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Everything posted by salamangkero
I feel the same too. Plastic cutlery exhibit an aura of, "I am disposable, hence you are assured of new (and clean) cutlery for your meals" However, they are, in my opinion, quite weak. I, personally, bear witness to the frustration with breaking of the tines of one's fork when applied to McDonald's chicken. Steel cutlery, on the other hand, have this, "I am strong, hard, classy, durable and dependable," aura. Your respective Mama's cooking aside, there are few other edible substances in the world that refuse to yield to the power of steel. This, however, presents a few problems. For one, steel cutlery are rather heavy. Also, haphazard cleaning processes will eventually dull the brightest of these eating implements. I suppose steel cutlery can also exude a, "Whee, I am clean," aura if it has been thoroughly washed. I have recently watched an episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon pointed out that carbon composites are almost as strong as titanium, yet not nearly as heavy. I also read on Wikipedia that carbon fiber has lesser density than steel, which makes it a very good compromise, if I could be so audacious to call it a compromise. Imagine an eating implement stronger than plastic, yet lighter than steel! Now that I come to think of it, would it be possible to replace steel implements with non-steel? For one, I suppose we could start with the airplane's seats, the cabinet doors or what not? The only thing I have not yet considered it the cost of manufacturing carbon fiber items, compared to manufacturing plastic or steel ones... Although I believe it will cost more to create carbon composite items versus plastic ones. I'm not sure about steel though...
Au contraire, chickens do not lay eggs everyday. The frequency with which a chicken lays eggs is depended on a lot of factors, such as breed, light, temperature and nutrition. Some chickens lay eggs once every few days, even with optimum environmental conditions. Also, like I have been arguing with a vegetarian friend, it is not logically prudent to assume that animals have the same attributes as humans, such as emotions, feelings or awareness. Thus, I don't think any of these chickens in the world are "aware" that we are killing "too much" of them. I believe that that is just exactly how nature "programmed" them. If your theory were even remotely believable, why didn't the dodos, the great auks or the passenger pigeons lay eggs everyday? Why don't endangered species mate more frequently? I'd like to point out that chickens do not lay eggs "daily" because we are killing them so fast. I believe it is the other way around. Mankind has discovered that chickens: 1. Breed quickly, though not necessarily daily, as I have pointed out. 2. Grow to meaty size quite quickly (six weeks for some breeds) 3. Are easy to maintain/cultivate 4. Are a versatile ingredient (for soups, stews, pies, pasta sauces, etc) 5. Taste really good Thus, we kill them, because we like to eat them and we are aware that their population is not easily decimated. Seriously, this is a joke. Just because we're killing plenty of something, like chickens, does not mean it is a species that is much more endangered than something we don't kill as much like, let's say, blue whales.
Why A Person Fall Into Addiction. Specially Drugs?
salamangkero replied to Ivan2000bd's topic in Health & Fitness
Hmmmn... first of all, I feel a need to point out the difference between addictive and non-addictive substances. Addictive substances are those that, when taken away, cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. These include crack, LSD, coke, nicotine and pretty much almost everything they warned you in school about. Even caffeine. Non-addictive substances are those that are really pleasant but whose withdrawal does not bring about adverse symptoms. These include alcohol, pot and a some others I'd care not to mention. Now, the problem with substances in general is that the more you use them, the greater the dosage you need to achieve the same effect. This is called diminishing returns. For example, just half a cup of coffee with lots of creamer and sugar would be enough to jolt you awake today. However, with prolonged use, fifteen months from now, you'll be needing an espresso to get the same jolt. With non-addictive substances, it's pretty much something that can be stopped by human willpower alone. With addictive substances, though, even though the mind is strong, the body is certainly weak. There are real, non-imaginary biological effects that are felt when withdrawing from use of the substance. Thus, ending substance use is a lot more difficult. So, in the end, there are two reasons behind addiction: 1. The substance yields psychologically "nice" effects, and 2. The body cannot just "walk away" from the substance -
I have a 1GB Kingston flash drive. It's around 3 years old. The strange thing is that, while it works on almost any other PC, at home, I have to run iTunes before plugging in the flash drive. Otherwise, Windows says it's an unrecognized USB device
I think this is more about personal fame than the altruistic contributions to humanity. Also, I don't think your blog posts will be entirely welcomed by the entire world. Smart men, critics and pundits would probably point out that your blog posts could be the truth just as well as it could be hallucinations. After all, you are a mere human, you do not have the precision of the mechanical explorers we launch into space. Thus, we'll have no way to verify whether your posts are what you truly saw or something that you perhaps might have dreamt in a particularly high fever. I think the advantage of machines is that they require less resources than humans and provide more meaningful data.
