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Everything posted by MIGUE2k7

  1. mmhh... must not be that bad then.. i have about 800kbps DSL and it takes about 5 or 6 seconds.thanks for the answers i guess im going to work with it.
  2. Hi all, i was wondering if some people would have time for check out the site im building and tell me if the template is there takes some much time for load. I used it before but never thought in how fast (or slow) would load for some people, cause it has Flash stuff, etc. Just want to know it before i go any further working on that template. >>My Site<< Thanks in advanced
  3. As shadowx said above, maybe your brother touch some circuit of the motherboard or something like that without discharge himself.For me that sound like the most login reason, motherboards seems like do a semi-boot when that happens.
  4. I love to do any kind of sport, mostly Basketball and football. Also i love guitar.Well, thats what i do ''outside of my PC'' but i spend a lot of time on PC working on my own stuff and playing UT2004.
  5. Damn, except for the border, everything is pretty cool, well, and maybe the size, i dont like the proportions you used, but thats a pretty good render work.9/10
  6. Shadow... I think thats just anxiety.It happens to me a lot and as i can see it happens to many other people too.. but what i do is do something that i havent done in pc for a while and there comes my entertaiment for example Graphics, when i came to this forum and saw the tutorials, it made me feel like damn.. i want to do this..about the web, i do same things as you, i dont know what else to do on it sometimes...try something new...
  7. But for those who dont want to involve with the ''money'' term when making websites... you should do the basic things to promote your site.make a forum rich of content.. how? add many sections to your forums involving almost every kind of discussion, then, invite your friends to join it, and make post, etc.. and when its time, submit it to search engines, so thanks to the content of the forum, the site will display over and over on those search engines.also the link exchange program works so much, but the thing is that for be accpeted on a site with much traffic.. (thats of course the most important thing to consider when placing links).. you must have already some good traffic on your site so the action would be fair, and there the circle restarts.
  8. And what would happen if something goes wrong with Vista? would i need to reinstall XP and all my stuff would be lost?I want to check it out but im not sure how that works.
  9. Its a nice gift but it needs a visible border XD but GOE always make awesome sigs. Keep up the good work
  10. My first language IS Spanish. I'm living in Mexico and I had to learn english... well, i still need to learn how to hear and speak it correctly but oh well people can understand me but i guess spanish will be always my language of every day.
  11. I just want to say that Flash site builders dont works for anyone.I've tried them before but now im convinced that those just take a lot to load and makes the quality of images the worst!I guess everybody noticed that, but almost every image is so blurry and pixelated. So as people said dont use Flash builders, better try to make your own HTML based site.6/10
  12. Try SmartFTP. Its a well done client and free. But I use CuteFTP, apparently to be the best FTP client out there... (well people say that) but its not free You can get a 30 days free trial anyway.
  13. That same thing happened to me about a month ago.What caused my problem is that i had a backup of my Registry, and cause i was messing around with it i decided to restore it, as known, computer needs to restart to make the changes done, but it happened what you said above. On the Windows loading screen, it reboot by itself making strange noises on the motherboard. I left my PC repeating that cycle for about an hour and nothing different happened.I wasnt able to boot it, even in safe mode, or anything.I had to format (oh well...) booting my PC from my windows CD, but it was a little tricky cause the PC wasnt booting from the CD!! it went to the HDD over an over, so my uncle had to modify the BIOS and tell to start the BIOS first than the system.. (or something like that)I could not find any other reason than a wrong line on registry that made it loss WINDOWS files and keep rebooting over an over.. well thats my theory and i could not find other solution than formatt.Good luck with it, hope you fix it.
  14. I just found out that also the .htaccess file interferes with the CMS installation and the images folder that comes into the public_html folder must be renamed, cause Nuke and many other CMS's uses the same name for their images folder.
  15. Its free.. read my post and you can find the download site there are many other cool ones.
  16. I would like to add to the list the Unreal Tournament 2007. Everybody think it will be a blast, it has awesome graphics now with the UnrealEngine 3 implemented.Not sure if it will come in stores at February or May 2007.
  17. BOAW, I really cant understand what you want exactly but as far as im reading you want to access to your PHPnuke index page from your domain (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) Well, i can try to tell you step by step how to get it: 1) Backup your database by going to the Administration menu, you see there the backup button (its preferrable to start a fresh installation of the entire CMS, so if you really dont have valuable content yet dont do this) 2) Go to your fantastico panel and unistall your current installation of Nuke. 3) Now, enter to your FTP and delete the .html files that are located on the root directory of your site and public_html folder. (im not sure how if those are the only that makes conflicts at the time or installing nuke, but if you got more errors, post ) 4) Now make a new installation of nuke with fantastico, but this time, leave the directory name field empety, and fill every other field there... ) 5) Click on the button Install, if you got errors like this: then you must locate the files that tells you fantastico in that path= line, and erase them, but if everything goes fine, then you are done! Good luck, hope this helps BTW if when opening your site it shows the default Xisto index page then you didnt erase complety the index.html that is on the root directory.
  18. As people say FREE is always better for starters. SMF or phpbb would work perfect for personal use.Well, taking the advantage of the topic... i would like to ask something:Is the IPB forum able to be integrated on any CMS? (Content management system, like Joomla or PHPnuke)I want to know cause for being paid the IPB software looks pretty cool, and as i can see it has a lot of useful features that other forums dont have.
  19. But the font of the text is good :DBut as said above the border is almost invisble and even more over the darker places. The render is almost good XD7/10
  20. Yep.... thats PHP nuke... im sure of it. I've used some Xtrato templates for it. As I shared the link for those templates in THIS post... you can download one of those, install PHPnuke and then install your template, and it will automatically code the forums so them will show under the navigation bar. I used the Flame Zeronix template (available to d/l in the site i mentioned above) on a website i was trying to make, you can see it HERE.
  21. The reasons No. 1, 2 and 3 seems to be true ones. Offering stuff that no other site have its a good idea... now the problem is to make that stuff XDThe 4th reason just wont help you, it will show other sites and you will have more competition.. and i guess thats bad.But thanks for the tips, those are useful.
  22. Ha, so i finally found how to call me.. Computer Addict.I spend almost all day on PC, and i say almost cause i need to go to school... (lol, anyway I do PC working on school).. but what i do are things than will help me to run some kind of business in the future, like Graphic desing or programming, but i also play a lot of online videogames, but those helped me to learn English.. (yeah, im mexican, i talk spanish.. and what you are reading now is the english i learned thanks to chat and make northamerican friends on videogames).My mother is always pissed off cause this... as many other said above.. but thats our passion!!!
  23. I really like the kind of text you put there, and the background just owns!But of course.. like on every artwork.. there is always some mistakes.. but if you say your banner is on preliminary stages.. its ok.First i would suggest a wider but thinner size of it (i mean, width from about 700 and height from about 120 to 140).. cause most of the banners i've seen are thin.Aslo if it is a banner add there some othet text so it wont look to plain and the time of seeing the text (maybe your site address, site name of slogan)But everything else is good for me. 7/10 (keep the good work )
  24. The tutorial is pretty good for learn how to work with renders, but i dont know how to apply the step #24, that thing of changing the layer to luminosity... can anyone tell me how to apply that thing? (yea im a newb)
  25. Nice idea for a forum but Your board need some improvement. Change the theme of it, you dont know how bad looks a forumboard with the default template... there are TONS of PHPBB2 themes available for download... like on This page. Add some more sections for discuss about other things than programming, i know the main idea is that but you can give a rest to your visitors Well thats what i think... Good luck
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