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Good Grief Graphics

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Posts posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. Did anybody here get an iPod for Christmas?  I have an MP3 Player that stores up to I don't know, 256 MB but it has like 10 stupid songs that you can't delete already on it. >_< I was wondering what you guys would consider buying, an mp3 player or iPod.  I mean, an iPod can hold more songs but an mp3 player is cheaper.  Comments?


    Silver ipod mini<< w00t :P

    I also got a wacom tablet and adobe ps cs upgrade.


    Oh yeah... I also got an ice-storm of the century for christmas. (At least for Holmes county, Ohio.) I also haven't had electricity since wednesday and probably won't for a couple of days, or up to a week. But, I've been running my computer off of a generator occasionally, so I guess I'm doing all right. I'm over at my uncle's house right now.


    The way that the ipods are designed is just amazing, definately somethign to get if you can afford it. While it dosen't play wma files or some other formats, it comes with itunes which will automatically convert files to a format that you select. (AAC is the default.) I've been listening to the ipod for the last few days, and the sound quality if amazing, and the volume is perfect also. (As in, it gets loud enough ;) ) A flash-based player is a good buy if you want to smaller size. I guess that my opinion is just a little biased because of how amazed I am with the mini ipod ;)

  2. You know, I really could get into this discussion, but, I really don't feel like it.

    The bible contains stories that almost always end with the woman at fault. Even genesis, when eve was blamed for having eaten the stupid fruit on the tree of life. It's wrong and cruel, and because the bible was written by old geezers who couldn't get laid, and had never been laid, society is like so.

    If it's to the point where you believe this, then I feel that it is basically pointless to argue here. When a golf tour is forced to include women, then... well... I don't know. There's people who argue that men and women aren't different, but yet, we are, whcih is why some things are the way that they are.

  3. You don't need all those links all you need is ONE easy address... https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=7AkjVIatDsKH8QfNkoC4DQ&gws_rd=ssl


    o.O Anyways I find tutorials hard to learn from I tend to learn from exploring the programs..and in the end breakign them ;)


    I'm too stubborn to use tutorials...


    Here's a simple one for ps, just for the heck of it.


    Start out with a new pic, I'd reccomend 1000x1000.


    Choose two colors that are mostly bright and sort of close to one another. (i.e., red and orange, pink and red, yellow and orange, or even closer if you want.)


    Go and Filter>Render>clouds.


    (>>Optional but reccomended step<<) Filter>Blur>Radial Blur> I'd say a setting of 40-60 or so for the blur. (Quality: Best unless you have a really slow computer)


    Now, Filter>Stylize>Chrome


    Don't touch anything, and then go to image>fade chrome and choose the blending mode color dodge. (opacity would usually stay@100%,)


    This effect and ow well it works depends a loto n the oclors you pick, their brightness and the differencei n them. I came up with this yesterday, so I haven't had much time to play around with it and come up with somethign good.

  4. No i don't have illustrator but i want it so i think im geting it...

    I wnt it though so i think im getting it....i need it actually....

    ps is enoug hthough.


    I'd love to have illustrator for the vector capabilities though. But for $500 (or $350), I can't get that right now. I will hopefully be getting ps cs upgrade here soon though...


    Is the best way to use the pen tool to just create a path and stroke it, then fill it w/ whatever? This has worked all rigth for me, but it's a little limiting. I don't have a great need for the pen tool currently, but iut sure would be nice to know how to use it better. I'm mainly working on printwork right now, I guess.

  5. Open a folder on your computer.

    Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types -> Advanced -> Change Icon



    This changes the icon for a single file type, for example all .php files.


    This is what actrually works... I foudn this out in win 95 about 6 years ago, when I just messed around with the operating system for the heck of it. (I learned a lot though.)


    Creating these ico files will cause errors. They also will be poor quality and especialy as icos are scaled. If you do a google search you will find a program that can make correct icos and dlls from images, and they will also indclude transparentcy.


    Not if you create them at the correct size initially. I believe that it is 64x64, although I am not sure about that. Also, png and gif files support transparency, so if you create it using transparency and then convert the extension liek that, it should work out all right. I believe that I have done this before, although I am not completely sure.

  6. I voted other as I have an AMD Thunderbird (P4 equiv, I believe) 2.4Ghz...bought it over a year ago and it's still running, which is a first for anything I own.  The PSU inside my machine is fried, but still pumps power into the MB...the fan in it doesn't spin all the time (and makes a hell of a racket when it does) so every so often the PC turns off as the PSU overheats...plus there's a wire loose inside so I have to jiggle the cable between the PSU and the MB to get it working...


    ...I'd buy another but I'm a lazy bastard :-)


    I believe that the thunderbird is just the core for some anthlon cpu's.


    I have an AMD 3500+ (939 socket, so if I want to get, say, a fx-55 or something it's easy ;)) w/ 1 gb dual channel pc 3200 ddram, 19" viewsonic perfect flat monitor, MSI ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128 mb, cheacp 80 gb hd, 16x DVD burner and a 52x Cd-rw drive. This all cost me $1250 about 2-3 months ago, really good price for what I got. I'm also running xp pro, but I already had that before I got the parts to build the computer.


    And xbox, most people consider the pc to be ibm-style computers, if I'm thinking correctly right now. Mac's don't qualify then.

  7. Very nice work! I can't say that I really like the decapitation part of the graphic, but the overall look and feel of it is great. I'm just not into violent pictures. But I'm sure others like that sort of thing. In any case, it's really, really good work. Keep it up. Can't wait to see what else you come up with.





    I didn't really create it with sa violent mindset, I made it in a more artistic way. This is how I've been doign a lot of my work lately, moving more into an artistic view instead of whether it's cool or something.

  8. those are beautiful! i love the third one, it's really different!


    which version of photoshop do you have? i have version 7, but i am hoping to get PSP soon, but it's very expensive.


    Why would you go and buy psp, when photoshop is far better, and the cs upgrade is what, 170$ or so? I have ps 6, but I am buying the cs upgrade here within the month probably.


    And those sigs are nice for just starting. Your current sig is far better than the ones you posted though.

  9. oooo very nice, good grief graphics.


    here's some more of mine (most are old ones) :D:



    (there's 7 in total :D)


    btw, i've got loads more, but they're a bit too old :D


    ahhh... If only I spent more time on sigs, but I see them as mostly pointless so I don't waste much time on them.


    Posted Image


    Yea how can u say no 2 this


    Well, actually... I think I can say no to it :D . I think that the fact that it's a gif with that specific animation detracts from the quality of the sig, and it's also a little big. It also looks like oclor burn was used, and it didn't really work too well, but that's just my opinion.

  10. They make you do flash in school? grrrr ur lucky in mine all they teach us about web design is how to make a simple page with ms frontpage. When we did that i could have gone to sleep how boring it was. but what annoys me the most about that i always get rubbish grade for IT because i cant be bothered to do something i already know. :D Yesterday we learnt how to use EMAIL!!!! :D i havent learnt anthing in that stupid school.

    Sorry for going a bit off-topic :D


    "Learned" how to use email? wow... Our school is better with that, teaching us things such as ps, basic html, flash (I believe), and stuff liek that. Of course, you can't take it until you're a junior or a senior, which sucks. And as far as flash goes, I have flash mx on my computer but I don't understand it too well. I mostly use it to create ai files to import into ps. (because I don't have adobe illustrator.)
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