About the front page, I think it's not quite a good idea to have a large Google advert right at the top of the page. People running on 800x600 resolution will find that the aforementioned ad takes up too much screen real estate. Second, stat counters don't really belong in professional sites anymore. The bulk of the visitors a site receives are not really interested in how many other people have visited the same site. You, of course, might find a use for this so try to keep it invisible; non-admins are better off not seeing it. Marquee are also, generally, a sign of amateurism. There are very few who can use the marquee HTML element tastefully; developers, in general, are better off not using it. IMHO, it is not remotely vital to your site since it just contains info about your site and solicitations for potential advertisers to support your site. Another point is that the front page has too many ads. There's a Google ad in the header, an advert ad in the left "ear", Bravenet stat counters in the right "ear", yet another ad disguised as a welcome message in the marquee and links to Bravenet at the footer. If your aim is to gather advertisers, these things will, most likely, drive them away than attract them. The front page is rather devoid of articles, pictures, content, in general. Most news sites would have the "news of the day" on the front page, with links directing the reader to other, more specific content. Now, people would have to click on a link to see any actual content but, IMHO, it is rather disorganized. For the full impact of the disorganization, try expanding all the links. Wouldn't it be better to have those articles on different pages than all in one page? I mean, god, even newspapers don't print out a single sheet! With that, I'd like to finally point out that this is not a news site. I clicked on a link and found that it directs me to 7 Belize articles. Your site seems to me more like an aggregation of summaries of news articles, an index or directory, if you will. The images used in your site are also material copyrighted by Natural Lights Productions and, unless you have acquired redistribution rights, I think it is quite illegal to use those images in your site. With those reasons, I think, all in all, I'd rate your site a 3 out of 10 stars. Sorry
I would like to share with you my opinion/philosophy on the matter, and I hope I might be of some help to you.I, too, would like to do web application projects for money, however, I find that it would really be helpful to build a personal portfolio. Prospective clients would, at least, want to see a good sample of your works and, based on that, decide whether they'd want to avail of your services or not. I think it would be a rare organization that would be desperate enough to hire a web developer with no experience at all.Sure, I mean, you can always tell them what you know of HTML, CSS or Javascript but, in my opinion, nothing describes your abilities more than an actual website. I hope you are aware that, yes, you can avail of Xisto's web hosting service, among other things. Surely, that would be a good start, right? Try building a personal website, a blog or a free web service.Your initial efforts will not directly yield you money, but it will call in opportunities that do pay in cash. Not a bad strategy, if you ask me :DNow, about software development, there are some groups that do hire software engineers to build projects for them, but most of these would come to you from friends or FOAFs (friend of a friend) Generally, I think the same principle applies to software development: if you have a portfolio of your completed projects, you'll have a better chance of bagging projects.In any case, hope I was of help
[MYSQL] Drink List create a sorted list of recipes
salamangkero replied to iGuest's topic in Programming
Hmmn... ok, assuming that you have a php page for each drink, let's suppose that you have the following table: +-------+-----------------+------+-----+-----------+----------------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-------+-----------------+------+-----+-----------+----------------+| id | int(4) unsigned | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment || name | varchar(64) | | UNI | | || page | varchar(64) | | UNI | index.php | |+-------+-----------------+------+-----+-----------+----------------+ Now suppose you have these data: | 6 | Blood Type AB | ab.php | | 7 | Blood Type O | bo.php | | 8 | Screaming Orgasm | so.php | | 9 | Coke and Rum | cr.php | | 10 | Ginger Ale | ga.php | | 11 | Polyjuice Potion | pj.php | | 12 | Pumpkin Juice | pk.php | | 13 | Butterbeer | bb.php | +----+--------------------+--------+ linenums:0'>+----+--------------------+--------+| id | name | page |+----+--------------------+--------+| 1 | Martini | mt.php || 2 | Vodka | vd.php || 3 | Bloody Mary | bm.php || 4 | Margarita | mg.php || 5 | Wizard's Mind Bomb | mb.php || 6 | Blood Type AB | ab.php || 7 | Blood Type O | bo.php || 8 | Screaming Orgasm | so.php || 9 | Coke and Rum | cr.php || 10 | Ginger Ale | ga.php || 11 | Polyjuice Potion | pj.php || 12 | Pumpkin Juice | pk.php || 13 | Butterbeer | bb.php |+----+--------------------+--------+ Your index.php will look something like this: $name = $row['name']; echo "<p><a href='$page'>$name</a></p>"; } ... OTHER STUFF HERE ... linenums:0'>... INITIALIZATION GOES HERE ...mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error());mysql_select_db(DB_NAME) or die(mysql_error());$result = mysql_query("SELECT name, page FROM drinks ORDER BY name");while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $page = $row['page']; $name = $row['name']; echo "<p><a href='$page'>$name</a></p>";}... OTHER STUFF HERE ... This will give you a list of links to your drinks' recipes ordered alphabetically by drink name. Hope this was of help to you -
Ok, assuming that your news articles are represented as filenames, suppose that you have the following table: `SUBCATEGORY` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), KEY INDEX_CATEGORY (CATEGORY), KEY INDEX_SUBCATEGORY (SUBCATEGORY) ); linenums:0'>CREATE TABLE news ( `ID` INT(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `FILENAME` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, `CATEGORY` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'misc', `SUBCATEGORY` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), KEY INDEX_CATEGORY (CATEGORY), KEY INDEX_SUBCATEGORY (SUBCATEGORY)); This will give you the following table: +-------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+| ID | int(3) | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment || FILENAME | varchar(128) | | | | || CATEGORY | varchar(32) | | MUL | misc | || SUBCATEGORY | varchar(32) | | MUL | | |+-------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ Now, let's insert some dummy records: INSERT INTO news (FILENAME, CATEGORY, SUBCATEGORY) VALUES("hp01.php", "Books", "Harry Potter"),("hp02.php", "Books", "Harry Potter"),("hp03.php", "Books", "Harry Potter"),("kl01.php", "Books", "tlhIngan Hol"),("nz01.php", "Politics", "Adolf Hitler"),("nz02.php", "Politics", "Adolf Hitler"),("as01.php", "Politics", "Arnold Schwarzenegger"),("as02.php", "Politics", "Arnold Schwarzenegger"),("es01.php", "Genius", "Albert Einstein"),("ph01.php", "Genius", "Paris Hilton"); As you can see, we have three categories: Books (4),Politics (4) and Genius (4) Books has two subcategories: Harry Potter (3) and tlhIngan Hol (1) Politics has two subcategories: Adolf Hitler (2) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (2) Genius, too, has two subcategories: Albert Einstein (1) and Paris Hilton (1) Now, to get how many news articles you have under the category Books, use the following statement: mysql> SELECT count(1) FROM news WHERE CATEGORY = "Books";+----------+| count(1) |+----------+| 4 |+----------+ On the other hand, to see how many articles you have under the subcategory Paris Hilton, use the following statement: SELECT count(1) FROM news WHERE SUBCATEGORY = "Paris Hilton";+----------+| count(1) |+----------+| 1 |+----------+ Well, there you go. If you need any more information, it certainly wouldn't hurt to ask in a polite manner, be patient and non-aggressive. It definitely pays to be nice to people you're asking help from. Most of all, a lot of us developers here took the time to learn PHP and MySQL, which is why we know these things. You certainly cannot learn simply by bullying other people to give you the information that you want, when you can just as easily search online resources. Ah, but I'm going off-topic. In any case, have a nice day
I think what mm22 means is that by cutting back on ice, airlines end up with (a bit) lesser load to lift up into the air, indirectly requiring less fuel thus saving up by a little bit since oil prices are rising. Oh, I must admit, I don't altogether know how it really goes. In any case, though, I really think that the availability of water is not the issue here
