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Everything posted by antitrust

  1. thanks for that great advice pawodster! yeah you're right google blacklist websites that spam their search engine! But have you tried cloaking your webpages i,ve read some articles that cloacking increases their page rank
  2. i have not decided if i'm buying PSP yet, i need to see some good games. but nintendo ds is an absolute no. i think two screens is a crappy idea that will lose nintendo millions of dollars!! innovation is only cool if you could do something cool with it, and there aren't that many developers that will be able to use two screens! and this is coming from the owner of every nintendo system since the mid-90's. the ONLY thing i might buy a system with two screens, with one touch-screen is if its a hybrid (sp?) pda/game/maybe phone or camera, and only if it has good games. and only if its a good pda. but we all know that nintendo will never make something that great, if anyone at all. (come to think of it, that would be one pimpin machine)!!!! although i have heard rumors from informed sources that nintendo's next console, code-name Revolution, will have body motion sensoring, which sounds kickass! those rumors are based on patents with certain companies and stuff like that. if that's true... *drools*
  3. Halo2 is a good game but it dissapointed me i thought it would be better than gta sa all people said that it would but i played gta sa and halo2 and i think that gta sa is better than halo2 because halo2 is very hard and gta sa was hard but you knew wat to do like in halo2 i didnt know whta to do lol i was just sitting there moving around
  4. Well it depends on what you consider "beating the Game." It is very easy to complete the game's quests, but there is much more to the game than that.In order to actually beat the game, you would have to finish all quests (15 hours), explore the entire world, and have your character age to the final age of 60 (about 90+ hours).The games expectations were set too high though. The world is not as free-roaming as the devs made it up to be, and doesn't even compare to Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.This game is definately a "rent it" dont buy it.
  5. In order to play background music on a website you need the use the code just below the <body bgcolor line adding (<bgsound src="songname.mp3/wav">) use that code after the bgcolor code and different one each page to play a new song when a new page is opened
  6. i use thunderbird, becuase i support open source software and just about anything the good people from mozilla make. its supposed to be more secure than outlook, but i really dont care about that. it just has a lot more features than outlook express and is easier to use.
  7. I liked em all... Baldurs Gate, NWN, Diablo2.Even those that seemed somehwat primitive - they were still a blast to play. I'm a huge RPG fan tho - give me sports options - and I'll say the exact opposite.MMORPG's are better - but more involved - which in some ways is harder but more enjoyable I find. Durham LeafsHalo 2 Clan
  8. Wow, I never understood why people love this game so. I never picked up on it. I have FFX and FFXI so yeah i dunno why everyone enjoys it. Kingdom Hearts is so much better. ITs kinda like FF but not entirly. but yeah. So maybe if you tell me what FF is about i can learn and go enjoy playing the game other then that; I think the FF games are a waits of a disk.
  9. dungeon siege is madness!!!!!!!!!neverwinter nights is cool too, but i like the sheer simplicity of dungeon siege, if im in the mood for a real thinking game i play warcraft III.check the dungeon siege II site.oh, what do you guys think of the story in dungeon siege? im heaps into it but when it got to the end bit***SPOILER BELOW***when gom is saying how merik screwed upi think they leave the end a bit dodgy. i mean, what happens to merik? any comments
  10. Well it depends on what you consider "beating the Game." It is very easy to complete the game's quests, but there is much more to the game than that.In order to actually beat the game, you would have to finish all quests (15 hours), explore the entire world, and have your character age to the final age of 60 (about 90+ hours).The games expectations were set too high though. The world is not as free-roaming as the devs made it up to be, and doesn't even compare to Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.This game is definately a "rent it" dont buy it.
  11. Hi. In my opinion phpbb is the best forum to start with a comunity because is the most simple forum to configure, so, if your're looking to learn how to build a forum step-by-step just download the phpbb forum from the oficial website and alsow some related tutorials from the same website and maybe from another websites dedicated to that subject:
  12. Yeah, the simplest way to do this is to use an iframe hidden somewhere and a page in that window with the music playing...simply make it so when you click a specific link, it opens in the iframe and opens the file "about:blank"...well, it's how I'd do it anyway (if I dared actually play music in a web page...it's so n00bish :-))
  13. I've always used CuteFTP and haven't used many other ones. I never really found the need to since CuteFTP was pretty good. But, most FTP programs I've used are the same anyway.. just a different interface. I find CuteFTP has a good interface (maybe I'm just used to it now).
  14. I use a a variety of programs. I always use Dreamweaver for my coding. I use Flash and Photoshop all the time though. Even when i'm not making a template, i still use them. I love creating new thingsin photoshop. Everytime you go into that program and fool aorund, you always get something new. I love it!
  15. Any RPG is successfuly mostly due to its story line. You can have the best graphics, battle system, etc. but without a story line to go with it, the game would suck. Look at games like Xenogears.. that game, by todays standards, has crappy graphics, crappy sound, etc. but people still regard this as one of the best RPG's ever.That's why the final fantasy series is so popular, they usually have a very good story behind the game. I think the best FF is 7 and 10. The worst is definateky X-2. God, that was so *BLEEP*.Also, never played 11 because it is online and i have to pay monthly fee. Which i think is totally absurd. Paying like $70 for the game and then paying another $20 everymonth to play? Makes me sick.
  16. I have had my own forums for quite a long time. I have used proboards & myfreebb. But now I have my own message board. And I like to havemy own message board because then i have complete control over it. And your own forum doesn't have forced adds
  17. Well your both right and your both wrong, It all depends on the companies in your area, around here DSL is the fastest you can get (2x faster than cable) but in some places cable is better and lots of the time DSL will give you the best ping rates but that all varies on phone line quality and such and the services available to you. DSL and Cable are equal, they are just 2 ways to get the internet at blazing fast speeds into your home.Also the biggest thing in choosing either is price, if i can get the same or near same speed from one or the other and its decently cheaper then well im going to get that. Im very happy right now with my 3mbps DSL, i get 340-400K/s download speeds and its quite a big change from dial-up
  18. I would have probably gone out for cable, except for a tiny technicality. My place is already saturated with cable subscribers all from the same company, and that means whatever speed benefits it offers, in the end we have to share the bandwidth amongst ourselves. So DSL is my choice.
  19. i learned php from a book for both php and mysql, at least i think... heres the book i own somewhere https://www.amazon.com/181-4845448-9314404?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0
  20. Notepad ??you guys are really good at php~~~~actually, i am a stupid guy.....everything edited by the programme "dreamweaver"
  21. I think phpBB is the best. It's easy to install, easy to manage, and really easy to customize if you're into modding forums. It's pretty fun too, you can experiment with it without worrying about destroying your forum (just as long as you have a backup), lol, and it's really straight forward.
  22. I don't run my own server so I test all server-side scripts through the web host. Testing your scripts locally is deemed good practice, but the logistics involved in running your own server beats down the practicality value at the moment. Also, sometimes your local server may run scripts differently than your actual host.
  23. Actually, if you still plan on using the 2.1 for a live board, i do have a fix for that bug. Open, adm/admin_users.phpReplace (it should be line 34)$user->add_lang(array('posting', 'ucp', 'gcp'));with $user->add_lang(array('posting', 'ucp'));Thanks goes to viperal (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) for the help.
  24. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramjet http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/hypersoar.htm https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=cache:wUclient=firefox-a
  25. N64 has already tried that,I think they realsed one pokemon game (Hey You! Pikachu link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) using it, i dunno if they made any others so its doubtful nintendo will try that in a game anymore. However if it was a sercurity feature or something.....
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