who knows maybe you're the one she wanted to hear it from, not the "***" who asked her out earlier. Yeah it sucks that you had a bad day and it seemed like things were going wrong, but you have to think that human's physcologically see the bad things during the day if they are having a "bad day". The day is long and things go right and things go wrong, the question is which part of the day you see. I'm sure if wont feel the best if she says no but it would feel worse if she didn't give you an answer at all. Not because she can't decide, but because it was your fault. You weren't the one who ever got a chance to tell her, so make a chance. You can't wait for the perfect oppurtunity because trust it probably wont come. Make a stand, suck in the courage, and let out your feelings for her. You really can't ask for much more now can you? Good luck, wish you the best.-Jester

  17. I got this game also when it first came out, and I personally liked it a lot. I would have stayed with the game but all my friends were playing World of Warcraft. It is a great place to actualy get to know people because it is very party based. So basically you have to be nice to get anywhere in that game. It is has a lot to do with interraction which can be good in bad. On the plus side, like I said earlier, you get to meet new people and people are generally very nice. So it at least keeps the game interesting and it also has a "mailing" system so some people you actually get to talk to outside of the game a little bit. On the negative side however, is when you are not a people person. You will have a lot of trouble getting anywhere in that game. Also, you level through parties after level 10 so you basically can't solo your way up to higher levels. I played the game when there wasn't a very solid "Player vs. Player" system established so I can't really tell you how that is. I can't see it being as great as some other games because I know in other games it has nothign to do with turn base and to me FFXI may not seem like it but it has a lot to do with "turn base" You can't exactly be very high on a free roam PvP because you lock onto targets, but again I have not done PvP for FFXI so it may be different. If you like role playing this is a great game because a lot of people role play. I loved it because it always kept things interesting. The best thing is the professions though in my opinion. Whereas in most games you usually can only pick one or two professions to level up and create things, FFXI leaves it very open and you can pick any profession you want, or all of them! Of course it was hard to level all of them at the same time, or even one, but it still kept you unrestricted.The GMs for FFXI are also very kind, I know I have spoke with some of them and they seemed more caring than in the other games I have played such as World of Warcraft. They also have a bit more GM-to-player interaction, with events and specially spawned monsters, so that always kept the relationship pretty healthy. The game is a great game is all I have to say. However, I heard that it wasn't as good as it was when the new expansion came out. Then again you never know! I suggest at least giving it a shot and to me the $15/month was definetly worth it. Just make sure you keep it in moderation and don't get too lost in the game! You have a real life you have to look out for too haha.-Jester

  18. That's a really cool story man, and from what it sounds like, she does like you! Then again I'm very dense when it comes to hints and even more dense when they come from a girl haha. Oh well what can I say? But yeah I think you should go for it, take a shot doesn't hurt. I mean I'm not exactly someone who you can say has a girl say "yes" everytime I ask them out but at least I tak ethe shot. And you should to! It will be a great opertunity and as Shadow, Tuddy, and Chaos said it wont hurt. Good luck I wish you the best. Keep us informed ok?-Jester

  19. Just be yourself.

    Go with the flow

    act yourself

    And be yourself.

    I'm sure that the message is quite clear from what everyone has been saying. You really can just hope for the best when you meet someone. The only "planned" part would be what you are going to do. You can't exactly plan out a conversation, or action, because there will always be something unexpected. I know it may sound hard to do but easy to say, but you do have to try and be calm. Nothing makes someone more nervous than talking to a nervous person! If you have been talking over the net and everything seems to be going smoothly, then there shouldn't be a problem. If how you act on the net is how you act in real life of course. I wish you to the best of luck and I hope that everything goes well.

  20. I am a big flirt and I do have this question in the back of my head when I am in a relationship, not that I have many, but the ones I do this question does come up. I would say that flirting actually isn't an act of cheating if you are true to the one that you said you would be true to. If youflirt with someone that doesn't mean you are going to sleep with them, or kiss them, or anything like that. Flirting to me is good wholesome fun. However, when you starting bring in other feelings, and start to second guess yourself on who you want to be with as rayzoredge said, then that is starting to cross the line.Bottom line for my opinion has to be that flirting is ok as long as if you know who you are true to.

  21. I agree that people need to start reading up on the post before they actually start posting. I know a lot of people who actually just read the title of the subject and base their opinions and ideas soley on that. Yes, it doesn't exactly fit what the real topic might be about but people do it anyway. I know some people actually just wanted to have a high post count, don't ask me why but they do. But is the purpose of a high post count if what you type in your posts have no meaning?

    I don't think there should be any reason for someone to be angry at you for posting about this, because you're perfectly right.