You are right; it really is a provocative piece and here I am, responding to your... provocation I sincerely believe that people do not need to have ice clinking in their glasses. It is, however, a matter of personal taste. You are not a proponent of iced drinks, however, there are those of us who prefer to have ice in their drinks. My mother, for instance, always insists that soda must have ice. Personally, though, I believe that if a drink is cold enough, we don't need ice. Oh, sorry. I just remembered that ice has some other uses. It serves, not just to freeze but also dilute the liquid it is immersed in. Ever tried drinking brandy or any hard drink without the "rocks"? I think it helps in slowing down the drinker's inebriation rate. Airline companies, after all, would not want their first-class passengers hollering in their seats or dancing naked on the aisle or, worse, throwing up on other passengers and crew. In any case, I am personally not really against the elimination of ice in airline services. I wouldn't mind having no ice on my drink in dining places, provided that they serve their drinks cold enough. However, I would certainly want ice when I visit bars or clubs I'm thinking of other things airlines could "drop off" like toothpicks, paper towels, salt, pepper and sugar. Then again, I have a sweet tooth so I would also be against the elimination of sugar
Sexual Relationship With Aunt In Law
salamangkero replied to jameswp's topic in Dating And Relationships
I think we're having problems defining what this "next step" is. As far as I understand it, the two of you are sexually attracted to each other. Now, what I do not understand is what is your idea of the next step. Do you mean you want to have sex with her? Or do you mean you want to spend the rest of your life with her? Either way, if you are, indeed, keen on pushing this through, you have, the way I see it, only one option available to you: divorce your respective spouses and marry each other. Of course, I am speaking callously, without regard to the emotions of the other parties involved. I do feel that it would be redundant for me to say how regretful your actions might be, how you need to exercise self-control, how it will ruin the lives of your respective families or how redundant I am right now. Had circumstances been different, like if you were both single, I'm sure there is nothing (legally) wrong with having a relationship with your aunt-in-law. It does seem strange, though, a kinda unspoken taboo in society... like homosexuality, for instance -
Haha, reminds me of a video. A girl cuts into a line and, when she was asked to go to the back of the line, "You're sending me to the back of the line because I'm black?" My advice, don't bother with these people... oh wait, they're your beloved customers! In any case, think of it this way, they know it's their fault and, perhaps wishing to save face, they play the race card, making it appear it is your fault! You are a jerk! and so on. It's their way of putting you down, well don't let them. If you know perfectly well that you are right, stand your ground. It'd sure be funny if you start venting, "My customers are harassing me because I'm white!" Oh yeah, about that money changing thing, I'm not sure how things work over there but, in our country, if you ask the cashier nicely enough, you can virtually choose your change. "Uhm, miss, can you please give me my change in twenties?" They would probably respond with either, "Certainly sir," or, "I'm sorry; we're all out of twenties. Would you mind accepting coins, though?" Well, not all of our cashiers are that accommodating, perhaps some of them are having periods or haven't gotten laid in a long time, lolz. I hope you're not thinking, ")4mN! I wouldn't want to have that kind of customers." Surely, it isn't too much to ask for your change politely hm? In any case, the next time that guy comes round your area again, you can politely tell him that you're working for a store, not a bank and that you will not be exchanging money. "Well, the bank will do it." "Certainly sir, and the nearest bank, from here, would be <insert bank name here>," and give him directions
My Website Randomly Went Offline
salamangkero replied to Dagoth Nereviar's topic in Web Hosting Support
I sent a message to one of the admins and they gave me new account details (reset my password) I'll check it later tonight, seeing CPanel is blocked in the office. I'm afraid, though, that my pages have been lost. Oh well, c'est la vie. I have a backup at home anyway, so I should probably start working on renovating my site -
I never liked plain scramble eggs. Once I asked my sis, "What's for dinner?" and she replied, "Eggs," I playfully burst out in mock-rage, "Eggs?!? Eggs?!? Who in his right mind eats eggs?" to which she replied, "Your beloved evil sister who will hit you with this pan in the near future."Seriously, though, I don't like scrambled eggs. My dad and I usually add some stuff to our eggs.1. Onions (white) and garlic - this is my dad's style, although he likes to burn his garlic. This one tastes quite strong2. Cheese and onions (white) - I got this idea from Neopets, where omelets are a staple (free) food good for three meals3. Ham/bacon, cheese and green peas - also known as the leftover meat-lover's omelet, I like burning this a bit4. Corn, de-seeded tomatoes and milk - fried in butter, it turns to lovely puffy yellow clouds with small red squaresWell, most of the time, I just mix'n match leftovers
My Website Randomly Went Offline
salamangkero replied to Dagoth Nereviar's topic in Web Hosting Support
I'm also experiencing this problem. My website's: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ From June 21 to 22, I was unable to access my site, login to the Xisto forum threads or connect via FTP. However, at the moment, I assumed good faith and did not think about complaining. After all, I was thinking, if there was, indeed, something wrong, time could be better spent fixing the problem than reading emails that, basically, complain about the same thing. On the morning of June 23, I was able to login to the forum. I was in the office then, so I couldn't try to login to CPanel but I was unable to connect via FTP. More, I browsed to my site and found a placeholder page by Apache and CPanel. On the evening of June 23, I tried logging in to CPanel but was unable to do so. I browsed to my site and but my browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera) were not able to connect. I contacted one of the forum admins, asking for help. This morning, June 24, I browsed to my site and found a placeholder page by Xisto. I am still unable to connect via FTP. I can see in the forum page that I have more than 150 hosting credits. As far as I know, I have not been immensely unpleasant in posting to the forum threads, nor have I received any warning from any administrator or moderator. My posts were not curt rebuttals or clichčs of agreement. So... suffice to say that I do not recall any incident that might cause my account to be suspended. At the moment, I am assuming the worst-case scenario: all my data have been obliterated. Do have a backup but it's at home and I'm not coming home until this weekend. If, perchance, my pages really have been blown away by the cyber-wind, I suppose I can call to mind the quote: Everything happens for a reason. Maybe it's time I renovated my site -
I have something that might be of relevance. When Marge Simpson spent days inside a glass dome that covered all of Springfield, she said, "I think what I miss the most is the feel of the wind blowing." Now, consider this, exploring space is not like exploring earth. Within our planet, our ancient mariners spent months, or maybe a year, at sea, but there's always fishes to catch, islands to land on, reefs to avoid, ports to moor in, gulfs to take shelter in, natives to trade with, heck, they even have each other to play cards with and, generally, share 99 bottles of good rum. They had the sun, moon, stars, wind, storm, rain, lightning, thunder, sea, spray, foam, whirlpools and ocean currents to keep them a rather lively company. In space, there is nothing. Oh sure, you'd get to cross the asteroid belt and see Jupiter two years after leaving Earth. Within twelve years, you could be viewing the frigid Neptune. Then what? Really, I don't even think humans could manage to last twelve years of complete isolation and inactivity. Yeah, sure, Jupiter and Saturn are really lovely to look at, but of what use are they to you, as an individual? Can your patience hold out for two years? For two years, can you really wake up every single day, looking forward to a brief encounter with the gas giants? If only we could really be selfless people in the name of science, we'd gladly undergo a one-way mission, enduring an eternity of solitude in exchange for a few weeks of "discovery" Unfortunately, we are but humans who have needs like social interaction, various weather conditions like wind and rain, recreation, sex, heck, even just human touch or the presence of another human, that, m'dear, is real humanity. That is soul, the imperfection that makes us humans. You call us cold-hearted robots; what do you think then of those high-technology machinery that we hurl unto planets to gather data? There is a reason why these trips are meant for cold-hearted, unimaginative, inhuman precision instruments called robots. Now then, let us get back