    There really isn't any reason but then again a lot of people get mad for no reasons huh? haha. I'm not mad at you and I hope your vent about people not reading posts changes how some people start posting! The worst of them has to be when people state "no spoilers" but the very next post you see a big fat spoiler! xD! This forum I feel is the best on posting on topic, and not restating unless another person is being quoted or backed up. Cross your fingers and hope the "skim" posters change!


  22. Wow that website pretty awesome. I really like what he has on there and the menu on the left. Very organized and very well thought out. Also the videos he has on the front page are really good too! I don't speak the langauge but it sounds very beautiful.

    Not totally sure, but I can't find the forums. If you do have one, make it more cleaer to find. If you don't GET ONE! This is brillant to keep active and regular members to your site.

    I agree! A forum would be great if he doesn't have one already. I'm sure he will get a lot of traffic once he gets the word spreading even more. Keep it up and I hope to see some new things from it!

  23. Hey, I'm sorry about the whole brother thing. I know what its like to have an older, immature brother, but I don't know what its like to have a brother that is that physical. Sorry that he broke your laptop he seems to have some anger issues. I don't understand why he has to be so stubborn. So what if you don't get a profit? It is for your own enjoyment. That counts as a profit in some ways right? He sounds like he got a little extreme when he broke your monitor, espcially since it cost 3,000 dollars. That is a huge fee, and anything that costs that much should be cared to. I wish I could help more, but I know what its like to be the understanding type against the stubbon type. It gets a little complex, and almost never ends well for the understanding one. I hope everything works out for you, who knows maybe later on in life he will apologize for everything he has done and admit he was wrong. Hope for the best, at least I'm hoping for you.Jester

  24. Oh yeah, killing really is too far unless you're THAT dumb. But it's not just video games....it's TV too. There are more violent TV programs then video games, even music videos. It's sickens me how people learn off TV how they're supposed to be like, and that we have such crude "role models" who are into sex and crime. Seriously...

    Yes I have to agree that it isn't JUST video games that cause violence. Not saying that video games does, but if it really does have to do with the influence of things other than your mind then TV, music, and other people in general are to blame as well. Yes violence is highly shown in games and most teenagers play these games for entertainment but that doesn't mean they are going to grow up to be serial killers. I play a lot of violent games but I don't have thoughts of killing others around me. Actually when I talk to most people who play games which involves killing they tell me that they play it get out anger a lot of the times. So it could be possible that video games take out the stress, and hatred that builds up inside people. It works the same as beating a pillow to death, just another way to calm yourself down. Personally I feel that music is probably more influential than video games, TV, or members of society because it is (this sounds stupid) more catchy. It is proven that rhythm helps some people remember things and is a better way of "learning". Of course this is only for some, and people can make an arguement that visual aid helps them study. This only proves my point more that it is more than just video games if anything.

    hmmm .... sorry to offend you .. but i must say that video games is partially contributing to the violence nowdays ... Im not saying this because of anything ... im also a teenager that love to play video game ... but the truth is that video gaming will affect teenagers .. im not saying all video games ... but some of them are definately are ... i love to play video game .. the only thing we can do is that dont let video game dominates our life ...

    Video games, music, and other such things may actually contribute, but it isn't proven. Some people say that it is a sub-conscience thing that people just don't realize. Which is logical because people don't know that even if you glanced at something that had no meaning or sugnificance at the time being may play a vital role in a dream that you have that night. I know that I have had dreams with people in it that seemed very random but then the next day at school I see them walking. I have never spoken nor even noticed the person before that period. So the violence in media may be set at the back of a person's mind without them realizing it. Then again, they say that video games cause kids to have a short attention span, so who knows?

  25. I kind of disagree a little about video games being a complete waste of time. I feel that video games are made for entertainment, just like books, TV, and movies. If you sat down and watched a good movie, or read a book, you could be doing other things as well. Watching a movie or read to me is no different than playing a video game. Some games actually do cause you to use your head rather tha have a mind numbing "push the A button" sense. It can also bring you into the world of the game and 'highten' your senses to your surroundings (in the game of course). A movie you simple sit and watch and simply take in the information just as you do in a video game but less interactive. As for a book, yes I have to admit that books do seem more productive in the fact that it can help you with your education with comprehension and speed reading. But as I have stated before, all these things were made for your entertainment, at least in this day in age it is. I do play video games and I enjoy them. I am not saying that I spend 5 hours a day on them and burn the whole day away, but I do play them quite a lot. I feel that anything you do in hefty amounts of time isn't good for you. I do study for my tests and do my work before I play video games, or I stop playing when I feel I need X amount of time to finish my studies. I play video games for entertainment not productivity. Some people I have to say though, need to learn to take things into consideration and change their priorities a little bit! Haha, but that is a different subject.-Jester

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