on that hypothetical trip. Right after speeding past Neptune (or Pluto, depends on which one's closer to the sun) twelve or thirteen years after your launch, we come right into the middle of nothing. There'd be not much matter here, no planetoids, no asteroids, not much space dust, there are lots of electrons zipping outside your window, but I doubt you'll care much for that. You'll soon enter the Kuiper Belt but don't expect to be encountering a profusion of trans-Neptunian objects. They don't really breed that much celestial bodies out here anymore. You'll probably spent a healthy twenty years inside the Kuiper Belt, so you might as well sit back, relax and enjoy the view. On the porthole on your right side, you'll see pretty much nothing, dotted with little white dots of somethings that are so far away. Every five or so years, perhaps, you'll actually see something, a shadow moving, blotting out those small specks. The good news is that you can still see the sun. Head to the stern of your ship and you'll see a faint white speck. Yes, ladies and gents, that is the sun that was, twenty-two years ago, blazing brilliantly overhead. Now comes the hard part. Waiting. After the very exciting region known as Kuiper Belt, you'll really come into the middle of nowhere. This is where you'll probably die of old age, if not isolation. Your body will no longer be able to hold itself together and you will simply degenerate into a helpless lump of old human, missing social interactions. Oh what you'd give for a game of chess with your old buddy! Now, note that you are not even in deep space yet. In a thousand years, your corpse will reach the Oort cloud, which is, relatively, a lively region in space. Sorry to disappoint, though, but much of this region is emptier than the Kuiper Belt. It was probably just as well that you're dead for even the most creative bloggers out there will soon run out of words to describe this emptiness. Even the most zealous scientist will soon grow tired of reporting nothing. A few more thousand years and you'll come into interstellar space. According to wikipedia, this is a very turbulent region, where the solar winds meet other stellar winds. Yet, still, this is not deep space. It's gonna take you billions of years to get halfway there. Double that and you finally come to the edge of the Milky Way. Welcome to deep space. Welcome to the beginning of your journey into nothingness. If you thought that gap between Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud was boring, see what you can make of this
I don't know much about female underwear, I'm a guy, but I think it'd be awkward, if not downright difficult, to attach pantyliners to boxers? And, from what I've learned from my mom, pantyliners are quite essential for feminine hygiene because, unlike boys, you don't have the equipment to "shake" after relieving yourselves. Since you cannot just very well simply go "Phhhbbt!", you'll apparently need pantyliners to soak up the droplets that foolishly cling to your... rainforest.Also, how do you attach sanitary napkins to boxers? I could imagine, if girls wore boxers, that every first day of their period to have "Oh $#!+" moments. I'm not sure, though, but I think you might use tampons to, uh, stem the flow? Oh, I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to know :(Well, basically, I think it's alright to use boxers if you shave your... openings and wear tampons when you expect your periods.Girls, please don't kill me. Like I said, I don't know much of what I'm talking about
I have no idea who on earth these people are! I did know long ago that when I was born, the sun was riding at its peak and reigned the longest in the sky. Well, it's a much more poetic way to describe the noon of the summer solstice I did read the Wikipedia article and found out that on my birth date, the Japanese Daimyo Oda Nobunaga was forced to commit seppuku (suicide) on 1582. A black slave, Marie-Joseph Angélique, was tortured and executed on 1734. On 1919, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police killed two unemployed war veterans while on 1940, France falls to the Germans in the Second World War. Two years later, Tobruk, a Libyan seaport, falls to German and Italian forces. On 1964, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Mickey Schwerner, civil rights workers, were murdered by members of the Klu Klux Klan. Most recently, in 2006, the newly discovered satellites of Pluto (Death) were named Nix (Night) and Hydra (Serpent) Such bright and happy thoughts on a bright and sunny morning of the longest day of the year, hm?
. So i replied saying it is Mont Blanc, immediately i got a reply that it is Wrong! So i verified again and i sent the message again , and again i got that the answer was wrong.Then i verified with google and confirmed and sent it again . Again the same reply came stating that my answer was wrong. The thing here to be noted is eachtime 3 was cut from my Load. So they Telecommunication Department earn so.. So friends Beaware ! ! ! Dont get Cheated like this.. I doubt that this is, if ever, a scheme by telecommunications network. After all, their job is just to relay messages to and from content providers and subscribers. In your case, Airtel is not directly responsible as they are not the ones running the program/contest so please do not be reckless in placing blame, as most irate consumers are wont to do. Also, it is your responsibility as a contestant to verify your answer before complaining that you have been "cheated" A quick search on Google with the keywords "highest peak Europe" reveals that Mt. Elbrus in Russia is the highest mountain in Europe, standing at 5,642 metres (18,510 ft). Consider, then, Mont Blanc, which stands at a comfortably lower 4,810 metres (15,781 ft). So... what else can I say? Check the facts first
Quatnum Physics - My Limited Understandings
salamangkero replied to Dagoth Nereviar's topic in Science and Technology
Try not to read too much into the analogy. Still, if you want a really accurate description, follow this link to the Wikipedia article. Basically, it's not just any cardboard box through which we can "tunnel" information, but one that will shield the system inside from any outside influences and observation. Simply put, it is a box that is completely opaque to whatever means of measurement one intends to employ in discovering the metabolic state of the cat. The point of Schroedinger's Cat is that, after a while, the cat is both alive and dead. Only by observation, that is opening the box, do we discover whether the cat is alive or dead. Now, the question actually posed by this thought experiment is, "When does the cat stop being both dead and alive, and assumes only one state?" Or more accurately, when does the cat stop being in a mixture of states and become strictly one or the other? The Coppenhagen Interpretation states that the very act of measuring something influences its state. For example, whilst the box is closed, there exist an infinite number of probability fields (or wave functions) inside the box. However, the act of opening the box ("measuring" whether the cat is dead or alive) collapses all these wave functions such that only one remains; we eventually discover that the cat is dead or alive. Allow me to digress a bit and explain more about a phenomenon that seems to prove this theory: the Double Slit Experiment. Note that when light is shone on two (parralel) narrow slits, a distinct diffraction pattern can be seen on the other side. This is caused by the wave nature of light: light passing through one slit interferes with that passing through the other. This is also observable in other experiments involving waves on a medium. Now, the scientists tried another experiment. They bombarded those two slits with electrons, which are, as we know them, particles, not waves. We should expect to see two parallel lines on the other side. However, when the scientists did it, they saw an interference pattern. Working on the idea that, perhaps, the electrons are interfering with each other, the scientists fired electrons one at a time. However, after quite some time and quite a handful of electrons, the same interference pattern was observed. Scientists now placed an observer near each slit. They will now know exactly where an electron passed. Yet, when the electrons were fired, again, one at a time, the pattern on the other side became two parallel lines. It was as if the electrons "knew" they were being observed. Thus, it appears that the very act of measuring something influences the outcome of the scenario. To put it comically, if I put an egg in the fridge, the moment I close the door, the egg could be anywhere in the universe. It could be in the freezer, the chiller, the vegetable crisper, the egg tray, the butter tray, the compressor, the washing machine, the oven, the Pacific, the Antarctic, well, it could very well be outside the Milky Way! Only by observing it, that is, opening the fridge door can I actually confirm that the egg is, actually, in the egg tray where I put it There is, however, another theory. The many worlds interpretation posits that, even with the box still closed, the cat is already either alive or dead. If, it turns out, the cat is already dead, then, it only means that in another universe, the cat is still alive. To put it simply, anything that could have multiple outcomes does end up with all those outcomes happening in different universes. Suppose I tossed a coin. In this universe, I got a head. In another universe, I got a tail. In still another universe, the coin landed on its edge (Whoa!) and in a fourth one, my evil sister punched me in the eye, caught the coin and took it with her that I'll never know what I got, save for a black eye This is rather mind boggling but String Theory does propose that, in the 5th dimension, we have all possibilities happening. This, of course, yields us an almost infinite number of universes, all with the same laws of physics as ours but have vastly different settings. To give another comical example, a physicist went to Vegas and bet twenty thousand dollars on a single roll. People asked him if he was sure and what he'd do if he lost. The physicist replied, "If I lose, then, in another universe, I'd be walking away a rich man" So... what do you guys think? When does the cat cease to be both alive and dead, and becomes strictly either alive or dead? -
Far be it from me to question the veracity of your statements, however, I find myself wondering how you knew it was really a panic attack? After all, an actual panic attack has much more symptoms than a mere onset of perceived panic. Had you talked to a doctor about it, say a professional psychiatrist? I'm pretty sure they would be much more qualified at giving treatment to actual panic attacks along with other psychological disorders like hypochondria. Not that I'm saying anything against raising self-esteem. Far from it, actually, I do believe that it is generally beneficial for an individual to have a healthy amount of self-confidence. It's just that I do seriously doubt the apparent connection between lack of self-esteem and panic attacks. Seriously, I'd advice you to talk to a doctor about it
Online Cemetery ideas and sugestions
salamangkero replied to oxida's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I think the point of a cemetery is not just the preservation of beloved memories but also the storage of physical garbage, I mean, really tangible, decomposing corpses. Now, until you find a way to assure people that their beloved departed are resting in a comfortable place, I don't think it is possible to have an online cemetery. Let's face it, a virtual grave will do nothing to house a very much real, physical body. If, on the other hand, you mean something like an online memorial, it seems like a nice idea. However, think about this, how can you prevent anyone from creating a memorial for a person who's very much alive (but hated, say George Bush or Bill Gates?) It could be an emotional respite for the grieving ones but it could just as well be a political tool to, well, "virtually kill" people. lolz at the morbid humor, even though you may very well be not joking. I mean, I don't have anything against morbid humor, heck, I even make Death jokes myself. Still... this one takes the cake. Not bad for thinking out of the box but, personally, I think this is a bit too ambitious for a human to dream in our present world. Anyway, if your idea does turn out to be a hit, remind me to kick myself in the back for being a smartass -
Uhm... you might wanna close your if-statement blocks with '}' $user=trim($_POST['user']); #trim the admin user in case of mistake $pass=trim($_POST['pass']); str_replace("username", "password", $srt); if ($user == "username" && $pass="password") { #if username and password match, then show posting form session_register('username'); #starts an admin section only echo "Welcome, please post books' entries $user<br>Or linenums:0'><?phpinclude ("../config.php");if ($_GET['login']) { #checks for admin login $user=trim($_POST['user']); #trim the admin user in case of mistake $pass=trim($_POST['pass']); str_replace("username", "password", $srt); if ($user == "username" && $pass="password") { #if username and password match, then show posting form session_register('username'); #starts an admin section only echo "Welcome, please post books' entries $user<br>Or: ";<strong class='bbc'> }}</strong>?><a href="editnews.php'>Edit News/Delete News</a>
Diet Sodas/artificial Sweeteners Relationship With Cancer?
salamangkero replied to comingsoon27's topic in Health & Fitness
Yes, there is, unfortunately, quite some risk in those diet sodas. My discovery of such fact first began with a chain SMS. Of course, I was initially disbelieving as I am apt to be with SMS messages. nonetheless my curiosity was piqued and I began looking into the properties of Aspartame, that zero-calorie sweetener I have found to be a key ingredient on, so far, the following drinks: Coke Light, Coke Zero, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max. It is also marketed as a zero-calorie sweetener under the following brand names: Tropicana Slim, Equal, NutraSweet and Canderel. Apparently, zero-calorie sodas might not be as healthier over their sugar-based counterparts. I suppose I could only advice you to drink Coke or Pepsi, and just work out all that caffeine and sugar out of your body Didja know that if you break a snow globe over a Mac, you'd get something that is not nice? Cancer is not nice; therefore, we have it, a connection between Macs and snow globes! No, seriously, though, my charcoal-grilled barbecue is not a mutagen nor is it radioactive (it'd be cool if it was, ne?) but it most certainly is carcinogenic. Cigarettes don't alter DNA and I doubt it bears heavy, radioactive metals, but it certainly contributes to lung cancer, ne? In the same way, these artificial sweeteners, especially Aspartame, could, not only be carcinogenic, but also contain unpleasant compounds, such as excitatory amino acids, which will, simply put, "excite" your brain cells to death. It isn't as thrilling as it sounds, quite unfortunately